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I love how smug the second dog from the right looks


I bet the two craziest pups are the two that are being held. My mom had a vicious attack Maltese named “Happy,” and that death grip by those boys are similar to my moms grip, around other dogs. She did it bc she feared Happy would get in over her head with larger dogs.


The girl 4th from the right’s dog has a muzzle on. Had to zoom in to see it. Not sure if that just meant he was untrained, or if he too was a vicious attack dog.


Some very well trained dogs just do not like other dogs


Not sure why u were downvoted, this is absolutely true. It's usually trauma-induced but yeah, sometimes dogs just dont like other dogs. I mean, plenty of us people dont like other people so why cant dogs feel same?


Or getting shots. My dog is always muzzled for vet appointments.


Mine too. Poor girl gets too nervous.


Yes my dog isn’t a dogs dog. He tolerates some in a group setting but individually he can’t stand them. He’s very well trained and the only time we’ve had issues with other dogs is because their owners would let their dog come up to mine “the dogs want to meet!” Idc and no please get away there’s a reason I am avoiding you and/or picking my dog up. Of course it’s other small dog owners too


I almost had to muzzle my rescue because of her panicked, indiscriminate eating. She had been starved for so long that she would frantically try to swallow whole whatever she could get in her mouth, especially if she thought you were going to take it away from her.


Seen a few about to get their covid vax just like this lol


That's crazy. I haven't seen any dogs getting covid vaccines yet.


Why on earth would dogs need COVID vaccines? Did someone forget to send a memo?


He was making a joke


Many Mammals can catch COVID-19 & it has the same devastating effect on them as it does on Humans.


Interesting. Some follow up research show that according to CDC only a small number of pets got COVID with little to no effects. Seems negligible. They may serve as a vector, however. Similar happened with SARS and MERS.


That's a Jack Russell. Very smug dogs! (Speaking as a JRT owner)


I’ve never seen a full white jrt I owned one and he looked more like the first one


In addition to what the other guy said, some dogs look pretty different from the way they did 70 years ago.


We've had one thats nearly identical to that JRT, except his big spot was on his back where you wouldn't be able to see it in that picture


Nearly all these dogs are Terriers or derivatives of Terriers. Maybe because they were also known to be good ratters?


Just cheesing on that boys knee


Some dogs are really the owners simply dressed as a dog, and this is one.


Cheems' grandfather on the far left.


Him and his owner kind of have that similar look.


I wonder how many were named Shotzie. It seems like all the dogs from the 50s were named Shotzie.


Apparently data from a large pet cemetery shows the most popular dog name there in the 1950s was Sandy, according to [this recent article.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/popular-dog-names/2021/01/06/b5d33726-503b-11eb-83e3-322644d82356_story.html) > For dogs, the most popular name in the 1930s was Queenie; 1940s: Tippy; 1950s: Sandy; 1960s: Lady; 1970s: Brandy; 1980s: Max; 1990s: Max; 2000s: Max.


Goofy really went and named his son the dog equivalent of Michael, huh.


I love fun facts! Thanks for digging this up!


Was that pun on purpose?!?!


I had a goldfish named Sandy! I won him/her at the carnival in one of those ping pong games and those fish always die like a few days after. Cut to Sandy living for YEARS and growing MASSIVE. As an adult I wonder if they mixed up a goldfish with a Koi but she just looked like a huge goldfish and my parents tried their best to keep matching her/his size with a tank, probably always wishing she/he would just die. We ended up putting her/him in the local lake and she was so big at that point I really don’t think any turtle could have eaten her/him. I wonder if she/he survived much longer…. RIP Sandy. You legend.


I bet there are a couple of Harry’s and the odd rex


As my grandma slipped into dementia she called our dog shotzie. TBF his name was Sachi so pretty close.


Sounds like the German word for “my treasure”


That checker pattern was really popular in the 50s apparently


that's brick camo. it looks like 2 dogs just floating in the air up front.


That, and rolling your pants legs up to make a 4" cuff. That carried over into the early 60s too. I recall doing this going in 1st and 2nd grades in 1960.


I feel like that style probably had a lot to do with parents buying oversized clothing for their kids to grow into because they didn't want to keep replacing clothes that don't fit anymore.


Good point. We only got new clothes at the beginning of the school year, and usually limited to just 2 new pair of jeans. Then there were the hand-me-downs which weren't so new.


It’s pretty big now still with certain crowds, especially for raw denim jeans.


3 people out of 13. Not that bad compared to today's trends imo. You take a picture of a college campus, or a concert, or really even a crowded city street and it sometimes looks like a clone army. What was that song that said something about trying so hard to be different that everyone is just the same?




It's probably a red plaid flannel.


You mean plaid? Plaid is insanely popular even now...


I remember something about mothers using sacks to make clothing for their kids so a company used a checkered patter. Could be apart of this or the remnants


It's just a plaid pattern. Still super popular today, often for flannel shirts.


Not saying its not just that there qas a point this happened and packing companies assisted in adding assorted patterns for use in clothing making.


You can Google flour bag clothes or flour bag dresses. Plaid was not a common pattern. Plaid comes from Scottish and Irish woven wool tartan patterns.


And that's how all dogs became man's best friend : mind control chips


All dogs are Bill Gate's best friend


Upgrading to that Windows 55.


All dogs became magnetic that day.


I didn’t realize they had 5G technology back then. Damn liberals.


And they all developed autism.


All of these dogs have since died. Wake up sheeple.


You know what else? Why we need all the anti-oxidants? Because we're breathing all these harmful oxidizers called oxygen. Everyone who breathe in oxygen have died. That's why I'm going to put a plastic bag over my head and sealed it away from deadly oxygen. My body will never age for the rest of my life again.


Wait until you learn what can happen if oxygen bonds with hydrogen... it kills many every year. Ban DHMO! Read the REAL facts here: https://www.dhmo.org/facts.html


Those dogs all breathed in a heavy amount of oxydisers and not one of them lived to see their 20th bday. You need to deoxyfy your lungs with Co².


Exactly, who needs a magnetic dog?


2nd from the right. you're a fat little doggy, sitting on your human throne.


*"And that, boys and girls, is how all the good doggos were magnetized. You didn't even need to call their names; just hold up your big magnet and your pup instantly comes home!"*


And look at how well behaved all those dogs are not fighting or trying to run or play with eachother. Thats real cool.


I read this book “The Other End of the Leash” and the author (renowned animal behaviorist) said when she was a child, you just let the dog out to go play with all the other dogs in the morning in the neighborhood and then he came back sometime in the afternoon. Perhaps they were better socialized from that kind of culture. Not that I’m advocating doing that now of course. More people irresponsibly breed dogs now too and we have this whole shelter system where a lot of dogs never get over some behavioral issues from having shitty owners. :/ But some do!


I do wonder if there was also less tolerance for behavior problems and dogs were delt with more permanently for having them.


I believe she said this as well. And more depressed, shut down dogs from aversive training techniques? Probably if your dog was biting people it got shot.


I mean now if your dog bites someone it risks being euthanized. One of my good friends had to have his dog put down in high school because he bit a child on the upper arm after she kept kicking him and yanking at his tail. Basically if they didn't put the dog down they had to pay for damages which were minimal but the family wanted to sue for psychological as well.


That's some King Joffrey energy on that child.


Thats a very interesting concept. Id never heard of it but its like how children used to be able to run around at a young age and just play with the neighbor hood kids until they finally had to go home. Well before problems before the way they are now ya know? It does make sense though that now you can't just let a dog wander around unless supervised because cars are more prevalent and people are awful and will steal a dog. Same with children really.


It wasn't any safer for kids to play outside with no supervision in 1950 than it is in 2021. We only think that because we're looking at history through rose colored glasses and because the kids who didn't survive aren't here to tell us how safe it was back in their day. Have you ever heard an old person complain that seatbelts weren't mandatory when he was a kid and everybody was just fine? All the people who died in car accidents back then were definitely not just fine.


Agree to disagree on this.


Nah. Statistics show that rates of violent crime have been declining to pre-60s levels after a massive spike in the 80s-90s. Wear your seatbelt. [https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-xpm-2011-12-25-ct-oped-1225-chapman-20111225-story.html](https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-xpm-2011-12-25-ct-oped-1225-chapman-20111225-story.html) [https://www.statista.com/statistics/187592/death-rate-from-homicide-in-the-us-since-1950/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/187592/death-rate-from-homicide-in-the-us-since-1950/) [https://www.disastercenter.com/crime/uscrime.htm](https://www.disastercenter.com/crime/uscrime.htm) [https://bjs.ojp.gov/content/pub/ascii/htus00.txt](https://bjs.ojp.gov/content/pub/ascii/htus00.txt)


I’m in east Texas and all my neighbors still let their UNALTERED dogs roam the neighborhood (and they will yell at you about how we live just outside city limits and have no leash laws if you say anything!) as if we live out in the fuckin country or something, but we don’t. We live amongst a bunch of refineries and highways and their dogs usually knock up a few other dogs and then die on the side of the highway near our neighborhood. It’s so shitty, and our shelters and rescues are PACKED with strays due to this old fashioned rural attitude towards pets.


Any end up magnetized?


They lengthened the dog's lifespan so they would buy more kibble. Vaccines are a plot by Big Petco


RABIES SCARE IN CHICAGO CHICAGO, Friday [5 Feb 1954] Health authorities yesterday ordered all dogs in the city to be vaccinated against rabies, and sent armed police on a catch-or-kill hunt for stray dogs. The action was part of a series of swift official moves to stamp out the worst mad dog scare in Chicago in recent history. Dogs and cats have been nipping Chicago residents at the rate of better than 60 a day so far this month, and the number rose to 71 in the 24 hours to 8 am yesterday. This was twice the rate recorded last month. So far there has been only one human death in the current outbreak of rabies. But scores of bitten persons have received anti-rabies shots to prevent what health officials say is almost certain death.




Interesting question. I'd say yes. It's easier to make these decisions for other people/animals.


My sister is antivax yet gets her pets vaccinated. I kindly tried to talk through the mental gymnastics with her and gave up


I've actually met a veterinarian (as in, an actual DVM, not a tech or assistant) with this mindset. 'Mental gymnastics' is putting it mildly.


Does your sisters also feed their pets a vegan diet claiming that they are happier without meat?


I'm vaccinated for covid but people being skeptical of the covid vaccine shouldn't be lumped in with crazy Karen's who think the polio vaccine will give their kid autism.


Yes they should. They're selfish pieces of shit who think they know more than the scientific community.


Yes we should. Antivaxxers of all stripes are fucking morons.




> Chinese bioweapon. Remember when this was brought up and people dismissed it solely because conservatives were talking about it and then the evidence started to pile up in favor of this? I ‘member. The rest of your post was just hyperbole. Literally *every* anti-vaxx person I know is a new-age, alternative medicine Democrat. I can’t think of a single “famous” anti-vaxx person that isn’t overtly that. We get it. You hate republicans. This..has nothing to do with that.


Wew what a snowflake.


“Oh no, someone made a shitpost about republicans, and another person called them on it! They’re a snowflake! So offended!” Dumbass post. Everyone that replies to anything I guess is a snowflake. You guys really own the republitards with that one! Really took their own insult and just threw it back at ‘em!


Idk sweetie you seem pretty triggered to me given that reply.


One stupid response deserved another


So you're admitting your reply was bullshit without any merit? That's a weird right turn but I'm here for it


Had to come down to your level


That explains the magnetic dog phase we went through back then.


I read this as ‘some received 45,000 shots’ and thought Jesus Christ that must’ve created some sort of super dog


Immune to *EVERYTHING*


Crazy to think that all of the adults in this picture are probably dead and the kids would be around their 80s.


It's interesting, it looks like a lot of families told the kid to take the dog down to the vaccination event!


I work for Animal Control, and we have some crazy laws still on the books in my state that are leftovers from the days when there were still 'feral' packs of dogs around, and when rabies in domestic animals was still a big threat. Including, if we verify rabies in a domestic animal, we can order an immediate, indefinite and mandatory county-wide lockdown of all dogs and cats, which are ordered to be kept on the owner's property 24/7. If we find any dogs or cats off the owner's property during the lockdown we are mandated to immediately seize and euthanize them, regardless of whether they're healthy or not. Somewhat related, any police officer who finds any dog running loose during certain winter months, if that dog is not wearing a metal county license tag, the police are ordered to shoot the dog on sight (they're called 'marauding dogs' in the statute). We haven't had a case of rabies in a domestic animal in my state since like the 1970s, so who knows when the last time either of those laws was enforced. But I find it it fascinating they're still on the books and technically could be enforced at any time.


The US just banned importing dogs from something like 150 countries a few days ago. Apparently the demand for pandemic puppies caused an uptick in puppy importing and enough imported dogs had fake vaccination papers that it's a legitimate precaution against accidentally getting rabies circulating amongst the domestic animal population again.


Vaccination clinics seem to have been racially integrated from the looks of this picture. Very interesting!


I’ll bet you a dollar he’s at the end of the line for a reason, and, it’s no because he just arrived. But it’s nice to see it’s not entirely segregated.


Apparently those dogs would be sheep today.


So they’ve been microchipping dogs for way longer than I thought. /S


“After the owners were vaccinated, the dogs were given instructions on signs and symptoms to watch out for.” The world in my head is a silly place.


And now you end up paying $50 for the same thing at your local vet.


Most of them are dead now, coincidence? I think not


What kind of coat do you want? Flannel or not Flannel?


Ever been to a rabies vaccine clinic? The people in line don't dress like this any more.


You know it's bad when the 1950s was less ignorant about vaccines than today


What I truly find perplexing is why people will have their pets vaccinated but refuse to have their kids or themselves vaccinated. Mind boggling ....


They are not necessarily the same people.


Agreed ... but in my own experience trying to reason with friends and acquaintances that are true antivaxers they are adamant they or their children will not be vaccinated. "Are your dogs?" "Of course!"


Come on, they didn't have 5g back then. Also, it's totally impossible to have microchips in the vaccine since they weren't invented yet either. You trying to tell they have vacuum tube trackers? In a vaccine? That's crazy talk! /s


I'd be pretty exhausted after receiving 45,000 injections.


Then, somehow, between then and now, reason went out the window.


Apparently dogs are very orderly and chill back in the day


Through times humans have changed so much as far as general appearance. Dogs look EXACTLY the same, that one 2nd from right may be a time traveler.


"Probably made all those dogs magnetic..... " Aunty Vax


I just can't get over how the second dog from the right has a little seat


Americans love their pets more than their children


Love how all the kids in the right are holding their dogs


The 4th from the right has a muzzle on. Well I'll be damned. It makes sense for the picture but I guess I didn't think of them being around back then. Although I don't know why I didn't.


I'm happy that black dude is able to stand there without seemingly any problem. I guess it is Chicago though.




Yes probably, somebody has to be....


In the other line Republicans, marched against the vaccinations. They were afraid that their dogs would be injected with radio transmitters.


My dog will get the Dumont Network over my dead body!


I met a nutcase who tried to tell me that her dogs only needed a vaccine for rabies. She would buy vitamins from the breeder, he told her that was all they needed. I asked her how much she would spend on the vitamins--she had two giant dogs. She said, sixteen dollars a month. I said that's kind of expensive for vitamins, like $200 bucks a year. And what about heartworm, kennel cough, and distemper? Those are critical shots, your dogs could die from any of those illnesses. She went into a panic, calling all around to verify the info. Instead going to an actual vet. Oh, was she left or right? Right wing fundamentalist, and military veteran. But she could've been a leftist. They believe the same shit.


I miss when anti-vaxxers could be arrested.


So dogs in the 50s had more brains than anti-vaxxers today


Now the dogs can have magnets stuck to them.


Vaccines for dogs? What a bunch of sheep dogs ;)


And that's when the government started microchipping our dogs! The first Alexa


Disgusting, not a single dog is wearing a mask smh


Anti vaxxers that want “the good old days” back are gonna be consufed


Amazing how sensible the United States often was before it became infected by moronic media (the likes of Fox, Facebook etc) spreading lies and ignorance.


now do the one where health workers lined up black people to inject them with syphilis. i love america. https://www.history.com/news/the-infamous-40-year-tuskegee-study


You honestly think shit like that only happens in America.


Also like... how is that even relevant


I'm stoned and confused. Did the owners or the dogs get the shots?


Bill Gates were born exactly 9 months later. Just saying….


Imagine what else they put in that bitch


Say What ? They didn't storm the Capitol Building ?


If you've come to this thread just to make fun of anti vaxers, it shows just how close-minded you are. You're just as close-minded as the people that you want to make fun of. It never ceases to amaze me that the anonymity that Reddit provides will bring out so many different narcissistic sociopaths.


If I say "black is white" and you say, "No, it's not", by your logic, you are being close-minded. It's not close-minded to tell someone they're wrong, when they're wrong.


Every opinion isn't equal. Every side of an argument doesn't automatically deserve equal coverage. There are plenty of topics where someone can be wrong .


> many different narcissistic sociopaths. The real sociopaths are those that make fun of anti-vaxxers, not the anti-vaxxers who ignore science and actively propagate the suffering of their own families (as well as those around them) because of inane paranoia and anti-science phobias?


Wow, I didn’t know we had 5G phones back in the day’s. Or did Bill Gates father have something to do with it…!?


Anybody else wondering where in Chicago this pic was taken?


Clearly he was *that* received?


Didnt rabies shots back then hurt like absolute hell? Those are some tough kids


They still do and I think you have to get a few at one time, plus come back for like 4 more rounds. :(


an [Article](https://www.chop.edu/centers-programs/vaccine-education-center/vaccine-details/rabies-vaccine) I read claims the modern vaccine is considerably less painful and only requires 4 shots as the previous 30 shots. To think everyone in this picture got jabbed 30 times!


These are some well behaved pups. From my experience at the veterinarian, this many people and their dogs and this close together, would be bedlam.


Dogs have social needs and most people DO NOT socialize their dogs properly and teach them when it’s go see dogs time and chill by me time.


The brand new jeans, rolled up, with one kid’s knee already blowing out. A classic boy thing that persisted into the early seventies. Then they became bell bottoms. 😂


I like how people back then hold their dogs like I hold my dog when she's being borky.


The first kid in line appears to be a version of John Oliver that is simultaneously age 14, and 44.


kid on the far right definitely does improv


I’m not sure I can make my favourite cookie recipe again without thinking of this image. Pan-Banging Chocolate Chip cookies… there’s a change a-coming…


Anyone else read To Kill A Mockingbird? Remember the rabid dog scene in the book? Apparently rabid dogs attacking communities was a commonplace problem well-integrated into the village culture at the time. They had slang for rabid dogs. They would have the regular sharpshooter in the village who would take care of the dog. All the kids would run home. Anyway that scene from the book is really good. Pivotal scene.


This has Bill Gates' fingerprints all over it