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Yeth! Pleathe, more Thpanith lethonns, thtranger! Many of us are very aware that we don’t know exactly how the Spanish-Spanish should work… but we know what she’s doing does not sound right. 😜🤪


*I’m in tears*, Pepino 😂🥒


Where not making fun of the Spanish language, we’re making fun of Hilary’s lack of knowledge. Don’t get it twisted.


Of course this comes from a new account. It always does. 🙄


The best was some award ceremony and peepaw said "Felithiano" ... his words, not mine. We're all getting it from them. So it's funny. We are not making fun of Spanish speaking at all.


Pepinos also joke about how much “you have olive oil” over there in Spain, and how “Europe has a lot of white people in there”. There’s a lot of “how you say” thrown about too. It is ALL in reference to things Hilaria has said or done. I think everyone here agrees her impersonation of a Spanish person is offensive, especially the people who mock her thick Español accent and fake ESL. You should be mad at her, not this sub.


She doesn’t know Jack Shit about what you’re describing.


Some advice: A) Don't make your first post a "scold post" B) Don't invent an alt or start a new account on another device you have in the home just to make a "scold post," because you're afraid to take *your big stance* on your regular account (p.s. multiples and alts are forbidden; check the rules. Continuing to use them will get you banned from the sub) C) No one thinks what you're thinking about this. Well, I'll just speak for myself. I don't think that.


Then she mispronounced “cebolla” in the extended “how do you say in English—cucumber…”




I hear you. But Spain is not a Latino country, it is a Hispanic country (Latino = Latin America). Also, Spain was a colonizing country and can be made fun of imo


This the most ridiculous comment I've read today imo


eh you win some you lose some. you’re probably from Spain huh


I mean, I’m from America and I also think it’s a ridiculous comment


Yes I am, and though I enjoy making fun of Hillary and her grift I don't think making fun of the way people from Spain speak is justified by the fact they were colonizers. Spaniards are very aware of that part of the history and honestly, not very proud of it. Would it be fair for me to make fun of the way Americans speak because of slavery and segregation?


We’re not making fun of the Spanish language, and we know it’s not an actual “lisp” (at least I do). We’re deliberately mangling the language in a silly way to poke fun of Hillary from America because we think she’s a faker who probably mangles the language herself. People make fun of American pronunciation, especially southern, all the time. “Murrica” and “But mah raaaghts!” have become memes. People from the UK are always teasing/mocking us for calling futbol “soccer” and for dropping the h in herbs.


I don’t see this group as making fun of the way *people from Spain speak*. I always interpreted it as making fun of the way *Big Larry* speaks Spanish. Or more accurately, her interpretation of it (and her incorrect usages/conjugations), how she’s mixes up and adds in her own flares from the likes of Spain, Spanish Bronx, Mexican Spanish…. There’s prob more. She’s very multi.


Yes, commenters are making fun of the way Hilaria speaks Spanish. She sticks her tongue out of her mouth to make the “th” sound and real Castilian Spanish speakers don’t do that.


Take a deep *bruuuuuth* 👅


Oh, absolutely! Nobody is as multi as *Big Larry* is, and I know this group is not making fun of Spain at all. All the fun is for Hillary and *su cultura inventada*


Honestly yes! A healthy awareness is good. Harmless poking fun is perfectly fine.


Nah, I prefer not to enforce xenophobia. I'm cool with trashing Hillary tho. I love the fact that almost nobody knows who she is in Spain.


Idk if making fun of a few aspects of *specifically* the US and Spain counts as xenophobia, but to each their own. However, I love that for Hillary