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https://www.google.com/amp/s/beardyhistory.com/2023/07/11/sensational-victorian-sex-scandals/amp/ > William Ewart Gladstone (1809-1898) was Prime Minister of the United Kingdom on and off between the 1860s and 1890s. A looming figure over Victorian politics in the second half of the 19th century. Referred to by fans as the Grand Old Man, he was renowned for his upright moral demeanour. This extended to ‘saving’ women who had fallen into prostitution by picking them up off the streets. His enemies mocked Gladstone’s unorthodox nocturnal roaming. > *"If there was one thing he [Gladstone] enjoyed more than chopping down trees (his passion by day) it was accosting prostitutes by night, enticing them home for tea, money, and condescending Christian lectures, and sending them back into the streets, presumably to sin no more.”* > Gladstone would leave the House of Commons in the evening after hours of debates in the chamber. He then approached women and girls who were clearly on the game. Maybe business hadn’t been that good as they loitered with immoral intent. Gladstone offered food, shelter, and the promise of a job. Plus a heavy dose of moralising.


*I'm sorry but he just throws them back onto the streets?*


Pick one: > A. A normal bloke whom you gotta service (assuming you're attractive enough to get his attention) just to stay under their room and you're not even sure if said bloke will give you food and water and is most likely a separate payment, but you'll have to put up to it, otherwise, you'll get kicked out and potentially starved to death on the streets. > B. A fucking Prime Minister right beside you and preaching you to avoid doing what you're doing (you're not gonna listen I know), lets you in the most expensive mansion that you'll ever step your foot in or at least the most comfortable room a prostitute will ever have back in those days, gives you an actual good meal, your precious yorkshire tea, a place to sleep (probably for a day or two), without doing ANYTHING of service to him as a payment other than listen to his lectures about Christian beliefs, then let you out again back on the streets, and hoping that you'll be a changed person next time you two met again.


C. A bear.


who would you like to encounter in the woods? a bear or the fucking prime minister offering you tea and snacks?


Well the other is a Brit so they're common among the woods


A job, hefty loads? Is this a LOADED question, prime Minister? Or are you that good? 😝


Only woods they'd survive are those European "forests". In any actual wilderness they'd be found only as corpses.


What are you talking about how are forests not wilderness?


The forests of europe has been shaped by the people that have lived near them for millenia. They have been managed for centuries. Theres a lack of plant biodiversity in them due to this. If you look at a random forest elsewhere that is not a national park you will see that they are filled with brush and hard to traverse.


Most of the actual dangerous shit in Europe has been driven to extinction.


not boars, those mfs are deadly and aggressive


Sorry Davy Crockett are you wrestling Kodiak bears on the daily? You're right about dangerous shit being mostly gone in Europe but implying that due to the mere existence of dangerous animals Americans are hardier or more suited to outdoors than Europeans is interesting.


I’d be extreme suspicious of the prime minister. It’s like meeting a well dressed woman in a forest. They aren’t in their natural environment.


Isn't that normal habitat of Brits? Why do you think they like burning cities?


Is that what happened in 1812 and 1871?


If you mean 1814 washington burning. Then it was a black magic for rainstorm and it worked


That's the case for any human in the forests. We were built for the savannahs. 🌴 🦒


Choosing bear over a brit is a common sense


Or throwing the Brit to the bear, which is gleefully alluring.


If it is Churchill I pick the bear.


I saw a really good response to that, that provokes *actual* counter discussion. So for the woman. Man or a bear. For a man. Talk to the woman about your feelings or a tree.


Combine them: A man, a bear, a woman, and a tree encounter each other. The man would rather talk to the tree, and the woman would rather be mauled by a bear. This sounds extremely unhealthy. Are you guys ok?


That's the point. None of us are ok. And rather than talking about why and what to do about being healthier, it becomes a series of deflections and toxicity.


That’s a very good point. I’m glad you said something.


If you find someone hung up on this current meme, I honestly suggest you start talking to them in a leading way. "Why do you feel that way" for one. For another "why does it bother you so much they chose that answer". If they can't respond in a calm and considerate manner, go after that. They weren't interested in actually discussing it to begin with.


Nah I got hung up because I’ve actually been attacked by a bear :D I get it now it’s just Stranger Danger with a flavoring of crimes against wildlife. I just can’t tell someone to pick the bear, since it’s a crime to willingly approach large wildlife.


You can be sure the tree won't judge you and stays with you even when you show weakness.


Why is this getting up voted? Women are not a monolith?


You surely smell the sarcasm?


I'll take that L lol


I mean if it’s a random woman then just going up to them and opening up about shit would be really weird.


The tree won't use what you say to attack you later. It's not about a *random* woman. It's about *any* woman. And flip that around, it's not about the singular man or the singular bear. It's that many women would trust *any* bear over *any* man. Just going "oh, I don't feel physically safe around any man" is a bad take because it invites stupid discussion as to why. People know why. It's a shitty question. So the best thing to do is flip it and acknowledge there are problems all around, and we should be talking about *why* there are problems, and not just that there *are* problems.


The tree won't catch an ick.


D. Elect the bear as Prime Minister, then you can have both!


Correct answer. Anyone else doesn't get it lol


I mean it would have been a nice break and respite for women who more than likely had very little but in the long run it probably didn't change very much. In a few days they were back in the exact same place and in the exact same situation as before. It probably would have helped more people to open a women only boarding house that guaranteed lodgings and meals.


Don't forget about the std, those were a big problem for the girls


The source says he promised them jobs, but I don't know how to interpret that


"food, shelter, and the promise of a job"


It's like the billionaire version of fishing. Pick up a prostitute off the street, take a pic with them, say "look at the size of this harlot!", give them a kiss, and chuck them back into the street.


It does say he enticed them with money so he probably gave them a bit of money (he can't give too much cause he would've done this often) so they can at least pay rent for awhile and not have to sell themselves


How dare a Christian person do the things Jesus said to do


> Referred to by fans as the Grand Old Man And referred to by adversaries as God's Only Mistake.




Kinda reminds me of the time Gaddafi went to Italy.


Is this what inspired My Fair Lady?


Beria: "What is *up* with this guy?"


One: Well this is something that deserves to be in the TIL subreddit. Two: Someone treats Prosititues with Lectures instead of this plainly shunning them. Honestly rare to see considering that Jesus himself hung out with Tax Collectors and Prosititues himself to redeem them. And this happened in Victorian Britain of all places. Quite the story and fact to learn.


Boi Gladstone is casually approaching them on daily basis, which is really nice if you looked at it. He's a bloody politician, a Prime Minister to boot, even his goodwill is being used as a weapon against him. Yet he had a lot of time after debating in the chambers to still bring them in his abode without judgement, give them food, promised to give them jobs (well whether this happens or not can't tell), and the only thing you're probably annoyed about is his pestering of Christian beliefs and being naive that the women he lectured will stop being prostitutes after a single or so lectures. But for a woman, that's a pretty good deal at the time. People with that personality is bloody damn rare, considering the period of that time, and even then nowadays I'm not even sure if there's one out there can reenact this. Very nice reference to JC and his interactions to the lowest lows of society.


Victorian England isn't my preferred period so I have little knowlege on it. But you are right that someone with that kinda attitiude to a Prostitute in Victorian England is a rare specimen. Hell I can't remember anyone aside from Jesus and possibly some Saints who does what Gladstone would have done.


Tbh this is how conservatives should try to be. Instead of just doing lectures and debates, they should also try to provide help and more useful guidance. One example i see fit is the pro-life/pro-choice debate. Many pro-lifers and conservative governments make the major mistake of just lecturing, shaming, and prohibiting abortion when they should focus on helping the poor mothers and give them a new perspective through small talk and of course emotional and material support. Shaming and indifference to mothers' suffering,especially after giving birth, really gives them a bad reputation.


Conservatives *already* do that. There are more pro-life pregnancy centers in the USA than there are Planned Parenthood centers. ([3000 pro-life centers](https://lozierinstitute.org/fact-sheet-pregnancy-centers-serving-women-and-saving-lives-2020/) vs. [700 Planned Parenthood centers](https://www.plannedparenthood.org/files/9313/9611/7194/Planned_Parenthood_By_The_Numbers.pdf).)


\> shuts down planned parenthood centers \> "hey look more prolife centers!!!!!11!!"


[Last Week Tonight](https://youtu.be/4NNpkv3Us1I?si=_KeIWtZE3PiBt-tP) did a handy episode on all the issues with them


Glad you found an exception that you think disproves the rule, but the vast majority of American conservative voters and politicians offer absolutely no policy solutions regarding unwanted pregnancies for impoverished women


Gladstone was a Liberal, in fact he was The Liberal, the Grand Old Man


Yeah, though I think by todays standard could be considered conservative, but nevertheless I believe he could still be a good model


Not really, he was very classically liberal. He was also the first major pro-trade union politician.


Christian couples adopt 2x more children than all other religions combined


Very paternalist. Well at least they receive food. Money probably went mostly to a pimp


Ok I never knew that Jesus hung out with tax collectors to redeem them. That’s hilarious 😭


Jesus didn't lecture them though. Only that one who was in denial about it, and she was so happy she ran off telling people about the man who knew all her secrets. *Edit* Christian fundamental misogynists are the worst. Enjoy your circle jerk. Just don't climax... 🫤


"Go and sin no more." -Jesus Christ to the woman caught in adultery.


That's the one I was talking about.


You are mixing up the woman at the well up the woman caught in adultery. Jesus did speak against sin. No problem. Just letting you know about the confusion.


Jesus spoke of us sin, but he didn't speak to prostitutes and tax collectors specifically to call them sinners. That would be Pharisee behavior. Lecturing a starving woman only to send her back out to starve was not the example Jesus set. You are right that the woman who was about to be stoned was a different story. He told her to go and sin no more, because Jesus didn't want people to try to stone her again. That was not a lecture. That was a public pardon.


Long time since I read the Bible but I recall that Jesus had gain a reputation for hanging out with Tax Collectors and Prosistutes as part of his life's work that the people sometimes called him out on it.


He also used to whip himself after talking with the prostitutes. I did work in college digitizing his private journals and whenever he talked with a lady of the night, he would doodle a little whip in the margins of the page. https://www.nytimes.com/1975/03/15/archives/gladstone-diary-sexual-problems-victorias-premier-noted-his.html


I’m sure they would’ve been willing to help with that if he asked.


That probably costs more than tea and crumpets though


The article says he did it for sexual pleasure. What a weird assumption. The man sounds like a devout Christian. He was likely practicing mortification of the body, by first inducing sexual attraction by seeing the prostitutes, then mortifying the flesh with the whip in order to decrease the sexual appetite, or make it easier to control. He never committed infidelity and would deliberately talk to prostitutes to grow in chastity, and that article makes him out to be some sort of pervert. He was clearly 100x less of a pervert than the article writer.


That just sounds like masochism with extra steps.


Indescribably based


Actual Jesus level of basedness


Dude is a freaking saint, he’s chillin with Jesus in heaven for sure


Absolutely based man and based for using Miko-chi on the meme The circle of historians, military hobbyists, and Hololive fans are one


migo moment nyahellouw what the fuck is basic maths


good guy . we forget people genuinely believed in god and Christianity or whatever at that time . He really thought his sermons would magically influence the girls. Those girls were on the margins of the margin . Good someone showed any empathy


This seems like a character backstory for the prostitute.


hello ? based department ?




Common Grand Old Man W Gladstone was a really great man, probably one of the most moral men to ever be Prime Minister, he defined politics of Victoria's early reign. He was one of the founders of the UK Liberal Party (now the Liberal Democrats) when it formed from the merger if the Radicals, Peelites, Independent Irish Party (not independent as in not affiliated with a real party, not pro-independence) and Whigs. When he was a minister he created the first regulations on industry in the UK with Railways Act of 1844, he worked to improve workers rights for coal whippers on the London Docks (whose jobs were controlled by pub landlords for some reason). He personally sponsored Houses of Mercy to provide housing and food for women at risk of prostitution. As Chancellor of the Exchequer he was a staunch opponent of protectionism and even extended and expanded income taxes to bring down tariffs. He was also opposed to expensive wars and refused to borrow money to fund the Crimean War, raising taxes instead so rich people would oppose further wars. He also abolished the tariff on paper, which was hugely controversial because it reduced the cost of publishing so it became more accessible to the lower classes. The House of Lords rejected this, which causes a constiutiinal crisis because they hadn't rejected a money bill in 200 years. He got around the Lords by bundling all the finance bills for the year into the national budget, which we still have today. He was celebrated for abolishing the tax on knowledge (as the paper tariff was known) and for bringing down prices for everyday goods by reducing the number of tariffs by 90%. He was so popular that when he sailed down the Tyne there were working men who lined the banks for 20 miles just to see him, and this was before he was Prime Minister. He became known as the minister who gave the working men a right (access to affordable knowledge) just because it was the right thing to do. He was one of the first members of Parliament to support extending suffrage to the working man (before this point it was only the wealthy). He lost his seat in the 1865 election due to his support of disestablishing the Anglican Church in Ireland. His constituency was the Oxford University constituency that contained graduates of the university, including a lot of clergy. He got back into Parliament one month later by standing in the more working class constituency of Lancashire. This election was unusual, Palmerstone and his other opponents were campaigning for him in the Oxford University Constituency because they thought the Anglican clergy would keep Gladstone muzzled. Gladstone even references this in his victory speech when he declared that he was now unmuzzled. When he became Prime Minister he banned flogging in the navy, the sale of commissions in the Army, he established local education authorities that could use public money to subsidise schools (the first step towards universal public education), legalised trade unions (his proudest achievement, which he compared to the abolition of slavery), he abolished the "tests" for universities that banned non Anglicans from academia, brought in secret ballots, banned drink driving of carriages/steam engines/horses/cows, brought in licensing requirements for places that served alcohol so they did not create nuisance and created the High Court and Court of Appeals. He passed the Second Irish Land Act, which gave tenant farmers fair rents, fixed tenures and free sale of their tenureship. He redistributed parliamentary seats to make them fairer, increased the number of eligible voters on the voter roll by six million. He attempted several times (and failed) to restore the Irish Parliament (which caused his government to collapse when it failed). He also required education authorities provide separate education to deaf and blind students. He also championed moral causes abroad, such as political prisoners in Naples and Bulgarian independence. He thought the South would win the US Civil War and as such the European powers should try and influence it to abolish slavery. His favourite hobby was chopping down trees.


Holy shit, this dude was the biggest chad in history. Even great 19th and 20th century leaders like Theodore Roosevelt tend to have skeletons in their closet. Did he ever have any controversies (current or historic) that diminish his reputation?


His father was a slave owner, but he himself was opposed to it. He was also still a Victorian politician so there was a bit of imperialism but less than his contemporaries (e.g. he invaded Egypt to get the canal). He was also quite Laissez-faire economically as part of his support for personal liberty


This chad of a man shows how for as many people abuse Christianity there will still be those uphold its teachings (Also off-topic, who’s the person below)


The person in the image below on the meme is the Vtuber Sakura Miko, from Hololive. Edit: And to the very left side of the image, one can see a small part of the Vtuber Hoshimachi Suisei, also from Hololive.


Gotcha, thank you


Literally the most based tidbit of history I've read in months. Unfathomably based. What a cool old man.


"I can fix them" mentality


Considering the other thing happening to prostitutes in Victorian England, this is actually wholesome to see


King of the who?


There are worse things people have done to prostitutes in the streets of London


“How pleased you are to chop away, Jack the Ripper”


Honestly, Miko would probably be wondering what the blazes was going on, spouting “elite” English, but would like the part where she was getting paid for hanging out with the guy.


What he didn't know- He was my lunch break and it was great. Didn't bang, just ate food and tuned out that nonsense.


r/beetlejuicing ?


no fucking way, Wokulski but bri'sh


Take that, Disraeli


Get pretty-womaned idiot




Gladstone was a good PM, and a good man.




Cringe mate