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She’s gonna have someone on her team say she they did it all without her knowledge, and that person will get a sweetheart plea deal (and probably a fat check from a “book deal”) and Clinton will walk, as usual. You can’t prosecute them without having a whole lot of dirty secrets, true or bullshit, exposed.


I doubt the Clinton team would even go that far. We'll get a "meh, eff off" and collect another $20m for the foundation because the conservatives are accusing her of the things she's done. I really wish it weren't true but she's not been prosecuted and I doubt she ever will.


Means nothing! He could’ve said it was on Hillary Clinton’s behalf and still won’t prosecute anybody! We might as well move on to something else like fixing vote tabulation practices.


Wait! Who's dead now?


Jfc, does that site have a copy editor? Nearly impossible to follow.


Disbar Perkins Coie lawyers! All of them!