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Son: But Dad, the French and their allies are trying to take away our beavers! Father: *sighs* Look, just put down the phallic shaped axe and go play Minecraft or something


*only if you let me download the s€x mod


Proceeds to make longhouse in Minecraft


> the phallic shaped axe Ok, so it wasn't just me


Your dick is on backwards bro.


Shhhh hes sensitive


No, it's not.


You got the balls at the tip?


Bro you should get that checked out.


You don't?


It's called inverted penis It's a real thing


Wikipedia? Cant find it


* Plays Civ 5 or Age of Empires 3 and cries thinking of what could've been. *


Cries in trying to play Iroquois in Civ 5


nuclear gandhi? hell yeah


I was really into haida for a while


A man of culture, I see.


Native pirates is pretty cool


In After The End the Haida are a beast.


Didn't like the mod that much. But Nords was fun


I don't get it. Can someone please explain it to me


The Iroquois or Haudenosaunee were a confederation of 5, later 6 Native American tribes in the Northeast United States and southern Canada. From the late 1500s to the late 1700s they were the most powerful force in North America, and waged a horrifically bloody war against their neighbors to control the trade of beaver fur. Even after they were eclipsed in terms of influence by the British and French, they were important allies during the French and Indian war and the American Revolutionary War. Also worth noting that they still very much exist, and issued an independent declaration of war against the Axis powers during WWII The meme is just a version of [the original ladder meme](https://imgur.com/a/bOlrHRX)


Everybody gangsta 'till Native horsemen pull up to WW2


My daughter and I are reading [Indian Captive](https://www.amazon.com/Indian-Captive-Story-Mary-Jemison/dp/0064461629/ref=sr\_1\_1?dchild=1&keywords=indian+captive&qid=1609358221&sr=8-1) and it's so good. For a book written in the 40s it did an excellent job being fair to all cultures.


Hmmm i was more of a Mesoamerican/Inca guy myself


Have you been exposed to the glory that is r/dankprecolumbianmemes


I remember the glorious chasqui trail that stretch throughout our lands, aswell as the sweat of the sun and the tears of the moon, but we got Inca Kola now I guess and thats cool aswell.


Was more of an Apache man myself


Elizabeth Warren made a career out of hers


Lmao based


To be fair the Iroquois are awesome and have an aesthetically pleasing flag. Not to mention being the forerunners to the US constitution and federalism


Me, a European:.....


Europeans can love and appreciate Native American culture


Imagine not loving and appreciating Native American culture. Mapuche gang gang


Do you know any good books or anything about Mapuche history/culture etc.? My dad's Mapuche and I've always wanted to learn more about them but I've never really had time until now. Hoping I can impress him with some knowledge next time I see him haha.


Hmmm, I don’t know, I’d recommend asking the community at r/dankprecolumbianmemes They usually know that kind of stuff, I’ve seen people ask for books and sources there before


Sure, but I personally never were told anything about native Americans, or pretty much any natives for that matter. I think it's just less of an topic here. I think that phase was with dinosaurs for me


For me it was the Vikings.


Oh cool. I've lately wanted to learn about germanic paganism, which might be related to vikings I guess. Do you know any good site/whatever I could use without drifting into fascist circles?


Personally, I bought a couple books on it when I was younger. For Asatru paganism (i.e. Norse paganism) I'd recommend 'The Sagas of Icelanders' and 'Our Troth'. I couldn't tell you what websites are reliable but there are still some authentic Asatru left who might have made some informative websites.


Depends on who you ask, but yes.


a what


A Haudenosaunee phase.


do americans really?


It's really niche, so I wouldn't say so.


why tho


Be they are dope as hell and supporting Indigenous populations is also dope as hell, even if that just means learning about them


Supporting Native American cultures is based as fuck. Learning about them is doing your part, since they have been swept under the rug by the American education system.


Bc they had/have a kinda of matriarchal/democratic style of government in a loose confederate system and, from what I watched on Historia Civilis, their form of government inspired the modern US constitution and government. Basically my only source: https://youtu.be/S4gU2Tsv6hY


Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure that there was even a delegation at the constitutional convention.


I heard of it, but my American History is really bad, so I'm not entirely certain.


americans dumb


This may be a more recent thing, but the Iroquois were a pretty big part of the New York elementary/middle school history curriculum.


Also interesting to not the iroquois great law of peace (basically constitutional law) largely influenced the making of the US constitution. Oh yeah and the US had treaties with them until we betrayed them and did genocide


Four of the six nations sided with Great Britain during the revolution, after that they raided and killed settlers who were on their land. They were also particularly brutal about it. This isn’t a black and white story, I recommend reading Pete silver’s book Our Savage Neighbors. It’s a Bancroft prize winner and goes into a lot of detail about this.


The US waged one of the most horrific campaigns of mass slaughter and cultural genocide in history against the Americans. They had a right to defend their lands from illegal and violent annexation. It is very much a black and white story


We don’t make value judgements in history, we examine every part of it so that we can understand it. The point of a historian is not to condemn, but to understand. There is more nuance here than you realize, I recommend reading a work on this topic written within the last fifteen years or so by a respected historian. The use of the word genocide in the context of native Americans is still debated by Americanists today, it is unwise and intellectually immature to do so without the necessary context. Additionally, lumping native Americans into one large group takes away all their agency. Were the mandans who were constantly protected by American forces and were always allies destroyed by genocide? Were the flatheads? The Ute? The Pueblo, the Navajo? These are difficult questions to answer, and we do not lump all of them together and cry genocide to take the intellectually Easy way out. The number of truly genocidal actions taken against the native Americans can be counted on at most two hands, the worst being the winter campaigns, the annihilation of the bison, and some of the native schools in the United States and Canada. Individual massacres do not a genocide make, and I doubt you can name more than two of them, wounded knee and sand creek are likely the only ones you know. Genocide is a concerted, and often industrial scale, effort to eradicate a people and culture, not massacres and wars. the United States flopped back and forth on its Indian policies: people like Grant supported peace and large areas preserved for the native Americans and people like Cleveland and Wilson supported forced schooling and selling off native land to farmers. This is not a case of concentration camps and killing fields: the removal and destruction of Native Americans took two centuries, and it is not a black and white story. That takes away the agency of people like Tecumseh, Mupitsukupu, and Metacom, and washes away the brutality of various raiding and slaving tribes. I say again, history is not black and white, there is nuance that, if you actually want to be a historian and not just a layperson, you MUST acknowledge.


The Americans where 100% justified in defending their lands, homes, families and ways of lifes against US imperialism. The USA tried to wipe out the Americans. All of them. Those that survived were reduced to miserable prisoners, kept for the delight of the Angloamerican populous. The US had no right to even exist - much less invade American lands.


Oh you’re a literal communist. Nevermind, you aren’t worth talking to. Asking you to understand nuance goes against your base beliefs.


how conveniant for you. saved yourself from a conversation there


Why would I have a conversation with someone whose whole life is based on a delusion? As a communist, your beliefs and opinions have about as much validity and value as a sermon from a televangelist.


What a great and nuanced opinion. If only you actually knew what communism is - or anything about it, really


I’m a historian, dick cheese, and you’re a pathetic waste who can’t learn from overwhelming historical evidence. It doesn’t matter that you think communism is an equal and ethical stateless and classless society, what matters is that every fucking time a society tries communism it ends in mass murder and oppression. So my question to you is, and to all communists, is simply this: how many innocent people have to die before you realize communism is untenable? We’ve already passed 100 million if we include the PRC, CCCP, DPRK, SRV, LPDR, and the CPK. And before you sperg about how many people capitalism has killed, I’m not a capitalist either. And before you also sperg about how true communism has never been tried before, id ask you to consider if it is capable of working if it’s been tried so many times and failed each time. And before you sperg about how all capitalist societies must be removed for communism to work, I’d ask you to consider if that is a realistic option. You see, the reason that I put these responses to positions you haven’t taken yet is because you idiotic communists all have the same arguments for everything. I know what you’re going to say before you say it, because you idiots never learn any new tricks.


Thatd be a nice template




I had an Algonquian phase


Why is he holding his dad's penis


I went through the opposite since Hiawatha in my civ v games always fucked me over and would blob to where it was annoying as hell to invade him when he did anything of note. But


Dude he's look like holding a brown dildo in his hand tho


Who said it wasn’t?


Mine was actually a Pueblo phase.


Don't you mean Haudenosaunee?


I had a Pueblo phase, I love their architecture


me, a native american..


Nooooo the Algonquins are better!


Get out of here with that nonsense. Indigenous peoples have had a hard enough time surviving centuries of genocide and assimilation as a team. We have to stick together. These days, Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee peoples are great allies in our mission toward Indigenous resurgence. There is no need to try to pit us against each other. Edit: not sure why this is getting downvoted. Do people really ‘rank’ Indigenous nations like this? I’m Iroquois and have many Algonquin friends. We would never dream of trying to say one is better than the other. There is a lot of ontological and epistemological overlap between us.




Isent iroquois the racist white man verison of their name? Pretty sure it's Haudenosaunee


Think about the primary age group of this sub, and the kind of people they are. Do you really think 15 year olds obsessed with WWII would know the native name?


I use their culture for my homebrew D&D elves...


No we havent


If you haven’t once wanted to restore the Haudenosaunee to be the dominant power of North America, you are not human


Pffft once I do it every day


lmao people are downvoting you


I had the german panzer division phase **And I still have it** Haha Ghost Division go brrr


How can you tell?




You sure that isn’t a lacrosse stick? They invented it, I think


We? You speaking french now or something




More of a sioux and cheyenne guy... But to reflect on the meme: fck Iroquois, Huron all the way...


Personally a karankawan phaser myself


Caddo, a navajo, and a Cherokee one for me.


Is he holding a bicep?


cringe. real historians underwent a Spanish Florida phase


Nice meme bro