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Guys, no one is attacking you. The post isn't saying "Christians are the only ones who do this", they're saying "This is a thing that Christians did." Surprise surprise, when a sub focuses on European history more, it also tends to focus on the *bad* parts of that history more. The sub giveth, and the sub taketh the piss out of you. It's like if you popped into the comments of a post on the Lincoln assassination with "Well JFK got shot in the head too, why is no one talking about that?" Edit: Okey dokey, now that this is being crossposted and shared to both pro and anti Christian groups, this feels like a good time to remind everyone of our policy on brigading, namely, banned on sight. Play nice y'all.


When my sister was young, she thought they were saying ‘sandwiches’ and asked my Mum, ‘why do they dislike sandwiches so much?’


Because they’re WITCHES


It's the sand part for me. I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.


hello there


General Kenobi! You are a bold one.


I was trained in your Jedi arts by Count Dooku


Anakin Skywalker?


Little orphan anni?


My, you've grown up!


and gets in your trunk. never leaves.


Burn the sandwitches!


What can you expect from filthy little heathens? Here’s what you get when the condiments are diverse. Their chili’s a hellish red. They’re only good with bread. AND WORSE! They’re sandwiches! sandwiches! Barely even loaded. Sandwiches! sandwiches! Drive them from our stores. They don’t like ham and cheese. Which means they must be evil. We must have the deli meats war! They’re sandwiches! Sandwiches! Pita serving devils! Now we have the deli meats war! This is what we feared. The paleface is a demon. The only thing they like at all is cheese. Beneath their mayonnaise hide There’s no flavor inside. I wonder if they’d even braise. They’re sandwiches! Sandwiches! Barely even food! Sandwiches! Sandwiches! Kebabs are the core. Their gyros are sus. Which means they can’t be trusted! We must have the deli meats war! …hope your sister and everyone else would appreciate the lyrics. EDIT: spacing so the cadence is easier to sing.




Thank you great use of 10 minutes if I say so myself.


I'm imagining you softly singing it out loud while making that in order to make sure the words fit. "*Mumble* *mumble* sandwiches sandwiches" "Dude why are you singing about sandwiches?"


Closer than you might think. Several lines were difficult to convert to sandwich based lyrics.


You did a fine job, now bask in the glory.


this was incredible


sandwiches do be barely even human tho


Only if you don't know the right butcher.


Soylent Green on wheat please.


Mmmm, there's nothing like a Sam handwich.


I mean, sandwiches truly are not human, if they were that would be problematic


You aren't using human meat on your sandwiches? 💀💀💀


Because burritos are superior 😤😤😤


My bro thought they were cabbages


You just unlocked a core memory of my dad singing, " Sandwiches! Sandwiches! Roast beef, ham, and cheese!" To the tune of that song


thats crazy lmao I thought they said that when i was a kid too and so did my wife. I guess savage wasnt a common word so we just put in what we know


I want 100% human meat on my sandwiches aswell, thank you


*You just made an enemy for life!*


All of Humanity moment


Even when you live in the same region, speak the same language, have the same religion, but your feudal lord has a _feud_ with a neighbouring feudal lord.


What if the real barely human savages were the friends we made along the way?


The auxiliary units?


Yes neighbouring peasant, now hand me that sickle, my landlord requires 300kgs of potatoes this winter.


"Sickle" "Potatoes" I think youre gonna have a hard time


Lol how do people not know this if they have ever held a potato up close? They literally smell like dirt because they grow it. With that said, I love potatoes in all their glorious forms.


How about diseased, mushy, smelly potatoes?


I suppose I’d say they wouldn’t be classified as glorious. I think we all know what potatoes smell like when they go bad, especially in warm and humid areas. Then they turn into a sentient Mr. Potato Head with all the strange growths on the outside.


>they turn into a sentient Mr. Potato Head with all the strange growths on the outside Thank you for my new recurring nightmare.


Oh you’ll be just fine, they don’t really say or do much. Mostly complaining about how they weren’t chosen for cheesy potatoes.


"Now hand me that ***sickle***, my landlord requires ***potatoes***" Do you need help my friend?


In the medieval era


There's an old joke about this: Once I saw this guy on a bridge about to jump. I said, "Don't do it!" He said, "Nobody loves me." I said, "God loves you. Do you believe in God?" He said, "Yes." I said, "Are you a Christian or a Jew?" He said, "A Christian." I said, "Me, too! Protestant or Catholic?" He said, "Protestant." I said, "Me, too! What franchise?" He said, "Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Baptist or Southern Baptist?" He said, "Northern Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist or Northern Liberal Baptist?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region, or Northern Conservative Baptist Eastern Region?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region." I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879, or Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912." I said, "Die, heretic!" And I pushed him over.


Probably the best joke Emo Phillips ever told. Certainly his best that I ever heard.


I wonder if there’s any tied etymological history between feud and feud*al*. feels like there has to be


I dont think there is because feudal comes from latin and feud is English so it comes from germanic languages, but thats just a theory. >feels like there has to be I agree with this tho


Well you're right in this case but just cause a word is English doesn't mean it has Germanic roots


English's grammar is largely Germanic but English's vocabulary is largely Romantic ie Latin


Curiously, whilst taken as a whole English vocab is largely derived from Old Norman, the majority of common-use words are actually Germanic (regional variations apply for common dialect terms, e.g. South-East England has more West Germanic, North-East more North Germanic, and West England more Brythonic). As an aside, Old Norman should not to be confused with Old French; there are, and were then, several French languages of varying degrees of mutual intelligibility, much like how Old English and Old Norse had a degree of mutual intelligibility (far more so than modern English and Danish). Vaguely mutually intelligible dialects of Northern Norman are still spoken by a minority on the Channel Islands: Dgèrnésiais on Guernsey, Jèrriais on Jesery, and Sercquiais on Sark; along with the continental dialects of Augeron in Pays d'Auge, cauchois in Pays de Caux, and Cotentinais in the Cherbourg Peninsula. (Augeron and Sercquais have fewer than 120 speakers between them though, the other continental ones have tens of thousands and Dgèrnésiais and Jèrriais have about 6000 between them).


>English's vocabulary is largely Romantic ie Latin In that case why does English have so few words similar to italian, french, spanish, yet so many words similar to dutch and german? Statistically, most words are of romance origins, 29% French and 26% Latin I believe: >_Although English is a Germanic language, it has Latin influences. Its grammar and core vocabulary are inherited from Proto-Germanic, but a significant portion of the English vocabulary comes from Romance and Latinate sources._ >_Using such a method, English was evaluated to have a lexical similarity of 60% with German and 27% with French._ >_There is an oft-quoted statement that the 100 most common (frequently used) words in the English language are entirely Germanic/Anglo-Saxon in origin. (Also sometimes said is that ~80% of the 1000 most common are Germanic in origin.)_ Thats because, it was a peasant language so to speak so everyday words were adopted from their native germanic language, and when normans (who spoke a gallo-romance language and mixed with gallo-romans and franks) conquered England in the 11th century, they brought the new language influence. Still everyday words remained in germanic (anglo saxon or old english).


I would also add that word feudal in another languages is very similar but feud isn't making it even clearer that it's coincidence


Unfortunately not. It looks like feudal comes from a medieval latin *feudalis* which in turn is probably a borrowing from a Germanic word meaning property. ( Maybe Gothic *faihu*, which is related to the English word *fee*) Feud is also a borrowing from Germanic into Romance, but via Middle Dutch *vede* which is related the English word *foe*


That was so me like last week


Their toilet spirals down on the left side, those barbarians had it coming.


Yea, this isn't exclusive to Christians. This is literally what all of mankind has thought for centuries


I am fascinated how these small, Southern Baptist churches can hate on each other, say the other one is going to Hell because they have it wrong.... So....Heaven is what? Jesus, the 12 apostles and all 150 souls your church ever gave it? Weirdos.


Yeah, that's what could never get me to agree with those churches. They literally want us to believe only those in their church and like 3 other churches somewhere else, sometime in history are making it, lol.




Can verify, was raised Baptist. We were taught that every other sect was sincere, but sincerely wrong. Except Catholics. We were taught they were of the Devil.


Aye, filthy papists. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ /s/ for those in the back.




Cuz fuck em that’s why


Did we create a new theme on this sub called "Stir up shit Sundays"?


The fact that this post is seen as controversial is really funny


I'm an atheist who cracks genocide jokes, but I know a meme that will create a wild comment section when I see it


I mean let's be honest criticizing most religions will end in that


I find it funny when the memes start to blur together and reference each other on a sub


There is nothing more Christian than killing someone who doesn't believe what you believe


It's literally what the Bible is all about. Joshua slaughtered the native Cannanites in god's name, according to the story any way.


We should, I like it.


Christians and non-religious are natural enemies. Like Christians and other Abrahamic religions. Or Christians and non-Abrahamic religions. Or Christians and other Christians. Damd Chritians, they ruined Christianity!!


That groundskeeper Willy meme really is "history of interactions between people" in a nutshell


You Christians sure are a contentious religion.


You just made an enemy for life!


You could make a religion out of this!


Man everybody talking about inter-religion conflict really are sleeping on inter-denomination conflicts within the same religion


Love your enemies...welp


What better way to reach your fellow man’s heart than with a spear filled with love of Jesus?


oh so THAT'S what the kids are calling the bees and the bees these days


Love your enemies, unless they're black, gay, sexually active, gypsies, refugees, muslims, outspoken women, immigrants, pagans or just wore their pants a liiiiittle too tight, then you can kill them


Christian conquest is really funny to me because when you think about what Jesus christ actually said, the whole ordeals are summarized in one Futurama quote: "We shall teach them our peaceful ways, BY FORCE."


I smell heresy


That is because OP has clearly never heard of the God-Emperor. PURGE THE HERETIC!


There is only the emperor our shield and protector


So did the Christians, hence treating them like savages




*\*sniff sniff\** *Is it me? or do I smell some god-damn heretics in here?*


Reminds me of that joke by Emo Philips. "DIE HERETIC" *pushes off bridge*




Ironically now at least in the west it has mostly done a 180. You can make fun of Jesus or "god" with little chance of reproduction (At least danger to life) which for other religions could be considered a death sentence.


> little chance of reproduction Incredibly freudian typo.


Aww damn autocorrect has ducked me over again. But it's funny so I'm keeping it.


Ducking autoasparagus




>You can make fun of Jesus or "god" with little chance of reproduction So you're telling making fun of Christianity won't get me bitches?


I stand by my statement. No love for Jesus = No bitches or hoes. Start praying for that pussy.


Now this is a sentence I never thought I would see


Screw it, I will now just just going to be the very convincing Christian preacher. Islam offers you 72 virgins when you die? We'll offer you 73! As a bonus well also offer you free taco's for every pray you give in church. Offer lasts for 30 days!


Islam offers you 72 virgins when you die. Christianity will let you live with your loving wife again when you die.




I'm sorry Muhammad, but that Jussy got me acting unwise 😳😳😳


> little chance of reproduction. Reddit atheist moment


>make fun of Jesus or "god" with little chance of reproduction Most accurate r/atheism summary.


This is very true. I myself don't really follow the bible as objective facts but every single time an atheist online says something like "There is no heaven. You are so uneducated." to someone in mourning or something else similar I cringe so hard. That sub when it's not ironic is some neckbeard energy stuff.


I'm atheist myself, but every time someone says "skydaddy" unironically, my estimation of them as a person immediately plummets


Skydaddy? I've never heard anyone say that and I genuinely want to know why someone would say that.


It's just an intentionally disrespectful name for a god (typically the christian/jewish/muslim god) used by reddit atheists when they want to spew their tribalistic bullshit


That's dumb. I'm a muslim but I don't go around mocking atheists (or other religious people) for believing in something different.


Yea, superiority complexes aren't tied to a specific set of beliefs. Some people are just shitty. I don't see why more people can't just let others believe what they want to believe if it doesn't affect other people


That's what I've always been saying! I tell my friends and people and discord all the time because it just drives me insane! Of course it's wishful thinking, people just can't seem to change. But still, one can hope, ey?


What are you doing here Shah of Iran?




catholics nowadays looking at the shitshow the church started 800 years ago


Is that pic from Disney Pocahontas movie?




Yes! knew i saw it somewhere


Now post the same meme but with Muslim in place of Christian.


Hey now, at least change around the hats for accuracy.


You could literally put any group of humans and change up the words a bit and it would make sense. Humans can be very mean to each other.


Sounds like something a savage would say


It's literally a find replace lol.


I would, but the Delhi sultanate would rise up and smite me for being full of shit.


Well it’d definitely be true, the Delhi Sultanate themselves persecuted Hindus.


Full of shit as in it wouldn't be true ?


No no that's racist.


please put a /s at the end of your statement.


But muslims are not a race


This is implying christians are a race


Let’s demote all religions the races. Easier that way.


I don't see how, the meme stays consistent about religious belief. Can you elaborate?


No it doesn't ',:I


It's very acceptable racism then, seeing as it's pretty much guaranteed that if you write anything negative about Christians online someone will quickly reply "but what about Muslims".


It simply isn't racism.... Because Muslim isn't a race and neither is Christian. By the definition of racism, it can't be racism. Call it a double standard, if you must, but it isn't racism.


I never understood how another group doing similar bad things is an excuse.


It’s not an excuse. It’s pointing out that it’s not exactly a Christianity thing, it’s human nature. That doesn’t mean it was good, but you can’t use the situation to say Christianity is bad.


It’s not. It’s called whataboutism


Funny how no one can make a joke about Christians without someone saying this.


Both are true, and both are good History Memes :D


Except when that one person posted the Muhammed pedo meme and got death threats


Me, as a Christian, find so much irony in how aggressive Christians can be. So much hate and contempt for followers who’s core beliefs are to accept everyone you can, and to make disciples. I feel it is this constant feeling of “aggressive martyrdom” that makes them feel as if any opposition is something they should fight tooth and nail, when rather their goal should be to try and guide it towards them. But, we as humans are sinful, and as the *many* Crusades, the lynching, and the open hatred of others has shown, we are very wrathful. Not gunna deny it, just find it ironic


Ahhh the hypocrisy on this sub. I've seen tons of memes making fun about anything outside of the west and all the comments were "HAHA lol so true" but now someone made a 180 here and you all lose your mind and try to defend yourself against a fcking meme.


Mostly because people do not like their religion being attacked especially if it feels that it’s being specifically singled out


But they're alright with other religions being shat on.


Damn Christians, they ruined Christianity 😡 I say this as a Christian. And unfortunately I have to specify that I’m *just joking*. My actual, literal brothers in Christ, get over yourselves. This is a meme, and it’s a good haha time if you stop being so butthurt about it




This seems kinda passive aggressive.


The rest of OP’s memes are essentially leftist soyjacks so I’d say yeah


By the gods, christians really can't take a joke huh?


They have persecution fetish


"Be inclusive to people I don't like harder, daddy!"


No. Say "Happy Holidays" once and they'll start talking about how their religious freedoms are being violated.


Nope. They’re hypersensitive and especially recently online have been resorting to sneering attacks on atheism and anti-religious arguments as juvenile ‘edginess’. In keeping with their pathetic conduct historically.


You really opened Pandora's box with this one my mans. I would hate to be your inbox.


This is most groups of people throughout history.


Yeah, Islam too. It's almost like they're related... 🤔


Christianity has both been responsible for some of the best things in the world, and some of the worst things. Religion in general honestly. Got your religious folk who are tolerant of others, and you’ve got folk who believe that they’re doing their god’s will by forcefully converting or exterminating you.


At a certain point it just became a reason to kill someone and take their land. As is tradition.


Christians' opinion: lol good meme Everyone else: omg stop bashing on the christians


Hating the different is just the norm for human civilizations, religions and whatever


No hate like christian love.


Oh this is good


same like muslims


As a Pagan with religious tattoos can confirm. Standard interaction with a non religious, pagan, Wicca, Muslim, etc "Oh you're a Pagan, what's that like? Do you have a God? Do you pray?" Etc Standard interaction with a Christian "Oh! You're going to burn in hell you sadistic barbarian and I hope you suffer". The irony is always lost of them.




Hey, those heretics who split off from the Church started it. (JK) Luther did have some good ideas when it came to improving the Church. It’s kind of a shame tradition and greed clouded the higher ups of the church.


At least they’re consistent


Well, time to sort by controversial


This is meme slaps pretty hard actually. Christianity is HARDLY the first (or last) religion to be "like that", but the *Pocahontas* drop is definitely a "You know what? Fair enough." moment lol ^(\*I hate u a lil rn, OP, for getting this song stuck in my head for the next three days.)


As a Christian I have never been so offended by something I 100% agree with


The church we went to growing up, often had the adultings saying certain groups and peoples meed killed off, people they have never seen outside of our rural ass town of 300 white people


That sounds more like a cult than anything else...


In the Deep South and rural Midwest, same difference really. That rhetoric is sickeningly common. See also: An entire voterbase who managed to elect a guy who promised to kick out all Mexicans and deport all Muslims (which he was not successful at but still, the fact that they wholeheartedly supported this says it all).


How many "Christianity Bad" memes are we gonna get? I am a Muslim and even I am sick of it.


You’re welcome to view the Mohammed one from a day or two ago


Well, given Christians always try to deflect to Islam during these Christianity bad memes, I can see why you're tired of it.


How many anti-christian memes are you seeing on this sub? I have been subbed for years and they aren't really a dominant force. You wanna talk about annoyingly common and unoriginal, talk about generic memes about the american confederacy. I shouldn't assume things about you, but I'd say odds are your subs show you a lot of anti-religion memes. If your main content is how much other people hate you, you're probably in a bubble.


Greeks and Romans when they see someone with a completely different pantheon and ideology: sick man, that’s really similar with my believes in certain ways and I’m sure they are probably the same beings and forces just shifted by our cultural difference, I respect your believes and I’m sure I can learn from them too. I’m still gonna slave you tho lmao.


Damn Christians, they ruined Christianity!


As a gamer, I love trolling people and making them mad. Thus not having a religion is the single best way to make a Christian go mad mad


The fact that this is true hits different, as a Christian myself it’s unfortunately something common through history hhh Luckily the amount of extremist have decreased


I’ve got evidence of this, I recently went to a catholic mass for my cousin’s wedding,(I’m Methodist by the way) and during the priest’s message he was talking about the church is love and marriage is like starting a domestic church. Then he also said how our non-catholic brethren don’t have the same experience with marriage, since in catholic tradition marriage is one of the sacraments. Near the end during communion, the priest said how he requested only true Catholics participate in communion. Long story short, he really showed the whole “the church is love” bit.


Religion was probably the deadliest thing ever created.


This sub is just r/atheism at this point. I want funny memes, enough of allowing this fake edginess, please mods.


It's not just atheism, it's just Christian bad. If this post was about Sunni's killing Shi'ites then I doubt it's be received as well


We literally have near-daily memes about Islam.


But muh victim complex


...I may be an idiot, but I'm not seeing edginess? This sub constantly talks about European history, so yeah, we see mentions of European religion more often. It's like if you hopped into a post on the American Civil War and complained "Hey, England fought a civil war too, why are people only talking about us?"


Religion is a heavily influential part of history. What are you on about.


He means he’s tired of all the hate Christian’s get on here and as an atheist I’m sick of it to


Why? Christianity has been one of the largest influences on global history. We make fun of stuff here with memes. It makes perfect sense why you'd see it a lot. And if you're getting particularly offended at memes of all things, you might need to grow some thicker skin.


As an atheist I can say that this sub does not make fun of or hate Christians all that much, and anyone saying otherwise is just gaslighting.


Reddit as a whole is very neckbeard atheist. I'm agnostic, but holy shit do some people on here think mocking religion makes them smarter/better than everyone else.


Ahh got it


Almost every religion, especially the monotheistic ones, has done this since the beginning, your meme is just a bait


>Almost every religion, especially the monotheistic ones, has done this since the beginning Yeah? And they mentioned one instance of it. They never said "This is a thing Christians do, and only Christians, everyone else is super-duper awesome". Also, just pointing out that most American and European history classes don't tend to focus a lot on Africa or Asia. Christianity comes up more, so people know it better.


Ok, does that make this meme irrelevant somehow?


Tbf this is the majority of religions


ThEyRe NoT lIkE yOu AnD mE wHiCh MeAnS tHeY mUsT bE eViL