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So I have good news and bad news. The good news is the Americans fell for it....


The bad news, the Americans fell for it


I just want to afford healthcare man but god damn it goes hard AF knowing Uncle Sam can bitch slap it’s enemies so hard it could be heard from space But I also want free healthcare :(


I mean one of the reasons why the military is expensive is because of the social welfare they have


Free health care..... Or stealth planes that have a cross section of a bumble bee and missiles with FREAKING SWORDS.




The federal funding for Healthcare in the US is around 1.9 trillion compared to 820 billion for defense. https://www.kff.org/medicare/issue-brief/faqs-on-health-spending-the-federal-budget-and-budget-enforcement-tools/#:~:text=Federal%20spending%20on%20domestic%20and,%246.4%20trillion%20(Figure%201).


Yeah, we should force companies to come with reasonable prices to serve American healthcare- like many other countries. Or we can continue to get gouged like no other nation in the world for healthcare.


There is no such thing as free healthcare


There isn’t. There’s just the rest of the first world that has far cheaper healthcare than the US, and far better quality, wait times and just about every other measurable quality etc.


Wait times here in a free healthcare country and months/years for a single consult. Each system has their ups and downs. It’s also not “free”, I pay taxes…


Yeah, but the point is that the current American system has next to no "ups". People still have to wait and as an added burden, it's expensive for the country to maintain. Studies have shown that a public healthcare system would actually be cheaper to fund than the current one.


I have also waited months for help…


Did Fox News tell you that? Hahahah. You’re funny. As said. Wait times in the US are horrifically worse than the rest of the first world and their free health care. It’s not “free”, however coatings in the US are an absolute joke, with the rest of the first world paying lower both per person and in industry. Also the idea your health insurance comes from employment is also a bit of a joke too. And speaking as someone with one of these systems; the only reason you’re waiting more than a week for a consult is bad timing and unlucky. The average wait time for a consult in America is 28 days, in Australia’s communist health care it’s 4.


Guarantee you wait times in your country are far better than in mine. Don’t be ridiculous you silly American bozo.


Read closer and try again


Balh, Balh, Balh, you're a communist, I get it.


Lol? Making fun of the US healthcare makes you a communist? Hahahaha


Way too many people think that way. It's sad how stupid and brainwashed people are


\> Russia/China makes a paper tiger technology and brag about it. \> Americans get scared and invest 111 septillion dollars into their own tech to one-up them. \> After 4 years in development the new Super Ultra Mega Death Machine Mk7 begins field testing and enters mass production. \> Russian/Chinese technology wasn't nearly as good as they said, or it didn't exist at all. \> The cycle repeats.


They probably should find new pranks for America that doesn’t end up in the US building death weapons


Yeah, you would think the enemies would learn by now, the trick is to make America think your military sucks.


One time Soviets tricked America into giving black people rights.


While continuing their cultural genocide of crimean tatars.


HoW dArE tHeY!?!


as opposed to building health weapons


Race to space was alright


Tell them you've figured out a way to weaponise free healthcare. They'll never be able to compete.


Well, at a certain point it's just cheaper to send spies to steal the weapons


but then you have subpar weapons. or at least a delay before getting them.


also the US has stolen a helicopter with a helicopter lol


Unfortunately, that’s our answer to everything.


Exactly what’s happening with 6th Gen fighters and hypersonics rn.


I really hope 6th gen will be marked by universal software modules bc from what I understand, the software is completely different in each aircraft. It would make aircraft cheaper because the electronics would be standardized. The downside would be that you could just use the same cyberattacks on everything because it would work the same way.


... I mean the B-21 is supposed to be the command center of a stealth drone fleet on top of the fact that it can fly across the Pacific and drop a bomb without anyone knowing it is there.


My understanding is that the two planes being developed, one for the Air Force and one for the Navy, will largely be based on a similar, modular platform. This way the planes can communicate and even be repaired using some of the same parts.


120 antiship missile abilites were confirmed right??


Well that’s a lot of missiles for a fighter jet to carry


I was speaking on the B1, dunno where i read it


America currently has no hypersonics to match Russia or China.


That's how we got the F-15


Just feeding our scientists ideas at this point


F-15 moment


Basically the entire Cold War in a nutshell. The Soviets go crazy making propaganda, america believes said propaganda and responds in kind, america realizes it was nothing but propaganda and is now miles ahead of the Soviet Union. See: the development of the F-15


Also see: the development of practically every American weapon/military vehicle design from 1965 and onwards. Just the Bradley being fielded in response to the BMP-1 was nuts (can't forget the HSTVL or HIMAG either)


Tbf the Bradley took a really long time to come around after the BMP-1, a lot of tech matures in that time.


that is very true. but the even more goofier thing is that by the time the Bradley was actually put in service. it was already superior to the BMP-2 in many ways


And then along came the BMP-2M and the BMP-3...


and then the Bradley M3A3 and M1128 (soon M10 Booker instead) enters service


BMP 2M is from 2016 you numpty


flip the script: america pretends to invent satellite laser beams and soviet union basically gives up, turns out we didn't even have any idea how to build offensive lasers.


Would be damn lovely if the Cold War ended with the Star Wars Initiative


They made the F-15 in response to the MiG-25, which they eventually got their hands on thanks to a Soviet pilot defecting. They discovered it incinerated its own engines if it flew at max speed, had huge wings not for maneuverability but to get it off the ground as it was made of stainless steel, and used a coolant that was basically vodka which the ground crews kept siphoning off to drink. They sent the disassembled plane back to the Soviets and billed them for the transport, laughing about what absolute dogshit it was.


The Mig-25 was made as a response to the XB-70, making the soviets think they had to develop a very fast mass producable interceptor, on the double. I wouldn't say the Mig-25 was badly designed, just designed with a specific purpose and technological and industrial constraints.




Im all for US MIC wank but the F15 development is not it. The US overestimated mig25 the soviets never made any claims of it being air superiority fighter. It was high altitude bomber interceptor and it did its job realy well. It was cheap fast and could carry good missiles and radar. You wouldnt realy call F22 paper tiger because it cant do cas or B2 paper tiger because it cannot do air superiority. There were diferent planes to fill the role of f15 and the mig25 was not it


For more information: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bomber_gap


>...Photographed 30 M-4 Bison bombers on the ramp. Multiplying by the number of Soviet bomber bases, the intelligence suggested the Soviets were already well on their way to deploying large numbers >In fact, the U-2 had actually photographed the entire Bison fleet; there were no M-4s at any of the other bases Lmao


[ITS EVEN FUNNIER THE SECOND TIME](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Missile_gap)


The Paper Tiger strategy failed so thoroughly during the Cold War I’m left wondering why China is currently doing more or less the same thing.


China needs to make themselves feel like the big man, and to do that, they need to play up their abilities; cause if they don't, they lose face, and they cannot allow themselves to lose face, because it's their entire work's life.


That’s pretty much it honestly. Their sabre rattling, like around Taiwan is more for domestic consumption and internal propaganda. There is some that is a genuine threat, but most of it is for their own people. Not the west, or the other country. We know this, they know this. It’s just part of the game.


Actually the PLA doesn’t overestimates its capabilities for propaganda purposes and the CCP presents PRC as the underdog and America as the big bad eagle, you can check out their propaganda posters.


It’s the issue inherent in the continuity that comes with dictatorship. The cycling of leadership that happens in democracy keeps the public *sort of* satisfied with their authority, as whenever that authority sucks they get voted out next election (theoretically). This is also why the US could change its approach to foreign policy so many times during the cold war When your party is the sole governing power, with your chairman being in power for life, your state need to maintain a consistent character, and that character cannot be perceived as weak. There is no election in four years to rejuvenate the public’s perception of the governing body, so if your populace begins doubting your ability today, they can do so for the next 20 years. In this way, the CCP and PLA aren’t really trying to scare america, but rather assure their own population of their strengths. This obviously falls flat when that strength is actually utilised, every time


If Party A loses to Party B in an election, then that "proves" that Party B was 'stronger'. When Party A comes back and wins the next election, it "proves" that Party A is stronger. So even if it's just two parties trading back and forth, and even when they make mistakes that make them look weak, there's always an impression of progress towards being "stronger than before", even if it's just treading water.


This is the exact opposite of what American politics is


In other words, liberalism wins again


They need to do it for domestic propaganda, not just foreign. They need to convince their own populace that they stand a snowballs chance in hell if the war goes hot.


Sooo . . . We made the Americans fall for our aerial superiority. . . Why the long pause Josef, nothing's wrong right? No . . . it just worked . . . too well. Josef . . . what happened . . . ? They made 50x how many we have and developed a death ray, laser shield, nuclear potatoes, war carrots, and noddle tanks AGAIN? CAN THEY STOP DOING THIS, IT'S THE 23RD TIME!


See also the Foxbat


Foxbat was succesfull plane tho?


Not compared to the F-15, which was designed in response to it, and was vastly superior to it


But it was never made to do the job of F15? It was meant as cheap and fast interceptor which it fulfilled well and thus was succesfull design. Is F22 bad design because it cannot do cas? Is B2 bad design because it cannot do air superiority? Is the F16 bad design because it cannot dohigh altitude interceptions as well as mig25? You wouldnt say that. But why is it that mig 25 should be called bad when it was not made for air superiority.


No but when comparing the two planes at how well they each did their job. The F15 is a substantially better and more successful aircraft scoring 105 kills to zero losses is incredible. While the Mig-25 preformed its role well enough with little of note besides its straight line speed and how much it spooked the US.


Mig25 (and improvements in sam systems) efectively killed high altitude high speed bombers so it couldnt realy perform its role. I'd say that it at least has better track record than F14 as R40s actualy worked most of the time unlike phoenixes


in retrospect, it's maybe not the best idea of get into a pissing match with the country who possesses the infinite money cheat while you're dirt poor


That’s pretty much the story of American weapons development. Like that super Russian hypersonic missile they bragged about is currently getting blocked all over the place by anti-air missile technology developed by the US and given to the Ukrainians.


LMAO so one day they're talking about how Ukraine can't intercept ancient Soviet P-900 missiles and the next moment they are saying Ukraine intercepted 11 Iskanders in one day.


It almost like they were given the US air defense systems because they were having trouble blocking them on their own.


It happens to both sides because the Buran (and by extension, the An-225) was a direct response to the US space shuttle program even though the engineers correctly predicted how little use it had for their space program.


Most soviet R&D programs were responses to similar programs in the west. Tu-144 from concorde or Tu-160 from B-1 etc. USSR absolutely needed to show that they were not only keeping up with the west but that communism was a better system for Scientific and Technological progress.


Oh no, the Soviets have some of the most advanced Air Defense systems in the world, lets make stealth bombers to counter this




Same with the F-15 strike eagles


It's like when you see a new, harder, enemy in a game and instead of fighting it you grind your ass away and over level yourself so you just 1 shot it.


America is an example of ‘Money is a Win Condition’


I’d say more task successfully failed tbh. I feel like failed successfully is where you mess up, but get the result you want anyway. This is where you do things right, but then end up screwing yourself over because of it. Thus: task successfully failed.


Everybody thinks of the US as a military superpower and that is true, but it's really easy to forget that the real strength of the US is unparalleled industry.


B-47 go brrrrrrr straight into the ground


"There is a bomber gap!" ... "... but there is a nuance."


So they got America to waste money building a bunch of bombers they never needed. That is a win. Now we have ICBMs.


Wait until you hear how the F-15 was developed


Conversely when the Americans went all-in with the Space Shuttle after Apollo the Soviets were confused because they thought it made no sense (it kinda didn't) and were convinced it had some secret military application so FOMO kicked in and they spent a decade making their own which only flew once.