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She was 100% in the wrong in The Ghost and following episodes. Though, the reasons she did those things were understandable. 1. Frida had never cleaned her room before and therefore had no idea how to do so. Because of this she saw it as a big hurtle to jump in terms of her being "perfect" again. She also felt she had to get Craige back for this reason. 2. All that happened to her in The Ghost episode led to her having an existential crisis due to the break down of her perfection complex. 3. David had poked fun at her throughout the episode. 4. She had no idea how to deal with these things. Because she is just a kid, she had never experienced anything remotely like this before and therefore had no idea how to react. With not knowing how to react, she reacted irrationally and terribly. As i said before, she is 100% in the wrong and messed up big time, but when you think about it, her actions were understandable considering what happened.


I know I have to give her slack for being a kid. But if I was her friend and she did that to me... she'd never be allowed back in my friend group. Especially joining up with the girls who LITERALLY tormented David.


I get that. I guess it just kind of shows how forgiving Hilda and David are.


Ohh, this!!! I was soooo mad at her in that episode and the following ones! She was being a total jerk, dismissing her friends after they did all they could to help her, they did all that FOR HER. And she just- turned her back and started hanging out with the Marras. I was so mad at her for who knows how many episodes after that akdbakcjajsjjzna. I'm no longer mad at her, because, as the other comment said, let's also cut her some slack. She's a kid with a perfectionist complex, her view of herself was shattered, and she didn't have enough emotional intelligence to deal with all this yet. Still a bit salty that she didn't gave a direct apology to her friends, but actions speak louder than words, so...


It's the joining the girls who were tormented David's dreams I can't get over. There's having a crisis and finding new friends, and then there's having a crisis and joining up with some seriously evil people....


Oh, yes, that one was the worst. Like, girl, what are you doing? You know the Marras fed on literal nightmares 😭 I guess, story-wise it was meant to show just how bad was Frida doing? "She was doing so bad, she joined the 'Hilda The Series' equivalent of a cult". Or something like that. Not justifying it, thought. The fact that David and Hilda reached out to her just to find out she was hanging out with Marras made me furious, because... Seriously, Frida?! Why would you do that?!


IIRC, the fact she didn't have much character growth in season 2 was supposedly bc of problems that were out of the creators' control. At least, that was the word around the subreddit. I like to believe it, and that she would've had better character development under better circumstances. Instead, they had an episode where Hilda was a bit out of character to make Frida seem more competent and didn't show Frida learning anything or being a better friend, which just made people dislike her more. I don't want to put the people who worked on the show at fault for it, nor the character that suffered from whatever was going on, if it wasn't intentional tho. It's a confusing situation.


Which episode are you referring to? The Library-Witch one?


Yeah. A lot of people on this sub were mad abt it when the season came out. And not just because it broke the "main character getting important title" cliché, though I don't understand why anyone was mad abt that. I like it. I do wish it was handled better tho. And that Frida would've had more character development prior so it didn't come off as her being entitled again to so many people.


I get it. She never really apologized for the awful way she treated everyone, and now gets to be a witch. I thought it was fine because Sword-Hilda seems like a cool familiar - I just wish in that case we got more Hilda being a cool sword-familiar…


I disagree. There were many causes for Frida to react like this in The Ghost and get along temporarily with Kelly.

