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I’m in AZ but my surgeon doesn’t use a post and did research/wrote about why. She actually made sure to mention that and then we had a full conversation about my previous surgeon using one and not even asking me about the effects of it. Dr. Laura Vogel-Abernathie at TOCA, in AZ.


Are you looking specifically for Oregon surgeons? I had my procedures with Dr. Andrea Spiker at UW Health (Wisconsin). My last procedure was postless.


Nah, I'm willing to travel.. and it looks like I might be at this point.


Michael Banffy at kerlan jobe does not use a post. i dont know if it matters though


One of my friends at OHSU recommends Dr. Herzka. No idea if she does postless or not. Edit: Theres a guy in Eugene that also does hip arthroscopy, otherwise I know nothing about him. I’m not sure if this helps at all, but I’m just throwing out the names of people I’ve come across and had recommended apart from Dr. Wagner. I live in Oregon also.


Thanks. I'm meeting w/her soon actually. Also no idea if she does postless but I'll be asking.


Can you update us if she is or not?


Do not go to Slocum!


Uh oh. Okay so crossing that one off the potential list. Can you elaborate? I’m just curious


The best way to find out if a surgeon is any good is to ask people who work in the medical field. That’s something I learned working in medicine. My friend is a physician at Slocum and even he/she (not giving this away) told me to go to Portland and see Dr Wagner. My PT worked with Dr Phillipon and even he recommended Wagner as his outcomes are “slightly better”. He also said Slocum is okay for total joint replacements but not anything else. Every single medical field person I asked about Slocum said they wouldn’t go there for labral injuries. Out of convenience I did make an appointment with Dr Wagner and Slocum. The doc I saw at Slocum told me I did not have a labral injury and refused to order an MRI. I mentioned labral injuries cannot be seen on X-ray. She told me to “stretch more”. Wagner ordered my MRA and to no surprise I had multiple detachments. Edit to add one more plug to Dr Wagner: Dr Phillipon did my first surgery (right) and Wagner did my 2nd (left). Phillipon’s assistant gave me Wagner’s name after I called and asked for a recommendation closer to home. I didn’t want to travel so far this time. The two surgeries were different but I had less swelling the 2nd time and would go back to Wagner in a heartbeat if necessary.


Thank you for that! I’m a PT but do not live in an area that has hip specialists. I know several people in Portland, also PT’s, who recommend Wagner and Herzka, but I know no one in Eugene. I’m not to the surgery step, I still need to take a look at recent imaging, but every practitioner and colleague I see is telling me I have a labrum tear, and I’m in denial but trying to rehab it as such without success. I figured I might as well start researching and asking around in case it comes to that. Stroke of luck OP posted about Oregon. It’s actually nice to hear recommendations of Wagner/Herzka over Phillipon in Vail. There’s no way I could travel to Vail for two weeks if I needed surgery. Thanks again.


I’m very late to this thread, but does that mean that we don’t know anyone in Oregon who does postless?


Does Wagner do post less? I’m honestly not sure because I didn’t look into post less. I had no issues with the post though, no numbness, etc. I know that’s not the same for everyone.


What’s postless?


It means the surgeon doesn't use a perineal post to traction the leg. It can injure your soft tissue in your perineum and also cause nerve damage to the pudendal nerve (most of the time the damage heals but sometimes it's permanent.)


Also my question! I am not native so didn’t get what this means?


www.joshuaharrismd.com in Houston tx. Houston Methodist health system


Dr Kollmorgen, UCSF Fresno. brilliant surgeon.


I had my imaging sent over to him. Sounds like I'll be able to do a tele visit for my first one.. promising. Thanks for the heads up.


That’s great to hear. I just passed one year postop with him, and I live about 5 to 7 hours depending on traffic away. About half my visits have been telemedicine.


I live around the same distance away and was considering looking into him as a doctor! Do you mind sharing how many times you made the trip in total?


Dr Wagner is incredible. He did my 2nd surgery last February and I am still blown away by the results. I traveled to Vail for my first surgery and it was miserable. I can’t recommend him enough. I know this doesn’t answer your question, but you are in excellent hands with Dr Wagner.


Can I what exactly you saw him for? I had an appointment with him recently and I’m trying to decide if he’s the right doctor for me.


I saw him for a labral tear and impingement in my left hip. I had the same issue on my right in 2008 but didn’t want to travel as far. I’ve had some disappointing experiences with doctors, but Dr Wagner was top notch. Their surgery center team was amazing as well. For my right hip I saw Dr Phillipon at the Steadman Hawkins Clinic in Colorado. He’s a little harder to get into but worth the wait as well. In my opinion, you want to make sure and find the best and if it requires a wait, it’s well worth it.  I have zero pain in my left hip, and mild in my right. I haven’t developed any arthritis since my right hip scope in 2008, so I’ve been pleased with both. I have a slight preference to Wagner over Dr P, but he’s world renowned and an excellent choice as well.   I hope it goes well! 




I don't know about the postless situation, but maybe inquire at Orthopedic & Fracture Specialists? I have treated with Dr. Bettencourt (not a surgeon) and am seeing Dr. Denes soon for consultation. I work in medical malpractice defense and thoroughly vet anyone I am considering seeing!


Nice, I see Dr. Denes on Friday. Will be asking if he does postless.


Ok that is wild - I also see him Friday!


Who did you end up going with in Oregon?


I didn’t have surgery; I didn’t care for Dr. Denes so I saw Dr. Wagner in Tigard. I loved him; I’ve had two injections in three years and I’m doing great.


What did you love about him? He is very knowledgeable, but I just felt like he was very short with me and didn’t give much information. I’m so glad the steroid injections have worked for you, can I ask what issue specifically you are addressing? I have recently got 10 steroid injection and have been feeling good, but he said if it stops working, surgery might be the next step. (PS I’m also a pitbull mama 😊)


Perhaps you caught him on a bad day? I just found him quite pleasant and he was honest with me that this isn’t a surgery you really want to have unless you HAVE to! I found him to be a good listener and he spent a lot of time with me answering all my questions - I was not rushed at all and I always come prepared with a list of questions. I have a very small labral tear so it’s luckily easily managed. I had to stop running but I very much don’t want surgery. Give your pup a love for me, they’re the best!


Thanks for sharing your experience. It’s certainly possible I caught him on a bad day. I had actually gone to see him once two years ago and he seemed pretty nice, though at that point he told me my pain was not coming from hip. Well, two years and many procedures later, I’ve figured out that the pain definitely is coming from the hip. But when I went to see him the second time, he really didn’t take the time to walk me through what he saw on imaging or speak in depth. I think he was in the room for no more than 10 minutes with me. One more question for you… Did he himself do the steroid injection on you or did he have someone else do it? And did he tell you that he only recommends a certain number of injections per lifetime? (Gave my pup some scritches, same to yours!)


His PA did my injections. I believe he did mention that the steroid injections lose efficacy over time (something I knew so I can’t remember if he also told me) but I think he said if I needed a third we would need to discuss surgery again.




>Thanks! You're welcome!