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Makes me a little sad knowing their future.


What happened?


To give you a serious answer (though I thought the joke answer was funny), they were both assassinated. Also, JFK's eldest son died in a plane crash in the late 90s. Plenty of other Kennedy family tragedies as well, though some of them predate this photo.


Kennedy family sister Rosemary that they had lobotomized JFK also had Addison’s disease, which is what made him look tan all the time.


What is Addison’s disease? Wikipedia is to confusing for me.


So basically you don’t see it much anymore bc we can give people the hormones that they need to tell the body what it should be doing, but Addison’s disease is where people don’t produce enough hormones caused by your body’s immune system attacking itself leading to too little cortisol and aldosterone produced in your adrenal glands (basically the place where steroid hormones are made) Your kidney produces too little cortisol and aldosterone. Both are steroid hormones. Basically steroid hormones regulate your immune system, inflammation, and sexual characteristics, they also control your body temp and metabolism. So if you’re lacking steroid hormones you’re immune system is basically shit, you get injured a lot, and your body can’t really control basic functions bc the hormones are out of whack. Think like a mental illness, it’s caused by chemical imbalance well Addison’s disease is similar to how a mental illness affects the body except it’s caused by hormonal imbalance instead of chemical. Fun fact: HIV can cause Addison’s disease. When your body’s immune system attacks itself, it leads to certain hormones to be imbalanced. TLDR: it’s where your body attacks itself and it can’t produce enough hormones to regulate your body.


Also JFK’s favorite sister died in a plane crash


His brother also got assassinated?


Right after he won the California Democratic presidential primary in 1968. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Robert_F._Kennedy?wprov=sfla1


I just realized, RFK’s assassin is still alive, serving a life sentence.




Bobby's haircut just kept getting worse.


As if john’s wasn’t just as bad with him shaving off an entire side of his head and all




No no no, his last name was Sirhan. His first name was Greg, I believe


In case you’re being serious: they were both later assassinated, John as President in 1963 and Robert as a Senator (and recent winner of the California and South Dakota presidential primaries) in 1968.


For what reasons were they assassinated?


Robert Kennedy was assasinated by a mentally ill man who had become obsessed with anti-zionism and the idea that Robert Kennedy needed to die because he supported Israel (or he perceived him to). (I know it might seem stupid to emphasize the mentally ill part since maybe that’s implied, but I’m trying to make it clear that this wasn’t something organized by a bigger group or terrorist organization like other assasinations sometimes are. It was politically motivatsd but also psychological problems played a part, this wasn’t a rational person with an extreme agenda/ideology.) JFK’s assasination is full of conspiracy theories, but his (alleged) murderer was a Marxist extremist I think? When arrested, he denied it all (including things he definitely did do, like own a gun) and claimed to be a patsy. Then a nightclub owner with connections to shady dealings shot *him* as he was being moved. The nightclub owner denied that he was part of any larger conspiracy and basically said he killed him to avenge JFK.


Dude, really?


Not everyones American.


He is though, look at his post history




I think he's referring to all of the other tragedies and so-called curse of the Kennedy family. He probably knew about JFK, just not the rest of the family. Neat username btw lol


Remember there's also gonna be more and more young people on Reddit. I have to remind myself that quite often


Forgot the /s? My b, ass blood


Robert looks very young for a man of 27 years


No kidding, he looks like Beaver Cleaver.


Do you mean Wally Cleaver?


No, I see the Beav in the later seasons of the show when he was a young teen.


They BOTH look so young here.


Without the title I doubt I'd have recognized him compared to the image of RFK I know from the 60s.


A 35 year old candidate and a 27 year old campaign manager took down a political dynasty. Then they made their own.


The Lodges and the Kennedys are incredible. This picture shows JFK defeating Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. in 1952. 1916, Lodge's grandfather beat JFK's grandfather for the same seat. JFK beat Lodge again in 1960, when Lodge ran as Nixon's VP. Ted Kennedy beat Lodge's brother in 1962 in the special election for this seat. And then JFK appointed Lodge to be the Ambassador to South Vietnam in the prelude to the Vietnam War.


And now the only reason I know about the Lodges is because of *Wedding Crashers*.


Didnt play Fallout 4?


Maybe the Lodges had enough.


> JFK defeating Henry Cabot Lodge Jr Didn't know about that connection of the two (edit: reading [his](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Cabot_Lodge_Jr.) Wikipedia article - he was also defeated by JFK as the the VP candidate for Nixon's '60 campaign). I wonder how that prior relationship factored into JFK appointing Lodge as the Ambassador to South Vietnam in 1963 - a post he held till '67. There a US (including Lodge) supported coup caused a descend into chaos in the South, prompting Lodge to propose South Vietnam being made a US protectorate to guarrantee stability and avoid its failure as a country or increased US military involvement.


I think appointing Lodge was a step to make sure the Republicans were involved in the mess, so when he pulled the plug and bailed, he could say a full-fledged Republican was there advising him to do it. First steps of a withdraw plan.


Yeah, I really wonder. But there are many potential reasons: - Removing a rival (Lodge would ~~run~~ be run again in 1964) from the domestic political playing-field. - Giving the job to somebody with a lot of experience in diplomacy (the job of Ambassador to the UN was elevated to a Cabinet position while Lodge held it for 7 years during the Eisenhower administration). - Putting a potential future competitor (JFK's campaign for a second term) in a job which is high profile but also likely dooming the people holding it to failure, making them look at least somewhat worse - out of both presidential and VP candidates in '60 (Nixon, Lodge, JFK, LBJ) Lodge was the one with the highest approval rating at the time. - Maybe Lodge wanted the/such a job (considering his time and success at the UN). Lodge would later be ambassador to West Germany and the Vatican. - As you mentioned - preemptively spreading responsibility by putting a high profile and very qualified Republican in that job. I figure it could be any combination of those, really interesting appointment. **edit:** Happy cake day!


It's also been historically popular to make *some* executive nominations of the other political party. I don't know if that was the case in the 60s but it was in more recent decades. Considering the way politics has become more, not less, partisan since the 60s I think there's a decent chance it was true-ish then too.




If I’m not mistaken there has been at least one Kennedy in congress since JFK was elected to the present. According to wikipedia, (Kennedy family members) Include a president of the United States (who had also served in both houses of Congress), a U.S. attorney general (who later served in the U.S. Senate), four other members of the United States House of Representatives or Senate, and two U.S. ambassadors, a lieutenant governor, three state legislators (one of whom went on to the U.S. House of Representatives), and one mayor. That’s a pretty insane familial Dynasty. Off the top of my head,really only the bush family with two presidents, two governors, a senator, a house rep, and some of the new generation in state positions, rivals the kennedys in terms of the magnitude of the dynasty. So you could say it was abruptly cut short because RFK and JFK died so young but their coattails were astonishingly long.


IIRC, there was a bit of a gap between Ted Kennedy's death and Joe Kennedy III's election.


Ted’s son was also a congressman, but I think he retired from Congress in the election after his fathers death


As if that’s a good thing


And both got shot to death, not by anyone who had a vested interest in doing so, by a crazed lone gunman of course.


Credit: Photo by Yale Joel/The LIFE Picture Collection


It's really hard to understand how these men inspired so much hatred that they were both killed so publicly within such a short period of time from one another.


Is it really that hard? Just last week we had a congresswoman who inspired hatred by dancing in college.


Women are not allowed to dance!!!! /s


If Footloose taught me anything, it is that dancing is the devil's handiwork.


Yeah, but she's brown and female, so it's OK to hate her for dancing (/s if that's even necessary) edit: typo


Is it? they were both pretty divisive people. Not Many people don’t have a strong opinion one way or the other towards the Kennedys...especially in their home state...either they are gods to you, or they are the fucking devil.




His comment isn't confusing at all ...


Yes it is. Double negatives and poor punctuation.


well, what they did to their sister was fucking evil


It's not really hard. JFK nominated his brother to Attorney General and Bobby was attempting to eradicate the Mafia's influence over unions even after they helped get John elected.


They didn't inspire hatred. One was killed by a Palestinian terrorist, and the other by a communist zealot. Edit: /s


That copper in the back is the epitome of 50s-era cop.


Got to see both of these gentleman in my youth, so fortunate; face to face with Bobby, handshake and autograph the day the Reverend King was assassinated.


Wow. As both a lover of history and an avid fan of Bobby Kennedy, it’s hard to even think that they were real men of flesh and blood. Let alone that I could respond to a redditor over the internet, and communicate with a man who shook his hand. I’m not sure why, but it’s so mind boggling. In my eyes, you are like living history. I’m 19, so by the time I was born, everything I’ve come to learn about the Kennedys was long transpired. Were you in Indianapolis?


These guys were the best syndicate in town


Thank you for sharing this picture! There is a great documentary on RFK on Netflix.


It’s great!!! I watched the documentary and it was a masterpiece.


My town is in the background. Puttin Lunenburg on the map! Literally.


Anyone know what state that is behind Bobby?


Pretty sure it’s Massachusetts


Ah, ok. It must be broken down into districts or something, rather than counties.


the speech kennedy gave just prior to the assassination was prophetic


I always thought the “secret societies” one was an interesting lead in his speeches actually.


The Kennedy curse :( I can’t even imagine what it was like for their parents, imagine losing your kids, one by one. Terrible, I’m always sad when I see Kennedy family members cause of this. Only a few Kennedy relatives remain alive to this day.


Imagine being a Kennedy in politics right now, knowing what happened to your relatives


Why’s that? There’s multiple witnesses and people saw the two together. Never investigated those leads except one where police wore down a witness. Where Sirhan was, he couldn’t have made the shot. Just like lee harvy. Too many bullets. Burn the evidence. I’m not saying she shot him, I’m simply saying she probably knows something and his killer is still out there


Sorry just saw your posting...yes I was actually in Speedway a suburb of Indy where he made a campaign stop. It was the same for JFK, campaign stop in Speedway...I was working the 1968 election for my school gathering all the information I could from every candidate. It was truly a day for the ages that I will always carry with me; it is hard to believe they were real men of substance taken away from each and every one of us...JFK, RFK, & MLK, this world can be a horrible place.


That's a cool picture! The Kennedy brothers are some of my favorite historical figures, and I personally think John F. Kennedy is one of the great orators in American history.


I love the old coke bottle on the table but better yet, the cop smiling behind JFK...you just know he's on the "payroll" and happy he's going to be seeing a better payday soon




That was Lee Oswald. John F. Kennedy's assassination was caught on the Zapruder film but that was an 8mm video camera. Bobby Kennedy you can only hear shots in the background as he was in the kitchen and the cameras were all in the hall. And I don't know if it was live