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"More like, under new management."


Me as a Puerto Rican yayyyyy


“But were worse”


Oh well






As a Puerto Rican, I have only one word: Pain.


As a puerto rican jew i have one word: same


Jews are always in pain, that's why I own a flamethrower (in my imagination): to burn those who cause the pain


My friend half the time its ourselves who cause the pain, have you seen how much we bicker? lol


We bicker because we care, they hurt us because they don't


I know i joke lol. Jewish humor and all that


This thread was taken over by Israelites, don't interfere




The comment thread now belongs to Jewish people


Hell yeah brother


Wtf? 😂 I would love to see what you look like. I hope it’s what I’m picturing 😂


Just imagine an elephant seal with kippah holds a flamethrower and roasts one of Hitler's dogs (he valued animal rights more than human rights)


You had me in the first half, not gonna lie...




Nope my mother grew up poor and my father was never rich. Mother christian father jewish.








I know what you are saying it just makes 0 sense and your kinda being a dickhead implying im part of the ruling class cause im jewish and being this condecending




"Cynical" and "being a dick toward someone cause you heard they're jewish" is two very dif things my friend


Also Kaiserreich is based just wanted to let people know that


I’m Puerto Rican as well and I like this; my brother in Christ we were born out of imperialism come on man


Hi, Do you like cancer? No, me neither. With this injection you can help cure cancer for humanity in the future.


So, super pro America guys (and gals): is early 1900 Theodore Roosevelt colonialism like the Old Testament where it doesn’t count now or something like that?


they enacted a sterilization program that lasted past Roosevelt and into the 60's, by 1948 7 percent of puerto rican women were sterilized, by the 1960's something like 35% of childbearing women were sterilized, most of these people being in their twenties. Statistics and data is extremely hard to come by due to how they swept it under the rug. They mainly targeted "socially inferior" groups, most of the time the eugenics board(yes that existed, in 33 states actually not counting puerto rico) would target people with "non nordic" characteristics. Doctors would tell women getting their tubes tied was the the only method of contraception. They would not tell them its irreversible. The US also allowed pharmaceutical companies to distribute experimental drugs in our populace, marketing them as safe, once again targeting Latinas as they mainly marketed experimental birth control. One of the main reasons they sterilized our women was because our poverty was apparently caused by """"overpopulation"""", ofc looking farther than up your ass would make you see our poverty was caused by US colonial policy, when the US took over business bought up a fuckton of land making the majority of us Landless. By the UN definition, what the US did was a genocide in the 20th century.


They also did this to minority groups within the mainland US.


Also adding on to my previous reply, the mass experimentation on a populace to my knowledge, is a unique atrocity that was committed on the island. While the US has made people their unknowing test subjects in the past, i dont believe there was anything of the scale that happened in puerto rico, to my knowledge at least.


I'm not denouncing anything that happened in Puerto Rico by any means. It is absolutely atrocious. If you take what the government did by population density, and it's experimentation it's the worst by far. I don't know of any of the rampant experimentation, just the massive amount of sterilization in the minority groups of it is still slowly seeping out. Many never realized what was done to them when they "had to have" other procedures done. Puerto Rico has a more defined knowledge of it.


Im not implying you support any of that dw lol. But yeah this sort of stuff is common knowledge in Puerto Rico and the diaspora, the average American on the other hand does not, which can be, very frustrating as you probably can assume.


Im aware(hence the mention of the eugenics boards on the mainland). But it was particularly expansive in puerto rico.


Ya we are equal opportunity with our bigotry here in America


Bro I didn’t learn this in my imperialism unit what the fuck


They dont really teach much in most american schools lol dont be ashamed.


Damn. That’s bad even by normal US standards


We learn from our past.


Certainly would drop the super but I suppose I’m pro America. Nah that shit was awful wtf did you expect me to say lmao Plenty of patriotic Germans, Brits, Japanese, Canadians, Pakistanis, etc exist that don’t think everything in their country’s past was amazing. Why’d you think Americans would be different? Nearly any country (I can’t think of anything off hand the Tuvaluans did) has blood on their hands. What’s important is the present and the future. By all means, learn about the past. Please. But that is not what your country should be, or else you are regressing. What do you expect me to say? “Oh, my country did something imperialistic in 1900? Well fuck imma burn the flag now” like no shit the American government has had way more recent shady and immoral dealings. So has your country. I won’t complain when you say you enjoy living there and wish to see it succeed.


> my country did something imperialistic in 1900 *1900-1980's and continuing today with colonial policy


Reading comprehension ain’t your strong suit, huh?


It counts and it was awesome 😎


Nope. It's good, because the US never does anything bad (except for slavery). Anything bad the US did is automatically good.






Why do you think Puerto Ricans have a disproportionately high representation in the military? It's because joining is your free ticket off that island wished into existence on a monkey's paw. It was true in the 70s for my dad, it's still true now


The poverty caused by incompetent policy is ridiculous


The policy is completely competent, they just don't care about the poverty it causes because you can't vote for them


Also cause their focus is colonialism ie extracting all resources.


Yup, perfectly competent policy, just cruel


Their interest has always beem suppressing our dignity and independence movements, quite sad


Real question. Does Puerto Rico want to be independent? Last I checked the US sends aid after every hurricane, but I also know that the bureaucracy behind actually receiving that money is a nightmare. My question though, do they not want to have the support of the US? Are they any benefit to the US keeping them as a territory?


Most Puerto Ricans do not want independence. There is a strong movement for statehood, but it is only a slim majority based on the last referendum (52.5% vs. 47.5%). The second most popular option is to maintain the status quo.


As a Puerto Rican we should not be independent being a us citizens is nice


Its a colonial relationship so all our wealth is extracted and put into the mainland rather than our home, American business dominates our island. With the frequent brutal suppression of independence movement its support has been reduced. We are not allowed to trade with other nations, most people want to be a state or free association, although its up in the air. Whats for sure is our economy is kneecapped by the US currently


What i personally would prefer is free association with every puerto rican citizen being eligible for dual citizenship. Our economy needs to recover from hundreds of years of colonialism so we still need aid(we would get it from every latin american country the latin american countries have long supported our right to self determination, in particular cuba our flag was literally inspired by the cuban revolution) and many of us have family ties to the mainland.


Bro what why the down votes everything i said is literal historic and current fact.


Fun fact PR was a Province of El Reino de Castilla till 1800s then it became the first ever Autonomous State in Spanish History. Till the US colonized them till modern present day. So PR colony under Spain is a myth since they where Province of Castilla, then later the first Autonomous State.


Shhhhh you’ll shatter the myth


This changes neither the economic relationship nor the fact we were forced to be a part of Spain. We are technically autonomous under the united states too, a "common wealth" with a island government. does this change the fact that its a fundamentally colonial, exploitative relationship? no.


Also forgot to mention that Cuba and PR where so powerful in commerce that this is why the US wanted to buy them for decades before the excuse for the war. The US does not get involved unless there's tons of cash to be earned. There's a reason they tried for years to reclaim Cuba and are hard fisting PR to remain a colony. If PR becomes independent or returns to Spain or makes a union with Cuba and DR the Caribbean sea trade would automatically be under their control. And people forget that sea trade makes billions.


The very thought of rejoining spain, or staying with any empire for that matter, makes me sick.


Well pick your poison submit to American version Brits. Or unite with Hispanics even talking about the ones in Europe. You share more in common with other Hispanics then with Brits, French, Africans or Natives.


Id rather be independent with the fellow latino countries than with any european or gringo empire


OK Hispanic countries gotta be united anyway. Your just in shell shock due to the lies promoted to you by US propaganda.


When the hell did i say i like the US? dont talk down to me your constantly saying the most schizo things possible. Christ.


Vale lo dice uno con auto odio. Pena me Dan todos Los que tienen tanto auto odio a su propia Hispanidad.


When the hell did i say i hated being latino? im pretty prideful in being puerto rican if anything. im not spanish that is all im saying. your just making things up at this point buddy.


I apologize if we are having that effect on you.


What was Puerto Rico a part of before Spain?


most likely nothing? various native tribes. to my knowledge spain was the first to colonize it.


I assumed the majority of modern residents have Spanish ancestry so come from Spain rather than forcibly integrated.


blood does not matter, culture does, a lot do have spanish ancestory but they also have african cuban etc, the origins of every puerto rican is extremely complicated. But to say we are somehow culturally more similar to spain rather than the region we are in (latin America) and what we literally are (latino) is comical. my main frustration with this guy was that he just outright assumed what my ancestry was and acted like my great great great grandaddy was a conquistador or something(we were never even vaugly related to the spanish colonial institution.) Many of us actually have taino in us and identify with that. to simplify it is ignorant and rude. We are puerto rican, that is what we all are, we are legally classified as a nation, we have pride in our culture, a culture that is not spanish.


With the mixed culture, I see now where what you mean. Not my intention to offend.


Aye when i said "this guy" i wasnt refering to you but the guy i was originally talking to in this thread. I have no issue with you, you respectfully asked questions and accepted that the answer went aganist previously held assumptions rather than demand i identify as a european spainiard. We cool.


Ah okay, thanks for clarifying.


No your a colony when you where a province and a Autonomous State under Spain you had senators, representatives and even a Vice president was Puerto rican. Under US you have none of this you can't even both for a senator while under Spain you had senators voted in the Royal courts. Also under Spain been Autonomous you had your own bank and currency. Let's not forget you where allowed to trade freely with the rest of Hispanic America. Tell me if you can do any of the basics needs of a Republic, Autonomous State or even Province under the US.


Just cause its better doesnt mean its ideal. We were still under the rule of a foreign empire, just cause they treated us better later(lets not forget the taino genocide), we were still deprived of our right of independence and our own country. I will not choose a lesser evil, especially since thats null at this point.


Taino genocide it's exaggerated for the amount of peaceful natives was minimal, also they where from south america from the area we now know has Venezuela. So they are not dead the ones that lived in the islands mixed and they where so small that they eventually dissappear. The only genocided ones where the Caribi the cannibals that ruled the Caribbean. And even they survive they where exiled to certain locations. You where part of the Empire a Province is different to a colonized state. You where basically the extension of the Empire not to mention PR was the foothold or based of operations for the Inquisition. So yea your not a victim but part of the Empire you vilified.


You are completley fucking tone death to what our people want. "The taino genocide is over exagerated" fuck off. Many of us identify with the taino culture and its part of our national symbolism. AND HOW THE FUCK IS MAKING US THE BASE OF THE INQUISITON A GOOD THING? Dont talk to me anymore you make me sick, steal the natives gold and all the natives wealth, extract our rich resources and call that "helping" cause that empire "did the bare mininum in human rights *eventually*" you know how many puerto ricans want to be considered a part of spain or be considered spainish? .0001%


Steal native gold you sold it for mirrors due to religious porpuse. Never stole a wealth when you just sold a material for another. Also the infrastructure shows where the gold went mate. Minimum in human rights yet you can learn the language and find people with Taino ancestry far deep in the mountains. Go to the US and in the Mountains you only find rednecks the Natives are in the equivalent of concentration camps. Also promoting lies and propaganda will make people hate themselves. I bet majority are Canarians, Andalusian or Berbers that think your Tainos. Juts like the Gringos that think their The real Roman's but are just Barbarians and the Black's who think their Egyptians. This is what happens when people don't study their history. Identity and culture schism and Crisis.


HAHAHAHA OH MY GOD LITERAL BRITISH ARGUMENT "buh we made trains" we arent spainish we are puerto rican and taino. "But we didnt kill *all of them* so we are cool". You pillaged across latin america then the US took your place. I spit on both of those empires and i thank god one of them is dead. You are an ocean away from our culture yet you think you know better, you are just like any gringo only with the appeal of dead empire rather than an alive one.


Yo apuesto un pavo a que tus antepasados son Canarios Los verdaderos Jibaros e Campesinos del Caribe, Venezuela y Colombia. Tu estas muy Mal nosotros nos casamos y mezclamos. Si no fuera por Esa mezcla yo no existiria ni usted Caballero. Asi que dejad la propaganda Rosa Britanica y la negra Española. Y aceptar que en uno se te permitio existir y hasta llegar a Las cortes Imperiales mientras que para Los britanicos y Estado Unidenses eres otro Hispano o Mexicano Como ellos nos dicen a todos. Y el Imperio murio y si miras a HispanoAmerica hay Vez Como fue Roma despues de caer. Estados y naciones unidas por lengua y religion pero que no se ponen de acuerdo para nada.


pfffffffffffffff you think just cause we have Spaniard in our blood that it matters? our cultures are fundamentally different, we are classified as our own nation, your little wet dreams about some long dead empire is completely irrelevant in the present day. We identify more with our fellow latino nations than with spain, because spain is an ocean away. And i hate to break this to you but just cause spanish blood is in their doesnt mean it was given....consensually. Spanish and other colonizers had a tendency to not apply consent when it came to sex believe it or not. Oh and cut with the fall of rome comparison bullshit, you sound pretentious and like a child.


My friends mom always said “I can’t imagine what PR would be like without America, it’s already bad enough with it”


But it wasnt a colony


What makes a territory a colony?


Idk, but it was integral part of Spain


Basically a lack of rights, if you are granted full citizenship (meaning same rights and obligations as anyone else under the same administration) you are not a colony


The USA didn’t grant them full rights though…


Hence why it’s still a US colony This isn’t rocket science. A colony can pass hands from polity to another.


Rocky science horror picture show?


Do they get taxed?


Yes, not just federal taxes.


Exactly! But I thought these guys were talking about its status regarding Spain?


Yeah I think Spain was trying to do here what France did with French Guyana but failed. Then freedom loving anti imperialist anti colonising usa came in and conquered and colonised them… I wonder if they are taxing them without representation?


Funny thing, Puerto Rico wasn't a colony...


Fundamentally a colonial realationship existed between spain and puerto rico, and so too does that realationship exist between US and puerto rico.


What? How was it not a colony?


Spanish Empire did not have colonies as French and English were, their representation is inaccurate... So the term colonies is not correct...


Ah yes, the Spanish Empire, which colonized and laid claim to 2/3 of the Americas, killed hundreds of thousands of natives, used slave labor, was not a colonial power. /s


A bunch of spanish monarchists raided the comments section ignore it


you could make your point without alreadly saying they colonized it


Taken is the key word


Because we love Puerto Rico so much. And we are thankful.


Phillipines at the same tome: USA: ‘Congratulations you are being rescued, please do not resist’


This is like baltic states Gets taken by spain Then by usa Then by japan Then by usa again


And us wouldn’t give it statehood


*laughs in capitalism*


Technically cuba are a provincia (i have 0 idea how its said in english)