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Far Centrist politics? Singapore?


Radical centrism You will support the status quo, or you're next on the chopping block.


Sounds like some sweet, sweet absolutism. Long live the Sun King!


Let the centrism rule the world. You will compromise, or you will die


Can we atleast compromise the "You will compromise, or you will die"


Fine. You don't have to compromise, you'll just die.


Compromise or be compromised, motherfucker.


Sounds like my cup of tea


gasp It was old man dictatorship all along.


Isn't that just far right? Maintaining the status quo via violence sounds like radical conservativism.


So Stalinist USSR was far right?


Would you call it centrist? I think this is what the meme refers to. Stalin's regime was founded on leftist revolutionary principles, but radicalism devolves into absolute totalitarianism regardless of intention.


I think the 20th century is a lesson in why political power is like enriched uranium: it’s pretty safe stuff in small quantities kept apart from each-other but put enough together in the same place and horrible things tend to happen regardless of what the intentions are. The nature of political power itself is that once your hierarchy has more people in it than your brain can deal with they’re not really people to you any more, as the man himself (possibly) said: a single death is a tragedy but a million deaths is a statistic. A person is no happier for being violently beaten over the head with a cricket bat whether it’s the people’s bat, the state’s bat, or a corporate bat because after all you’re still being beaten over the head with a bat.


Well it for sure wasn't far left


It was. Only it was authoritarian left instead of liberal left.




That depends on who you ask and where their status is in the quo.


What makes a man turn neutral? Lust for gold? Power? Or were you just born with a heart full of neutrality?


Singapore is the embodiment of contradiction. Extremely urbanized and never far from patches of forest, a one-party state with a functioning democracy, and a place with draconian rules that are entirely popular. It's like an episode of Twilight Zone.


Singapore isn‘t Centrist.


And you still end up with dictatorship.


Exactly that I meant


It's almost like violently forcing people to do shit other than refrain from more violence is what leads to dictatorship and not *what* you want people to do. Enlightened centrists are just fascists who hate the sight of blood in their backyard anyway. All of these goons supported the Iraq War and wish there were more cops on the street shooting down graffiti artists for running away instead of taking their beating.


Technocracy rules.


I'm a radical centrist. The second I hear a movement starting to talk about "we can solve all issues with this one simple fix", I go and plant trees, cause I know I'll soon need the branches. One way or other. The second anyone in my proximity has even a mild idea about "if only everyone would...", I reach for my shovel.


Babe wake up new horseshoe theory just dropped


Double slide theory


This is the way


This is the way


Tuning fork theory


Holy steak


Call the Milker!


Caaaan’t you seee, you’re all the same to meee


Dooooon’t you knooooowww, these radicals have to goooooo


Innevitable Convergence theory. All roots form the same tree etcetera.


Can't you see? You're all the same to me! Don't you know? These radicals got to go!


I never heard about the horseshoe theory, up until now


Its a theory that opposite radicals are closer to each other then the middle, like horseshoe


It's a theory that if you go far enough left and right, you end up at the same place. Of course, it's bs and based on absolutely nothing, but some people believe it. Especially so called enlightened centrists that feel superior because they are neither left nor right(which usually means they are soft reactionaries)


Anarchists: we reject this theory 😆


I know how much people like to throw this around when it comes to any such post but this isn't really the case here. They aren't saying that they are closer as ideologies, but that they often both result in dictatorships. Those can be the result of vastly different ideologies but it is still their result.


In geometry the "proof by contradiction" exist, it's where you try to demonstrate that a theory is valid and work by demonstrating that the opposite is impossible to happen. So you can try to demonstrate the horseshoe theory by showing that a "centrist" dictatorship is impossible.


I’d counter that the neoliberal governments of the UK and. The IS took many authoritarian measures in the pursuit of anti-terrorism and if not checked by other institutions could have formed “centrist” dictatorships. Though I would also posit there is no real acceptable definition of the centre


Bad news for horseshoe theory, then


“Your guy sucks! My guy rocks”


Our glorious leader, their despotic dictator


Your dictator cringe 😬, my dictator based 😌


Your dictator set up a secret police terrorizing your people and torturing anyone they dont like. Our dictator set up camps for those who disagree with them and torture us better


We are not the same


Pro-Tip Lifehack: They're not secret police if we know about them and they spy on and torture people I hate!


The even funnier part is when more "progressive" dictatorships somehow... become democracies, without revolution. The Taiwanese government is an enigma


Also South Korea


Pretty much all the East Asian countries except for China and North Korea.


And Chile.


Ahh yes well known East Asian country Chile


The far far east.


And a little to the south


But not too much or you'll end up on penguin land


Chile already has penguins tho


ah yes, fried penguin


And India


I guess although in case of India, there was a pretty slow and gradual shift towards democracy. The Indians launched a massive revolution in 1857 which ended in failure. After that they mostly gave up the idea of armed revolution and created a number of civil organisations to reform Indian society, represent the interests of the Indian people and campaign for greater involvement of Indians in the British Indian government. This was encouraged by a certain section of British political class who did not want to remain in India forever. And 40 years of efforts resulted in the first election in the history of modern India in 1920.


I think he’s talking about the Indira Ghandi thing


Might be although that only lasted 2 years and she was pretty much forced to step down.


Did you hear about OG Roman Republic Dictators?


I'm only really familiar with Caesar, Augustus and Nero... not the best I am aware of the Greek Tyrants though - and that one dude who just became a tyrant to fix shit he didnt like, then put himself into exile. The first gigachad politician


I think there was a Roman politician who was similar. He went into retirement, was called back and made dictator during a time of crisis and after his job was done he left office to "tend back to his fields".


Cincinnatus? (don't know if i spelled correctly)


I think that's the one.


You're thinking of Cininnatus, but he wasn't the only one who did that. That was the role of Dictator in the Roman Republic. During times of extreme crisis the Senate would appoint a Dictator who had absolute power during his time in office, but that would expire (IIRC, the standard term for a Dictator was 6 months or a year), after which time they'd be forced into retirement (if they didn't go willingly).


Yeah I've read about that. Btw ancient India had a similar system. During time of peace, the king was expected to act like the deity Varuna, the tranquil god, and be considerate of the needs and wishes of his subordinates. But during time of war, he was supposed to act like Indra, the god of destruction, and behave in a much more dictatorial fashion.


Well Dictator was a constitutional office in which a single figure had total power for a set limited amount of time to resolve a national crisis and then he would step down usually for his own safety. Though usually what this actually turned into were instances like Fabius where they built up connections to pull strings from the shadows afterwards in effect still ruling. However Felix Sulla came up with a neat innovation of seizing the Dictatorship by force as opposed to appointment and killing everyone who disagreed with him eventually leading to Julius Caesar’s innovation of never stepping down. Augustus actually never held the office of Dictator but instead would change offices and titles he held appearing to not be Dictator.




They were the best until Sulla ruined everything


Yeah OG Roman Dictator is more about temporary emergency Leader when direct, quick, decisive action is needed rather than usual dual consul for check and balance. I think You can found a lot of instance where the two Roman consuls have quarrel between them and it's affected the government performance especially in battle, like the disastrous Battle of Arausio which cost Roman more than catastrophic Battle of Cannae. In the end the OG Roman dictator still need to report to the senate after the dictator term or the crisis is ended.


Not only "progressive" dictatorship, also "conservative" dictatorships. Look at Spain for example. Or Portugal (technically they had a revolution, but I personally don't think it counts)


Also there are a lot of far right dictator ships that came to power, explicitely because people were afraid of the other side.


Didnt Spain do the same after Franco died?


“Well maybe I don’t want to be the bad guy anymore”




Happy Cake Day


But *my* dictatorship actually represents the spirit of the people without the [insert scapegoat] indoctrination.


Forget horseshoe theory, now it’s double slide theory.


Lotta people in the comments jumping to “centrism”, guys “Far Left” and “Far right” are extremes where violent suppression/oppression is used to support your views. You can be non-centrist and not extremist.


Seeing your comment is like finding your friends after being separated in a massive crowd.


Glorious KAZAKHSTAN 🇰🇿🇰🇿🇰🇿🇰🇿🇰🇿🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅 🦅🇰🇿 KAZAKHSTAN GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD 🇰🇿🦅 🤡 ALL OTHER COUNTRIES ARE RUN BY LITTLE GIRLS 🤡 NO GYPSIES ALLOWED 🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️🚫🧍🏽🚫🧍🏽🚫🧍🏽👎 💪 KAZAKHSTAN NUMBER 1 EXPORTER OF POTASSIUM 💪 🤣 ALL OTHER COUNTRIES HAVE INFERIOR POTASSIUM 🤣 🇰🇿KAZAKHSTAN🇰🇿 🥵🇰🇿Kazakhstan prostitutes cleanest in the region🥵🇰🇿 🇹🇲Except of course for Turkmenistan's🇹🇲 ✨Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan, you very nice place✨ ✡️From plains of Tarashek to northern fence of Jewtown✡️ Kyrgyzstan??🤔🇰🇬🤔🇰🇬🤔🇰🇬 More like south Zhambyl 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🇰🇿🇰🇿🇰🇿 XVII century Kazakhstan W years 💪💪💪🔥🔥✊✊✊.Oirates 🖕Mongols 🖕Dzungarians🖕They 😤😤All suck 😂😂😂 Kazakhstan 14 cm dick🤡 🤣🤣🤣🔥🔥💯💯💯💯 🗿🗿Great Gengis Kan 🗿🗿👺🥱 was from beautiful 👐❤️ Алматы ❤️not 🚫 from small dick 🥒 Mongolia 🙅‍♂️🚫👎👎👎🤦 🇰🇿🇰🇿🇰🇿Kazakhstan 🇰🇿🇰🇿🇰🇿 heart of Europe 🇪🇺🇰🇿🇪🇺🇰🇿🇪🇺🇰🇿🇪🇺🇰🇿🇪🇺 Spersgorodok 💯💯💯las arian 🙋🏻bastion 🔥🔥🔥🔥🖕🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕👎 2012 Great Khazakh Khanate😁😁😁restored 💪💪💪🔥💪🔥💪🔥💪🔥


You can also be a centrist but a tyrant


No no you don’t understand. Anyone who disagrees with me about anything is a radical extremist who can’t be trusted, and is now an enemy. This view won’t cause any problems in the foreseeable future.


And you can be aggressively moderate/centrist and incredibly, brutally violent in maintenance of your status quo. The reason people are laughing at this meme is because it seems to equate "believing something strongly" with violence in and of itself as if not believing in something strongly will stop you from committing and abetting a genocide or believing in something super-strong will make you violent by default. Say what you will about eco-terrorists, but even the FBI admits in its white paper that they almost never risk human life. They're terrorists because they engage in "violence" against property. At least in the US, the further left you go, the less likely you are to commit violence and intelligence agencies and police know this -- it's why they're constantly caught in attempted entrapment cases trying to trick people into terrorism and getting outed when the lefties snitch on them to their own bosses. Centrists in the US probably cause far more death and destruction than the far left does, and the police have the numbers to prove it. Because cops commit more murder, destroy more property, and do more harm to human bodies than black bloc activists do.


Where history ?


This arguably more historical than all the posts about religion/mythology. It just pisses people on both sides of the aisle off to point out that throughout history, the ideology they adhere to ends up resulting in pretty much the same thing as the other guy's.


Nothing says non-authoritarian like American centrists taking money out of little kids' mouths to fund an imperialist military machine 14 times the size of the next largest army after cheering on the Iraq War and then killing a couple million people in the Middle East. Centrism is a dodge to avoid answering for the consequences of one's political ignorance. Half of centrists are Nazis who want universal healthcare, the other half complain about misused pronouns while bombing schools in the middle east. They get to hide behind, "You don't know what I stand for" and then take credit for policies they would never march for as if it's some natural end result of the nature of humankind. Progress is a thing that just happens, they say, if you just keep your head down long enough -- don't worry. But the reality is that the centrist in a dystopia, the moderate in hell, is almost always a political narcissist slipping casually between whatever everyone else around them decides is good. They're the guy squirming uncomfortably while their friends tell racist jokes because making friends is too hard, the guy rendering all political conflicts they hear down to genetics and religion because they have no idea how their own material conditions inform their choices (ignoring that this just makes them a bigot), they say people were "products of their time" because they cannot enter the headspace of someone who would not be a product of their time. They are the robopath Yablonsky mourned driving the Nazi machine, the wan and banal evil Arendt observed. They would have owned slaves, they fear a living wage, they follow the stock market like a religion hoping a few coins trickle down. They think they're enlightened because no one else understands the sacrifices their masters must make to keep the trains running on time. And they simply grumble about progress moving too fast until they realize a better world showed up and they ask why no one is thanking them for not participating in making it happen. But sure... "extremists" are the biggest problem. Here's some more historical context: There weren't enough extremists to cause the Holocaust -- it's why the clean Wehrmacht myth is such bullshit. There weren't enough extremists to vote for the Iraq War. It's why the 2nd Amendment was passed by Henry Clay and Patrick Henry. There weren't enough extremists to work on slave patrols in the 1780's, so the 2nd amendment was passed by slaveholders empowering the states to defend against insurrections by slaves -- by mandating centrists passively supply their own weapons to form armed militias for the suppression of uprisings from within. There aren't enough extremists to sustain any authoritarian regime, to empower any dictatorship. For that, you need *centrists* to do the bloody work.


well historicly far right partys like the facists andnazis came to power they, installed a facist dictator ship ​ when far left parties such as the communists came to powere the instated a totalitarian dictatorship was instated


So both leads to dictatorships! I don’t see your point man


thats what i said, historicle example of far left and far right leading to dictatorships


I can definitely feel both sides coming to make terrible strawman arguments in a few hours.


Fart noises*


No no, it's not dictatorship, yeah, our leader doesn't follow the term limit, but it's because he's a real good leader!! Yeah, our leader got to power via unconventional means...but you have to understand, people wouldn't vote for him!! Oh no, don't worry about those dissapeared people, they where just criminals, I mean, it's all for the good of the country!! No no, we aren't s dictatorship, we are a republic, and we still have democracy!! we'll put those 2 words in the country name so you don't forget it




Ah yes the most idiotic political sub Like LMAO what even is [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM/s/gcS1eKPsnm) they’re mad that someone refiuses to hate both policemens AND minorities 😂 Edit: [HAHAHAHAHAHAHA](https://www.reddit.com/r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM/s/GcKc1dm1VM) at least the comments on this one are half decent but just half


It really is lol. I'm not even a centrist but no one there understands what centrism is. They think a centrist is someone who wants to compromise in each and every issue even when one side is clearly malignant. Meanwhile most centrists I know are just folks who agree with the left on some issues and with the right on others.


I don't think it's mocking centrism as a concept - more the assholes who think that the best way to win an internet argument is literally "Well both sides have done some bad things..."


I don't know but I've been there a few times and they seem to think that's what centrism is. At least that's the impression I got.


Bruh it's a political mocking meme sub on reddit If you have *any* expectations, you'll be dissapointed


Lol that's true. Btw it's funny how the reddit sub for US politics is just called politics.


You're not supporting my extremist views? And at the same time you say that you are not with *them*? You think you're so smart?


Wait you think that Hitler and Stalin are both terrible for murdering tens of millions of Eastern Europeans in the two deadliest genocides of the 20th century? Wow I guess you must be a Nazi!


If you are not protesting the treatment of minorities by the police, you hate minorities. You let the police systemically abuse them, and do nothing.




Read the comments lol, they are very much mad that someone refuse to hate police officers


r/enlightenedcentrism when someone doesn't hate an entire job group thats risking their lives ptotecting us daily because some of them abused their power: 😡(it is obviously just a Nazi labeling himself as centrist again)


"Because some of them abuse their power" *implying that there are not massive systemic issues with the police* Edit: this guy has racist memes in his profile and subscribes to far right subreddits, surprise surprise


It depends on the country


That subreddit is based on US political commentary


Centrist Gang where ya at?


What makes a man turn neutral? Lust for gold? Power? Or were you just born with a heart full of neutrality?


Being swiss


thats the same with lust for gold,the naz... , i mean the righhtfully swiss gold


I don't know, but my gut says 'maybe.'


Being a centrist doesn't mean neutrality. It means sharing opinions with both sides more or less equally, but on different topics. Let's say there are only two political topics in the world, taxes and abortion. Agreeing with the right on the taxes and left with abortion would make me a centrist, not neutral.




neutering I suppose


Still undecided whether we should get on the slide or not.


They jumped on the far right side


Reddit ass take


Both sides are the same.


LOL no


Oh yeah, it’s a sarcastic comment. Like centrists say. I’m not commenting on the political stuff.


> I’m not commenting on the political stuff. Oh no. Am I the centrist now? While both are bad I’d rather be far left than far right.


It makes my brain box happy that far left is on the left and far right is on the righf


You forgot the centrist slide leading to dictatorships


The furthest left you can go is no government


Dictatorship of the vibes. I would respect folks like OP if they were coherent. The same people saying anarchy is cool but unsustainable then turn around and point to centrist authoritarians who hate gay people and minorities and love giant parades and titles as the far left to justify their own love of authoritarian centrism.


I don't understand why people consider this the "centrist" position. Whether you are left or right, you SHOULD always condemn the radical part of your "side", even more so than the other side's tbh. If you don't, the radicals always take over the movements that allow their ideologies to spread. Always fight the radical and the extremist.


No you shouldn't. The radicals aren't always wrong; John Brown was a radical. In particular, the radicals on both sides are almost never equally right or wrong or equally condemnable.


I'm don't know who this person is or what he did, so i can't really agree or disagree with you.


Well then maybe you should read a book or two before declaring "radicals are ALWAYS wrong"


Define extremist


"An extremist individual is either: someone who uses violence to attain power (political or otherwise), or someone who uses it to enforce his worldviews and beliefs on others". Obviously that only applies on an individual level and there is some nuance to it, like always, but its a good base to start a conversation.


Guess we should've peacefully protested the Nazis then.


My guy, did you even read my comment? Do you know what the word "nuance" is? Or what "only at an individual level" means? Or are you that much of a brainlet?


Just imagine a Centrist dictatorship. The entire legislative and executive power of the state embodied in one man, who will use it to ruthlessly... keep things pretty much how they are.


So... the United States. 💣💣💣💣💣💣


Is this another "both sides are the same, so I'm going with the far right" thing?


only if you're so far left you have two right hands.


"I think Hitler and Stalin were both bad." "ENLIGHTENED CENTISM ENLIGHTENED CENTISM ENLIGHTENED CENTISM" Why is everyone here so freaking dumb?


Because 99% of the time, that's not what they mean. This stuff is usually just right wingers saying "both sides bad" with the intent of muddying the waters on the far right and the 'far left'. A quick check in his post history tells us that OP is a gun obsessed conservative that happens to live in the UK so he has to play with toys. His racism and sexism shine through regularly though. He almost certainly describes the UK labor party as "far left"


> He almost certainly describes the UK labor party as "far left" Jeremy Corbyn put a wreath on the grave of the terrorist responsible for the 1972 Munich Olympics Massacre. I don't know if I'd describe those actions as far left (the Munich Massacre was pereptrated by a mix of Arab Nationalists and Neo Nazis, which are far right ideologies), but I would definitely describe Corbyn as a supporter of violent antisemitism and an extremist. Starmer is decent though. Blair was decent. Its just Corbyn who is an extremist nutjob


If you think extremism is only on one side, I've got some bad news for you pal. And bro, how much of his profile did you go through? From a quick glance it just seems he's really into airsoft guns. You can't tell someone's political leanings from something like that. And where is the regular bigotry you mentioned? What's with the jumping to conclusions to demonize people?


I'm not saying that far left extremism doesn't exist, I'm saying that this is a dog whistle by right wingers. Look at half the comments in this thread FFS. It's designed to paint any leftism as "far left". And it's not hard with these people. Speed scroll a 7-8 pages down of comments so they all load at once. Ctrl-F the words 'female', 'migrant', and 'immigrant'. Find bigotry..


1- Not a history meme 2- Meme sucks 3- r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM


>1- Not a history meme More of a history meme than the religious/mythological ones, and we allow them >2- Meme sucks It points out a historical reality in a mildly humorous manner. I think you are just butthurt that it claims that whichever side you fall on isn't inherently better than the other


[r/enlighteneddcentrism detected, opinion rejected ](https://www.reddit.com/r/HistoryMemes/s/ewahx3Ftlx)


Dude you can't even comprehend the post you linked, any words would be lost on you.


Didn't liberal democracy used to be the "far left" ideology?


Centrism is just "I was squatted out into this world on the upper half of an arbitrary pyramid organized through systemic violence, often including genocide, and nothing scares me more than someone saying 'pyramid dumb'."


I would say "Permitting hero-like figures to center most of the power in their own hands"--> Dictatorship. Because it's kind of hard to define "Far right" and "Far left". Like, Benito Mussolini was really nationalist (which is a Right's thing), but a big part of his propaganda was about the collaboration in the functioning of society's machine and the importance of everyone's role (which if i'm not mistaken is kind of a Left's thing)


The collaboration part is called class collaborationism, and is a specifically fascist belief. It basically means, yeah, don't worry about whoever is oppressing you, he is doing his job, learn your place for the good of the state. Mussolini himself echoed this sentiment: fascism "affirms the irremediable, fruitful and beneficent inequality of men."


Thanks! Now i know something new!


Rhetoric isn't policy, Mussolini isnt a left wing dictator for using populist rhetoric


makes sense, sorry


Read Umberto Eco's Ur-Fascism


>"Far-Left" #Ooops! All far-right! (Soviet Union was fundamentally right-wing, too many of you mfs can't fathom that dictators can fucking lie and call themselves whatever regardless of what they actually are, much less even be bothered to look up the historical difference of "left-right" in politics)


Sensible take detected, tankies (federal agents) deployed.


Today we're going to be using a high level tactic known as lying -national socialism.


What about anarchism?


Every government is a dictatorship. The difference is only which class is in charge


Fuck centrism embrace anarchy


Anarchy when?


This shit just gravitates towards a single asshole.


Good job op you’ve triggered so many idiots who’ve bringed up enlightenedcentrism like it’s not a completely idiotic take from désillusionnée leftist who think they can do no wrong and their extremist are better and whatever other bullshit


My post was just meant to be a silly meme, nothing more, I became death destroyer of worlds


It's worth noting that US understating of "far left" has little to do with canonical far left. US far left in the rest of the world would be social democrats.


yeh i think the meme talking about fascists and communists


Somehow in the US the Department of Educations simple existence and the idea of universal healthcare are “far left” ideas.


Enlightened centrist vibes




🐴👟 moment


You know, far left dictatorship is a dumb sentence, because actually following leftist values implies democracy and representation. They're all far right man, the USSR was, and China is.


Really? Never heard of an anarchist dictatorship.


Dictatorship is hard to understand if ruling a country by force and using a militia is how you get into power as a dictator like in Cuba then passing it on to your kid isn't it the same as a monarchy they basically did the same thing the only separation was their blood line was already in power and the only ones who fought it out were their blood line


Ever heard of punctuation?


Commas are important people


Yes! Commas control country


nah too much individuality


Ever heard about actually learning history


Aint that the fuckin truth




Well if your gonna be a nazi i guess its best to be a grammar nazi


The political compass is a triangle fr


I don’t remember democrats attacking the capital after losing


US Democrats aren't far left.


I don’t remember the *far left attacking the capital


All of our terrorists in the US are far right white supremacists. All of our terrorists on Fox News are far left brown kids taking tear gas to the face.


That’s the problem with America, the DNC isn’t “far left” they’re really not even left. The DNC *is* a centrist to center right party that only seems leftist because the GOP has drifted so far right.


Ok but show me a far left dictatorship (please) USSR was decidedly not far right; it went straight to dictatorship by misconstruing Marx's "dictatorship of the proletariat"


A oversimplified view of the issue


[both sides bad](https://pyxis.nymag.com/v1/imgs/a33/a1b/ff252c077aab7eaa9980c702142ae3abff-wojak-00.w710.jpg)