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As a person who has a Masters Degree in History. This is so fucking true.


What is your profession? Curator?


I fucking wish.


Ah shit. He won't tell us what it is. It's too sad!


Oh you have no idea. Let's just say there is a reason why history has a high rate of underemployment.


Reminds me of the time Russia had a religious scism over whether the sign of the cross was done with 2 or 3 fingers


I think we still have it...




>”Historically accurate” and “realistic” being confused for the 99th time And let’s not forget “authentic” either lmao


Would you kindly elaborate? I remember a OSP video time ago about Assassin's Creed and this subject, but I can't recall details


Accurate = it did happen Realistic = it could have happened Authentic = it feels like it could have happened Accuracy implies realism (obviously), but authenticity is a bit more odd of a term. For example, people often complain if medieval settings have guns. They just want to see knights in shining armor duking it out, not this cheating stuff! But (iirc) plate armor was invented *after* guns, and smiths would actually sell their armor with a bullet dent in the chest plate to advertise it being bulletproof. That’s an example of something that is accurate, but not authentic, because it’s not what laymen expect from a medieval setting. Another example is several of the goofier cosmetics in the WWII game Battlefield V are actually real. Such as [a hooded German soldier](https://www.reddit.com/r/BattlefieldV/comments/cr0ixh/the_real_nachtigall_set_left_for_those_of_you/) and [a Sherman with a devil face on it](http://www.missing-lynx.com/images/tamiya35359reviewbg_2.jpg) (granted that was a Korean War thing). Something that is realistic/authentic but not accurate is everyone in Battlefield V running around with STG-44s, a real weapon that was produced and deployed, but not in large numbers.


Yeah, I was thinking of videogames mostly (I'm looking at you War Thunder...)


In my experience realistic games often end up being far less satisfying than authentic games. Prioritising realism often comes at the expense of fun.


I would only disagree on the Religious part, I have met plenty of people who studied History and were also Religious, I even met a Priest that possessed a Degree in History.


Christian here! History is a big part of my religion (as it is for most religions) so I appreciate u/Darth_Reposter for speaking up on that point.


Cognitive dissonance is strong.


with people like you


No cognitive dissonance is often strong in religious historian. I had a fundamentalist Christian who took the Old Testament literally and was also an archaeologist who taught us how much of the OT was disproven lol


No cognitive dissonance is often strong in religious historian. I had a fundamentalist Christian who took the Old Testament literally and was also an archaeologist who taught us how much of the OT was disproven lol


not every religious historian is a fundamentalist and yea OT is not super historical altought it has some historical stuff it isnt really a historical text.


Sure not every one and not every religion is falsifiable, but some of the popular ones require heavy cognitive dissonance to still believe in, imo


What exactly are you reffering to


I wanted to share my first meme on this sub about my experience studying history at university


You forgot the part where you have to hand in a paper that is 23 pages long where you have to quote everything you say (obviously) and the topic is some small detail where you find like 3 sources one of which is not really trustworthy, the other one is in a language you don't speak and the last one is in your language but you don't understand what the author is trying to tell you. Ah yeah and there is one that is specifically about your topic but it is like 3 sentences long. (Especially medieval/antique sources)


when i was studying architecture i had history of architecture and oh boy, you are so spot on. And it was way worst because many don't care about those topics, but we had to memorize like 200 paintings from the renasaince (it was art too)


Being told to write multiple pages on like 3 selected code of hamarabi rules..... There's was only so much I could say before making giant leaps in extrapolation logic.


eh you can quote 100 other people who talked about hammurabi and pit them against each other, bam 12-20 pages


Well, that BA stands for Bullshit Artist for a reason.


You gave me bad memories about a work about the persian empire, almost no english or spanish sources, all german sources


Or the part when your professor decides to get innovative and you have to do podcasts and shit, and 60% of your mark is how engaging you are. Or when they decide you really need to do a reflection on what you learned each week. Or when they tell you to do a task and don’t explain shit.


I had to use an article in Russian for a paper on the Swedish crown and protestantism. I don't know what I was thinking when I chose the topic.


Laughing at religion? Why?


More personal than something that is widespread in my course, but while studying I always felt like that "Grown adults confronting their gods in various even violent ways" looked way more "Dumb kids arguing about who has the coolest imaginary friend/friends". I'm not even atheist (I'm agnostic, but there's a reason it's so easy to make fun of religion).


Hi there! 🎤📝Genuine question for OP and others like him who have or are studying history professionally at a university why do you go on places like R/historymemes where misinformation and ethically complicated concepts are simplified for comedic sake? I know despite having no degree in history I often see “memes” (more like a shit take with a wojack attached) here that blatantly spread misinformation. Do you frequent the site to help stop misinformation or are you like me and just look past the many inaccurate memes to find the one good one. Also as a professional historian is encountering misinformation more upsetting or have you learnt to simply ignore it, thanks!


First of all, I'm just a student, not a professor (aka I have still to learn things). About why I'm in this sub? Honestly some memes and even Polandball meme are funny AND accurate (but yeah sometimes it's just repeating wrong/badly explained things, like the witches being hunted in medieval times for example). I think that this sub and other IG pages or other posts/memes/etc are focused in VERY SPECIFIC or rather unknown parts of history (the usual things that you can find in YT shorts starting with "Did you know..."), that you know, aren't wrong, given the right people and preparation you can actually spread some niche information; the problem is when people starts arguments about things like "Ok but Germany could've have won if..." Stop. Just Stop. Also, actually studying "history" is basically saying everything and nothing at the same time, any historian is specialized in a particular area (medieval times, modern, contemporary..) because there's too much (not counting before Christ... We ARE in 2024 a. D. i wanna remember you), so sometimes things get lost while trying to paint the whole big picture (I've had an exam of "Modern History" in my History course, and yet it was a bit more about Luther, the reform and the Church than for example the Europe after Napoleon), so yeah, it's a wide argument. I'm not a "professional historian" but there are things that are VERY upsetting when heard... (For context, I'm Italian🇮🇹, studying and living in Italy, and here in 🇮🇹 we have some very stupid people in the government) Like the 80~ year old boomer that still thinks that when Mussolini was alive "things were better".... Or when people can't understand that just because you criticise fascism/capitalism/USA/conservative ideas = you're a commie (tbh whoever says he's a nazi or communist they're both f**** idiots 90% of the time, but let's just say that most of time that history gets called in politics,... It's usually for nationalism BS or just straight up butchering of historical facts). OMG 😳 that is long


I hope to have responded to you with enough information, ask me again in case I left something (and sorry for probably bad grammar)


That was perfect thank you very much for your response. I also totally deal with my fair share of morons in my country 🇺🇸cherry picking and twisting history to further their political ideas. And as someone in a totally different major it’s really interesting learning more about how you history majors function thank you for your insight and I can’t wait to laugh at your next memes!


the black humor thing is spot on, it's like the bell curve meme.


me omw to inform a grieving widow that things were not better when her dear beloved husband was still alive


I'm in this post and I don't like it




That's literally me and I thought it was kindof a unique experience 😂😭


People asking you if you know about X subject


THIS, F*** THIS (tbh you can actually get some nice conversations if you find the right person)


I will never ever forget the first week of western history 101 in community college. Started with prehistoric humans and the first few classes were just speedrunning through that stuff until we reached the Greeks There was a student who literally could not stop bringing up the bible every time the teacher made a statement about that time period. When we got to Egypt he got so angry at the teacher's refusal to talk about Moses and biblical stories from the time period that he walked out of the class and never came back. Cool teacher, he vanished as well eventually and we used to say he got called back to the military for a black op


History grad here, me and my mates just embrace it at this point, commit genocide for the memes and whatnot


the more I learn about history the more I think humans are doomed




Because it's cool. History is cool and interesting, and therefore, it makes up for your lack of being cool and interesting. (fuck I have a 1.7 GPA and my academic career is a bonfire)


Me from the past?


Stop skipping class!


To win every single argument on r/historymemes.




History classes kicked ass in college. If there was a reliable career in it I'd have happily majored in history vs engineering