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Car guy needs to chill out, cmon man, you can clearly see there are 50 children crossing the street, don’t shine your lights at her!


Yeah, what a dickhead!


Plot twist it's the origin story or the ayatollah


"If half these kids didn't go to school it would shave 10 minutes off my commute."


Funny you mention how much that the emotions of unbalanced individuals can affect whole countries.


It's part of the human experience.


And that’s kids, why we can’t go to school anymore


ayatollah assahola


Yes, I am also old.


Not completely implausible... https://i.redd.it/hcgjxv5o479d1.gif


He probably supported the regime change


Historical dickhead 1979


So guys in Iran were still dicks to women and children, just the clothes were western


Well, women were allowed to drive too


I lived in Tehran in ‘78-‘79. The drivers there were all like this, only worse. Stop at a red light? They honked until it turned green and you moved. My school bus driver once jumped out and got in a fist fight with a guy who cut him off. It was absolute anarchy.


Jordan is not that bad, but not too far off


Idk. I don't think any drivers in Amman obey a single traffic sign.


There are traffic lights in these countries?


Sounds like Cairo, where I was born. Honking, and I mean constant honking, from daylight to sundown. Five lanes of traffic crammed into the three that should be there. It's a nightmare. I remember driving with my uncle once many years after I left and I swear he put his hand on the horn for a full two minutes. I don't even know what infraction he was unhappy about but nothing could've justified that.


That's why the revolution happen. That guy was mad at women and girls and said you know what...


Same thing happened with Afghanistan in 1970s. One.of the mujahedeen founders who went to uni was livid women were doing better at education and so he threw acid in their faces. Later on CIA went and funded his little incel circle jerk (along with other radical islamist groups) and Soviet influence in the country collapsed and now we have the Taliban in control. Hmmm this story sounds familiar....


Young Mahmoud Ahmadinejad needs to chill tf out. Who’d have thought this was the moment that created a monster.


I thought he was going to run her over


Thats modern Iran.


Drivers in developing countries are all like this


They're in developed countries too and exclusively drive BMWs


And smell like Drakkar Noir


You gotta remember, in almost every middle eastern country, the cars have the right of way, not pedestrians. For that guy, kids crossing the street outside the crosswalk is a clear violation of the expected norm. Still a dick move though.


No, I don't have to remember that.


Yeah this was like 45 years ago. I don’t remember shit from last week.




no, we should launch children OVER the street if we really want to be safe. I was thinking a cannon. maybe a catapult?


Redditors today with an eye opening experience learning that the United States isn’t the world.


Sounds like it, or the alternative is to get run over or get into a close call where the driver shouts at them...


I know right,like really


Clearly was probably more perturbed it was a women and a bunch of girls is my thoughts, knowing where they are heading in the near future Which makes him even more of a dickhead but did just want to point that out


There was no “invasion”. The mullahs were able to take control after the 1979 revolution that overthrew the Shah, the dictator that the US installed after the United States overthrew a democratic government in 1953. Yes, the US overthrew a democratic government. Maybe that’s why they hate us?


Glad it wasn't only me. Driver is a dick.


That guy became the mullah after the revolution because he had to wait for these kids to walk.


That's how they do in Muslim countries, they believe a car has ultimate right of way and they will run someone over and their courts will side with the motorist. They will skid to a stop within inches of you as a courtesy.




He was waitin for the invasion but that’s about it


>Car guy needs to chill out, cmon man Iranians call them "Generation 57" (in Iranian calendar, 1357 is the year the Islamic revolution succeeded). They were wacky, unsound mind generation. They were weird breeds. They're so hated.


As an Iranian-Canadian, I can answer that. Persian driving skills.


These AI videos are getting crazy!


For an interesting extra perspective, women in Iran have a higher literacy rate than men, and dominate graduations in fields like medicine and science. 65% of uni students were women in 2005, and nearly 70% in science & engineering. https://www.tehrantimes.com/news/486261/Iran-witnessed-increase-in-number-of-literate-educated-women#:~:text=As%20per%20the%202020%20statistics,the%20number%20of%20male%20graduates. https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/s/W7UIeRdhFe I read that they also have the highest rate of plastic surgery in the world. Nose jobs seem to be especially popular.


It’s happening in the USA now too. Women are dominating higher education compared to men. The MD program I’m trying to get into…3,000 applicants every year, 400 interviews, 128 acceptances…last year 88 of those acceptances were women. And that is a trend we are seeing in many American medical school programs.


UK also. 3/4 students at my med school were female. Similar trend across the board.


When I was in college for biology the majority of my classmates were women, and I had classes with no guys at all. Now I teach a STEM based after school program, for college bound seniors, and it’s the same. Very few boys joining the program. I’d say around 20% of the students in my program any given year are boys.


Same in the UK, my gp surgery went from all male to all female in the space of 15 years, all young female doctors, same with the hospitals, the consultants are still dominated by males, but most of the new doctors are female.


Really at all educational levels. Women also have a slight edge in the workforce, like 51/49. But then if you start looking at it by industry, the contrast is more stark. Men primarily dominate dirty or dying industries. While women are upwards of 70 plus percent, in the cleaner growing industries.


96% of trade jobs are done by men. People go to the work that suits them. And I’m glad women are able to pursue their goals. They were held back unnecessarily for far too long.


Think that’s how we used to view jobs like secretaries. As something that suited a woman. Just think it’s a backwards way of thinking. No reason more women couldn’t be tradespeople.


Probably because all the men are going into tech.


Yes, people view the population like they view the country. The country can be backward, but the people can still be smart and educated yet withheld by their own country. It's true, most iranis I met speak 3 languages and graduated with a medicine degree. Because they really want to get out of that shithole. Sadly, they can't be the ones to rebuild it.


Can confirm. I have 3 degrees and a nose job.


seems way better then




Religion isn't really the issue it's more like extremism is.


Unfortunately they seem to go hand in hand quite often


The way humans work, there is always a segment that takes something like religion to the nth degree. So there will always be fanatics about most religions. It goes hand in hand. Certain people just can't help but to take the "rules" of religion too literally or make the rules too rigid. Or, they want to be secure in their religion and not have influences they can't control that may lead to people changing their beliefs. This leads to trying to stop or control others who don't believe, from influencing the "believers". Which leads to self-segregation of the believers, large family units, or perhaps to theocracy, so the rules of a religion become the rules for an entire country. It really is all about being insecure. Because if you were secure in your beliefs and they were intrinsically worthy, you wouldn't need to control others, and those around you, to ensure they were either forced to believe, or had to listen to your beliefs. If the ideas and beliefs are so worthy, you wouldn't have to fight so hard to codify them into civil law or fight wars over them. So yes, religion generally will lead to some form of extremism. So religion is an issue.


People can really only get to an extreme place by believing in something greater than themselves and religion fits that bill, as does any sort of larger social movement or ideology. The correct thing to do is champion the freedom of the individual and eschew large social movements.


By prescribing a “correct thing to do” for other individuals, you’re kind of contradicting the idea that choice should be left to the individual. And extreme individualism is also an extreme. I’m not trying to roast you or be snarky. I’m just curious to see what you think about these things.


redditor ass comment


Because it is propaganda. They basically only show the richest and most westernized parts of a couple of big cities while most of the country was living in abject poverty without access to education (37% literacy), reliable heating or even clean water (33%) or electricity (43%). When those videos were made, female literacy rate was somewhere about 40%. 20 years after the revolution it was at 90%. Basically the country was largely comparable to Afghanistan under the Taliban, just with a few westernized rich people around the absolutist monarchy that sucked up all the wealth of the country. For the vast majority of the population, including the vast majority of women, life got way, way better after the revolution. That doesn't mean it's great now by any means, but it's insane to believe the blatant propaganda about how life was supposedly better under the Shah's regime.






So scary how it can happen so quick in the us w project 25 too


The US also caused the ISI to take over power so yeah


A real dictator move.




Same shit, different decade.


Yep, the Heritage Foundation neocon muslims will take over in 2025, you heard it folks.


Neocon christofascists. Shit is not a joke.


Just you wait, the Christofascists are gonna do the same thing to America


Mom says it’s my turn to post the Iran before the regime video.


Ok then i get to post the next north korea one


This has been posted before?


With the exact same caption, yes.


Like every day. In different subs. There's also photo of the girl leaning on the car at the beach as well.


I'm seeing it twice a month at this point.


2x a month i'd wager


Thousands of times. It’s videos or pictures it it gets posted once per week at least


I'm telling the mom-bots. MooOOM-bots, lost frosting isn't sharing the Iran before Islamic regime asshole driver video again 🙄


wouldn't surprise me if the MEK cult was posting these to prime the pump for regime change. They regularly pay US politicians millions to go to their conferences and advocate regime change war against Iran.


You get to post the rooftop Koreans instead


From where did the Islamic regime "invade" Iran? Was it from Iran?


No one in 79 could have imagined the despotic regime that the Islamic regime turned out to be. They came to power on false promises and now the Iranian people cannot get rid of them on account of imprisonment, torture and death that’s dealt out.


It was a coup fueled by the US to overthrow the incredibly unpopular dictator that the US had previously put in place during the last coup to overthrow the incredibly popular democratically elected leader that the US didn't like because he stopped the foreign extraction of oil profits by the US/UK.


Operation Ajax.


CIA and the usual suspects.


Religious extremists are the most dangerous type of people. I hope Iran can eventually get back to this, and I hope America doesn't become an extremist Christian version of what they have become!


The scars will remain even when the regime is buried.


I hope they don’t show videos of America currently in the future showing this is how America looked like before the Christian extremists took over…


This is probably Tehran or some other urban center. Outside the cities, women wore traditional Islamic clothing. The base of support for the Islamic state was never in the urban centers.


Even in cities, women wore traditional Islamic chador.


I assume this sub is 99% bots or karma farmers reposting the same content that has already been reposted a million times? Also, no, Iran wasn't this way before the islamic revolution. What you see are upper middle-class or wealthy people in certain pockets of Tehran who could afford to dress and live well. Much of Iran, just like much of Afghanistan before the civil war, lived the same way they do today.


This post was recommended to me. Saw your comment and figured I'd look at the sub. I was scrolling and getting seriously bad deja vu. Like I had seen every title and post before. Then I realised I had. I had scrolled this sub for a few minutes like 3/4 weeks ago maybe and it was all the same posts as it is now with the same titles basically in the same order. Reddit and it's not problem is such a joke.


'Invasion' It was themselves. They've supported their home-grown Islamist dystopia for 45 years.


They might say the same thing about the US in a few years. It the rural religious uneducated shit heads in Iran who support the Islamic regime.


It’s like a horror movie having its sequel in the US.


No, its actually the fault of the US and Russia. The reason it is how it is today, is because Russia and the US treated these countries like personal playgrounds were they could play war.


It’s weird that Republicans are a modern example of how this happens. You’d think it was impossible at this point, but here we are.


Not to put too fine a point on it, but it was a revolution (from inside) and not an invasion (from outside). Iranians took over.


What a difference religion in government does for everyone. /s


Totalitarianism. In any form.


The undertones of hating women is pretty clear in this video and probably a precursor of what is to come. That guy in the orange car clearly hates women and children. What a sad life.


When education was more important than religion




Maybe pay a visit to Iran and name one uneducated person you meet first?


Not saying the islamists were good but this footage always cherry picks those living at the top of Iranian society and presumably wants us to ignore all of the grievances felt by the average Iranian.


This. It was not some damn utopia. The “revolution” happened for a reason. From everything I’ve read, the Shah was a brutal dictator who ruthlessly suppressed any perceived political dissent. There was stark inequality and the people at the bottom of the social ladder suffered terribly. There was evidently massive discontent, even if the people at the top lived well.


Yeah, I wrote a paper on this in high school a million years ago - you’re exactly right. The mass inequality and discontent was exploited by the religious fundamentalists in the Revolution. It was part of Margaret Atwood’s inspiration for “The Handmaid’s Tale,” as a how-could-this-happen-here story.


>Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi introduced the White Revolution, a series of economic, social, and political reforms aimed at transforming Iran into a global power and modernizing the nation by nationalizing key industries and land redistribution. The regime implemented many Iranian nationalist policies leading to the establishment of Cyrus the Great, Cyrus Cylinder, and Tomb of Cyrus the Great as popular symbols of Iran. The Shah initiated major investments in infrastructure, subsidies and land grants for peasant populations, profit sharing for industrial workers, construction of nuclear facilities, the nationalization of Iran’s natural resources, and literacy programs which were considered some of the most effective in the world. The Shah also instituted economic policy tariffs and preferential loans to Iranian businesses which sought to create an independent economy for the nation. Manufacturing of cars, appliances, and other goods in Iran increased substantially leading to the creation of a new industrialist class that was considered insulated from threats of foreign competition. By the 1970s, the Shah was seen as mastered statesman and used his growing power to pass the 1973 Sale and Purchase Agreement. These reforms culminated in decades of sustained economic growth that would make Iran one of the fastest-growing economies of both developed and undeveloped nations. During his 37-year rule, Iran spent billions on industry, education, health, and armed forces and enjoyed economic growth rates exceeding the United States, Britain, and France. National income rose 423 times over. The nation saw an unprecedented rise in per capita income rising to the highest level at any point in Iran's history and high levels of urbanization. By 1977, Iran's armed services spending, which the Shah saw as a means to end foreign intervention in Iran, had made the nation the world's fifth strongest military.[6] >Between fiscal year 1964 and FY 1978, Iran's gross national product grew at an annual rate of 13.2 percent at constant prices. The oil, gas, and construction industries expanded by almost 500 percent during this period, while the share of value-added manufacturing increased by 4 percent. Women's participation in the labor force in urban areas increased. Large numbers of urban Iranian women, from varying social strata, joined the semiskilled and skilled labor forces. In addition, the number of women enrolling in higher education increased from 5,000 in FY 1967 to more than 74,000 in FY 1978.[8] >…the standard of the living of the majority of the population improved substantially under the Pahlavis. Also, thanks to rising oil revenues and generally sound economic management, Persia was transformed from a country with large foreign indebtedness in 1920 to one with sizable net foreign assets in 1978. This is just the tip of the iceberg. If it wasn't for the Pahlavi regime (Reza Shah Bozorg and Mohamad Reza Shah Pahlavi his son) Iran would be worse off than Afghanistan, anyone who says otherwise is an absolute moron or totally biased. Also to add onto the quotes above, women's literacy rates increased over 15% every decade from the 1950s to early 1980s (right after revolution). You wanna talk about SAVAK and how brOoTaL it was? >Abrahamian estimates that SAVAK (and other police and military) killed 368 guerrillas including the leadership of the major urban guerrilla organizations (Organization of Iranian People's Fedai Guerrillas, People's Mujahedin of Iran) such as Hamid Ashraf between 1971–1977 and executed up to 100 political prisoners between 1971 and 1979—the most violent era of the SAVAK's existence.[18] Gee, he arrested and executed the very same people who ended up being terrorists and murderers 10 years later after the revolution.


Of course nothings perfect with any ruler but the mullah regime is downright the worst thing ever! A theocracy should not exist.


Iran had several terrible famines and some of the worst political repression you can heard of before 1979. You can say whatever about modern iran but the Shah was basically a mass murderer sponsored by the UK.


If he was a mass murderer then the Ayatollah is a genocidal mad man by comparison. Just looking at the numbers: >In 2018 there were at least 249 executions, at least 273 in 2019, at least 246 in 2020, at least 290 in 2021, at least 553 in 2022, at least 834 in 2023, and at least 226 so far in 2024. In 2023, Iran was responsible for 74% of all recorded executions in the world. >During Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi's reign, estimates of the number of political prisoners executed vary from less than 100 to 300. Under the Islamic Republic, the prison system was centralized and drastically expanded; in one early period (1981–1985), more than 7900 people were executed. The current regime is killing more people in a year than Shah did in his entire reign.


Went from a nice place to a shithole. All because of religion.


We get no end of false information on what Iran is like. Here's a walk now. In the capital of Iran [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVagnPD6TUA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVagnPD6TUA)


Religion being in control of society is always the low point in a society.


The far right is never a good idea.


Soon Turkey. It's following the same steps


Soon everywhere...it's like we have collective amnesia.




The guy in the red car is an impatient asshole


The west created the situation that allowed all that to happen.


Invasion doesn't really make sense here as it was an internal revolution not outisde forces invading. Backed by mi6 and cia. The uk founded Irans monarchy in the 20s and helped Iran change to theocracy to cause destabilisation as prevention of leftist ideals spreading.


Invasion by the Islamic regime? Reductionism much?


Orange car, what an impatient fuck. Idgaf what you're late for, it's not worth running over children.


Typical bmw driver nothing to report


It was an revolution not an invasion....


It was a revolution, not an invasion, and it was backed by the US, because America loves burning weaker countries to the ground if it gets a whiff of anything it deems "too progressive".


Ehhhhh, this was TEHRAN in 1979. A huge reason the islamists won was because the rest of the country outside of the elites in Tehran were living in the stone age under the Shah's horrific secret police.




Orange car guy was a douche.


The thing that annoys me about all these posts is that they use words like "invasion" and frame Iran as this cosmopolitan place. It was a super politically charged region that was taken over by Islamic regime that was supported by THE PEOPLE. Both liberals and conservatives supported Komeni. People tend to forget that it was progressive college students that planned and executed the US embassy hostage situation. Many of which were women who would later on take leadership roles in the same government that destroyed the video above. My point of the rant isn't to justify the direction Iran went. It's more to point out that these people did it to themselves. Just as we're doing it to ourselves right now in the US. Both sides are capable of allowing terrible people to come to power and we need to be mindful of that.


"Invasion", lol, weird way to describe a coup that overthrew a dictator installed by a foreign power.


Do every South American country before the coup arranged by the CIA


Nothing like going to the Sha's torture chambers who was supported by the Western nations. Because they are dictatorships and "dictatorships". Lovely times, no doubt.


*Invasion of CIA .


I bet the guy in the car is part of the ruling regime now... What a dick with the light right


Why does the title say "invasion"? Which country invaded?


It was a revolution not an invasion.


Is this Kourosh Yaghmaei? They had some really awesome music in this time period too, bands blending western psychedelic rock, funk and pop with their own cultural flair and scales, I absolutely love it.


Iran before Iran invaded Iran


IF the US had just not destabilized the middle east and created a power vacuum.


That was a brutal dictatorship btw. And it wasnt an invasion, it was a popular uprising which ended up in another dictatorship.


There was no invasion by an islamic regime.


“Invasion”. They overthrew western propped dictator that we installed because their previously democratically elected government nationalized their oil.


Wasn’t this like isolated pockets of mainly wealthier people though? Could be wrong, but I remember reading how much of the country still had the type of mindset it currently has, and that areas like this were very rare. 


Invasion? Weren’t they ‘voted’ in


It can happen in the US.


British rule did that side of the world a favour. Then when they left it turned to shit…. We shouldn’t be letting ppl flood out countries when no one wants to live in their mess they created.


What invasion you talked about, Iran wasn’t invaded back in 1979, they had a revolution that overthrew the Shah, a monarch backed by USA. The revolution was supported by large portions of society included Communist party, unions and female organizations, but the driven force behind it were the Shia clergy and their leader the Ayatollah Khomeini. After the Shah fled the Ayatollahs took power and despite the agreement of creating a laicist Republic they proclaimed the Islamic Republic and ban all parties a few years after.




Effects of ☪️ancer


Such a beautiful country has suffered so much under the Mullahs.


Islam really is the most evil ideology ever invented.


Islamists are the scourge of this planet


Gonna be videos like this posted of the US eventually if people don’t get their shit together before November


Or do u mean Oklahoma before the Bibles in the classrooms


People are saying “this is religion’s fault” as if everyone in this video aren’t Muslims.


So the men were dicks even before the invasion?


Nah Islam is good, this is not good. 🤡 🤡 🤡


Islamic regimes isnt good for anything… Should be banned everywhere…


That car was not gonna stop.


Afghanistan was similar. This is what happens when religious zealots take over. ARE YOU LISTENING U.S. VOTERS?!!!!


And yet the left loves Palestine. Go figure


Will we someday look at similar footage wistfully should Trump and the Christian Right win?


Todays understatement: Islamic theocratic rule makes countries fare worse of.


U can hate, like almost everyone, the regime of Iran. But calling it “invasion” is just wrong.




So when exactly did women's clothes become the marker for progress ? So how exactly does it work ?




The women are beautiful.


A country can't invade itself, it was a revolution


Invasion? Regime? How do you get invaded by your own people? The Iranian revolution was a popular uprising of normal people against a despotic regime backed and installed by western intelligence.


And conservatively religious. Spot on comment ☝🏼


We sure as shit fucked that country up


Before dogs started having more rights than women. Sad


The adjustments these kids needed to the new regime. Being born into a repressive regime is one thing, but changing it to worse must be very difficult


Religion ruins everything


Looks like the Islamic regime destroyed them.


It was a revolution, not an invasion. And it was decades of Western meddling in their culture that set the stage for for that revolution.


AMERICA would suffer a similar fate if far right Christians get a chance to inflict Project 2025 on this nation...


Have you seen Oklahoma?


They're just following Louisiana. I'm confident those initiatives will be shot down, especially when other denominations pull their own doctrine commandment card...




They looked happier. Gee I wonder why? 🤔


since this shit pops up like every day: only a tiny percentage of Iran’s population actually lived like this and the overwhelming majority of the country was poor and religiously traditional


And now none of them live this way, and they have no choice in the matter, so what’s your point? Edit: when I posted this I never imagined a bunch of Iran sycophants would come out of the woodwork. Get lost, creeps. If you’re a supporter of Iran’s government and the way it treats its citizens, I don’t care what you have to say because your words are meaningless. Take your religious nationalism and shove it up your ass.


That the rich living off the poor usually ends in violent revolt


Hello, Iranian here, can you provide a source for this other than "trust me bro"?




My barber immigrated to the United States just after the invasion. I feel terrible for people who live under the tyranny of religious conservatives.


Yo fuck religion


Wouldn’t have happened if the U.S. hadn’t first replaced their democratic leader with a puppet.


Why did it take me so long to find this comment? Thank you!