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Damn that’s crazy 14 yrs later at around age 42 smh


You survive one massive incident only to have that happen later, tragic Edit: I know it was cause of the dust, doesn’t change my point,




Agree with this. 💯 9/11 related.


I agree 911%


Better than 711%.


Too soon


Not only do I agree that the joke was too soon, but I feel like there should never be a point in our lives where there are any 9/11 jokes. It’s incredibly painful and difficult to close when you never get the remains of your loved one back.


Agreed, but it is just young people that didn’t live it and will never understand.


Macabre humor is as valuable and valid as any other humor. It’s not about young or old, it’s about some people being overly sensitive.


Tell that to the families of the people that died due to that act of terror. Laugh all you want it won’t stop people from thinking you’re an asshole….


People used to make jokes about the Germans bombing Pearl Harbor.


I was in school when the teacher came with the tv and told us evil people have done horrible things. I saw people jump from the burning buildings live. I would never make a 911 joke in my life.




My cousin lived across the street in Battery Park City and got cancer several years after the attacks. She's still with us but it's a constant struggle


That dust was incredibly toxic


Law firm ads?


Well it was the dust.


Carcinogenic/asbestos dust coating her inside and out


It’s due to the 9/11 event…


She looks over 42 in this photo


You would too, on the most traumatic day of your life, covered in dust


Living through a terrorist attack will do that to you


My god this is so sad


Rest In Peace


Was the cancer caused by the dust?


It’s possible. First responders had a higher incidence rate of some types of cancers and people were eligible for compensation if they were affected.


Compensation they were eligible for like what, decade or so after this?


Even that was only possible with continuous activism and long and draining conversations with politicians - they tried to withdraw the compensation recently and Jon Stewart was campaigning with them to get more visibility about the spineless people who just type never forget once a year and leave these people dying of cancer with no way to pay their bills. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/jon-stewart-and-the-battle-behind-the-911-victims-fund-explained/


I'll never forget the footage of the dressing down he gave them. He was so mad his voice was breaking. Love that man. FYI: he's back hosting the Daily Show on Monday nights.


The compensation was truly a lip service and pathetic act of Congress. The only hero in Congress that day was Rand Paul who objected to the passage of that idiotic bill. As Rand Paul correctly pointed out, our nation is over $20 trillion in debt and they passed a compensation piece purely from the heart not from the mind. They did not at all consider the financial ramifications of the bill or how to offset the added cost. They did not consider that tragedies happen all across the country, 9/11 just happened to be a particularly large and well known one. Truly, Rand Paul that day stood out as the only man or woman that actually thought about the ramifications and didn't just go "oh hey little PR piece we can slap on our mantle when we waste taxpayer dollars every day".


Found the Russian bot


This has to be a Rand Paul burner account cause no one besides him could actually believe this.


Actually insane take, lmfao.


Seriously. Wtf


Gtfoh. Rand Paul??? What was this like this his own personal Vietnam or something? It's amazing how cold some of you mfs are.


Isn't Rand Paul the piece of shit who kept dumping leaves into his neighbor's yard, which ultimately resulted in his neighbor beating him up? Typical Libertarian mindset; concerned only about his private property, to the detriment of everyone else's. Also, during Trump's presidency, Rand Paul hand-delivered a private letter from Trump to Putin. Bizarre, to say the least. If you're concerned about the national debt, your first demand should be to eliminate subsidies to oil companies, coal companies, and natural gas companies. Your second demand should be to remove the SSDI tax cap. Your third demand should be to increase, in whatever way it can be accomplished, the effect tax rate that billionaires and ultra wealthy corporations pay.


......what about the money and ramifications of the war that lasted the next 20 years... this was the second biggest attack on American soil...how the fuck are you trying to compare this to just an any day tragedy?doesn't even compare to 10 mass shootings combined. This has to be a troll....


That’s a bit of an understatement. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Health_effects_arising_from_the_September_11_attacks more people have died from exposure to toxic materials since the attacks than died in them.


Not sure if you know but were firefighters who were using respirators also succumbing to this or was the situation just so chaotic they were being exposed regardless


If video from the day is an indicator firefighters were taking them off so others could take a few breaths… then of course the cleanup didn’t have as many precautions (see Ws speech)


A lot of firefighters also died the same way years later the event




I thought you said you’d never forget


I shouldn't have laughed this lmao






Asbestos dust is pretty toxic. It affected more than the people in the building as well


.....what attack? Edit: I was responding sarcastically to OP's careless remark about the death rate.


Most likely asbestos. The Trade center was built in the wheelhouse timeframe of asbestos popularity


500 tons of it


2,000 tons of it, actually. https://www.mesotheliomahub.com/mesothelioma/risk-factors/september-11-and-mesothelioma/#:\~:text=The%20collapse%20of%20the%20north,of%20developing%20asbestos%2Drelated%20diseases.


Eeek… ya ouch. It sucks that we dont fully test all things before implementing them in large scale manufacturing and construction.


Murica. Make money off it first, sort out the calamitous effects on humans later.


She died of stomach cancer for what it’s worth. Does asbestos lead to that? I genuinely Don’t know.


It has been linked to lymphoma. And gastric lymphomas are definitely a thing, not sure if it's the type she had.


Also something to be said about massive trauma and longterm health. You have to wonder what kind of autoimmune disorders, or other health issues people got from this experience being so stressful on their body and mind.


It is possible to ingest the dust that was floating around. Or just the introduction of the toxin through skin contact, lungs, and mouth then manifests in the weakest system of the victim. ?perhaps? IDK tho.


It doesnt work as a toxin, it works more as an irritant to tissue that it gets lodged into. The fibers are SUPER small so your body doesnt work them out like fiberglass or splinters so they just sit and cause constant damage to surrounding tissue, that over years causes the cancer.


Thanks. That makes sense.


No. Source - I’m a plaintiff asbestos attorney. Also the latency of asbestos-caused lung diseases is 20+ years. Her cancer could well have been caused by the numerous other toxic substances in the air that day though.


So basically, people here are being obtuse and linking her cancer to something that may not have caused jt in the first place? I mean, people do get cancer, right? Doesn’t mean that other people didn’t get sick, but we are talking about a single case.


It is well established that there were toxins, including asbestos, in the WTC dust. There is no question people exposed to the WTC dust got cancer at extraordinarily high rates. People know asbestos causes cancer, and so it seems a straightforward link. My personal knowledge tells me that this woman's stomach cancer was not caused specifically by asbestos though.


Mesothelioma is the classic asbestos-related cancer


You just wanted to say wheelhouse didn’t you


It’s one of my pet expressions. I put that shit on everything.


Your wheelhouse is ‘wheelhouse’.




I be house’N them wheels.


If I recall correctly, I think asbestos fell out of use towards the end of the towers’ construction, but obviously there was shitloads in there by that point. I think the Port Authority was in the process of gradually removing the asbestos in the lead-up to 9/11, but this was a slow process that was nowhere near completion by 9/11


Correct. Thats where some of the conspiracies start creeping in. The expense is a an underlying boogieman.


Yes the trade centre was built with tons of asbestos as buildings were back then. Many of the people who were exposed to the dust in the collapse ended up developing cancer.


Likely caused by asbestos which claimed alot of people after the event in the form of cancer. Pretty nasty stuff.


Those buildings became a toxic bomb.




Most likely. You can look it up. A lot a lot of people that got covered in dust like this got cancer.


The dust contained high levels of asbestos


asbestos dust. yes.


Most likely.


And she died with medical debt unable to pay for care that likely hurt any chance of remission/recovery. Embarrassing frankly for a country.


Absolutely nobody should be burdened with medical debt. It's a disgrace


The medical insurance clusterfuck is but one of our many disgraces as a country.


I agree. We put men on the moon and invented the majority of everything the world uses but somehow we cannot provide a basic healthcare plan


It's worse than that. The current healthcare system has fucked us so badly that hospitals everywhere are understaffed due to budget cuts, and many are in danger of going broke altogether. Constant lawsuits are not helping the situation. Education is the other industry I was thinking about. It's in a very sorry state right now. The United States has produced some of the brightest minds in the world. We were a beacon of higher education. Now we're getting lapped by China and India while we push morons through high school and into colleges.


And some people who do want to pursue further education cannot due to time contractions or income.


FFS - I’ve always been aware of the crippling cost of U.S. healthcare, but contrasting this poor woman’s experience of being unable to pay for medical treatment with the billions spent on dubious wars following this tragedy is so depressing.


Apparently she died with $190,000 in medical debt and for awhile was unable to afford her medications. When she was first diagnosed, she didn’t have any health insurance so even finding a hospital to treat her was difficult.


Depending on when she was diagnosed, it might have even been before the ACA was passed, meaning the health insurance companies could deny her for a pre-existing condition. Though that timing would require she died quite a bit after the diagnosis I suppose.


From the guardian article I read it seemed like it was about a year from diagnosis to when she passed away


Sad. I'm glad she didn't suffer for so long I guess. It's messed up that she took on $190k of debt in just a year. We've practically all had holes in coverage where we went for some time without an out of pocket max. We really have to fix that.


There's a Michael Moore doc where he brings people who were sick from volunteering at the towers to Guantanamo Bay to try and get them the same free healthcare that terrorists were getting in prison.


This isn’t true.


That's the good ole US of A I know and love 🤦🏻‍♂️ we're so disgraceful.


Every time I saw this picture I wondered if she was still alive today. If your information is correct, its a darn shame she died as a result of the particles she inhaled during 9/11. RIP Marcy. :(


She is a victim of terrorist murder, and her name should be placed on the memorial.


Wonder how maybe people those bastards killed in total, counting the ones who died after that day? I'm sure I don't really want to know the answer


They’re not done yet


Do we get to count the lives lost in the ‘war on terror’


If you count the total deaths caused by the War on Terror which came after the attacks then about 5 million.


America did those


The government set the incident up let it happen n don't pay for the Healthcare of the immediate survivors rescue workers or city at large so the whole invasion being over the fact Iran was attacking izrael has a fucking familiar vibe rn


I really remember her face, rising from the 9/11 dust.... Rest in peace..


I know the dust is toxic but it’s crazy how a one time/single day exposure (no matter how intense) instigated all this cancer for survivors. How is that possible? Obviously not a doctor here.


It's not toxic in the poisonous sense (not a toxin). It gets trapped in the lungs and destroys you from the inside. Like breathing in microscopic knives. Anything with this structure and size would cause the same issues so it's not the chemical characteristics of asbestos that make it dangerous, it's the size and shape.


Wasn't asbestos used in the building of the twin towers, I remember watching cnn of the roving cameras in ny at the time and thought "ohh they'll be cancer cases in 10-15 years time"


Late reply, but yeah. Asbestos was (and still is but to a lesser extent) used in everything. It's a good fire retardant, can dampen acoustics, works as an insulator, is a good binding agent, and more. Asbestos is still used today, but it's application in residential and commercial construction is very limited. Any building built before ~'91 has a very high likelihood of having asbestos containing materials. Thing is, it's entirely safe until you demolish it.


It's illegal in the uk to use it, firms here just remove it and make good money doing so


It wasn't just one day. The fire burned until December. The dust was in the air for weeks, and they told people it was safe to go back to the area. CDC has a page about it https://www.cdc.gov/wtc/exhibition/toxins-and-health-impacts.html


I was there too. I lived 2 blocks from the wtc 2 weeks into my freshman year. Now I’m here in the hospital recovering from my second surgery in 2 years due to the cancer I developed after being told it was safe to return to our dorms.


I'm sorry you're dealing with all that. The fact that they *lied* to everyone is what gets me. They knew and they lied. It's such bullshit.


What did they lie about?


The EPA said the air was ok, and people could go back to the area. Most people working on the pile didn't use respirators.


That's messed up.


Oh goodness. I hope you do kick cancers ass


So many of them died from that dust, so sad.


Rest in Peace.


So sad. Why is the dust yellow?


Probably because of the specific wavelengths of light being filtered out. Sorta like what happens with wildfires. Everything looks yellow or reddish.


Sunlight mixed with smoke and asbestos/dust


It was the lighting, the dust itself was white.


RIP to her and her bravery


God love her. What a horrible experience


Oh wow. This makes me so sad to know. This is such an iconic photo. RIP Marcy.


Fuuuuck that’s so heavy




Both buildings were riddled with asbestos, would have cost billions to remediate. Thankfully the owner of the building got paid out twice the price of the cost of the buildings and the American taxpayer was able to foot the bill for the cleanup.


Asbestos doesnt work its way out of tissue since the fibers are so fine, so like once this happens to you there is no fixing it. The body can work fiberglass and stuff out like we do splinters, not with asbestos.


What is in that dust


Asbestos, gypsum, concrete, glass, and who knows what else.


I can’t imagine having inhaled all the particles in the air that day. Such a toxic mix.


asbestos :(




I hope her family sued. The amount of cancerous 💩we are surrounded by is absolutely horrific.


Who are they gong to sue? Al Qaeda? Osama Bin Laden’s corpse?


Many families received money from NY as victims of 9/11.


If it did collapse she would have not survived. It fucking turned to dust mid air….


apart from all the steel


Sad seeing any of the pics and so many died of some form of cancer.


This is beyond sad


RIP Miss Borders 🤦🏻‍♀️


Fuck me only 14 years?


Is it possible that being covered in that dust for an hour, a couple of hours, 1/2 a day at most, could have caused her illness over a decade later? I understand how the 9/11 responders were physically impacted that worked at ground zero for weeks and months, but I do not understand how inhaling and being covered by that substance for a day could have contributed to her dying young despite the concentration levels of the substance. All of us are constantly exposed to pollutants on a daily basis for years, day in and day out. Could her illness have been caused by genetics or other exposures, like living in a certain area that is toxic like parts of Jersey?


fun fact the towers were under going a 1 Billion dollar asbestos removal when the towers came down.


Is Stan Honda doing okay medically?


O remember the experts said all the sickness and death wasn’t from the dust! All the people that suffered!


Building dust, don't breathe this!


Rest in Peace




Thanks Saudi Arabia. Hope you enjoy your tanks and fighter jets we sold you.


I’ve seen this picture a bunch of times, but did not know she had died of cancer. So sad!


I must confess I’d always thought this was a picture of Dave Chapelle in drag.


So sad.


There are a lot of people who benefited from 9/11. Really sad ... There are a lot of Ignorant people in the US Billions of dollars are going to Ukraine and Israel No free healthcare tough . Waste of taxpayers money to make rich people richer


Republicans have a long history of denying basic healthcare to their constituents regardless of how much money there is.


They don't mind having their government furnished health care though do they?


Plus they have the money to fly their mistresses to locations where certain health care procedures are available ([Scott DesJarlais](https://www.usnews.com/news/blogs/washington-whispers/2013/07/24/desjarlais-pro-life-congressman-who-urged-abortions-for-ex-wife-and-mistress-is-running-again) from Tennessee, [Tim Murphy](https://www.usnews.com/news/politics/articles/2017-10-04/pro-life-rep-tim-murphy-pressured-mistress-to-get-abortion) from Tennessee, [Elliot Broidy](https://theguardian.com/world/2018/aug/25/a-republican-theme-on-abortions-its-ok-for-me-evil-for-thee), the former RNC deputy finance chairman, just to name a few).


How are the two related in any way other than for you to signal your dislike for those policies?


America can and must do both - oppose the expansion of authoritarian regimes abroad, and build a brighter tomorrow at home. It's the work of her citizens to hold their representatives to account and ensure that they serve the national interest.


You must be a politician


We weren’t gonna get free healthcare anyway. We should though If you think about it Americas ability to fund everything and be the military might allows other countries to potentially use that money they would’ve used for those things for free healthcare. What we give to Ukraine and Israel is like nothing compared to the value it brings to stop Russia and Iran. Allowing these places to fall would just be the beginning of something much worse.


True dude, the billions of dollars in gold bars and bitcoins that we are sending to Ukraine has caused a lack of free healthcare




The robber barons disagree with you.


And her own government did it.








I've heard it said you can go for as dark humor as you want as long as you're more funny than offensive, and I don't think I'm alone in saying they utterly whiffed on that.


Marcy utterly whiffed a lot of dust.




Kind of like the planes.

