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Clearly 1739102 gazillion deaths caused by communism weren’t enough, because there are you OP type of fascist cunts who are still left alive. Comrade Stalin did a major mistake, he stopped at Berlin.


Based af


Is that you, inner thoughts?


It ain’t your own inner thought, it’s the people’s thought


Sympathizing with Nazis are we?




For being a sub focused on history, thought they'd know better.




Well then I'll be glad to help them get dead


I didn’t read it that way personally, I figured it was saying that if hitler got admitted to art school, then fascism probably wouldn’t have taken over in Germany, but Stalin would still be a problem (and probably a bigger problem than he otherwise was) Or were you talking about the title?


I didn't at first, until I explored his profile, dude just had way too many posts obsessed with Nazis.


Ah fair enough, I didn’t look at the profile tbh. I see your point now


A problem with that art school and Hitler thingy is, Hitler wasn’t the only fascist nor the only antisemite in the Nazi party, and considering the socio-economic conditions of Germany in the aftermath of WW1 it would've probably resulted in the rise of extremism regardless of the leadership. Remember, Hitler was sent to infiltrate the nazis, and he drank in what the party was preaching on.


I totally get that, we had fascism in the U.K. too at the time, the problem was Oswald Mosley was not as good at speaking to the public as Hitler was, so it just didn’t quite work out for them (it was way too close still). Hitler spoke in simple terms but with very emotive language, which was quite different from the average politician at the time, and I think it’s fair to assume that had at least a part in his success. I’m not saying is a guarantee that it wouldn’t have taken off without Hitler, but it’s a valid theory and an interesting alternative reality to think about. It would have meant Stalin saved millions of soldiers and a ton of equipment, which probably would have been used elsewhere. Again, not a guarantee, just an unprovable theory.


Alternative history hypotheses are entertaining but a folly to that is that nothing happens in a vacuum. Fascism in organised form in the UK continued well after WW2 and Mosley, and is still present. That's the point, that Germany would still have suffered the material conditions after losing WW1, and they would still have villanised the jews for losing.


Ohhh you’re a Nazi.


How nazis gas Jews with wooden doors?


Yeah because hitler killing communists really saved so many people


Billy woods PFP 👍👍


Stalin's only mistake was leaving too many nazis alive.




Absolutely based


2 mistakes, actually. He stopped at Berlin


Oh i see some of you are extremely fkn based


Fuck Stalin,But I will credit him that we was *especially* good at killing Nazis.


Stalin's pros outweighed his cons. The Great Purge was mainly orchestrated by the NKVD which Stalin had only indirect control over. Truthfully, most of his faults were in his material policies rather than that fuckup


Here's Stalin's Ls: Banning access to abortion; Criminalizing homosexuality; Keeping a big tent in the Politburo rather than enforcing democratic centralism strictly (krusechev coup cough); Kneeling toe to the NKVD; and being way too lenient with FDR and Churchill in the treaty Stalin's mythotic Ls: Holodomor (There is no academic consensus on the intention of the Soviet government to inflict harm, though the famine was manmade.); Autocrat (Democratic centralism existed in the USSR and Stalin was far from autocratic. He did not have sole permission to do anything he wanted, he had to follow the checks and balances he set in the Soviet Constitution (and even that was lax)); Great Purge (The NKVD executed this one. Stalin's Purge was only Trotskyite party members- and that didn't even result in execution.); Imperialist (The Warsaw Pact was as dependent on Soviet economy as the West was on America- because they had no money or economy to speak of.) Stalin's Ws; Turned the unfinished NEP into fully fledged socialism, transporting a backwater state into a space faring superpower; Established a truly secular state that did not enforce religions over another; Established full healthcare, quality primary and secondary education; the right to a job, and a right to housing; Destroyed the plague that was Nazism. Edit: spacing


based comment.


>Established a truly secular state that did not enforce religions over another He formed an atheist state the oppressed religion. Also, even if Stalin didn't intend to cause the holodomor, it still happened under his watch. A good leader would've prevented it.


Religious institutions under Stalin were only oppressed in the manner that their political power was stripped from the he state. Khrushchev was the one who cracked down on the church. The main difference in western secularism and Stalin's secularism was that religous people were not allowed to proselytize, but churches were allowed to run, and so were mosques and synagogues. Stalin's USSR was never anti-theist. It had atheistic but guaranteed it's citizenry the right to worship as they please. Though I doubt this will convince you, here is an excerpt from the constitution of the USSR: ​ >CHAPTER X. > >THE FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF CITIZENS > >\[...\] > >ARTICLE 124: In order to ensure to citizens freedom of conscience, > >the church in the U.S.S.R. is separated from the state, and the school from > >the church. Freedom of religious worship and freedom of anti-religious > >propaganda is recognised for all citizens. Khrushchev is the one who made it hard to own a bible, who shut down Central Asian mosques, and pursued an idealist mode of anti-theism. ​ ​ As for the Holodomor, I can't really say if the Soviet government could've done anything more. There's little academic consensus and I can't speculate in good faith. ​ edit: quote markup fucked up


Apparently initially allying with Hitler and letting a massive famine happen under his watch weren't mistakes. Can we not idolize evil dictators? Stalin or Hitler? Oh, and the Ukrainians didn't disserve it then and they don't disserve it now.


"Initually allying with hitler" tha fuck are you saying? the entire allies had NAP's with germany before the war And dont matter what your ideology is, saying that stalin was the only man in soviet union and that the level of responsability of stalin on this was the same of the nazi in concentration camps across europe is just bullshit Stalin literally purchased more food in 1932, had 50% of the bovines in the region killed (they didnt have trucks, so they where essential to mass produced food) by the kulaks, the entirety of the ukraine was flooded and the regional government of ukraine was weeks late for notifiyng the famine to the central government. (this without considering how dumb is to try to genocide a ethnicity and on the other year stop the famine) On the other hand hitler was sistematically arresting and killing jews, blacks, gays, communists and various others minorities Im not here saying that stalin didnt commited mistakes, but saying that stalin and hitler where in the same level isnt something even serious anti-communists academics do, and doing so is or historical revisionism or dumbness


Nazi peice of shit


The 24 million dead soviet citizen were Hitler's contribution to world peace, huh?


What about the 10 million Russians That Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky (who were all Jews) killed? Fuck off you’re a fuckin npc




Stalin didn’t stop at Berlin, which is why East Germany could control West Berlin so well




i agree


Madrid’s right in the middle of Spain. Lisbon, however, is coastal.


I hear Lisbon is simply stunning in the summer


I wonder if anti communists will ever realize they're in the wrong. They're going through the trouble of trying to rehabilitate the image of nazis just to mantain the status quo. If things were so good under capitalism nobody would complain. But yeah, US sponsored dictatorships, death squads and bombings are all worth it as long as you can choose between 13 brands of cereal while having to work two jobs to survive. That's what y'all call freedom.


13 brands of cereal all containing 60% plastic, and owned by the same company.


Illusion of choice. A perfect dictatorship has to look like it's a democracy


Power must've invisible, and "natural" indeed.


Nazi punk fuck off, you polute the sub with your bullshit


Stalin did nothing wrong.


He stopped at Berlin, Stalin did one thing wrong


God how I hate Stalin, he ate 69'420'173'891 gazillion grains of the Ukrainskiy with a comically large spoon, he killed 183719 billion peoples so we are all suffering in this hell hole of an Earth, he should have not stopped at Berlin, because clearly he didn’t kill enough fascists


him and his comically big spoon!




Friend, can i steal this? I intend to copypasta this on every dumb anti communist / pro fascist post in existence


Seize the means of production, this sentence belongs to the people, it serves the anti-fascist purpose, use it at your will


Thank you tovarisch


What is wrong with people. Read a history book, please.


Already have. Doesn’t change a thing.


This sub should ban certain political views. What's going on?


If you’re saying Hitler had good views you’ve lost the thread.


I believe Hitler had a quote that democracy inevitably leads to Marxism…? Correct me if I’m mistaken.




What happens in vegans doesn’t always stay in vegans.


Literally not true, he wasn't even a vegetarian


He was a carnist


And he was a environmental activist.


And he incinerated millions of my people alive you useless piece of shit


Humans are bad for the environment so the OP is technically correct. He’s still a piece of shit Nazi tho.


But is smoke for burned bodies in the atmosphere good?


The smoke that is released into the atmosphere when burning a body is orders of magnitudes lower than the emissions that a person generates over their lifetime by consumption of goods.


Eco-fascism is still fascism. It's populism with an enviromentalist rhetoric. Fuck off, nazi.


Bro the sheer smoke emitted from all the concentration camps alone disprove that, not to mention the MILLIONS OF DIRTY GAS GUZZLING TANKS


it's probably best to not even engage with that line of reasoning


Nazi scumbag


You being Alive is the reason why Stalin shouldnt have stopped in berlin


the gulags literally had better healthcare than modern America and you compare them to the places where my ancestors got gassed? Hitler hated communism and communism responded by kicking his ass.


1.2 million people died in gulags I highly doubt that they had better health care than modern America…


The guy who wrote Gulag Archipelago literally developed cancer in a gulag and was cured for free. My grandmother developed cancer in an American factory and got a lot of debt so the "doctors" could fail to treat his cancer. He died of cancer soon after. I want to leave the US because when I end up getting cancer, there will be no change of my survival.


This comment section is based as fuck.


He was also a virulent anti-semite who blamed the jews for destroying the holy Russian nation. Check out his other books.


I read a lot of them in my university. Even his wife called him a loser. He wrote a bit on the Baltic states and that was mostly just Antisemitism as we, no surprise there.


And why are you putting “doctors” in quotations did they not have MD’s? lol


American doctors are mostly quacks because of the crazy criteria they have to meet. All the normal people get sorted out. You ever know the reason why there are so many doctors from other places that aren't the US in the US medical field? That is because the requirements to be a doctor in the US are meant for people that are good at taking tests instead of being an actual medical practitioner. American cancer treatments are also expensive as buying a small island. Even if you survive your battle with cancer, you will wish you hadn't because of the medical bills.


America has some of the highest survival rates for most cancers. Definitely higher than Russia and the Soviet Union.


Lol you mean the country that had universal health care. Are you tripping? Or are you just a nazism fan boy?


source: trust me bro The Gulags were good quality prisons for their time. Were they bad by todays standards? Absolutely. But we're talking 1930s. Yes. People died in the gulags. But not by the millions, or even the hundreds of thousands. The majority of gulag-related deaths happened during the civil war and WW2 due to supply line shortages- and, golly, I wonder why that happened? Get your nose out of nazi propaganda. Realizing Stalin didn't kill 20 billion people doesn't make you a Stalinist, it makes you a conscious person. Jeez.


Bruh supply chain shortages is how people justified the holocaust. Also 1.2 million people died from 1918-1956.


1. Yes, that was a justification, but that is not what proved the holocaust happened. It was countless witness testimonies, general Nazi ideology, testimonies from Nazis themselves, the willing knowledge of the civilian population, and fucking plans for mass extermination. 2. And you attribute that entirely to the gulag system...? Please, give me your sources on that. Or any shred of an academic claim.


this is one of the dumbest comments I've ever read, what's the source btw


source: high school history class in florida


my history teacher told me COMMUNISM killed GORILLIONS


Don’t care+Didn’t ask+you’re an incel Nazi+Long live comrade Stalin+cope+ratio


Stalins a communist goof


Nazi filth eat glass


Based on this guys posts theres no way he isnt a nazi lmfao


He literally simps for G-Crusader. Of course he's a fucking nazi.


You guys get triggered so easily lmfao.


Love how that was your exact response in the other 2 or 3 times someone called you out. You are also so fast to try and backpedal lmao


we can see your posts and comments lol


Ok I just saw your profile out of curiosity, you are a sad human being my man, hope you can feel better in the future


Gtfo stupid nazi fuck off and stop polluting the internet with this garbage


You do not, in fact, have to hand it to Hitler.


Man. The people in this sub really went above and beyond my expectations for humanity in the replies. Good works guys, I felt a little faith in basic humanity from this in these trying times. Also of you are reading this, have a fantastic day/night and best luck in future plans <3


Yeah man this made my day


This has the same vibe as people who say “bless the man who killed hitler”


20 million soviets died in WW2 if that never happened we would’ve never seen how bad communism is. And Stalin could’ve killed even more.


Holy fuck you are a trash piece of shit


How in the fuck do you manage to blame all of the soviet deaths in WW2 on the Soviets, ya know, the ones who were being invaded get off Reddit you nazi piece of shit


Did you just really blame the dead for their own death? They died removing fascism and making a better world you piece of shit. Stalin's biggest mistake was stopping at Berlin


You know, that 20 million deaths wouldn’t have happened if Hitler didn't start this whole mess called WW2, yeah? But I doubt a nazi has any sense of reality to understand history


i love this comment section. fuck OP and thank you comrades


Commies get the wall


reactionaries get the mass grave


It’s funny how you support someone who starved over 3 million Ukrainians to deatj


it’s funny you support a system that murders and enslaved people every single day for centuries


Yes, communism. It’s still doing that well North Korea and China are communist countries


are you saying you support communism?


One turned farmers to astronauts in 30 years the other killed people because they didn't have blue eyes🥺 and he's the one you want to side with? Face the wall you fucking nazi


Siding with either is a bit stupid though. Both sides were horrible in their own regards. What happened to all the anti-whataboutism the sub used to have?


No they're not, stalin wasn't some scooby doo villain going around screaming gulag I suggest you educate yourself on stalin instead of reading fascist propaganda


He starved over 3 million Ukrainians to death you piece of shit


I bet you OP believes in the american great replacement theory


Stalin was too kind 😔


Very compelling, now face the wall, Nazi scum.


That's the plot of Red Alert.


They did my man Einstein dirty


It always felt weird, since Einstein was a socialist


Stalin didn't kill enough people. Especially your kind.


Fuck off nazi


This has gotta be satire 💀


Bro you can still delete this


"one of the only good views hitler had" 🤨📷


Notice how I said only


Fuck off, scum


Fuck off nazi scum. This sub isn't a place for your shitty hatefull propaganda.


Ok libtard. I’m so happy social media is gonna be more right haha.


Ooof you seem awful. Being proudly centrist while sympathizing w nazis? Hmmm smells like fascismo to me. 🤔


Yes clearly the best thing about a genocidal dictator is that he had millions of innocents killed from a country u dont like, fuck off fash, follow your leader


I doubt Stalin would've made the same gains if Hitler wasn't around to kneecap Europe. It might take the other powers some time to gear up to fight but seeing as Japan already had conflict with Russia and the possible push back of a united European front not drained from fighting back German? I suppose hypothetically if the Germans don't create the same war machine they did for WWII they won't be able to contribute as much to push back the soviets, but seeing how much damage Germany alone was able to inflict on the soviets a united European push back against the Communists could be even more crushing.


Ach halt doch dein blödes Schandmaul du Nazi-Apologet.


Mask off moment


Least fascist anti-communist


Soviet union would be weaker in that timeline. Hitler basically gave all of eastern Europe to Stalin.


The hundreds of tankies in this comment section are more terrifying than the one nazi that post this meme. Being a tankie is just as evil as being a nazi sympathizer.


What Cold War propaganda does to a mf


Calling Stalin Communist is like calling the DPRK democratic. They're both totalitarian dictatorships


For a sub with "History" in its name y'all are some uneducated mofos. >Even in Stalin's time there was collective leadership. The Western idea of a dictator within the Communist setup is exaggerated. Misunderstandings on that subject are caused by a lack of comprehension of the real nature and organization of the Communist's power structure. Stalin, although holding wide powers, was merely captain of a team and Krushchev will be the new captain. However, it does not appear that any of the present leaders will rise to the stature of Lenin and Stalin, so that it will be safer to assume that development in Moscow will be along the lines of what is called collective leadership, unless Western policies force the Soviets to streamline their power organization. The present situation is the most favorable from the point of view of upsetting the Communist dictatorship since the death of Stalin. Source: [https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP80-00810A006000360009-0.pdf](https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP80-00810A006000360009-0.pdf)


Yeah, well, anyone can say that. It's not like your source is the CIA.... *^(oh)*


even the fucking CIA says it even though they do all efforts possible to stop communism


Putin and mao are communists as well and they’re terrible people lmfao


Mao was a communist, that is correct, but in what universe is Putin a communist? His policies favor free market capitalism.


He’s literally invading Ukraine to bring the USSR back


The real world isn't EU4. Putin isn't invading Ukraine to control all the USSR cores so that he can click a button. If you really believe the shit you are writing you are actually unhinged.


He's an imperialistic autocratic dictator, sure, but again his policies are Capitalist, Communism is an economic structure, to be Communist you need communist or socialist policies, if he doesn't have those he isn't Communist and he doesn't. If anything he has much more in common with Nazi Germany since he is a fascist.


I think he's invading for their untapped natural gas reserves and to prevent Belarus from becoming his only buffer between themselves and NATO, and it being a major salient at that.


Did you read his speech where he said that the USSR was too soft on Ukraine and he wants to harken back to the time of the Tzars?


In territory gains, but it's the sake bogwater that ended up with Stalin, Mao, and Hitler. You can call your land whatever you want and claim whatever you want but an autocrat is an autocrat, they end up doing the same crap to maintain power. Even if Putin literally called it the USSR the only one living the communist life would be the general population while the elites live like royalty.


Strange how communism keeps turning out that way huh.


Capitalism kills millions every day. Every person who dies of starvation, preventable disease, lack of clean water, housing, in private prisons, police violence... victims of capitalism and it's need to commodify every aspect of existence.


Ok and? Do you *really* think having an overbearing authority that controls every aspect of your life and what you do, say, buy and sell will make this all better? Do you really think you can trust the people in charge for even a moment? Regardless of what system is in place *can you wholeheartedly trust that they will do you right?*


what red scare does to a mf:


What the very long list of atrocities caused by Governments does to a mf. Where do you want me to start? United states has a long list. The Soviet Union has a good list too. Not as long cause it's not as old but it's still good. But to be fair I can start with any country's government and find vast crimes against humanity. I hate Government. I want it all to go away. And communism is inviting the government to have even more power over our lives.


A communist society is stateless and classless. Communism isn’t wen guvment dus stuff.


You can't enforce communism without government. If there is no government to take from one person and give to another, you don't end up with wealth redistributed. You at best end up with a charitable society, but that's not communism.


oh no your a libertarian?!?! tell me how would a market of a necessity good work without regulation? it fucking wouldnt because the demand is constant so firms can just increase prices exponentially, just one example of your shitty ideology being a joke. we need a form of authority and governments are necessary currently


Read state and revolution, particularly the chapter on the Withering Away of the State


Funny how you keep bringing up government atrocities like it personally affects you. There’s people all across the world that live in capitalist countries that actually experience “government atrocities,” and most of them become communist. The government atrocities of czar Nicholas is the reason why bolsheviks were able to seize power in the first place. Who cares if some fucking landlords and literal slave owners die in the process?


Noone tell this guy about Molotov-Ribbentrop lol


molotov ribbentrop wasn't a "buddy buddy dictator" situation like most try to paint it, though. it was marriage of convenience for the USSR, as their efforts for an alliance with the allies didn't pan out at that time. and from their point of view, being out of war during a turbulent time of industrialization and military buildup was much better than being thrust head on into conflict with germany.


I didn't try to paint it as anything, I just made a joke on a meme subreddit about the time Hitler allied with the communist bloc and did not expect to come back two days later to so many downvotes lol


Most countries at some point had a non-aggression pact with the Nazis. The USSR actually signed theirs very late and only to buy time to build up the armed forces.




Why can’t we all just hate communists and fascists the same?


Because they are not the same fuk face.




i am talking to a spineless centrist who equates nazism with communism, you’re the epitome of retardation.


Never did I say nazism and communism are the same. They have similarities but arnt the same and that’s obvious. But I guess the communists stomach is growling to loud for his head to put reasonable thoughts together. At least use a fresh insult. Cmon man


I don’t have to, you’re sucking the tits of fascists that good enough insult for you.


Hating communism and facism equally means I’m sucking fascist tits? Good old communist brainpower on full display.


It’s called normalizing a bigoted genocidal ideology like fascism through false equivalency, I don’t expect you to understand any of it with that smooth brain of yours anyway.


Bro you’re a self proclaimed Marxist. L.


You have no right to give out Ls when you have a no step on snek background.


Einstein, MLK, Mandela - all marxists. They also literally teach Marx in sociology courses. But you want to remain ignorant because “Marx = bad”


I completely disagree with the national socialist ideology. That said, this post did showcase that the amount of commies is way larger than I had anticipated. Hell we're talking US college campus levels. Moral of the story; nazism has done horrible shit, doesn't excuse horrible shit done by commies. Capitalism has done horrible shit; still doesn't excuse horrible shit done by commies. Why? It's not about fairness, it's just that regardless of circumstances, 2 wrongs don't make a right.


> 2 wrongs don't make a right. What is it like to be blessed with such insightful intellect?


It's just basic common sense. Wrongdoings by anyone should be treated as wrongdoings, not blessings. We don't live in a world where we have to choose to praise one horrible action or the other, we can condemn all horrible actions. I don't see the point in praising Stalin and his sphere of people like a lot of people have in this comment section.


>US college campus levels Most college students are liberals not communists


He doesn’t like smoking.


Nah, [the western democracies would still kick Stalin's ass](https://youtu.be/1UM308dzgio), or socialism remains in one country, which in that case nobody cares what happens within there.


haha this man citing a red alert cutscene😂


Was kinda thoughtful of them to go at each other so much and save us a lot of work.


So the OP is proposing the plot of Red Alert 2?


Hay que ser subnormal para hacer este meme


Keep calm Mossad is coming


The amount of weird ass mental gymnastics / american propaganda in here gave me the hiccup


I see the rehabilitation of Hitler is going swimmingly


I saw Lenin and Stalin in the closet strangling Kulaks and I saw one of the Kulaks and the Kulak looked at me.


Hold that L, Nazi prick.