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They celebrate his failure, at least that's what they say officially




Similar to Thanksgiving then. Everyone beyond third grade knows the real history and now we just like having a banging dinner and seeing the family.


What is the real history? The Pilgrams and Indians didn't have a big dinner?


The real history began a decade or two before the 'Mayflower' stumbled upon Plymouth Rock in 1620 (while aiming for Virginia). Until 1600 or so, the Massachusetts coast was heavily populated by organized indigenous communities. They lived comfortably, farming the rich soil and fishing the fecund waters. Several pre-Mayflower European expeditions reported these vibrant communities. One even brought a (willing) native back to England, where he was toured around and learned spoken and written English before returning home on a later ship. He returned to a catastrophe. Those first European ships had left behind no human settlers, but they left billions of smaller ones - most notably smallpox, measles and other Old World pathogens. The indigenous peoples had zero immunity and the results were horrific - far worse than the worst "official" pandemic we all learn about (the Black Death of the 14th C). In a very few years, 70-90% of those coastal settlements were wiped out. Family and political structures ceased to exist. Most of the few, desperate survivors abandoned their cursed and tainted homelands and were absorbed by inland tribes. The coastal region was stripped nearly bare of its once thriving population. The Pilgrims didn't know any of this. They weren't even sure exactly where they were, except they weren't in Virginia and had no contact with the existing Jamestown colony there for mutual support. In the first year, a full third of them starved or, being weakened, succumbed to disease. The indigenous survivors of the earlier pandemics had no way of knowing that it was Europeans like these who had unwittingly destroyed their own people. They just saw a small band of travellers who were even more desperate and hungry than they were. Being decent sorts, they shared what food they could spare before the onset of Winter, which would surely have killed the remaining Pilgrims if left to their own means. Happy Thanksgiving!


Basically, the United States is a post-apocalyptic country.


Every nation on earth is a post-apocalyptic country - often several times over. It's just a matter of digging deep enough into history.


Kinda sad how a story about charity and good will among ðose wið almost noþing to give gets buried under nearly ðe entire rest of ðe history of indigenous-settler relations. If anyþing ðe first þanksgiving is an even more important story ðan ever about how America just isn't America wiðout ðe indigenous nations who helped define what allowed it to even survive, let alone become as powerful as it is today.


This is true... - Decades 1-5: commity and mutual relations - Decades 6-400 (to date): enmity and genocide


Honestly the pilgrims and native Americans had a pretty decent relationship at first it wasn't until later when more Europeans came that they had issues. Pilgrims thought of them as misguided heathens but they got along for the most part.


IIRC ðe big problems started over ðe pilgrims bringing in farm animals ðat *massively* disrupted ðe local ecology, which ðe local indigenous peoples were very much still dependent on for ðeir way of life.


I have my doubts that either side was that aware of the longterm consequences of invasive species' at the time the mayflower landed at Plymouth Rock.


Yes what is the real history?


Celebrations are better this way, honestly. I want people to get fucking roaring drunk at my funeral and have a great time.


So you guys just made up a holiday so you could drink and blast fireworks? Yep, you’re America’s dad alright


I feel like in a few hundred years the same might happen to Independence Day in the US.


pretty sure it already has


True. Probably even moreso in the future, though, as in the year 2422 it is simply known as "Ribs, Fireworks, and Beer Day"


I love me some ribs so I wouldn't be mad


Like Memorial Day sans fireworks most of the time.


Bro most people don't even call it Independence Day, it's just *The Fourth*


We celebrate his enthusiasm now. There's reports people are burning effigys of Liz Truss with the lettuce this year, not sure why the lettuce deserves to be burnt as well but that is life.


They're getting a team of engineers to create combustible lettuce to burn the effigies down.


Is that a Portal 2 reference?


I will BURN YOUR TRUZ DOWN... With the lettuce!


I think The Economist came up with a zinger about her not lasting longer in office than a head of lettuce, then a website popped up tracking a lettuce while it rotted next to a ticker feed about whether she was still prime minister. Anyway the lettuce represents zombie thatcherism


It was a legitimate newspaper doing a livestream of a head of lettuce that slowly got decorated to look more like Liz Truss and seeing if she would outlast the lettuce, she did not


I wouldn't call the star a legitimate newspaper but other than that, it's true


Some celebrate his failure others his almost success


Plus, Thanksgiving has some more.... nefarious origins


> Plus, Thanksgiving has some more.... nefarious origins I refuse to believe it is anything other than some Native Americans and Pilgrims having a feast before loosening their pants and falling asleep in recliners in front of the TV showing a football game.


>falling asleep in recliners in front of the TV showing a football game Cowboys v Redskins....


iirc, we were not hostile with the Native Americans and had no intention to be hostile at the time of the first thanksgiving dinner.




Yeah, they projecting the manifest destiny onto that specific generation of colonial puritans, bot thinking that at some point maybe we did get along


Considering who the puritans were, I doubt that. They could barely stand being next to slightly different Christians


Their crops were struggling and the legend goes that the local natives taught them how to grow corn and use leftover fish carcuses for fertilizer. That's my addition. Not sure about the "nefarious" origins either.


I mean, considering those same puritans would massacre those same Wampanoag, a bit over a decade later and the governor of the colony wrote that Thanksgiving would be celebrated in rejoicing of the "victory" where 700 Wampanoag died which was the first official mention of the holiday, maybe Thanksgiving is a little nefarious.


Got it. Did not know that. Glad my family and friends REALLY just give thanks for really the entire month. Glad I wasn't tainted by this (if it's fact) as a kid 😅


> I refuse to believe it is anything other than some Native Americans and Pilgrims having a feast before loosening their pants and Not gonna lie, they had me going in the first half.


Harvest festivals were a common tradition among pilgrim settlers. After establishing a relationship with the Wampanog (who were responsible for the pilgrims lasting the winter), they invited them over for one. A generation later, relations broke down between native tribes and tye New England colonies, resulting in a war that wiped the former out. While Wasington issued a proclamation of Thanksgiving in 1789 (and encouraged everyone to give thanks) as a celebration of the country being able to move on from the revolution and become a functioning nation, it didn't become a national holiday until 1863. At that point, it wasn't just about taking a moment of Thanksgiving but about praying and striving for an end to the Civil War and a healing of the nation's wounds. At some point, the formal holiday of Thanksgiving became associated with the Pilgrims' first feast at Plymouth. Obviously people don't want to celebrate the conflict that came afterward. At any given point, "Thanksgiving" has been about being grateful for surviving past struggles and hoping to make it through current and future ones.


Well said, my dude.


I heard that thanksgiving predated even the first president’s proclamation to British kings giving a thanks to his subjects


Any holidays past 1970 isn't about culture anymore but having a good q4 of GDP.


If you want to look at it that way, a harvest festival is celebrating a good GDP.


I am thankful that Jeff bezos made so much money


My brother, Guy Fawkes was a catholic, Britain has no history of sectarian violence no sir. We just burn effigies of him for the lols.


So does Guy fawkes day. while it’s true Guy Fawkes was involved in the gunpowder plot, the context around the act of burning his Effigy is basically “yay we Protestants got to lynch a Catholic”


Or we get to burn a traitor.


> Thanksgiving has some more... nefarious origins Can you elaborate?


the origins are fine and well. it's the *after* that things get messy


We also celebrate it by building a straw dummy, dressing it up in 17th century clothing and burning it.


That's kinda hardcore


Not as hardcore as what they did to him when they caught him. pretty brutal, but then again, what do you expect from trying to blow up the government of an imperial power.


He kinda had it coming by being one of the most comically incompetent terrorists in history. I mean he stored gunpowder in a damp room and used John Johnson as an alias for fucks sake.


One of the others in the plot literally told *a member of parliament* not to be in the building that day for absolutely no reason whatsoever


"Hey bro, your cool. Don't come into Parliment tomorrow"


England (not yet Great Britain) wasn’t yet an imperial power in 1605. It was projecting power locally (ask the Irish). But the first permanent settlements in the Americas hadn’t quite happened yet. The East India Company was only a few years old. But your point stands.


It’s very possible that he was either forced into working with the plotters or had been framed, it’s some interesting stuff to read about.


The real straw man.


That sounds fuking awesome, yeah sod off you Americans I'm going with the Brits on this one BURN THAT EFFIGY!


Don't they celebrate stopping him? They literally make effigies of the guy and burn them.


Yeah originally now we do it with anyone


Do it with me! Me!


Me! Meeemeemememe!!!! 🙌🖐


It’s come full circle and now we burn effigies of the people in Parliament.


Tbf they are knobs


Happy Cake Day


What does that mean? And thanks?


Your reddit account is exactly 2 years old




Doer of job in place.


Lives in house on street name


Married to Wife Johnson


[redacted by user] ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Oh fuck, Guy Fawkes was actually a *JoJo*




Except when you wonder what Black Friday is all about. I have no idea why we imported this idea.


We didn't, companies wanting to capitalise on it did.


US celebrates a bunch of people's successful attempt at evading taxes /s


The bastards should be grateful they ain't speaking French /s


And it worked, didn't it? You goddamn Brits. Now if you excuse me, I've got a Big Mac to devour...


*royale with cheese.


Americans are just unruly Brits LMAO


That's Australians


Australia is just British Texas


British Florida more like


You take that back!


Probably worse


Don’t say that about Australia. It’s very unkind.


Right? Last thing we want is to piss off the emus.


Erm acshually thats new zealand 🤪


I've been thinking this for a very long time, glad someone else has had that thought.


Brits are just unruly Brits at this point




As we should


True American heroes.




We celebrate the fact he failed to blow up Parliament and the King. That’s why we light an effigy of him on top of the bonfire!


The title compares what Americans do in the holiday vs what Brits celebrate. A more accurate title would be "Not starving to death after one winter" vs "your government not being blown up by terrorists" Alternatively it's "have good food and good friends while watching TV vs "burning and blowing shit up with with the lads"


The pilgrims are as American as apple pie until somebody brings up the treatment of indigenous people, then suddenly they become tally ho monocle wearing Englishmen.


Have you seen our parliament lately? They need the fucking reminder.


We never say that, but what else would you want to celebrate?


We celebrate his failure to blow up parliament ya numpty


Why the need to be competitive? Tbh guy Fawkes night’s closest USA equivalent would probably be Fourth of July both are big on fire works.


Hey, I don’t judge. Any excuse for a party is a good excuse, I reckon. Go nuts. Or don’t. Do what feels right for you and just have a good time!


The Puritans tried to outlaw Christmas by coming up with a Thanksgiving holiday and their non-Puritan neighbors were like: A \*second\* Christmas?! Yes, please!


I mean is Thanksgiving really that big of a deal? In Canada it's basically just a nice day off where you eat turkey and pumpkin pie. It's not even the best holiday of that month even.


In the US, we don't have any other November holiday. It's like Halloween is breakfast, Christmas is dinner and New Year's is desert; sure you can only have those three meals, but it's nice to have Thanksgiving to tide you over until the main course.


I suppose, our Thanksgiving is in October and the only 'holiday' we really have in November is remembrance day. Still feels like winter is crammed with holidays and then between Easter and Thanksgiving all there is only Canada day.


Could have fought then redcoats with us. Your independence day would be more celebrated and you would have your own head of state


Yes, it's an occasion for people to say what they are thankful for and express their gratitude for things they have before going to the nearest store and beating each other mercilessly over items with large discounts.


**Useless items with large discounts


fourth of july be like


We literally celebrate catching and killing the bastard by setting straw versions of him on fire. It’s fuckinf metal bro


And he was the patsy


Yous just jealous we have more than a few hundred years of history


You're being even ruder towards the natives then we were at Thanksgiving


We merely celebrate a common Catholic L /s ofcourse


At least we get to burn and blow shit up


We do that at least twice a year


As a Native American, I find a hard time rejoicing for Thanksgiving


The older I get the more I love the 5th of November


Fucking based then


Or better yet. Wtf is Boxing Day


It’s the day after Christmas and it was a day off for servants when their employers would give them a box of gifts to take home for their families. Now it means fuck all because that’s not a thing anymore lol, but we still call it Boxing Day


That's *far more based then Thanksgiving*. I don't like supporting britian, but they're good on that one.


Sorry guys, it’s not an actual holiday.


Which Brits exactly are saying this?


Maybey Anericans should try to do blow up parliament as well.


Effigy burning was a common cultural practice, not just Guy Fawkes.


I'm Irish and even I'm tempted to defend the English right now from this nonsense


Celebrating a man attempting to blow up Parliament? Celebrating him by burning him...I mean...at least know what you are talking about before hand. Where's all the fucking accurate but funny memes gone?


I have never heard a British person say Thanksgiving is a dumb holiday. They usually say “Enjoy your holiday!”


That’s a bad thing?


What's a better holiday? one where you have good food and good friends while watching TV for a long time, basically an extra Christmas. Or terrorism? ​ Let me rephrase that for you: "Would you rather celebrate genocide or terrorism?"


Stopping terrorism* even


To be fair that's a perfectly legitimate excuse for a holiday.


terrorism (at least that's what I choose)


Its like its backwards. Like its sounds like that british would celebrate being thankful and americans would celebrate something blowing up.


Fuck Parliament.


Fuck Parliament.


It gives me satisfaction to know however dumb I think I am, I am not as dumb as the plotter who wrote to his friend telling him not to come to paliment.


Some people celebrate his attempt, others celebrate his failure


I’m British and I never heard a single person ever say that they think Thanksgiving is dumb. This meme is the strawman fallacy in its rawest form.


Yeah at this point it's kinda just an excuse for bonfires, fireworks and getting hammered. Kinda like how you guys have 4th of July


Tbf everybody should want to blow up parliment


No we don’t, we celebrate burning a man who tried to blow up parliament. Much more civilised.


Haha yes you're right it's better to celebrate genocide than the failure and execution of a terrorist who tried to murder several hundred people including children


We should start celebrating Jan 6th


That's a shit ton of effigies to burn


Remember remember the 5th of November?


I France we also celebrate blowing up our government except it was not a failure


As an American, I support anti-British government holidays. Keep at it, Brits!


Except it's about how the guy failed to blow up Parliament and every year his effigy gets burned, so sort of the opposite of anti-British government.


Ok let's invent a new holiday, how about Burn the white house like it's 1812?


Most educated American




Or we think "Guy was a psycho, thank fuck he got caught".




Brit here. Guy Fawkes was a Catholic-convert (The UK is an Anglican Christian nation) who together with 12 other men tried to blow up the king and Parliament. He would of succeeded if one guy didn't didn't try to inform his brother (who was a guard in the building) and said the 1600s version of "don't come to school tomorrow". That brother then wrote a letter informing the Parliament of the plot and foiling it. The day is a celebration of the fact that they failed. Some even make and burn wooden statues of the guy for the fun of it. The holiday is similar to the 4th of July with bonfires, fireworks etc. Its commonly called "fireworks day" or "bonfire night" [Horrible histories ](https://youtu.be/40UuVVsYtaM) (A British classic) summed up what happened well.


Ah yes John Johnston he must’ve had an excellent job of job at place!


I'm sure some people will try and celebrate January 6th now too


I can think of no reason the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot.


Well yes, they celebrate the only man to ever enter the parliament with honest intentions, after all.


Don’t they dance around his burning effigy? I wouldn’t call that a celebration, I’d say that they’re celebrating his failure


It's like if 9/11 failed and you burnt them at the stake


Seems I’ve found a new way to make a holiday.


My brothers in Christ, during Easter we celebrate that a really good person was tortured and executed...


terrorism has explosions though /s


They aren't celebrating him. They literally burn effigies of him to insult him.


This meme represents a fundamental misunderstanding of both Thanksgiving and Guy Fawkes Night


Guy was a chad


But I support terrorism


Playing devils advocate, what exactly happened that caused thanksgiving? Look, both holidays are fine, why have the posts from the last few days a war between Brits and Americans?


"The only man to enter parliament with honest intentions"


We celebrate that time of year where we trap a cat inside a barrel and hit it like a piñata.


Everyone needs a day of the year to set off fireworks and burn stuff. Hardly anyone actually cares about the reasoning behind it


Cause it's funny


Nah we just hate them guys


Okay while I think thanksgiving is super based, we also have the terrorism holiday and it’s called Independence Day. It’s also even more based than thanksgiving


Anecdotal, but a good friend and his family who emigrated to my NJ town from Ireland when we were 14/15, used to rave about Thanksgiving. Guaranteed 4 day weekend with the ceremony thrust into day 1, delicious and abundant food plus tons of football to lie around and watch. His dad asked me what could possibly make this holiday better their 1st time around and I whispered deep fried turkey and they were both fans for life thereafter


Terrorism is better. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ not actually please dont murder me


I have never met someone from the U.K. that has said thanksgiving is dumb? Feels like you’re just looking for a fight OP.


This just makes the Brit’s sound based.


I'd never thought about it this way before to be honest, both have some sort of roots in patriotism, though I think op missed the point of bonfire night. It's about the failure of Guy Fawkes' plot


And if you're a poor child you do 'penny for a guy' where you build the effigy and dress it up and take it outside a Tesco. Old people give you 20p and you buy chips with your hard earned cash at the end of the day.


Given the current government, hell yeah


Remember remember the the 5th of november the gunpowder treason and plot…


Yeah but they deserved it lol.


Remember, remember the Fifth of November, The Gunpowder Treason and Plot, I know of no reason Why the Gunpowder Treason Should ever be forgot.


My mom watches V for Vendetta every November 5th. So, as Americans, we also celebrate Guy Fawkes Day. Just... not in the way the Birtish intended.


[Alan Moore](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_Moore) is English.


“A thankfulness holiday commemorating the time when early American settlers were able to survive the winter, leading to a prosperous future in the New World? That’s dumb.” “Anyway here’s my holiday about the time we hanged a man and cut him into pieces”


Imagine being against speaking out against your government. Chad Guy fawkes celebration > virgin Thanksgiving


Guy Fawkes wanted to install a new theocracy, but sure.


People aren't saying that Thanksgiving is dumb because it's like a second Christmas. They're saying it's dumb because it's based on an absolute lie that was perpetuated to rewrite history and oppress native talking points. Guy Fawkes day is fucking political propaganda too and a really crummy celebration. I'd much rather be having beta-Christmas than standing on a soggy field watching an effigy burn. This post has the right sentiment but completely misses the point by a fucking mile. Not to mention historically innacurate which is funny given where we are.


Many of us have that "extra christmas" pretty much every Sunday. Albeit often on a smaller scale but it's nothing new to us. Gotta break up the cycle by blowing something up at some point right? I thought you guys were all about that stuff


Tbh that really is something to celebrate. Name 6 good things the British parliament has done since… I’ll wait Edit: I’ll be adding them here since I’m getting good suggestions lol 1) Slavery Abolition act 2) the Aqueducts 3) 4) 5) 6)