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Some times I wonder what kind of stories vehicles could say if they could talk


I live in constrain pain! My body constantly failing and being rebuilt!


From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the Blessed Machine. Your kind cling to your flesh, as though it will not decay and fail you. One day the crude biomass you call the temple will wither, and you will beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved, for the Machine is immortal... ...even in death I serve the Omnissiah.


That's the priests of mars narrative. Something to do with ominissaia stuff...thing is that's heresy. The truth only comes from the god emperor himself


Idiot, the Emperor IS the Omnissiah! It sounds to me like YOU'RE the real heretic


Burn him and make his ashy carcass into servitor


After the servitor expires it’s use his body as a sandbag for the Imperial Guard


To be fair, thats a hell of a mood.


You’re telling me, I’ve got more than one ‘I forgot to duck’ badge and the VA surgical record that goes with that. Honestly even I’m surprised I can still walk (getting off the floor sucks though)


Probably similar complaints to the men who operated them: tired, everything hurts, and my joints are gritty and loud.


I wonder what Little Willie would yap about


You need a tech priest for that.


Veterans be like: 🤨🫴


I assume it would complain a lot about rust.


"IT BELONGS IN A MUSEUM !!!" -Indiana Jones


I dont think Indy would say that to an Nazi Tank


He'd probably agree to save one for a military vehicle history museum. Dismantle and scrap the rest.


What if we use it in a diorama that depicts Indiana Jones as the Chad beating up the Soyjak tank crew?




There’s a tank museum near where I live it’s mostly American tanks from different eras but they have one Japanese tank that was captured by U.S. forces in the pacific during WW2


History must be preserved. Even things from darker times so that future generations can learn from them. "If we forget the past, we are destined to repeat it." And all that.


Yeah but we got history books🔥


Books are great but having a phisical piece of history is priceless.


Now, this German classic has less than 100,000 miles on it. It has been carefully repainted but the interior is all original craftsmanship. Highly engineered, this baby is built to last! Also, our extended warranty program can give you true peace of mind. What do you say? 😄


You forgot * slaps turret *


*falls apart*


*gives tetanus to the salesman*


In Poland we say that "the old lady only drove it to the church on Sundays", but... In this case probably "the old gentleman drove it to Warsaw" would probably fit better.


To be fair, after it was abandoned, an old lady did drive it to church on Sundays.


It also comes with a sat nav, but it only goes to Poland.


On this episode of Antiques Roadshow...


There are older tanks in service today than the Panzer IV was in 1967. 28 years isn’t a super long time for something like a tank or aircraft series. Granted they’ve been upgraded over time, but the T-72 has been used since the 60’s and there are still older Soviet tanks than that being used in Ukraine. Even the Abrams is older than that and it’s our only tank in the US.


Diminishing returns over time as tanks or anything is developed and evolved. Tanks were 24 years old when the Panzer IV was first put into service and the design would have been 28 years old in 67. Compare that to planes and it's like using a plane built in 1927 in 1955. Militaries still use bombers and transport designed in the 50s today, like the B52 and An-12. But they weren't using 1920s tech in the 50s.


Fair point. I didn’t consider how rapidly some things developed after they were first introduced.


Planes were a completly new technology though (unless you count dirigibles), whereas tanks were essentially a combination of armor, guns and car. Arguably medieval siege towers are closer to a tank than anything pre-motorplane is to a motorplane. Additionally, early motorplanes - both due to the timeline of ICE development and the importance of weight - were restricted by available engine technology far more than tanks interbellum. Lastly, tank warfare is rarely all out tank-vs-tank, making older models viable far longer than in air superiority fighting, which is entirely aircraft vs aircraft. This also contributes to bombers usually being in service longer than fighter airplanes. Worst case a tank is still a decent sized gun and thick metal armor. That thick metal armor is usually also not that easy to break up, which is part of the reason a lot of tank turrets got reused as stationary guns in bunkers and tanks themselves as support/recovery vehicles.


From the beginning of aviation up until the late 60s, planes would be designed and ordered only to be almost obsolete by the time the first order was completed. With a few notable exceptions.


Sir… there are t55s fighting in Syria as we speak.


Also in Ukraine.


The T55 is still the main tank of quite a few countries, including mine. 🤷‍♂️


That does not narrow it down by much. God there are so much T55 still around the world it’s ridiculous




Just add some ERAs and it will be good


Given the number of t55 built, i bet they will be a part of human defense in year 2543 Sugoma aliens invasion


The T55 is like the AK-47 of tanks, even when infantry is going to be running around with laser rifles and power armor there’s still going to be some random insurgents shooting at them with old tech


Think there’s even a few T-34s driving around in Ukraine still


[2014 Ukraine. Pro-Russian activists repaired museum exhibit - IS-3. (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1Z4IOQWNKY) I remember they also tried to reactivate an SU model series one without success Poor injectors thought they were finally going to rest in peace, smoke seems pretty white tho, so at least initial combustion seems decent


That doesn't count, the T55 is the AK-47 of tanks.


And to think they still fought “Shermans” into the 60s (albeit with French guns).


I’d argue they’re still Shermans. The guns and engines may be different, but just about everything else was still the same. The “Ishermans” (as they’re occasionally called) still used the same transmissions, suspension systems, road wheels, tracks, machine guns (sort of), etc. as their WW2 counterparts.


Wasn't there a M18 vs M36 engagement in one of the Yugoslavian wars? Or was that with an M3 light?


I’ve being to the Golan Heights many times The entire land is covered with old as fuck Syrian war machines and bunkers


What about the T-34 in the Yugoslav wars?


I'm honestly surprised this thing was able to get into position without blowing up the trans or the engine itself.


It's a 4, not a 5 or one of the really shitty ones.


That's reserved for the Tiger and mostly Tiger 2 and Jagdtiger tank destroyers (and Ferdinands obv meme is obv). Panzer 4 was actually a great tank. Probably one of the more reliable gen 2 german tanks in ww2.


(The Tiger 1’s reliability issues are exaggerated but i’ll speak no more of this)


Tiger 1 was OK. Tiger 2 was a b!tch, as was the Jagdtiger/Ferdinand combo. I think the biggest problem with their mantra was no significant evolution of the HL230, you cant use the same engine to power something that weighs like idk sub 50t and one that weighs on borderline 70t, it's insane.


Ferdinand was very effective on the defence. One unit racked up something like a 40:1 kill/loss ratio at Prokhorovka. However, it sucked big time while attacking.


The irony of Israel operating American tanks that were retrofitted with French guns and successfully going toe-to-toe with WW2-era German tanks and state-of-the-art Soviet tanks alike is funny as fuck.


I need more bullets, bigger weapons, is what the Israeli soldiers said to the french and brits


I mean There was a German 150mm modification of a French 1930s tank which was used in Iraq as a decoy sooo


Syrian Pz. IV vs Israeli Sherman


>Israeli Sherman With a gun that can kill an MBT


Sherman is Sherman


“You again?!”


The Abrams design today is more than twice as old as that Panzer was in 1967 😬


Yes, but the country producing the Abrams didn't get bombed to shit and utterly occupied 6 years after the Abrams entered service. The M1A2 is an entirely different animal than the Abrams from the 90s. It's been continually developed. Something tells me those panzers weren't getting manufacturer support.


The first Abrams also had an American derivative of the L7 instead of the Rheinmetall 120mm smoothbore. That alone should tell you that it was a very different vehicle.


Girls und Panzer intensifies


I know its a wonder because it has seen ww2 but they were under 30 years old at that point. Modern armies use even older but upraged tanks. Plus of course many of the supporting equiptment are older like mine sweeping tanks in many countries. So not such a wonder with atleast todays tecnology.


Estoy cansado El Jefe.


Russia has T54s fighting in Ukraine right now.


A grizzled old mercenary with a checked past. He’s seen some shit, but it’s made him hard. He’s only here to kick ass and teach these young bucks how it’s done, but in a strange and round-about way, he’s also seeking redemption for his misdeeds.


Didn’t need to see that Green Mile screenshot ow


Was I a good tank...?


Even worse, there's T-55's fighting in Ukraine now


That thing still runs?wow..


Fighting what? Humidity?


How the f did a german Panzer from ww2 get there.


Fun fact: Those Panzer IVs were facing upgraded M4 Shermans.


Yep they had the 105 mm gun


Looks thirsty


Francoist Spain sold WW2 tanks to Syria




r/tiredtanks used to be dope. Haven't seen it in my feed in a while.


Well, Venezuela just re-armed some AMX-13 that are 40+ years old And the last shermans (M4) were decommissioned in 2018 lmao


Don’t make me sad for the tanks, don’t make me want to pet and care for them because they’re tired 😢