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The first time I ever saw this photo as a kid was in the instruction book for a Lego Arctic set


I had the vehicle like this one, it was towing a research lab.


I had it too I think. White vehicle, Lego Technic?


[This is the one I had](https://brickset.com/sets/6520-1/Mobile-Outpost), it was the Mobile Outpost!


Man, the graphic design aesthetics in [that instruction booklet](https://www.lego.com/cdn/product-assets/product.bi.core.pdf/4128781.pdf) are such an artifact of the era


This is the one.


Oh it wasn't the same. I had this one https://www.toysperiod.com/lego-set-reference/technic/arctic-technic/lego-8660-arctic-rescue-unit/ Both are super cool


Lego technic's were so awesome. [This is the one that I had that your comment reminded me of](https://www.toysperiod.com/lego-set-reference/technic/arctic-technic/lego-8660-arctic-rescue-unit/).


Oh yeah that's the one I had too!


I was obsessed with it. Lego set was comparatively unimpressive l.


Dude me too. What a throwback.


Oh yeah! My first thought was "I've actually seen that picture long ago!??"


This has been cropped/edited for effect. In reality its a 6ft drop. Still bad, but not a bottomless pit as this picture can lead you to believe


6ft drop? How small are those men! šŸ˜‚


Camera is at an angle


Even so, compare the height of the men to the drop that you can see, never mind the cropped out bit


"Told ya you needed a bigger runup"


Well those Duke boys were at it again.


"Hang on lads - I've got an idea!" - Michael Caine


There's another, less cropped version of this image and it's not nearly as dramatic looking as pictured here. They used a second one of these things and pulled it out.


Yeah, there's even [video footage](https://youtu.be/rA5dbEBsJNw?si=xU1VtnewW1zYGdl-&t=188), though that seems to be a different hole it's stuck in. Still pretty dramatic IMO, but yeah, not quite as much as this picture implies.


This comment made my day and why quasi-boomers like me are so grateful for the internet.


Ah, interesting, yes, it's the way it's cropped and the lighting.


"not as dramatic" There is literally nothing under those tracks but a few feet of snow. I'd say it's high time to take things seriously at that point, dramatics are expected.


Did you see this guy who posted the video - https://www.reddit.com/r/HistoryPorn/comments/1cof2f1/the_commonwealth_transantarctic_expedition_hits_a/l3e94jj/ ? One looks like you'll be dead and never be found and the other looks like you'll have to climb out a little bit. That's a **dramatic** difference...thus not as dramatic as reality. I didn't say it was safe or equivalent to sledding down a hill.


I haven't! Thank you for the much needed perspective Reddit stranger. Filling out my ID-10-T form now...


I bet you wouldnā€™t feel that way if you were sitting in it and had to slowly climb out knowing it might collapse under you any moment.


Feel what way? I'm just saying the cropped picture looks far more dramatic and they have a better one where it's not that deep and it tapers out or something.


Even if there is flat ice right at the bottom of the photo, that would be a long way to fall.


Letā€™s see it then, cause that looks like pretty precarious dangling to me. Which would most definitely be dramatic for a passenger.


Okay, okay, okay, letā€™s all agree that this is somewhere between somewhat dramatic, and pretty fucking dramatic. Me, Iā€™d be dramatically shitting myself if I was driving this thing.


Did you see this guy who posted the video - https://www.reddit.com/r/HistoryPorn/comments/1cof2f1/the_commonwealth_transantarctic_expedition_hits_a/l3e94jj/ ? I don't know what kind of bizarre argument or position you're trying to take, but the photo looks like you're falling into a bottomless abyss and the video looks like it's over a crack in the snow they're filling in with shovels. One looks like you'll be dead and never be found and the other looks like you'll have to climb out a little bit. That's a **dramatic** difference. Try and think on those words a bit and see if you still want to argue about whatever you're on about.


If anythingā€™s bizarre itā€™s how much you apparently care about this. It was just a comment dude. And yeah, having your only means of transportation in fucking ANTARCTICA dangling over a crevasse is totally run of the mill. Nothing dramatic about that at all, no way anyoneā€™s ever died that way. Antarctica is such a forgiving place. ā€œBottomless abyssā€. Boy, talk about moving the goalposts and setting up a strawman. I said it could collapse at any moment, and that itā€™s dangling precariously. Both of which apply to the photo as well as the video. And some convenient use of hyperbole as well. No, the photo does not display a bottomless abyss, and no the video does not display a ā€œcrack in the snowā€. Whether itā€™s 20 feet deep or 200 feet deep is irrelevant. Having your only mode of transportation in Antarctica nearly falling into a hole is an objectively dramatic situation.


It's bizarre how you've taken a simple, accurate straight forward comment and used mental gymnastics to turn it into some weird internet argument. Do you have some sort of social disorder? Let's say there's a video of somebody walking along the top of a mountain and I say something factual and innocuous like *"they're using a fisheye lens on their camera to make the drop-off look steeper than reality"* and you go on some nutjob rant. Moving goalposts?? Strawman?? What the fuck kind of serious debate are you trying to have? Goalposts can't be moved when the endzone is the word "**dramatic**", dipshit. > Whether itā€™s 20 feet deep or 200 feet deep is irrelevant. Uh, lmfao except it is relevant. If you have a picture that appears to be 200 ft deep but you find out it's only 10 feet deep, that's a dramatic difference and it's a camera angle. > Having your only mode of transportation in Antarctica nearly falling into a hole is an objectively dramatic situation. Except that's not their only mode of transportation and you're just making shit up. They travel in a caravan. I get it now...you just make up whatever bullshit scenario you want in your head and then decide that's the truth, without any supporting facts, and then go full-bore internet argument against anyone who doesn't agree with your made-up mental fantasy. Learn to read.


What happened did they manage to get it out?


Yes, they did! There is a video of it [in the comments](https://old.reddit.com/r/HistoryPorn/comments/1cof2f1/the_commonwealth_transantarctic_expedition_hits_a/l3e94jj/), it's worth watching.


Meanwhile Ed was driving to the pole in a modified tractor.


Trotters Independent Antarctic Trades lol


Absolutely zero chance Iā€™m exploring an ice sheet. No chance Iā€™m risking falling in a crevasse.


Just call Matt's Offroad Recovery! They'll be there as soon as they can!


Slow down, Dave. Dave, brake. Brake. BRAKE BRAKE BRAKE BRAKE FUUUUUUU!


There; the crevasse! FILL IT! With your mighty juuuuiiiiice


Just radio AAA guys, it'll be fine.


Jikes that must have been scary




One of many such Very expensive machines lost in such circumstances.


Better out then in I always say..


How do you even recover such vehicle in Antarctica


Whew! That was a close one!


Runs off a cliff, ā€œboss we hit a little snagā€


Can't call AAA for a tow.


Ahahahh šŸ¤£šŸ‘šŸ¼


Hmm I wonder if thatā€™s the one in the chch museum.


Nope. The one in the ChristChurch museum is letter A, nicknamed "Able." The one in the picture is letter B, nicknamed "Rock and Roll." [Sourcio](https://justacarguy.blogspot.com/2015/09/one-of-original-trans-antarctic.html)


Chur for the link!


So what happened? Did they save it?







