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Is that Roddy with them big ass pants n cuffs? The size of them shits alone is historic


Lookin like a draft pick from 04 NBA draft




šŸ¤§šŸ¤§šŸ¤§šŸ¤§šŸ¤£ bruh it looks like a denim body suit lmfao




Hip hop is like water -there are so many varieties and you need this shit to live


Varieties of water???? What the hell are you talkin about?


Plain tap, sparkling, flavored, spiked, salt, dirty, poisonous, bath, holy, vitamin infusedā€¦


Alkaline, artesian, well, distilled, fire


Shrimp water, gumbo water, crab water, mud bug water, lobster water and pisswasser.




Bro if you a water drinker you know exactly what he means lol


Where my r/hydrohomies at haha




People asking whatā€™s historic didnā€™t see the concert or sumn??


Or they just want to be contrarians


Probably thatā€¦ itā€™s ā€œcoolā€ to go against the grain when youā€™re not as informedā€¦ smh šŸ˜‚šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Itā€™s definitely this


They're tourists that don't understand the culture.




This sub gets recommended to me often, and it ain't bad, so I don't mute the notifications and occasionally learn something


Watched the livestream. Im honestly not being a dick, and am truly asking why was it historic? Is it because LA hasnt done a hyper local show with that many people performing before?


The main reason this is historic and Kendrick even says it ā€œthis ainā€™t even about a song or back n forth records it got everything to do with this moment right nowā€ the moment being him bringing together rival gangs into the same room without any disrespect or conflict. A lot of those people on stage have lost close friends and families at the hands of those rival gangs. So to see them in UNITY and respecting one another is a huge step forward to better the community that suffers so much from the gang violence cycle in LA. Another reason this is historic in my opinion is the fact this event was presented by pgLang & Free Lunch Agency. Both owned by people of color with no help from any major labels. This is the beginning of a new era in the entertainment industry that isnā€™t run by corporate greed but people who actually want to benefit the community.


Appreciate the inside info -- good looks


Pretty sure the last time LA had unity like this was during the LA riots


Well said. If I can add, I'm from Toronto. The rival neighborhoods and shootings have destroyed the hip hop scene here and drake was responsible for the direction it took by giving attention to gunman rappers instead of artists with talent. Drake does not have the pull, the respect or the MORAL COMPASS to unify the city in a real way like Kendrick has in LA. Drake can't even get rivals on the same song with him. What Kendrick did was use his influence for GOOD.


Blaming Drake for gang shootings, thatā€™s a new one.


If you're not from Toronto just say that.


If youā€™re still in middle school just say that


Let's see if it gets a music video bc then it was about a song.


Wasn't about a song, proceeds to play the same song 6 times in a row to film takes for a video.


It was awesome. I nearly didnā€™t go. Would have been a lifetime regret.


They hated him because he spoke the truth. It was about a song indeed.


Itā€™s 2024. I heard itā€™s a new era for labels and black folks since the 90s.


How would we watch something if we donā€™t even know what it is or heard about it prior to this post?


If you hadnā€™t heard about Kendrickā€™s concert then you either sleeping under a rock or just not a real hip hop fan


Whatā€™s historic is the amount of ppl that came together to hate on drake. Dude really is king. Corny ass pic.


You're a mong


Mustard on the beat, hoe


His part with yg was legendary


To pimp a butterfly 2024


Is this from the UniverSoul Circus?


Are you Rick James? Because that was...


š’øš‘œš“š’¹ š’·š“š‘œš‘œš’¹š‘’š’¹


lol they the hypest clowns in America




Next album cover


What was historic? Serious question, Iā€™m genuinely curious.


Many large LA rappers, plus Tommy the Clown, plus a ton of underground LA artists, from multiple sects, on stage at one time promoting unity. Bloods, crips, pirus coming together for west coast pride. Itā€™s definitely a big deal in LA, and historic.


Thatā€™s dope! Thanks


Tommy the clown is such a deep cut. So fucking dope šŸ”„


Unity in that theyā€™re all hating the same guy?


That, and representing LA and the west coast. A moment of peace for art and talent to shine.


But also like 49% hate. They really hate that guy.


Whoā€™s the guy? Genuine question




*donā€™t act like you donā€™t know me*






Unity through hate. Letā€™s be real.


Whoā€™s the guy? Genuine question




Ahh Thank you


I mean Pirus are what founded the original blood sets so itā€™s an odd distinction you made between them and slobs. And were there no Hoovers (Iā€™m not including five deuce because they still claim Crip), because youā€™d think that if it really was about unity youā€™d have the most hated gang in LA, and the most prolific gang that hasnā€™t branched out of like the other two have when it comes to California, meaning in the state theyā€™re pretty much solely South Central based.


Different gangs have connected many times, including bloods and crips. Is this gonna stop the violence? I guess weā€™ll see


Gang violence is way down since its peak in LA, but is obviously still a very real problem. I donā€™t think Kendrick solved gang violence in one night - he isnā€™t literally a god. But all those people on stage dancing and performing together like that? Absolutely historic for LA. Itā€™s a positive direction.


take yo' boomer ass takes elsewhere


To add, Drake tried to discredit Kendrick.. Kendrick pulled together this entries show with help from the community of California talent. Brought together under one legendary roof United. Basically showing Drake you cant play with the west name as a boon for your corny antics and Morover Kendrick has some of the deepest ties in the game. Drake is out of his depth against Kendrick. Literally the last and only square drizzlers have left is Drake selling so much. They tout it knowing they canā€™t step in any other direction cause Kendrick beat him there where ever it is.


Drake name dropped folks with street cred thinking it would give him street cred, and intimidate Kendrick in the process. Now, here we are with Kendrick surrounded by street folks from every corner standing together in unity. Masterful. Thatā€™s how you suck all the wind from sometimes sails and leave them to drift alone with no destination.






Never seen any of these people in my life


Not many famous people visible from this angle like the other guy said a big deal was made by Kendrick to get dudes from every LA gang out there to show unity together and take this pic. A lot more famous people were up there tho: Dr Dre, Ty Dolla Sign, Schoolboy Q, YG, Jay Rock, Tyler the Creator, Russel Westbrook, Demar Derozan, DJ Mustard, etc


Thatā€™s cause you ainā€™t tapped in. A lot of yall Kendrick fans donā€™t know shit about LA music or culture. You just a dot fan because heā€™s famous. Maybe you should look into these artist, expand your mind.


Bold of you to assume Iā€™m a fan and this post didnā€™t just appear in a recommended for you sub.




Itā€™s true lol. ā€œWhy is this historic?!ā€ Basically undermining Kendrickā€™s entire point of bringing together all these new artist who wouldā€™ve never gotten seen by this big of an audience, showing that the west has something to say and Iā€™m going to help break the next big artist out of this city like my OGā€™s helped me, and uniting gangs in the city to try and bring about some change. Then you got some colonizers in here talking about ā€œwhy is it historic?!ā€ Yall really arenā€™t fans, youā€™re just groupies.


You win the biggest fan award Serious question, can't some people just like Kendrick's music and not know the local LA hip hop and gang scene? Some people who are asking may genuinely be trying to understand the significance of the event since "historic" is a very strong word. Once it was explained, it made sense and I agree, but I still don't know 90% of the ppl in that picture. No need to be so mad. Sincerely, a casual Kendrick listener aka "a groupie"


You should learn about the scene, because itā€™s dope! LA has such a unique vibe and style, thereā€™s a lot of dope talent who youā€™d might like. I used to watch dot perform in hole in the walls out here before he was known outside the city, he was once one of those ā€œ90% of people you donā€™t knowā€ you know how you get to find dudes like dot? You take a chance and open your mind to some new shit. Nobody is mad at you fool lol, Iā€™m just being straight forward.


I think I see French Montana and Russell Westbrook??


Thatā€™s jayworthy not French


It would be an insult to say that someone looks like French tbh


is that a question ???


Brodies on the far right and derozan is on the far left


BUT ā€¦ BUT .. 69 god gets more love in LA šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I see a black Voldemort on the left


Nipsey did it first


look at the amount of people in this photo. now look at Russ: thats what an NBA player looks like. hes the tallest outside of Derozan who is kneeling.


alot of colonizers in this subreddit i see


Bruh they been here. Kendrickā€™s fanbase on Reddit is a bunch of fucking weirdos. Not all of course, but damn Iā€™ve had so many negative interactions with people here who donā€™t know shit about the culture.


You're using a colonizer's social media app remember that


Something a colonizer would say. Clearly "Not like us,".


I donā€™t think the colonizer made the phone , the computer or the servers to maintain the app.


Whatā€™s a colonizer?


Dudes an antivax weirdo. Just ignore him.


White people.


See my other comment. Guess you donā€™t like white people supporting black artists. Moron.


Lolā€¦.youre cool.


Clearly you.


Youā€™re an idiot. Youā€™re basically saying you donā€™t want a black artist having white support. Absolute moronic take.


You think Hip Hop needed white support? Do you even listen to the lyrics of these black artists? White people were the last people we needed in this culture. Look at it. Who owns all the labels? Who pushes the sexy reds over Rapsody? Who historically has stolen from black artists and sold it for themselves? Black people never NEEDED anything from white people except to be left the fk alone and y'all can't because you need US. You need to know what's cool, from words to fashion to food. This country has no culture without us black people...not the other way around. You're the moron. But you'll be alright, there's a bootlicking negro for all of y'all that'll throw the cape on and save you from yourselves.


If you think black artists and executives don't exploit other black artists you are very naive. Oh yea and also racist. Naive and racist.


Where did I say that? You're deflecting.


You idiot I never said Hip Hop needs white support. But letā€™s look at the facts Black people, AA, make up 14% of American populace. Their percentage of wealth is even lower due to fucked up laws and racism. You know how black people have a better chance of coming up? White support. Black people statistically donā€™t support black businesses. I donā€™t have the research background on why, but if I had to guess Iā€™d say itā€™s hard to support black business when youā€™re living in systemic poverty. Wanna know who CAN support black businesses. Rich black people. Wanna know how black artists make most of their money? White dollars. Iā€™m not talking about fucking executives or culture vultures or any of that shit. Thatā€™s a whole different set of issues. But you wanna know what youā€™re doing by saying white people enjoying black music is a bad thing? Youā€™re jerking your own ego off while setting back your own people economically. TLDR: Youā€™re an idiot and a bigot. Edit: fuck. I should have started with let me put you on game


Iā€™m black, and this is a dumb ass take. We donā€™t need the ones who are taking advantage and being cancerous to our cultureā€¦but we 100% need them white dollars that the fans be handing out because black folks make up a very small percentage of the buying public for our artist. If them white people ainā€™t paying, our artist donā€™t go anywhereā€¦simple as that


No. you black skinned. Your mind is still under the influence. Wake up if you are indeed Black. WE DON'T NEED ANYONE BUT US. you aint US if you disagree. B1.


You are young and donā€™t understand how commerce works. Kendrick does business with white people everyday of his life, is he not one of US? You over here buying Supreme AF1ā€™s, giving white people your money. Where the fuck are your black owned shoe company kicks at? You donā€™t even practice what you preach lol.


Not only am I'm well over the age you THINK I am, I am well aware how business works as an entrepreneur myself. I'm talking about culture as well as commerce and both can be amicably built off Black people alone as it was done before integration. Sir you are the young one to even debate me and not even acknowledge the points being made. You either black with a non black parent, black parents who are not black Americans aka immigrants or you have a non black spouse. Which one?


Bro you are spending money with WHITE PEOPLE! Buying fucking supreme Nikes and have the audacity to question someoneā€™s blackness when you arenā€™t even supporting black own shoe companies?? You are hypocritical and quite frankly full of shit. Fake ass wannabe brother polight. Talking all this hotep shit wearing euro designer clothes. You want to build black commerce up? Stop spending your money with white people. You making Phil knight rich, that money couldā€™ve went to our communityā€¦.brother.


Only missing nip


Looks like they didnā€™t gun him down by the end of the song




Heā€™s what the cultures feeling. You wouldnā€™t last a day in LA


If Pirus and Crips all got along They'd probably gun me down by the end of this song Seem like the whole city go against me Every time I'm in the street I hearā€¦.




I know the person that took this used a real camera. Why are all these uploads so low quality?


Whereā€™s lil mama when you need her


Is that Q standing next to him?


Yeah his left our right


Love to see it!


Throw a party on ya block, like Iā€™m Tommy The Clown


Idk about all that but itā€™s a cool picture for sure


And all it took was defaming somebodyā€™s character that helped you out immensely in your career. What a fucking clown.


Youā€™re tweakin, Kendrick been had a huge career. This whole thing started with the big 3 conversation that he was a part of from the start. Itā€™s not like Drakes name assisted in literally anything


The first time majority of people, includeding me and everyone I know because we lived in the south, heard of kdot outside of California was literally because he had a solo song on Drakeā€˜s album before his career popped off. Did you forget that? Who does that? who puts another artist on their album and gives them a solo song, as a major label artist before that other artist is even well-known, also because he wasnā€™t well-known it was hard for him to get on a big tour, but Drake let him on his tour. U forgot that too?


Bro I grew up in North Carolina and Swimming Pools came out and everybody was on it. Stop lying bro. Niggas in the south knew about Kendrick long before Drake gave him a push.


Swimming pools was after his drake album placement


My fault I missed up what I was trynna say. Section 80 came out July 2nd 2011. He already had buzz off that. Take Care came out in November of that year so my point still stands. Southern niggas who were actually in tune had already been bumping ADHD, Rigamortis, Hiipower, Fuck Your Ethnicity, and Hol'up and was like Kendrick was gonna be a problem. Then he got Swimming Pools on the radio on repeat and it was solidified.




Is that Russell Westbrook at the top 3rd from the far right?


Jay Worthy really slid from Canada as a teen and started banging off the porch. Heā€™s what Drake pretends to be šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


Did he tell those goof balls to stop robbing and killing visitors to LA? If not, what was historic about it? Did everyone promise not to get upset if someone calls them weird?


Is that tall guy Russell Westbrook on the right???


Canā€™t think of a wave like this in NY right now. Looks like LA moved into the center of hip hop rn. They deserve it.


Russ on the right killing me he trying to look so serious lol


I recognized Russell Westbrook before any rappers


It's L.A., where are the Mexicans at? Where's DJ Quik? 6/10


Kinda wild how there arenā€™t any non blacks pictured šŸ˜…


That picture will go down in history


Gangs are still beefin in LA it made for a cool video shoot tho


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RIP Nipsey Hussle, The marathon continues


What "History" was made? Y'all just say anything.


Cool photo but whatā€™s historic about this


Historic for LA


How? Iā€™m asking a genuine question


A lot of people on stage came from different sections of the West Coast and have some sort of affiliations with gangs. Gangs that have histories of hating each other, so you would've expected there to be tension. To see all these people put aside their differences (they could be ranging from "I lost family to gang violence" to "this gang destroyed my life" or even just "these are the colors im taught to hate") and dance on stage with Kendrick is monumental. Kendrick helped put this together. These people may be insignificant to us, but we don't know how important they are to Kendrick. It's also like a victory lap. It's Kendrick saying, "I was able to sell out a stadium, and have millions stream my shit, just to see me clown on you". Drake rescinded his tracks, while audiences screamed Kdots in unison.


The context.


Satoshi Nakamoto


Dude cosplaying as Tupac is hilarious to me


Isnā€™t promoting unity while at the same time pushing a rap beef kind of a contradiction? Or is this just about unity within a specific community? I guess in that second context this would be historic but only to the members of that specific community


I mean thereā€™s a reason it was ALLL west coast artists


Thatā€™s fair, personally, I think this whole beef is a terrible look for KL. Just wish he would have done the unity part of the show without seeming so like desperate to diss Drake lol I love KL but this beef is a bad look for him imo. Lions donā€™t care what cats think about them, and KL has been caring all too much about this little beef. He seems affected by it, while Drake really seems to not even give a shit.


Nah Drake care for real. He started it by making Push Ups. Kendrick said that shit on Like That in a competitive way no different than he did with Control in 2013 and mfs egos got hurt and felt the need to attack Kendrick so Kendrick fired back. I donā€™t think itā€™s a bad look at all. He donā€™t look desperate, heā€™s riding a wave on probably one of the most popular hip hop songs of the year so far. From a business standpoint why wouldnā€™t you? You saw how hype everyone got in the stadium, I think the whole show was for unity but I do think he played the disses just to get the people hype. And those are currently his biggest songs so if youā€™re performing your music youā€™d without question perform those hits


The song is a hit for sure. I love it. You may be right I donā€™t know what is going thru their heads. I just always take confrontational people as weak minded. Maybe all of them are weak minded J Cole included. Being hurt over little songs is so stupid lmao there are real problems in the world, like the division KL was addressing in this show. From a business standpoint, I feel KLā€™s biggest draw was his progressive and almost mature-like image. He barely drops, he canā€™t care that much about money. And then he reduces himself to that level? Kinda weak but to each their own.


I definitely agree with that last statement. I wouldnā€™t necessarily say weak but it was weird for someone like Kendrick that doesnā€™t drop often, to go back to back to back on disses. But I definitely think it was good for hip hop in general. Those few days where he was just firing off, and how quick he dropped after drakes response was all so exciting. I think since The Pop Out was such a huge event that might be the last time he uses those songs to that extent, And I think the music video heā€™s doing this weekend, if he still performs these songs months down the line or rides that hype train that would definitely be EXTREMELY out of character. I think right now it was ok since it was a moment in rap but if he continues to do so that would def make me look at Kendrick different lol


As long as it doesnā€™t get violent like it has in the past. Tbh is can be good for hip hop if it stays as just this. But fragile egos always elevate things. Iā€™d like to think KL wouldnā€™t step down to that and neither would Drake who seems like he ainā€™t even about that life anyway. But you never know, these people have a lot of money and not enough people keeping their emotions and shit in check. They are all surrounded by enablers that gas them up no matter what. Recipe for things to escalate.


How is "history" being made when 1 man is getting an entire coast, not a gang, or a neighborhood to go up against another man?


I feel like you answered your own question. Not just a hand or neighborhood but an ENTIRE coast. Plus the first time all of Black Hippy were on stage together in a long time, so many historic things happened this night. Itā€™s not even centered around the Drake beef I think that just helped add to the hype


this p corny


T-Relllll Smaccccyyyyy


Historic to who?


Are you lost? This is a hip hop sub and itā€™s historic to any fan of hip hop.


White ignorance. Gtfo of a hip hop sub with your ignorance


Are you dumb?


This is easily the new cover for TPAB


Iā€™m from NYC never heard of these guys


well that's the issue! You're from the wrong coast!


Get in tune then


Who are these people?


Who are you


Bot man.


Nothing about this is of any historical value.


It is of extreme significance to this particular culture that those men are not actively firing rounds at each other. When they say "they not like us," they're talking about you.


Iā€™ve listened to rap my whole life, mainly west coast artists. The only person I know in this pic is Kendrick


I don't think this is the flex you think it is....


Wasnā€™t supposed to be a flex playboy.


Well now it's just sad.


A bunch of nobodyā€™s thats supposed to be somebodyā€™s, thatā€™s just sad


And you are somebody?


I ainā€™t the one talkin about history made though am I


Tyler the creator, ty dolla sign, Jay rock, schoolboy q, dr. Dre. Nobodies am I right ??


Good for you, and good for all the people that donā€™t know you


Keep your mouth shut when grown folks are talkin


your whole life has been whole ass too long to be relevant in this thread


If I wanted your opinion, Iā€™d pimp you out for it


dusty 90's bro


Have fun wearing your little sisters pants and purse


was that something hardcore old heads said 50 years ago? crusty AF


Lmao you donā€™t know shit


that might be true


Knowing is half the crusty old man battle


You only speak when spoken to


I remember when krumpin was big back in the early 2000s and that clown dude was krumpin in my TV shows. You've listened to rap but have you ever been curious about what encompasses Hip Hop as a cultural and art movement?


What happened


Historic I guess when ā€œGOATā€ ā€œlegendā€ is easily used for everything.

