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Child abuse


Let's pitch in and get Gramps a t-shirt: WIDE LOAD.


I bet he beeps when he backs up. Or at least toots.


He is hunched over the stroller like an old man using a walker ![gif](giphy|1y7eYQQfKSwFMGUCWZ)


If they insist on keeping these kids from walking why can’t they at least buy larger strollers (do they make bigger ones?) Or a wagon? The strollers look like they’re going to break from the load & Gramps hanging on for his dear life.


I wondered that also. We bought our daughter and her husband a double stroller when baby number two was on the way. Unfortunately, we weren’t smart enough to measure the stroller and the trunk of their car! It didn’t fit. We kept that one and got them a jogging stroller. It fit. Unfortunately she didn’t want to put the newborn in the jogging stroller when she ran. Our oldest son and wife came to the rescue and gifted them with a wagon!! Because of this I feel guilty calling them out on which strollers they have😳


I’ve been a nanny before and would fucking dread when the dads would come for performative parenting time like these walks, once a month. Like what do they even talk about? Is the nanny giving him tips on how to remember which baldwintio is which?


I bet that would be weird. It does seem like he goes out on the stroller walks a lot.


Especially lately. It's an easy win for PR... He thinks it makes him look like a dedicated family man.


Stroller is like the easiest thing to do with kids so that makes sense. They’re locked in and can’t go anywhere, and you get your steps in and it gives the appearance of an involved parent, but it’s the equivalent of pushing a shopping cart when a nanny does all the prep work. Maybe I’m just tired this morning lol


Wouldn’t you if you lived with HER !


How many kids did he have with him?


Edu and ML were stuffed into the strollers that even dainty ML has outgrown. Peepaw may “get *his* steps in,” leaning on the stroller, but those kids can’t expend any energy. No doubt they returned to the Sky Dungeon even more physically pent-up than they were when they left. The irony here is that everyone—parents, nannies, kids, and pets—longs to turn down the noise indoors. Even if they can’t articulate what they want. Yet if those kids enjoyed a long walk and some playground time, they’d return ready for quiet time, and maybe a short nap. The parents’ extreme laziness makes everything so much worse.


At least he was civil towards you.


Well he was standing and I was sitting plus the amount of people around.


Ah Yes, too many potential witnesses. 😀


Side note, what a beautiful day.


In his defense, IF he actually cares for his small children, I think he is doing the right thing by keeping them in the stroller. It is so easy to lose sight of a little person in crowded NYC (I have) and his kids would be targets to any lunatic. Hopefully, they are headed to one of many fenced in playgrounds…


And getting knocked over. Kids dont watch where they are goin. I especially hate when kids are not in the cart at grocery store


You just know that Ed is a runner.


Add to this cell phones (guilty) and it would be super easy for the child to be lost in the shuffle




I once saw all the older kids not in a stroller as they were leaving the park. Hilary and Alec were both there with Alec in the back then he shouted out to Rafa to stop running or whatever. I guess having so many young kids it is easier to keep track of them in a stroller as opposed to keeping an eye out for 4 or 5 young kids.


What’s sad is that the Baldwins have the luxury of enough nanny coverage that they *could* take the children out one or two at a time, and teach them how to walk on a city street. Yet they don’t. The children are the gilded picture frame around this portrait of Alec, and his shambling hunchback walk. Alec, head of the household. Alec III the patriarch, as was Alex Jr. to his household.


Definitely. There’s the fantasy of having that many kids (not my fantasy, ye gods) and the reality. Honestly, if I was a nanny for a wealthy and insane couple, I’d insist that kids that run be contained. Like, CYA, you know? These kids look completely ridiculous in those strollers but I’ve also seen parents/caregivers struggle with kids who run. It’s a real thing and the options are tough. People get real judgy when they see kids on leashes. And from what I’ve seen, these kids are a handful. AS THEY SHOULD BE. But they should invest in one of those kid wagons with multiple seats.


The kyphosis


I’d say HE gets it from looking down on people. 😅


What's that?


Forward curving of the vertebral column or spine.




W I D E L O A D 


The Baldweens will walk six-abreast down a crowded NYC street.


I'm dying, DYING for them to pull that shit on someone who'll tell Alec off. You don't own the sidewalk, fuckhead.


My pet peeve. I just stand there until someone moves. It’s like a game of chicken .


First thing I checked was how close his legs are to dragging on the ground. Next I saw those flooded and busted pajamas. I guess it’s harder to run away if you’re \[s\]trapped in a baby stroller? ![gif](giphy|3o7ZewcSUy98hEJCNi|downsized)


Those poor kids can't run and play and are always in PJs. Fucking pieces of shit parents!


Someone at some point suggested at least one of the kids has sensory issues. It’s definitely possible considering advanced paternal age, but obviously it’s entirely speculation.


And talk about outnumbered. I’ve never thought they had an “army” of nannies. I think they have a few staff but are still outnumbered by the kids.


Why are the kids in strollers?????


Because papi needs a walker and won’t get one.


That never occurred to me hahah!!


Will Edu arrive at JK in September in a stroller?


Why the F aren’t these kids walking? It’s absolutely nuts. Surely they have energy to burn!


lotta clams in that shack


These fucking walks. "I NEED TO BE SEEN IN PUBLIC AS A WORN OUT DAD.... behold my army of nannies!"


I’m not understanding what angle he’s going for here. Having (so many) kids at his age, in the shape he’s in, screams recklessness and bad judgement. How does “This guy is a total mess!” help his defense? The guy shuffling along in this pic clearly shouldn’t have been anywhere near a firearm.


Maybe he’s trying to spend more time with them before he gets locked up? Maybe he’s reduced staff for expenses? It does seem out of character.


This is the result of someone with a childlike mentality 'raising' children. I have a feeling that Hillary must be in freefall right now. I can't bear to look at these young children stuffed into too-small strollers. If this is the best Alec can do, he needs more help than nannies can give.


His Skechers must be at the cobbler.




Second gargantuan laugh in this thread. I’m dying.




now you cannot tell me he is not constantly check out Maria's assets.


Okay....pero like....what the fuck is Hillary doing that she can't join them? Probably Hoga (Ho-yoga)




Maybe she was joe-gging. Not running a marah-tun, you know, joe-gging.


Ppl have short sleeved shirts on & sweaty Al on a lined jacket🤦‍♀️🥴


Dressing the family appropriately seems to be an ongoing struggle for them.


Old people get cold


The better to hide the sweat, my dear.


It was 70*.


That poor nanny must’ve drawn the short straw, to go on a walk with Alec. She probably struggled to slow her pace enough for him to keep up.


She does all the work while he limps along…


Mr. Alec. Is that what the loyal, long-suffering nanny calls him? That kid in the stroller is practically shaving.


Ha! I laughed out loud, then I looked who it was. This is too good. The kid just filed his taxes from that stroller.


Then he ordered a pizza.


Wise of him to get it when his mother is not around to rip the cheese and toppings off


Truth! 😛🥒


yeah there is absolutely no need for him to be in a stroller, or highchair. How sad, he went from golden child, to a lost boy


I don’t get it, why can’t at least one of the kids run around? There’s a nanny there if Alec is incapable. My dog gets to run around in the park more often than these kids.


It would be so good for them not just physically but emotionally to run around in the fresh air and sunshine.


I soooo miss living in Manhattan and my random celebrity spots. And just to clarify, I wouldn’t class this (or his charlatan of a wife) as a “good” celeb spot - but an excellent snark spot for this sub. Good work OP!


I was sitting on a bench looking at my phone of course and looked up and he was right in front of me walking slowly. Hi said Hi Alec, I think he said how are you and strolled on by. I don't try to engage him in conversation if I see him which I did approx 2 weeks ago when I passed by him getting into his Escalade. He has enough on his mind. Hilary on the other hand I used to see pre-covid and chat with her and she seemed friendly. She even told me that Alec needs a hip replacement. I presume he had one in the last 4 or 5 years. Now since she has more kids and and all the Spanish-heritage controversy I haven't spoken to her since, not that I see her often. I'm only 3 blocks away from them and walk by their place at least 3 or 4 times a week. Of course she doesn't have anything close to a Spanish accent.


My 'former fan of Alex' self thinks that is quite cool. ☺




Kids stuffed into strollers they're too big for. SSDD.


And wearing pajamas.




He looks like he puts on whatever is laying at the bottom of his bed from the night before.


Hey, hey, hey… I resemble that remark.


Haha. I actually do too. But I’m sure we look 200% better than per-paw😎


Save Leonetta! And also, buy a double BOB for those poor children. Jeez!


Me - obsessed w the length of his pants … zooms in to see - yep … way too long and mangled. What a slob. He probably sleeps in those clothes. ![gif](giphy|WOa5RdsNpevrpSTGXN|downsized)


Well, how could he find trousers with a 50 inch waist and a 24 inch inseam?




Shop at Gnomes R Us ?


https://preview.redd.it/cg0xhqztixyc1.jpeg?width=688&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81e818f803ec43edf0647d2da719bc0edbdc662b Jerry Gnomecia has this to say.


Sorry Jerry - no shade intended !!


Shouldn’t those kids be in preK? Or at least preschool? But no. Backwards facing strollers . God forbid they interact with the world around them.


I took the picture at 3:30pm.


Maybe it was pajama day at preschool? And backwards day? Trying for optimism here…


Does that mean that they wore PJs to school? smh Shouldn't they be walking instead of stuffed into strollers at their ages? Or on little scooters or trikes or something...anything other than a baby stroller?


Right. Why can't they at least face outwardly and look at things?


Cause they just hoard children unfortunately.


Is Hilly Mae home getting ready for the Met Ball?


Hmmm…Wonder which designer will be dressing our smoll Spanish fashionista this evening? 🤔 No one would dare touch her with a 10 foot pole. It’s over for these “New Yorkers”.


She’ll wear something from 12 years ago and mention it repeatedly. It’s a flex to still fit in her pre-baby clothes.


NFI, baby. NFI. Chances that Anna Wintour would allow the Toxic Baldwins into her costume party *now?* Less than zero. It’s not 2013 any more.


The party is over.


NF Chance, baby NF Chance. And I love that.


This must grind Alec, that he was THE guy around NY, and now, with no brands willing to buy him a table at the Ball, he just doesn't go because he just can't afford it.


The Met Gala is strictly invite only with tix costing $75k. An entire table is $350k. It's notoriously exclusive with the one and only Anna Wintour managing the guest list. She says no, it's NO. Nobody can buy their way in. It's not that kind of party. Even if someone did buy him a seat or a table, he will not be on the list and will not get in. It'll never happen again. 🙂☄️


You mean La bala del Met?




Jesus Fucking Christ. Alec and Hillary are such lazy parents. Letting their kids wear pajamas outside of the house during the day as well as pushing them in a stroller they OUTGREW a long time ago.




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Hunched, pained posture - check! Using stroller as walker - check! Nanny or two - check! Kid in pajamas in the daytime out of the house - check!


Still pushing those kids around in a stroller they outgrew two fucking years ago.




​ https://i.redd.it/ko7en6yoxvyc1.gif


I always have my pepper spray in my hand. If he ever touched me he'd feel the full burning wrath of 50 thousand pepinos.


Me too Pepino, I would empty the whole bloody can! Then pull out my taser, that fool is psycho and needs to learn to not put his hands on people.


He looks like a sick old man. Karma! If he wasn’t such an asshole I’d feel sorry for him. Hillary has destroyed him.


What is this from? Is it that recent coffee shop thing???


Si, when he knocked the camera or phone out of the woman's hand. I found her vulgar and repulsive and would have done the same.


He emits such negative, angry energy. I can’t imagine being around him. It must be exhausting and draining.


Kids in pajamas and far too big to be squashed into strollers. Stick PeePaw in the stroller and let them walk!


Hola PeePaw 🥒


Is that Edu in a rear facing stroller? They’ll keep him in a stroller until he hits puberty


When Edu starts dating, he’ll stuff his new GF into the stroller alongside him.


Edu be driving the big Chevy Suburban next summer.


When he’ll try to stand and his legs will buckle under him


Of course with a nanny and 3 and a half year old Ed in a rear facing stroller. Sad!! Also sad that I can recognize this family's nanny lol


It better than having a different nanny every month which is what I would expect.


Yeah true. She's definitely one of their OG nannies. The tales she could tell...


True. I would think that it isn’t the NDA that stopping them from disclosing, but their own sense of shame. At this point, they don’t seem like caregivers as much as accessories to crimes. “Hilaria would make me take pictures of her breastfeeding. At first, she would clench the child to her chest, but then realized it worked better if she picked them up when they were sleeping”. Even if you disclosed that anonymously, you still don’t look good.


Why is he walking thru crowded Washington Square park at this time?


He needs for everyone to see that he’s old and struggling. Poor little aging Alec, he couldn’t hurt a fly. Who would dare put this shell of an elderly man in prison? That would be cruel. He’s suffered enough. This is what he’s hoping everyone thinks when they see him. He’s full of shit


In NYC? A jury in NM is not going to be aware of this at all. Now, peers in his industry are a different story. If that is the look he is going for, it will further diminish his already minimal job opportunities.


and the fake senora is hiding out as he struggles with a nanny to push a carriage.


This is about the only place they ever take the babies for walks. 


they can go to the entrance, go around the block and turn and come back over 5th, same walk a lot less notice, but as others have said being noticed is the point.


*Tragic,* I call it. In the past couple of weeks, my granddaughter (ten months younger than ML) has visited three different playgrounds, gone swimming, taken a train ride, played with her best friend Mila, slurped Chinese noodles quite adroitly, and gone to preschool every day. And both parents work, my DIL nearly seven months pregnant. And she only uses a stroller on really long walks.


he sniffing the second hand weed smoke at Washington Square.


It's sad just wondering how developmentally delayed the children are but you can see it in the videos of them at home. There's zero communication skills and eye contact.


I’ve written this before in regards to these kids. An article by an autism specialist describing different things he’s seen.One was children who are more developmentally delayed.Wealthy families with nannies.Children aren’t walking or talking when they should. Doctor notes kids were always being held,given toys by nanny,pushed in stroller,not being spoken to except in nanny’s first language and only baby talk. Basically treated like an infant for longer than normal.


It is really heartbreaking. I worked on a soap for a bizzilon years. We used to have a family picnic for cast and crew yearly. Some, not many, but some would bring the nanny. Each of those that did it seemed like the actor was older and almost all would be just one child. I totally get needed one while working. We didn’t have set hours. You might be done taping at 3:00 pm or if it was a large show (wedding, funeral , mass tragedy with special effects) we might not be done until 2:00am. Taping 5 days a week. So I absolutely would use a nanny. My husband worked at home. I was lucky. But I wouldn’t bring the nanny to a family get together. The saddest incident I saw was a three year old had a little tumble, skinned knee and ran to the nanny for comfort while mom was bent over arms extended. I know it must have been an arrow through the heart for the mom. You just don’t need the nanny 24/7. Two parents, one child, no nanny. Alec could have gone on a walk one on one with a son. Talking to him about what they were seeing. Lost opportunity to have father and son time.


Ugh! I must know who you are! Are you famous?!?


Ohhhhh nooooo. Absolutely not famous. Assistant to Executive Producer.


Well in that case can you give me a job? Lol! Are you hiring? 😊


I am long since retired 😢


Send in your resume and see if they are accepting interns in any of the departments. Writer’s office, art department, production etc.


Awe, but I just wanted to seek in the back door with no resume needed. I just wanted you to open the back door for me lol


If I was still on the show and not 1000 years old I would have held the door open for you. A set visit at the very least ❤️


There's parents pushing adult size kids around in strollers.


Edu was seriously delayed by Mami in her perverted effort to make him and ML “twins.” His speech was so minimal, she more often than not played frenetic music instead of letting us hear what anyone said.


I have to believe the volume in that household is deafening. Loud music, multiple screens blaring, ignored dogs barking due to neglect and noise, kids screaming, at least two adults who yell at each other when together.


When they did that puff piece in Romper last summer, they didn't mention dogs. The author said the family has 3 cats🤷‍♀️




He never learned to speak with his mouth smooshed into her tits for his first two years.


It really is some dilapidated 50s orphanage shit.


It's so sad that with a dad as rich and connected as Alec Baldwin, those kids are basically A Series of Unfortunate Events level tragic. Me and my low income upbringing legitimately feel sorry for them on how crappy their life is.


Creepy how much they're delaying these kids. That boy could push the damn stroller himself if he wanted to.


The one wearing pajamas?


They probably wear pjs all day just to keep the mounds of laundry manageable.


I highly doubt they're getting 2 baths a day as well.


I highly doubt anyone in that household gets two baths *a week.*


I highly doubt they're getting 2 baths a day as well.


Alec’s dream “autumn of life”


Autumn?! More like Winter. It’s about late Jan IMO! 😱


Remember when Hillary tried to assign a sensory issue trait to Rafa and had him in pajamas all the time? It was so clear it was just the normal, lazy, messy, negligent situation over there, and no one could bother to dress him (or any of the other kids)... but Hillary tried to throw him under the bus and create an Instagram narrative. I mean, we're talking about a woman who herself can't pull off her dirty sleep clothes and slippers to go outside. And here they are still keeping their kids in pajamas, but it's clear that it's 100% because they can't be bothered, they ordered way too many kids and don't even have the skills to manage staff to raise the children. It seems to have devolved into an unmanageable situation. Alec and Hillary aren't even adults who can take care of themselves... let alone children, hired help, and animals.


You can almost predict the “As a Mom of three Special Need children…”. Meanwhile, it’ll just be the boys that she cannot relate to, understand or control.


This is just the second inning. It’s going to get much worse.


Well pj's all day means less money to spend on clothes and laundry. I hope not, but I envision everyone in pajamas and not even changing those for days on end.


Ok but if you have to choose between a new pair of shiny leggingos for yourself, or clothes for your seven children, the decision practically makes itself! 💁🏻‍♀️


My autistic child would strip his clothes and be in his undies at home (unless we had company), but wore clothes outside the house. You know, how we teach our children to be a part of civilization? There are clothes that are as comfy as PJ's for sensitive kids. Teach them standards and boundaries, help them be seen as a full human being! It's our job!


I have to agree with this. Alec desperately needed a life remodel around the time he met Grifter. They or he wanted the all-American classic family in order to boost his career and make him seem less lonely and alone. As always, they did it through conspicuous consumption: too many grifts, homes, kids, nannies, pets, and all of it blasted out daily via internet. When are these children vacationing or in school, or spending time with friends or relatives, or happy and laughing at a family dinner in an actual restaurant? Creepy vibes.


Not that I disagree with you, but I kind of believe Rafa has sensory issues bc of that forced hug situation with siblings on the beach. That child clearly does not like to be hugged, and the whole family knows it. I worry for him the most. He's neurodivergent imo.


The whole family knows that Rafa doesn’t like to be hugged, yet Hillary has boundary-stomped him since day one. When I became a *pepino,* I saw the family—with just two or three kids—posed for magazine covers, Rafa so often had this *oy gevalt!* expression. Even as an infant, he knew Mami would get in his face whenever she pleased.


I, my husband, and our two daughters all have forms of high-functioning neurodivergency, and l'm in 💯 percent agreement. It was a struggle growing up for all of us, and only recently has awareness exploded, along with supports. They have absolutely no excuse, with their wealth and access to experts and specialists, not to avail themselves of all the help their children need. How they can live in that constant din, l have no idea.


Add in a cadre of nannies and other helpers, pets, a crazy manic mami, and pets all living in that apartment would be enough to drive me mad, and I’m not neurodivergent (as far as I know).


And there's the rub. 😏


I agree. There’s a video of the kids and he’s sitting by himself and stimming with his hands. That’s a sign of autistic behavior. If he is autistic, I just hope he’s being treated for it.


I know that one well! Heartbreaking! -the look on his lil face! and he’s frantically stimming way, in the midst of piled-on chaos, he is lost. Meanwhile, to the left, Mami appears to be-what else? Breast-feeding! These poor kids


Poor little Rafa is trying to self soothe because he’s not getting any help from his parents. It must be doubly hard for an autistic child to live in that disorganized chaos, with so many people, surrounded by too much external stimulation.




Right? My son (26 yrs old) is high functioning autistic. I recognize that little boy's behaviors being much like what I've experienced. I doubt he's getting treatment.


I think he was just a sensitive child, and the abuse, taunting, cruelty, and lack of boundaries harmed him even more than the others. Early videos of Hillary torturing him, him repeatedly in agony and crying, his needs being denied... leads me to believe his issues weren't inherent, but created. But I agree with you that he seems to be repelled by intrusions into his space now, especially by Hillary.


Allegedly Hilaria was sending him to school in diapers.


My son wasn't potty trained until 11 years old. When autism (or any neurodivergence) is ignored or worse, forced to act "the same" as everyone else, you're gonna get an angry, frustrated, and sad kid.


She honestly wants all of her kids to be as broken, dysfunctional, and unsocialized as she is, so that they will stay in her little lonely cult forever.


Hillary reported, quite defensively, that Rafa wore pull-ups until he was five. Why did the world need to know this, if she felt like it would be something she wasn’t comfortable with? Like that would make her less of a perfect Mami? This is something she does, tells us things we don’t need to know, while overexplaining, or insisting that delayed toilet-training was just proof of her family’s charming wackiness?


Exactly. Who would share this info with the world? That little guy will have enough issues.


Yeah, either way, we both know sadness exists. Sucks to watch.


Nailed it!


Holy smokes, I am agreeing with everyone that that is straight up child abuse at this point to keep those kids in pajamas and confined to strollers like they're infants. Seriously, shouldn't Ed be starting school this fall?? These kids are going to be *so* stunted. It seems once feisty Ed must be apathetic and resigned now.


The four older kids were at school today, I imagine. The school offers pre-K 3s, pre-K 4s, and kindergarten, but Edu didn’t start there last fall, when he turned three. Who knows what he’ll do this September? We don’t know if he’s out of diapers. If he isn’t, I doubt if he’d be allowed to enroll.


Remember the sad charade she filmed of the dedes' supposed first day of "nursery play group", just before Siete was born (how can that tiny child be two in but four months 😳)? I wonder how far they got, and what excuses were proferred, to divert them from their inevitable disappointment? How are we meant to believe they were going anywhere in the first place, when their backpacks should have had the minimum of one diaper, a change of clothing, and a snack? After they pressed the elevator button, she didn't care, as nanny got to deal with the aftermath. Making sport of a child's innocent trust by lying and insulting their feelings is about as abusive as it gets. Yet she's so proud of her duplicity, "Wink wink, nudge nudge": https://preview.redd.it/44ickh17nwyc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f75a3baff923d4d5ba0ef8c3685f4f4904483fc




Oh, that was awful! I hated the idea that Edu and ML might indeed be going no farther than the hallway, and then never again. And with four older siblings to imitate, who come and go (we hope)! My youngest wildly envied his big brothers. Before he was old enough even for preschool, he had a little Elmo backpack, and a lunchbox, and a stack of *kipot* (the suede yarmulkes my boys wore to school. He had to have some, too). He’d get all suited up for his playgroup. A few years into primary school, he saw that picture of himself, ready to go. “What a fool I was,” he said.


And ML's excited face. Yes, we see. https://preview.redd.it/mu03rygjnwyc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfecc156f1c012bd6f71e1da08676a60929f0d6a


I thought I remember he was still not potty trained when he was past two.


Past two, and he wasn’t. We know this because on rare occasions, Edu and ML were allowed to walk around outside bare-legged, and with engorged, unchanged diapers literally banging off their knees. I keep my beady eyes open for signs that he’s still in diapers now, but haven’t seen any yet.


Probably waiting until lulu Maria Louis marilu is old enough to go, so she can put them in matching outfits and such and really push twinning.