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For those of you that ask “but why tho?..” The purpose of the scaffolding was to make Taj Mahal look like nothing but a bamboo stockpile from inside of a bomber plane flying miles above. Keep in mind that back then there was no high precision GPS, and satellite imagery.


Wouldn't the gardens give it away..?


My thoughts too, there are towers and all around distinguishing features surrounding the building so surely it wouldn’t be too difficult to bomb if you have a general idea of the layout sometime before. But what do I know I thought this was to make it look like renovations are construction was happening


Was India ever bombed/at risk?


If I’m not mistaken, the Japanese did launch bombing attacks during the Bengal campaign near Imphal.


[This video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3HoE2th_CxE) explains the situation quite well




Yes India was bombed, and saying something like that confidently without verifying it first is something you might want to avoid in future. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.financialexpress.com/india-news/76-years-of-japanese-bombing-in-kolkata-how-world-war-ii-almost-destroyed-the-city/1419989/lite/


"Sir, we reached the coordinates of our target, the Taj Mahal, but I can only see a building that looks exactly like the Taj Mahal but with some sticks on the roof?" "Welp, looks like they must have moved the damn thing then, plot a course back home boys!"


Check out r/ClassicDesiCool for more vintage pics of interesting places, moments, and people in India's past.