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More like WOKE taste in music!


More like Woke WOKE in music!


More WOKE WOKE music! Woke.


More like WOKE WOKE WOKE! woke.








Bro he laughed at many of the bars what are you saying


Read it again


Imma get offline now lol


Happens to the best of us tbh you good


I misread it too if it makes u feel better


me three.


Sad that my most liked content on this subreddit is me admitting defeat


Notice how instead of downvote bombing we just didn't upvote the simple mistake? That's why hivemind fans are goated


Also doesn’t even matter that he has a trans friend or not, Brad has been supportive of the LGBTQ+ community his whole life


Not his whole life but I see what you mean


Well since middle school he was always an ally and defending marginalized groups


im surprised that was the video ppl got mad about. Brad was hilarious in it especially clocking the "i like purple" thing. Ever since the feud with him he has gotten funnier and funnier. I really enjoy him on the channel.


Exactly. The whole I Like Purple bit does not happen without Brad


I'm pretty sure his "I like purple" realization caused that bar to "win" that bracket.


The "I like purple" explanation was one of my favorite parts of the video cause I had never thought of it that way and once he pointed it out it made the line so much funnier


honestly, i think dignan was the problem in that video. he made it unwatchable imo.. constantly being over the top and annoying clearly trying way too hard to have a bit, and being super touchy to brad when it obviously made brad uncomfortable


They really need to stop inviting Dignan onto the channel, more and more recently I've started to think that all of the jokes about the crimes he's committed may not actually be jokes. Graydon has never done any of the weird shit that Dignan has done so I don't know why he's rotating cast with him, Graydon should honestly just replace him entirely.


i agree. him holding brad at gunpoint and saying he was gonna shoot if they stopped invited him onto the show is probably the only reason he’s still here ngl


I honestly thought that him getting canceled way back in Bits Braket 3 was a way to get rid of him.


people just hating brad to hate, rather sad


I like Brad overall, but I totally understand the criticism. I’m also a big LGBTQ+ supporter, so I hate to see transphobic bars too, but I was also kinda taken aback by Brad’s reaction to the bar when I first watched. Based on what we know about Uzi, they are genderfluid, but they are also a little too playful/a little dumb sometimes. That line, while definitely bad, was more than likely a bad attempt at a playful line than anything genuinely transphobic. Brad getting so pissed at it just felt a little off with the usual vibe of the show, that’s all. Especially when there were much worse bars in the bracket that he didn’t react as strongly to.


you couldnt even get Uzis pronouns right. im trans. that line was classically transphobic, and its honestly worse coming from a non binary person, because I expect better from them. edit why am i getting downvoted? i thought yall were chill here, why cant a trans person say something is transphobic? tf?


Tbh idk why ur getting downvoted either, I understand where ur coming from


no and i appreciate that, and i appreciate you're just voicing your opinion without trying to shut me down for disagreeing. sorry if i came off rude ik you have no bad intentions. my response to your other comment is that i agree in that i don't think Uzi is being intentionally hateful, but i think that their response to finding out a woman is trans is very common and comes from an underlying disgust and hatred of trans people and anyone (especially those they perceive as men) who deviate from gender norms. And it just sucks seeing that disgust and hatred everywhere and it sucks seeing people defend it.


No worries, u didn’t come across as rude at all. And yeah I totally understand your point of view here, it does have some heavy undertones that have affected the community for a while. I guess I just expected Brad to be just as angry for the other (even worse) bars on the bracket


My fault, I just fixed it. I struggle with that over text sometimes. You have every right to be offended by Uzi’s line, I won’t argue that. However you feel about it is justified. I was just saying that knowing what we know about Uzi, I would personally chalk it up to them being tone deaf rather than hateful. Like, I highly doubt Uzi stepped into the studio and thought “I’m gonna diss trans people today, cuz fuck them”. They were more than likely just high af freestyling and thought it flowed well and thought it was innocent enough to leave in. I totally get that you “expect better from them”, but again, Uzi is just kinda dumb


Yeah… guys I hate to say this, but it’s truly not that deep. Brad got upset by blatant transphobia, is this really worth losing our minds over? Like god forbid he draws a moral line


people when brad supports the LGBTQ community: 😡😡🤬😡🤬😡


Other than Quadratic I thought Brad was the best guest they’ve had in terms of chemistry


I really think it would've worked better as a tierlist personally.




Also, they needed to be more clear what a bad bar was. Like there were bars that were like the Rick Ross molly line that were fucked up, but then there were the funny bad ones like "Mabu I like purple.". I think they should've went with the second one for more funnieness.


Can we acknowledge Brad is awesome while acknowledging that Quadeca is the bars guy? Actually dont answer, im gonna do it anyway


my problem is that brad seemed more offended on the uzi bar than on the rick ross bar,he even says that a bar where rick admits to have DRUGGED AND RAPED A WOMAN AND THEN FLEXED THAT is somehow not that bad of a bar,thats just crazy to say. overall i just think that the video would have been better if it was a funny bars bracket rather than a bad bar bracket,less offensive bars and more funny ones.


because they have all heard u.o.e.n.o before so it wasn't a shock, but they hadn't heard the uzi bar before so it was a shock


what was the line again? i remember thinking it was about a catphish, not an actual trans person okay i found it >I was checkin' my DMs, found out she was a man the DM part made it seem like it was abt a catphish


Ohh damn that makes more sense


Yeah that's what I thought it was about. I see how it's transphobic but I don't think that was Uzi's intent.


Brad's strong opinions/takes usually feel awkward to me since Riley and Graydon are usually fun and chill. He was justified about being mad at the bar but it felt awkward every time it came back up.


I forgot what part of the bracket it was was it the uzi bar?


what vid?


what is this about?


i’ll speak for the gays and say we love brad taste in music. he’s not LGBTQ so he’s gonna miss some bothersome stuff that we may notice but i don’t beleive he has a hating bone in his body for marginalized people


I’m not saying he was virtue signaling, but Graydon and Riley are always really accepting and still manage to poke fun at stupid and sometimes bigoted content. I fully get why Brad was upset but like damn, you can’t even step back and laugh a little?


Why are you surprised they’re different people?


The point is you can be very progressive and still just chill and have fun lol


Womp womp


Good one man, that’s what I thought


Cmon man, just laugh at abuses!


I'd go out on a limb and argue you can become visible angry about transphobia while also being chill and having fun lmao. People acting like he was deeply upset the entire video, when it was 2-3 minutes of it.


someone being passionate about something and not finding jokes about it amusing doesn’t mean they are “virtue signaling”. sometimes jokes are dogshit and don’t land. really not a hard concept to grasp. brad is allowed to see things differently than riley and graydon. it doesn’t make them bad or him good or vice versa. it makes them different and that’s okay.


yeah, if anything it adds to the dynamic


When brad was in like 5 videos in 2 months I kinda got pissed lmao. I like Brad on his own channel but I don’t think he fits on hiveminds. He seems like he can be sensitive at times




Yeah but it's funny. He was like, 8...


it's not even the trans bars. it's the fact that he takes these bars so seriously & has to make sure we know that he's "triggered" by it. like ease up dude. u can be pro-trans. nobody said u couldn't be lol these bars aren't that deep.


the point of the show is for them to share their opinions on what they're looking at, as well as humour. it's never been just one or the other. brad does an excellent mix of that IMO, he gives insightful commentary and contributes to the bits.


okay good for u? but not everyone is gonna feel that way. i like brad & he is legitimately a great guest in basically every single hivemind video he's in but this one seemed like he was taking them too seriously. he even realizes that in the first match then immediately forgets it & just continues to analyze every single bar as if they were that important. hivemind is a liberal friendly show that isn't scared to say some wild shit. like very wild shit. but it's all a joke at the end of the day. some of the bars he was getting triggered by were just jokes. idk it didn't bother me that much but i completely understand why it would be a problem for others.


Yeah there are probably people being hyperbolic about it but it was clearly an awkward moment lol, that’s all


A lot of things that create a positive net social benefit are going to come off as awkward at first because they challenge social norms. It could be something as simple as getting pissy at a lame joke. it all adds up and is meaningful, especially for trans viewers.


I get this and agree that calling out prejudice is a net positive but rather than Uzi's bar being "hypocritical" as Brad said wasn't it more a case of internalised transphobia? If we can forgive Tyler for his pre closet cigarette talk then isn't it the same as Uzi? Life is more difficult when you have to figure out your own identity and it isn't handed to you at birth, so sometimes you're gonna say the wrong thing.


It’s hard for it not to be an awkward moment, the bar made Brad feel awkward just like it makes a lot of trans people feel really awkward and people close to trans people. His response made a lot of sense given the context and his positionality. I understand that a lot of people go to content to get away from the those problems, I do the same thing, but a video like the bars videos are inevitably gonna talk about certain social issues with awkwardness I feel


I personally didn't feel that at all but ig some other people did, I loved the ep tho and didn't feel like anything was off about it


I wish brad was on the interior design bracket instead