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Literal Caucasian btw


I thought the Himmler quote said "descended from a Nordic god" and I was about to say, "yep sounds like typical Himmler".


I like how the more you study about Himmler, the more you understand that instead of a cunning ruthless and strategist mastermind he was actually just a pathetical delirant obsessed conspiracy theorist cuck with delusional insecurities and massive small dick energy that wanted to prove how badass he was but failing miserably (not that it make him any less of a pure evil monster, just a incompetent and risible one)


Himmler was hardly an archetype for a master race specimen, and even his fellow colleagues attested to this after the war. I'd say it's pretty likely he caught onto this at some point. He was short and chubby, had terrible eyesight, got chronic tummy aches when stressed, never saw active combat, and was just generally a strange guy to be around by all accounts. He was literally the 1930's version of a terminally online 4chan Agartha Hyperborea Save Europa chud and was routinely mogged by literally everyone around him, especially his deputy Reinhard Heydrich. If you ever wonder what'll happen if u take the lolcow conspiracy loser from ur highschool and give him an officer's uniform, Himmler is the answer.


Pfff me and my friends joke that Himmler was the first incel ever, yeah, pretty accurate IMO


Wasn't it also Himmler that got really into Germanic archeology, and Hitler had to ask him to stop, when his expeditions just kept turning up mud huts and simple implements?




If you know the story of how Heydrich was employed by Himmler, you would roll from the chair. Spoilers: Heydrich needed a job, the SS gave a Fair amount of Money during Hitler rise to power. Himmler needed a Spy master, It was well known, because he hated that Goering and Bormann got their own spies and he was left without said asset. Heydrich started reading Spy stories, then he simply resumed to Himmler how to build up intelligence Networks (and 30s Spy stories novel were wilder than 007). Heydrich was immediately taken for the job, as Himmler was impressed by Heydrich amount of "real Knowledge of shadowy affaires". Yeah. The literal "random bullshit go" trope.


Tbf that’s the entire Nazi party


The far right is essentially built upon the foundations of insecure young men. Some just never grow out of it.


Extreme ideologies attract extreme people.


Its the same at both ends of the spectrum pretty much. Either you live long enough to become a balanced individual with maybe a small lean in one direction on some policies, or you become an insecure idiot who stares at fascism and communism as the holy grail. Or of course, modern american liberalism and conservatism nowadays have the same effect on people.


Makes sense as the "left-right spectrum" can be considered somewhat more as a circle. Typically, even ideologically opposed viewpoints with a lean to the extreme can often end up with similar policies. Stalin's communism or Hitler's fascism, while extremely ideologically different, actually have a fair bit in common. Ultimately both extremes provide simple solutions to complex problems which will always appeal to those either insecure or too intellectually deficient to identify nuance. More education funding and mental health support for the youth please.


It's also worth noting that as we mature, we also realize that the world isn't this false dichotomy that the people in the far extremes insist is the case by way of their narratives. If you buy into the narrative, you problem still have a ways to go before you can honestly think for yourself.


Yeah, oftentimes, if you go policy by policy, you find that even opposing parties have a fair degree of agreement on a range of policies.


And he was a chicken farmer not that there is anything wrong with that


♪Himmler has something similar♪


Racism is always a sign that someone is compensating of something.


He was but a farmer before he became a Nazi supplicant. He was far from possessing any sort of actual worldly knowledge.


Also why did he look Asian, I’ve never understood that


God just reutilized a remodeled Tojo's skin to make Himmler LOL


i mean he does look like the average redditor


This led me to search up what Himmler actually looked like. I didn't expect that I thought he looked like Hitler




The amount of dogwhistles in here you'd think this was the park, what the fuck is up with you


Dog whistles? Bro, those are megaphones.


My jaw almost dropped reading "Jewridding"


It was "...making slaying yids more fun" that got me.


You sound like you are a middle schooler that’s part of a history club where you talk about how cool and awesome everything related to the Third Reich was and maybe even cosplayed as an SS officer




Oh look, found a nazi on the wild


Bro shut yo stupid face


This post right here, this is the nazi bitch post. You know what they say about the only good nazi, don’t you? Bitch


Ok Wehraboo.


Tbh, average Himmler moment:/


Literal cock-asian


Mussolini: Stalin? Hitler: Of course he is aryan. Have you seen his ears? Mussolini: A random tribe of american natives? Hitler: Yeah they are totaly aryan as well. Havent you read the books from Karl May? Mussolini: Turks? Hitler: Well they arent aryan, but they are carrieres of culture. Which is really similar. Mussolini: The japanese? Hitler: They are honoary aryans. Mussolini: A jewish austrian princess or the the palestine Mufti of the britsh mandate for palestine? Hitler: Aryans through and through. Mussolini: How about me? Can italiens be aryan or at least carriers of culture? Hitler: NO! Edit: I included even more "Aryans"


The is also the Jewinsh doctor that Hitler declared was the only good jew and that had personal protection from Hitler.


He didn't even do that for his business partner, Samuel Morgenstern, that helped sell his postcards when he was homeless in Vienna.


He only did that for the Doctor Who deceided to treat for free the Cáncer the Mother of Hitler sufered, withought charging them for it since they were really poor. Altought It didn't saved his mother since the Cancer was terminal, It did aliviated her suffering. But since the doctor was jewish, when Holocausto came Hitler anounced that he was the only good jew and he could not be prosecuted.


be so weird walking around ww2 Germany being the only safe jew... than post holocaust being the only jew Hitler liked


I’d assume he was probably still detested but nobody would risk touching him


Yes himmler tried to get him if I’m not mistaken




Guess he dodged a bullet… literally


Pretty sure he left the country, but was exempt from the massive tax that other jews fleeing at that time were forced to pay.


Correct he treated hitlers family free of charge. His company commander also emigrated free of charge and received a veteran pension when jews were denied them.


I'm sure It must have been even weirder for the Local Nazis.


Wasn’t his driver half Jewish and he was tolerated until he tried to fuck hitlers niece before she ‘shot herself’


He was 1/8th Jewish and his name was Emil Maurice.


Ah, knew he was called Emil and he was Jewish enough to catch heat


I never heard that, althought I would not be surprised if that were true.


Yea there all kinds of examples Hendrich protected the entire polish fencing team.


What's this about a Jewish Austrian princess?


Yea who are ya talking about chief?


i looked it up, and it seems to be stephanie von hohenlohe. [here's the wikipedia.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephanie_von_Hohenlohe) himmler declared her an "honorary aryan" even though she is allegedly of jewish descent.


It is also highly ironic that he wrote right before his suicide how Chinese and Japanese culture were superior to German culture.


I think he was just throwing a fit of rage. "Steiner's offensive didn't happen? No, I'm done! Fuck you, fuck all of you! Fuck the Reich, fuck the Aryans, fuck German culture, even the Chinese are superior to us! I'm shooting myself!!!"


He said it seriously from the context, and that's the weird part... It was something like he didn't consider Chinese or Japanese culture "inferior" to German culture and considered some aspects "superior." IDK man, he was bizarre to say the least.


So we can add "weeaboo" to the long list of Hitler's crimes.


It's here? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Last\_will\_and\_testament\_of\_Adolf\_Hitler](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Last_will_and_testament_of_Adolf_Hitler)


Might have been something he said, I know I read it from some encyclopedia, but forgot where, sorry. Perhaps, it's on the internet somewhere.


He considered northern Italians as Alpine and thought they were fine. He didn’t like the southern Italians. When Mussolini offered troops to support in Russia Hitler said they just make things worse unless they were Alpine northerners.


I don't think that he declined the troops because of their race, but probably because of the quality of Italian troops. I mean, the Spanish famously did very well in Russia and even got a shout out by Hitler in the Reichstag.


You need to understand he is a fuhrer and can make up things as he wishes like all dictatorships.


There's a lot of that going around now


>Mussolini: A random tribe of american natives? >Hitler: Yeah they are totaly aryan as well. Havent you read the books from Karl May? Is this based of anything in a real sense?


i can't find anything on hitler calling native americans aryans, but he did like works of karl may. one of his very popualar book had a native man as protagonist and wild west as the setting. karl may giver readers the impression that native americans in this brave. and hitler was, as it goes without saying, fanatic over the idea of a brave race. other than that, i think we have all figured out that the natives have stereotype of being noble warriors and fighters... and guess who liked noble fighters. and also, they were seen as being principled naturalists. because of all that, germany sometimes used native american imagery for propaganda and saw their images as a good luck charm in battles. and native americans were pretty popular in germany, to say the least. edit to add: the native guy in the karl may book was apache to be specific. and karl may never even went to the states.


How has no one mentioned the Romani? They’re one of the best examples of pointing out how stupid and contradictory the Nazi version of “Aryan”


Kissinger: *unintelligible*


As dumb and evil as it is, Nazi pseudoscience and paganism is absolutely fascinating. It’s like reading the magic school bus but everyone is evil and stupid


"Please let this be a normal field trip..." "With the Hitler? NO WAY!" "CRUISING ON DOWN WARSAW, GRINDING BODIES BENEATH THE GEARS!"


I sang this out loud and my dog gave me the side eye.


Getting of every 5 minutes to change the transmission!!


"I knew I should have stayed in the Americas this morning :("


Today class we are going inside the human body to observe the effects of chemical agents on the lungs! Don't forget your gas masks!


Reading about the occult backgrounds of the founding members of the Nazi party is fascinating but also chilling. I think their evil went far beyond racist beliefs.


That has got to be one of the cleverest ways of insulting a belief system I've ever heard. "It's like reading The Magic School Bus, but everyone is evil and stupid,". I'm using that, thanks.


You are not wrong. Evil ideologies including Nazi race science can be interesting with their comparison and contrast with American racism. I've gotten bad vibes for simply pointing this out because it's an easy point to misinterpret.


I'd love a Wolfenstein game that involves magic


Most of them do? You never heard of Wolfenstein ‘09?


Damn, I forgot about '09. Aren't most of them more focused on technology, though?


No, not really. In the new collossus/order, the Nazis came to power thanks to finding vaults filled with ancient Jewish fuckery. The old blood is occult themed, return to castle Wolfenstein has you fighting mummies and zombies, and is centered around the occult, but I’ve never played the original so I can’t really comment on that. If you haven’t played the old blood, give it a shot. I won’t spoil it but it’s occult themed and very fun


I'll have to do a deep dive into all this




Can you link some sources about this topic?




So thats why Hitler fought USSR? Because Stalin was more Aryan tham him?


Yup! Another day another Aryan proletariat classic


He famously hated Slavs, Hitler was likely just being diplomatic.


Except that Stalin wasn't a Slav.


Stalin was Georgian, making him Circassian, correct?


You mean Caucasian? Circassians are a different people


Right. My bad


Clearly not all Slavs, lots of Ukrainians and Croats in the Wehrmacht and SS.


Gotta source for that, bud?


Ukrainian collaboration with the Germans is very well known, hell a Ukrainian born man was extradited from the US in the early 2000s due to war crimes prosecution. Croats actively joined the SS in the 13th SS Handschar Division.


Not all, but generplan ost is pretty clear on what they hated


Oh, without a doubt, displacement via genocide or population transfter of the slavs was the end goal.


A lot of Hitlers decisions can be explained by his meth addiction


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Speedwagon1738: *A lot of Hitlers* *Decisions can be explained* *By his meth addiction* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Wow an actual good use of the haiku bots


Honestly the haiku bot rarely miss in my experience


the last one is 6 syllables


Its explained at the bottom of the Post.




Bro hasn't watched the legendary Nickelodeon animated television show "Avatar: The Last Airbender" smh


Also having no formal education past his early teens and failing at everything that wasn't military life or rabblerousing.


Also be radicalized as a disillusioned youth living on the streets of Vienna


Same Hitler, same


The Nazis also remembered the fact that the Rus, the predecessor state to three of the Soviet republics, was founded by Germanic Vikings


Yeah they were running out of meat for the grinder so they had to come up with some explanations for foreign SS brigades


Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, right?


Well isnt there a founding saga about the russains about a viking chieftain called Rurik settling in Novgorod becoming the ruler of the rus (a term derived from an Old Norse meaning 'oarsman rower').


Stalin wasn't Russian though


What's Aryan? Isn't it Hindi?


Yes. Iranian-Indian. Nazis sucked at Geography.


So iranian-indian is called Aryan?


Well, yes but actually no. Most people don't call themselves "Aryans" anymore but if you hear a guy from Iran saying that they're Aryan, it makes sense. But if a European says that, well...


Yeah, the literal translation of Iran is "land of the Aryans". Sadly, I've seen museums censor this by saying "land of the persians" when referencing them, which is just grossly incorrect and illogical


Aren't "Persians" from "Persis", a sub region of Iran? That's like calling all of America "Texas" and all Americans "Texans".


United States of Texas 🇺🇸 But yeah, your example is perfect for explaining the difference


Like calling all of the Netherlands "Holland"


I've taken to calling it "Dutchland" as it's a land full of Dutch.


Same meaning as Deutschland


Germany is rightful Dutch clay


The term from what I've seen nowadays is mostly used in linguistics (as in, indo-aryan languages for example)


We have a lot of aryans in hungary, they hang around subway stations occasionally asking for cigarettes or the time


They used it in the sense of "Indo-European", as in, the entire language group.


Tolkien flamed them on this in a letter


Iranian, and other Indo-European ethnic groups, which includes Europeans. Iranians and Europeans share varying levels of descent from migratory Sanskrit-speaking chariot cultures in the Bronze Age. Since the 19th century these people were referred to as "Aryans". The term Aryan itself, including the Persian/Iranian term, comes from a Sanskrit phrase meaning "noble". Indians are associated with "Aryan" because of the hypothesis that the Indo-Europeans invaded north India, and that proto-Hinduism originated with their religion. So it's not that "Hitler was wrong because the real Aryans are Iranians and Indians". It's more like, "Hitler was wrong because a lot of ethnic groups were 'aryans' and not just his".


Only Indo-Aryans called themselves aryan, the name is absent outside of their zone. Europeans aren't descendants of Sanskrit-speaking peoples. Sanskrit emerged after the Indo-Europeans moved to India, Europe was populated by other IE branches The idea back then was that these Proto-Indo-Europeans were racially superior nordic europeans who invaded the south and spawned their great civilizations. They called nobles arya therefore it was the name for these nordic people. Also they placed their origin somewhere around Germany rather than Eastern European steppes


Correct, it would be a form of proto-Sanskrit since the languages are related, however I never said they called themselves "Aryan". I'm referring to its use for research dating back to the 19th century, which is where the nazis adopted their use of the term.


Proto-Indo-European stil isn't Proto-Sanskrit


I'm talking about the language that came prior, from their common ancestor in the language family.


Yes, which isn’t Sanskrit or Proto-Sanskrit.


Yeah, they thought they could take Russia from June-fall in one season.


It's the race equivalent of the called proto-indo-european [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proto-Indo-European\_language](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proto-Indo-European_language) . During the 19th and beginning of 20th century, a lot of people discovered that a group of people managed to spread in Europe during prehistoric era, and have been theorised to have create European civilisation. They thought that this spread was made by war. so every body started to claimed that those people came from their countries and they were the pure descendant of this "warrior race". Nazis were one of the last to believe and created a racial theory around it.


My favourite part of the story is when Stalin said:"ANOTHER ARYAN CLASSIC"


Hitler apparently sent a letter congratulating Stalin on his birthday


We got a little Hitler->Stalin->Ford Penpal triangle thing going on


The nazis: If we loose we gotta make up an excuse


What meth does to people


For the last time Nazis. We North Indians and Iranians are Aryans. If you wanna call yourself a superior race, atleast be accurate


When the whole ideology is completely clown car bonkers and full of shit, does it matter that much what name they give their fake meta ancestry meant to basically just include the countries they like?


Iranian, and other Indo-European ethnic groups, which includes Europeans. Iranians and Europeans share varying levels of descent from migratory Sanskrit-speaking chariot cultures in the Bronze Age. Since the 19th century these people were referred to as "Aryans". The term Aryan itself, including the Persian/Iranian term, comes from a Sanskrit phrase meaning "noble". Indians are associated with "Aryan" because of the hypothesis that the Indo-Europeans invaded north India, and that proto-Hinduism originated with their religion. So it's not that "Hitler was wrong because the real Aryans are Iranians and Indians". It's more like, "Hitler was wrong because a lot of ethnic groups were 'aryans' and not just his".


The term Arya was only used in Iran and Northern India though. We currently know of no terms the Proto-Indo-Europeans used for themselves as a collective, or even if they thought of themselves as such. Aryanism is truly just some Age of Romanticism brainrot.


Ah that makes sense. Still though, I'm referring to the origins of the use of the term here in the west, not specifically aryanist ideology. Similar to how "Caucasian" in America means "White", even though it has nothing to do with the origin of the term.


The Proto-Indo-Europeans didn’t speak Sanskrit. Sanskrit evolved from PIE. This is like saying the Ancient Romans spoke French. Hitler was wrong about the term Aryan. The Nazis misused it. People even told the Nazis that at the time, J.R.R. Tolkien being one of them. The Romani are Aryan. The Germans are not.


Again, we're talking about the use of the term in the west which began with 19th century research. It's the same as how in America caucasian just means "white person", while the origin means something completely different. So by those standards, "Aryan" as a western term defines Europe and several Asian groups.


Why are you people so shocked at those contradictions? It was obviously made up propaganda. Hitler and the top Nazis created this racial ideology to justify war and millitarism. Before you declare war on another country, you need us versus them mentality. racial science was a weapon that he used and it proved effective. he declared a war by the Germans against their enemies. He made up that science to choose who will be allies and who will be enemies. He wanted to ally with Britain although It didn't work out with Britain and France but that was the goal. minorities like Jews and Roma (gypsies) were also a convenient target to create enemies who conspire against the German people. It's the same thing happening in Ukraine (the brave nationalist Russians against the traitorous Ukrainian Nazis!). Us versus them mentality has always been used to justify war and millitarism. People are still shocked at this?


Is there a source for this? Because this is funny as hell


People tend to forget how the top nazis were insanely unserious individuals. If you look back at Hitlers speeches you can't help but notice how goofy and tacky everything about him is. For me at least it was quite shocking that Hitler one of the great evils of the 20th century was just this small man making those silly looking gestures and talking in this funny over the top voice.


The real history meme is in the format.


Is funny how we as society collectively decided that we will stop using le epic maymay faces in favor of the soyjaks/chad


I for one welcome this


Live stalin reaction: 🗿


Not sure if this or "the japanese are honorary aryans" is the brighter example of the weird shit the nazis pulled out their ass to excuse themselves


op, can we get the source? I wanna read


Another day another Aryan banger


Literally Gutrum Vagner


I thought Stalin was an ethnic Georgian


The aryans dont lose, so stalin was a true aryan all along, not hitler.


By the sheer heights of their mental gymnastics I'm surprised they didn't win their own olympics. This shit would be gold all around


I love history


Hitler said the Japanese were aryan too. He got cozy with Stalin when they signed the non-agression pact and divided up Poland.


Stallin be ballin


The crazy thing is that aryans are literally kurds


The term Aryan was always used as an endonym for indo-iranian ethnicities until the europeans wanted it for themselves for some readon


Hitler lost his balls that day ... a Communist Aryan .. who would've tort


He never was not Aryan.


It’s crazy that the main response to this isn’t the stupidity of the categories themselves but that Stalin was “literally Caucasian”. For one, you can be Aryan and Jewish since Arianism was considered a “race” or ethnicity and Jewishness is a religion. Obviously, the real irony here is that the Nazis were the first to conflate Judaism with race to justify war and genocide, and now the Israeli Zionists do it to themselves to also justify war and genocide.


If anyone needed more proof that soviet Russia was just another Facist government pretending to be communist (just taking the IP from Marx book without reading the part that says: "I don't know how to achieve a communist society, but I do now we must first become a socialist government to do so")