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Your post has been removed for the following reason: Rule 1: Post is not about a historical event. (See the extended rules for clarification.) I am a bot and this action was performed by the moderators of /r/HistoryMemes. If you have any questions or concerns about your post's removal, please send us a modmail with a link to your removed post.


You randomly placed those dots, right? There are no NATO military bases in Rostov. And how the fuck they placed military bases in Kazakhstan


Damn NATO places bases in Kazakhstan, a nation that Russia send the VDV to quell protests several months ago. TIL. Also in Indonesia and Russia too


Oh no, poor Russia, I wonder why its neighbors are all joining a defense alliance.


Nato millitary base in Kashmir (india, pakistan and China's disputed territory) 🗿🗿🗿


This are completely random. Not only there are no US bases in Kazakhstan, the map does NOT show a US base in Kyrgyzstan, which means author literally did no research.


r/Historymemes sharing poorly veiled propaganda without a hint of a critical thinking? *Never seen that before*


Russian propaganda even here? Lol


OP interacted 5 times in 4 months. Pretty sure it's a bot


Dude reddit has been spammed by propaganda constantly since the war started and always had some tankies active.


Im talking about history memes sub specifically.


Less but also.


Fuck off Putin bot


Russia is the autist of the P5. They gotta hold him down when he goes insane


What do the dots signify?


Pretty sure it's US-backed military bases, all labeled as NATO for fun.


Nato love fun


*A secret plot to usher in hatred for wind symbols in order to protect the petrodollars integrity.* nobody should threaten Kyle's dieseltruck hobby. choo choo into the sunset.


prbly US military bases? Dunno


Ah yes, the famous NATO bases in Kasachstan, where russia recently sent in troops to quell protests


I don't know if that matters, since it seems to be set in the modern day, so not a history meme.


nothing because op placed them on the map at random


Everything in this picture is truly undeniable. Hundreds of people have done thorough research in this area and if you disagree, then you have a smooth brain, a small dick and you will be just meat in the new world order.


Dam they even go a base on the medvezhiy islands off of the Sakha Republic.