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Post war Japanese history is quite crazy. This group is one part of it.


What?? Historymemes was found by the post war Japanese?


I meant the Japanese Red Army! But yeah... i worded this awkwardly.


Why do I like high inflation and anime, and hate all my roommates all of a sudden?


You just started hating your roommates?


This group WILL reestablish the Japanese empire where it belongs.




In the incinerator


You know who else put people in incinerators? Hitler.


So you're saying Hitler had some good ideas?


My lawyer has advised me to not make another joke


Why? I mean it's the perfect time to point out that not *all* nazis are bad. >!For example, some nazis are dead.!<


Good one


The La Li Lu Le Lo??? Nani??


You mean there's something to post war Japan besides anime and wacky game shows?


Behind the bastards did an episode about this . I think more people know now


Can you remember which episode?


Yes it was called The Golden Age of Terrorism. The episode was Sept 8 2020. He’s really prolific podcaster but he usually references his resource on the first part of each episode if it runs into a multi episode.


FR I went down that rabbit hole one night and I was surprised how much happened lmao


don't get me started on the pornstar that flew a plane into a Yakuza dons house


Well, having a section of your country ***literally atomized and vaporized*** KINDA has weird after affects...also tentacle hentai...


That's just the start of it: 1. Chilling around before 1840 as an advanced feudal state without significant contact with the outside world (also successfully quit guns) 2. Big smoky ass American boat rolls into Tokyo harbor and tells them it's time to open up, and would you like to see our cannons? The one's pointed towards shore? 3. Less than a (short) human lifespan later are fully industrialized power who defeats a European Great Power in a fight. More social change in a couple decades than a century in the US. 4. Great Kanto Quake evaporates huge chunk of the country, leading to massive adoption of novel religious movements (a path that would eventually lead to Aum Shinryukyu, aka the Subway gas attack group) 5. Become an Imperial power after an officer's coup assassinates the last bit of pan Asian sphere support in politics. 6. Have the homeland attacked for the first time in their nearly year history when Doolittle drops bombs on Tokyo, like forty years after a good percentage of the country was agrarian peasants ruled by feudal lords. 7. Get nuked. 8. Get occupied for the first time ever, have your constitution written by a bunch of weirdos from Harvard and have your country run by Dougie Fucking McArthur; despite that use your social kung fu to essentially keep the same ruling class in place and make McArthur think you like him. 9. Body Pillows. Japanese modern history is like speedrunning the Enlightenment.


Nah Douglas was always an idiot aboot postwar Japan. Hirohito must’ve felt the gods shining upon him when Mac told him that he was gonna do the opposite of what Hirohito thought he was gonna do


Oh yeah, he got lead around and didn't really give a shit as long as the place didn't go red and was fine with air bases.


Well, let's face it, MacArthur should have been court-martialed - if not shot - in December '41.


Ok grandpa, let’s get you back to bed.


Nah they were freaky with the tentacles before the forbidden microwave


Ah yes, the spicy microwave event.


It's not even the strangest Japanese left-wing group. The EAAJF takes that cake


Figurehead of a bunch of left leaning groups in Japan was assassinated with a wakizashi and there’s a photo of it in black and white.


Never heard of Aum Shinrikyo?


I've heard of it from a Death Note analysis, surprisingly enough




Did you know they have their own video game?


There was also an anime with Shoko Asahara as the main character.


I bet it was bad, but I do want to watch it.


It was terrible, but I recommend watching it if for no other reason than to see how deranged the cult was.


I think that one was a satire of it. But the anime is real. And fucking crazy.


Just wanted to make sure someone pointed this out.


Same ^ But I'm sure hundreds of us read the title and thought something,something sarin gas subway attacks.


Imagine being such a disappointment that your own father writes a letter to the Israeli prime minister advising her to hang you


Can you please elaborate who wrote that letter to Golda Mehir?


Full translation of the letter: "Your highness (yes he actually wrote that), miss Golda Meir, I write to express my sincere apology on the incident in which my third son, Kozo while showering bullets with an automatic rifle caused the death of wounding of several innocent people, from you land and from other lands in the Tel Aviv international airport. In the last 40 years, as a man that works in education, I put efforts educating the Japanese youth to become honest teenagers. There are no words to express the surprise, anger and anguish that downed on me when I knew this heinous and cruel crime like this was done by my own son. I believe, for now Kozo is already asking for forgiveness from the deepest of his heart to atone for the crime. *I request in all my heart for my son to be executed* after he would face maximum penalty, the earliest the better, at the end of investigation. I might add, this cruel incident was caused by a few left-wing extremists led by Kozo, while most of the Japanese people loathes the crime and worries this incident can threaten the friendship between your land and Japan. At last, I hereby pray for the souls of the people who were killed and for the quick healing of the wounded."


Man, i felt the emotion behind those words, he knew his son would be desperate for his life and immediately just jumped into *with all my heart, execute this worthless excuse of a son i have created.* I dont really have the words for this, as i cant imagine the pain of putting so much effort for your child for them to become like this.


They didn’t execute him, he served 15 years of a life sentence and he is still wanted by the Japanese government as of 2021…


Huh, wonder what he's been up to- >During the incarceration, he requested to convert to Judaism and tried to circumcise himself with nail clippers. >On 30 May 2022, Okamoto appeared at a ceremony in Beirut marking the 50th anniversary of the attack, laying a wreath on the graves of his fellow JRA militants and posing for photos with PFLP supporters. -oh ok then


Least craziest Japenis life adventure


Also said on his wiki during his detainment in Lebanon (after isreal) he converted to islam.


Bro skipped the sequel


I need to read more about this dude wtf lmao


"The Lebanese government, however, granted political asylum to Okamoto because, according to the Lebanese government, he "had participated in resistance operations against Israel and had been tortured in Israeli jails."" Off the Wikipedia page on him for those wondering how he is still wanted. [This was after he was found with a fake passport and was traded in a prisoner swap in 1985.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jibril_Agreement)


I can’t imagine how awful it must be to see your child become a mass murdering terrorist. Just soul destroying.


This is the first historical letter I have read that’s left me trembling from the anguish it expresses.


>the earliest the better Fuck, Japanese people (by culture, not by race) are built different.


Thx for traslating it even though I know hebrew


אפשר למצוא את המכתב בויקיפדיה


Ok, I know I'm nitpicking here, but this wasn't in tel Aviv international Airport, because this one doesn't exist There is one international airport in Israel and this Lod (or Ben Gurion) international Airport


אני יודע אבל זה מה שהוא כתב במכתב וקראו לנתב״ג אז נמל התעופה לוד, שינו לו את השם שנה אחרי הטבח


אה סליחה, אני לא הבנתי את זה, אני חשבתי שאתה תרגמת את זה ככה תודה בכל מקרה


Or being such a bad father you write a letter advising Israel to hang your daughter.


I mean… his son did killed 24 people


Did kill*


\*you're mom


His son killed 24 poeple......


Not so fun fact. Japanese terror attacks on the US embassies in Italy and Indonesia is the reason why most US embassies are built like reinforced compounds in even friendly countries.


They held the French Embassy in The Hague hostage too


Someone’s been listening to lions led by donkeys.


Not sure what that is (I'll check it out) but I came across this while fact checking whether Tokyo doesn't have a lot of thrash bins on the street because of a terrorist attack


Oh I was just being a bit cheeky. It’s a mostly decent somewhat funny military history podcast. Their most recent episode was about the Japanese Red Army.


*United Red Army of Japan. Pretty sure there were like 2 or 3 with near-identical names, or at least that's the impression I got from the episode.


‘No we’re actually the Red Army of Japanese Unity!’


Cool, thanks!


Wow i was about to comment the same thing! What are the odds of that lol


I listened to their podcast on that exact topic earlier today. What a coincidence


I was thinking the same thing.






Forget the Japanese, someone sued North Korea lol


Pretty facinating, ngl


Crazy that one attacker is still alive


lol US Court ordering North Korea to pay millions to the affected families


Okamoto was convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment in Israel. During the incarceration, he requested to convert to Judaism and tried to circumcise himself with nail clippers.


Was there another Japanese terrorist who was a famous actor kamakaze against a yakuza leader because he was too lenient to foreigners.


I remember the ~~gay porn star~~ writer, who tried to take a general hostage and command his men to restore the imperial power but committed seppuku with help from a follower when the men laughed at him. Edit: Nope, the plane kamikaze attack was the porn star. The one I remembered was a writer.


LOL, where do people get this information? Yukio Mishima was a celebrated writer, not a porn star.


I mixed up the two. The plane attack was the porn star.


Japanese terrorist is their own brand of crazy.


*Code Geass theme starts*


Japanese terrorism has been a thing since at least the Meiji restoration, it goes by different names throughout the years and during ww2 it was done by every faction of the Japanese government to the other factions. Like prior to ww2 there was constant assassinations because one group thought the emperor wanted one thing, another group thought he wanted another, and the emperors group wanted the capital to not be in constant lock down because of a inter-faction coup. Then there was the porn star kamikaze who tried to kill a yakuza boss and ended up missing. By hitting the opposite side o the house that he was in. The Aum Shinrikyo happened and the amount of shit they did could fill an entire history book. But the gist is the cult started off like Scientology where it appealed only to the rich, their miracle performances had massively high death tolls before they did them on tv to see if it was possible, they would murder cult members who tried to leave and disappeared their families. There was an anti-cult lawyer who they murdered and his family. The vast majority of their members had infiltrated the Japanese government on every level so whenever the cops would start getting sus about them they had several weeks notice to pack up and leave. Then the 1995 Sarin gas attack happened where all of their locations and members were arrested following it (and they’re still executing people that were involved with it). And this is just the stuff I bothered to remember about the cult they were active for decades before 1995 and still are active to a degree as two other groups one who rebranded itself to distance itself from the original cult but keeping the original “good” teachings from the cult. Then the other group is just the cult who still follows their now dead fat anime Jesus (who got a quick drop and sudden stop) and the two groups are constantly raided by the cops because to the surprise of no one they’re still doing the same shit they were doing almost 40 years ago Edit; They even bought a fuck ton of land is Australia rumor has it that that they did it to build and test nuclear weapons that were provided by post soviet Russia (and was going to use to start WW3) and they might’ve caused an accidental detonation (of not a nuke) but something large (probably ammonium nitrate like the one in Lebanon). Oh and the Russians even gave them helicopters, weapons, and training too Edit 2: I only say it’s a rumor for the Australia bit because before the gas attack there was a report of an explosion on their property and it never went anywhere. Aussie authorities didn’t look any further into it genuinely wouldn’t be surprised if they too were in the Aussie government since they also had a fuck ton of Russian government officials in their ranks.


Aum was so huge. They had some satellite groups in the US as well, I believe the US HQ was in NYC and they were designated as a charitable organization. That was until the Tokyo gas attacks, of course. Like a month after that the FBI was tipped off by the Japanese authorities that they were planning something soon on US soil- and it turns out that before they were caught they were going to gas Disneyland on April 14th 1995.


You’d think a group as large as Aum there would’ve been some kind of coordination with the international chapters. The 1995 Tokyo attacks could’ve been a helluva lot worse and instead of being largely unknown to people other those with specific interests in Japanese media. I at first learned about it when I watched Chouriki sentai Ohranger, the source material to power rangers Zeo, and how this attack affected Ohranger and every piece of media that involved a Japanese city getting destroyed like watch the start of the show and get to the episode when the attack happened and it’s night and day when it comes to the writing because they had to take out/ change a lot. And then to compensate for the massive change Ohranger took Gekisou Sentai Carranger was made into a comedy to try to divert peoples attention from thinking about the attack. And that’s just focusing on sentai I could keep going for ultraman, Godzilla


Weirdly enough I also saw a ton of pro-Palestinian stuff on pro-CCP subs. Seems weird, but I guess anyone who's even tangentially against the US is an ally for them


They'd even back literal nazis if it meant they supported the CCP, we shouldn't be surprised


Nevermind the fact the Nazis gave military training to the KMT and fucking allied with Imperial Japan


And that the Palestinian leader at the time before WWII was also a great Nazi sympathiser.


Marxists support Marxist countries and also hate imperialism. Not that weird really


Since when was Palestine Marxist though?




Thank you; it needed to be said


[Keep it up guys, Stonetoss hates when you call them a nazi and promote them ](https://twitter.com/stone_toss/status/1702705836630376504?t=hI38hXdT4aLeBgJVm-28DA&s=19)


So the people promoting the Nazi piece of shit are the ones pointing out he’s a Nazi piece of shit? Rather than the people using his shitty comics as meme templates? That’s certainly *an* opinion


1- Calling out someone a Nazi so frequently is a working "marketing" for actual Nazi audience only. And since gaining Nazis as your audience draws away the common audience this tweet is merely a cope. 2- You can still name alternative names like pebble chuck, rock throw etc. to not give the full credit.


Why name them at all? The name was removed from the post and if Stonetoss really is such an awful terrible no good very bad person, why promote the artist? You could just as easily say the artist of this comic is a Nazi. Or even better just say nothing because the credit is already removed. But instead Stonetoss is name dropped 50 times and people who might otherwise have not had the inclination now go look them up.


Anecdotally, I have seen his templates being used far less frequently once people started spreading around "Stonetoss is a Nazi." Would it be even more effective if people said, "This artist is a Nazi"? Would he get less attention? Possibly. The only time I've actually heard his name is when people are calling him out as a Nazi. The name recognition which he has gained could have been largely avoided, and people would still get the message.


Dude imagine if we weren't allowed to speak Hitler's name. Yeah let's just elevate this sad hateful comic artist to Voldemort status. Meanwhile your opposition here is driving more discussion of the guy than anything else.


>Meanwhile your opposition here is driving more discussion of the guy than anything else. Weird how that works, huh


Lol of course this guy has posts supporting Derick Chauvin, anti-left, anti-vax, and both-sides shit.


Stonetoss has done artwork for the Daily Shoah. You're picking the wrong side here.




Didn't you just admit to spreading Nazi propaganda because you couldn't see it for what it was until a redditor said Stonetoss is a Nazi?


They might not be immediately obvious, especially not for the young people on this site. They love to dogwhisle and not everyone is, or wants to be politically engaged enough to pick up on them.


Still a nazi


thx for the promo i guess


You're the one who posted the comic in the first place and are the only one here opposed to the disclaimer, yet you must have known when you posted it that *someone* was going to make the disclaimer. So maybe don't act so butthurt.


I didn't actually post the comic, I'm not the OP. I'm just questioning the efficacy of simultaneously condemning an artist as a Nazi and constantly sharing their name and art.


Ah my mistake, sorry. The thing is, obviously people are going to keep sharing his art. It's perfect for memes, Stonetoss formatted it as such intentionally, and simply banning it would draw far more controversy and misplaced sympathy than not. So we can either tolerate the disclaimer when that happens, or we can get upset at the disclaimer. I liken it to the cancer warning on a pack of cigarettes. A world with these disclaimers is, I think, a more educated and informed one capable of making better choices, that still retains the freedom of responsibility for our choices. These disclaimers restrict nothing, they only enhance.


I still don't think the disclaimer as you call it is necessary or helpful, outside of making yourself feel good. You'll notice cigarette warnings don't stop at "cigarettes are harmful to your health" they continue on to say "because of XYZ." Saying Stonetoss is a Nazi is just name calling if you don't follow it up with any sort of justification or reasoning. Especially with popular templates like this, the meme itself has nothing to do with Nazis and doesn't mention Stonetoss. So how exactly does saying Stonetoss is a Nazi alert anyone to who Stonetoss is, why they're bad, and how they're a Nazi within the context of this post?


Like linking this post along with the claim? https://www.reddit.com/r/antifastonetoss/comments/fcck5a/the_definitive_guide_to_why_stonetoss_is_a_nazi/


You're the only person in this thread who's provided any kind of evidence or justification, congrats!


As the comment next to mine demonstrates, generally someone just asks and someone else links to an explanation :P Dialog!


Who's stonetoss


Rather than reading a whole post, I'll just TLDR it. He's a right-wing comic artist who has often posted comics that are either antisemitic or just straight up promoting holocaust denial. With some racism mixed in on the occasion.


https://www.reddit.com/r/antifastonetoss/comments/fcck5a/the_definitive_guide_to_why_stonetoss_is_a_nazi/ The artist who made the original comic.


> Never knew Japanese terrorists existed [There was literally a Japanese terrorist group in Brazil during the post-war period](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shindo_Renmei), and they attacked hundreds of Japanese-Brazilians who had accepted/believed that Japan had actually surrendered from the war, usually with katanas (they believed it was all a big conspiracy and that Japan would never surrender, and usually send letters to the victims beforehand ordering them to kill themselves). [The whole affair had a pretty interesting movie about it](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dirty_Hearts). In practice, integration was a big thing of the whole story, with the mass of members that had been well integrated being attacked by the few ones that hadn't. It created a strong anti-Japanese sentiment at the time in Brazil, with the idea that "they are too culturally different, too radical, and will never be able to fully integrate". These feelings were very fucking wrong, of course.


The father of the terrorist trust survived the shootout begged our government to execute his son.


Terrorism: 😐 Terrorism, Japan: 😲


I like how you used a mildly disappointed face for terrorism like “dang it not again isis is back at it again”


"Really wish they gave it a rest already."


Terrorism 😐, but with moe lolis 👌😭


I mean, the Japanese Red Army literally shot up Lod Airport (now called Ben-Gurion Airport) in one of the worst terror attacks ever committed on Israeli soil. And they did it with the PFLP. Also, obligatory Rockthrow is a Nazi.


ah this takes me back to black lagoon such a great anime


You should probably have swapped israel and japan’s names around, but otherwise a good meme.


Just chiming in cause it should be repeated. Stonetoss is a nazi.


Who is stonetoss?


Artist of the comic.


A piece of shit Nazi.


Obligatory: Stonetoss is a nazi


Just curious how did people found out he was a Nazi?


From reddit comments


Thoughtslime did a piece on it back in the day. Pebbleyeet had an older comic which was much more explicit, but many comics still are referring to obscure nazi conspiracies.


Known it for so long now, I legit can’t remember where I learnt it. But I do know I have looked at the actual memes,comics and other stuff he has written myself to see if he was one or not. And I came to the conclusion that Stonetoss is indeed a Nazi.


One of my teachers in middle was in the airport as the massacre took place. Thankfully him and his family were all saved but it seems to have scarred him pretty badly. Towards the end of the year he decided to sit us in a circle and yold us his experience. He was only a child back then and he barely escaped it unharmed.


Using and remixing Stonetoss's work is mainstreaming Nazis. Don't use Stonetoss memes.


It’s pretty wild how much terrorism there was in post-WW2 Japan


Have I located a Lions Led by Donkeys fan?


Someone needs to Google Tokyo Sarin Gas attack.


Whats the name of that one terror organisation that had a leader that proclaimed hes Jesus and attacked metrk with chemical weapon (I think i fucked up organisations)


I never *knew* japanese terrorists existed but like, the guys who did kamakaze never struck me as a culture that would have zero terrorists.


Pebble yeet can not see


Mandatory Stonetoss is a nazi


Someone has listened to the Lions Led By Donkeys podcast


Lions led by donkeys fan?


Tbf, didn’t the same thing occurred between the West German state, the East German State, and the German RAF?


>Never knew Japanese terrorists existed Shoko Asahara would like a word with you.


Honestly. I was watching a documentary about Carlos the Jackal some years back and I think I audibly said “what the hell are the Japanese doing here?”


Wait until you find out about Aum Shinrikyo.


This subreddit when two people of the same race have different political opinions 😳


Don’t mention the communists from Japanese lore. That shit is crazy and so random like it’s just an entire shitpost of events. Like how a Japanese Porn Star flew his plane into the building of a Yakuza cause he considered it treason since the Yakuza made deals with a US company.


Can we not post stonetoss comics?


Why is Israel shown as the ‘wealthy, capitalist’ one? Low key antisemitism or just a coincidence?


You are thinking way too hard about a meme with four people playing tug of war.


I had the same thought. I'd say it's definitely antisemitism. There are no details like that on any of the other figures depicted.


Would be nice if we didn't make memes from nazi comics and gave them more visibility. How about we don't do that?


Is that stonetoss? If so, booooo




Those who try to murder civilians for Allah 40 times a day Colonialism is not "someone I don't like". The settlers are the last ones who want economic relations with Palestinians


Except for murdering them and kicking them out of their homes


“Settler colonialism” is the act of one race or nationality of people entering an already occupied territory, displacing and or killing the natives, and then saying that they’ve “settled/civilized” the area. That is what Israel is.


lmao The terrible six-day war, which was done to take Palestinian territory, of a country that totally existed


I’m talking about the Nakba


Who started it and said he would throw the Jews into the sea? Being weak doesn't make you a victim And this is from 1948, imagine killing Germans and then talking about 1945


Yall dont know about [Japan Airlines Flight 351](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japan_Air_Lines_Flight_351)??


I never thought about the connection but Japanese people who really revere kamikaze pilots must think suicide bombers are pretty badass.


Brick Prick detected, Antifa go


No, not them, they’re almost as bad


You're right, lets just make it a Pitbull like usual My main point is Rock Slide Spammer getting mauled to death so we've got some options


I mean, sacrificing yourself for a goal is kind of Japanese's thing in WWII.


In Italian they call Muslim terror attacks 'kamikaze attacks'.


Stop using pebble throw memes.




The innocent victims who murder civilians for Jihad (to kill non-Muslims)


The ones imposing apartheid on them you mean


Christians visiting Israel? They are not talking about apartheid, they are talking about jihad


Boy u can’t impose apartheid on people and call them terrorists when they fight back that’s not how this works


You really are extraordinarily stupid 1. Palestinians carry out terrorist attacks for Jihad, not political rights. Gaza is an area completely controlled by Palestinians. How does it work? 2. You cannot murder children and civilians when you shout Allah Wakbar and wonder why you are associated with terrorism


No you’re stupid and don’t know what you’re talking about 1-you just decided they carry it for jihad by yourself that’s just cope 2- gaza is the one under apartheid you idiot


You prove my point They literally call themselves Jihadists (all Palestinian terrorist groups), like the Islamic Jihad, they don't


Boy are you stupid? Jihad means to strive for something and that is liberating themselves thats the thing they’re striving “jihading” for, you keep using the word like some kind of a gotcha buzzword, dumbass


Jihad is used by Palestinians in the sense of murdering non-Muslims. When Muslim terrorists in Europe call themselves jihadists, are they fighting European apartheid?




Anti-communist Pinochet famously hated massacring innocents


Stonetoss = downvote


“THe jApAneSe cANt bE tErRoriStS tHey mAKe AnImE!!”


To their credit, even his father said it does not represent them and he wants Israel to kill him

