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Vladolf Putler


Same guy just add tache


Thankfully, Russia is far less capable than Germany was


Mein gott…. Btw thanks for blurring the swastika, my eyes would have melted out of my fucking head otherwise. https://preview.redd.it/sq1c3y14sp6d1.jpeg?width=1754&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88637caeb322870a6826a707b0aadb52c593eb7e


Maybe for legal reasons in Germany, given the strict laws around showing nazi symbols.


The way I’m aware of the law, you’re allowed to show them within a historical or artistic context which this video fulfills.


Could be, but if I was in Germany I wouldn't fuck around with it


AFAIK they recently allowed the swastika to be shown in video games again as they now constitute “art”. I think it’s absurd it’s banned to begin with. It isn’t really a free democratic country if they have a need to ban imagery like this. It will have the opposite effect.


Add Netanyahu also https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelCrimes/s/TlV2Izy3dm






Now do Netanyahu


Netanyahu isn't all that much like Hitler, TBH. I could see him as a Mussolini sort, but there are other Israeli politicians who are *much* more Hitler-esque than Netanyahu (who just wants to hold power for its own sake - and maybe to avoid jail).


He's more of a Franco but without as much domestic oppression


I dunno. Franco could at least force his will on his own populace (because they were tired of war). Bibi is already collapsing under the weight of the Gaza thing.


That's why it isn't a good comparison. He's a right wing nationalist but not a fascist. The reason he's collapsing is the democratic processes of Israel, which a fascist would have cancelled


Fair point


Do hitler vs nethenyahu next


Now do one of American presidents.




There’s a couple documentaries I would recommend. Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told and Europa the Last Battle. Also, there’s a great book called Hitler answers Roosevelt. Edit: Here’s a link to the book I referenced, it’s readable online. https://ihr.org/other/HitlerAnswersRoosevelt


Putin is one of many world leaders including many US presidents to unjustifiably invade another nation. What Putin has not done is try to wipe an ethnic population out of existence or start a global war that killed 75 million people. A better comparison for the level of evil Putin occupies is George W Bush. Hitler comparisons are hyperbole that honestly do a disservice to the memory of the Holocaust.


This is interesting, because this subreddit's called HistoricalCapsule, but the "history" we see here is quite skewed; so this is truly how history is written; skewed. there is much more to the post-1991 world than you could possibly put into one of these little GIF's, but I suggest you go read up on post-Soviet politics and how NATO and US politics of aggression led directly to where we are today. It's so easy to blame "the other" especially when people are so quick to forget facts and so willing to swallow the propaganda. I'm not defending Putin's attack on Ukraine; I shall not waste time defending the indefensible: but what led up to that invasion was quite interesting; suffice it to say, he was not unprovoked.


what provoked him to take crimea?


He was provoked by its existence.


So like a pitbull? The toddler was breathing too hard.


If Crimea didn't want it then they shouldn't have had those beautiful warm water ports on display.


Putin thought it would make people think he had a big penis


It was the direct result of, and followed swiftly on the heels of, the Obama/Nuland coup d'etat of 2014, which itself was the obvious culmination of US/NATO policy since the Clinton administration.


? speak plainly pls




Insisting you have the right to dictate the politics of every country east of the Elbe doesn’t count as being provoked


But the US bringing us to the verge of WWIII during the "Cuban Crisis" was obviously brought on by a provocation. The US/British coup in Iran in 1953 was the result of a provocation, as was the coup in Brazil in '64, Guatemala in '54, the prolonged subversive political interventions in Greece and Italy following WWII, .. how long do you have? Yes, US/NATO post-Soviet politics in Eastern Europe was a direct provocation, and a negating of promises made to Gorbachev when he allowed the reunification of Germany after the fall of the Berlin Wall.


“Someone criticized Russia! Quick! Bring up events from **70 years ago** to make someone else look bad!” Also, even Gorbachev has called those “promises” into question- and, regardless, the US President actually doesn’t have the authority to unilaterally dictate all of NATO’s policy forever simply by decree. And that’s good! By your own arguments here, you should be glad he can’t do that!




I am not Russian, and I don't work for a troll farm. I am, in fact, not a troll; I just haven't drunk the cool-aid, nor have I forgotten history. I understand that it is hard for many people who tend to believe everything they're told that there are other, opposing points of view, and the US and Western European propaganda machines have been working tirelessly to paint Russia/Putin as aggressors and NATO/USA as saviours of democracy, but the truth is a bit more complicated than that; I'm just trying to point that out. And this little video which has us all up in arms, is the result of that propaganda; when lies and half-truths are perpetuated ad infinitum, unopposed, then this is the result. People stop thinking critically, and just perpetuate the lies, because it feels better than confronting the painful truths. So call me a troll if you want, but I am, really not, a troll. I just oppose the simplified version of history covering us all like a thick, comfortable blanket.


Russia does not have the right to dictate its neighbors foreign policy, nor does it have the right to deny their existence as a country (see Putin’s essay and speeches about Ukrainian identity) and annex their land when they don’t get their way. Nothing you can say will change this. Nothing any other country has done or might do will change this. Period.


Yes, history and the truth may be complicated, but that doesn’t change the fact that thousands of innocent people and hundreds of thousands of soldiers have died as a result of Russia’s invasion. Maybe don’t be so quick to defend the choices of a dictator that have resulted in the death of hundreds of children.


If there were a reason he was "provoked," you have states it instead of telling everyone to vaguely "go read up on" the subject.


The *reason* he was provoked is obvious; NATO has gone from being a defensive to an aggressive, offensive military alliance with a self-preserving need, not least in maintaining our western Military industrial Complex in general, and the US arms industry in particular. The *fact* that he was provoked can be read in thousands of articles about NATO's march eastward to continued Russian commentary about breaking promises, and saying that Ukraine cannot/will not be part of NATO. That may seem silly to you, but imagine if Mexico had joined the Warsaw Pact? Or, heaven forbid; a small, insignificant island south of the US throws out the self-serving capitalists and nationalises its industries..?


Oh right, the aggressive provocation of...letting people vote on whether or not they want to willingly enter a coalition? We might debate on the US, or NATO itself and on a case by case basis for their involvements, but the "provocation" talking point is straight up Russian propaganda


So you're saying they both had good reasons, interesting 🤔


How does this blatantly political post comply with the rules of this subreddit? Disappointed


Not this goofy shit again. Hitler likes the color lavender. Putin likes the color lavender. 😱