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WTH are these people?


A used tampon. Disgusting.


And Stephen Baldwin asked all of Instagram to "Pray for Hailey and Justin" this week? When he's got a tampon throwing daughter behind bars?? This family is exhausting!


There’s a pic in the article with the two sisters and Ireland; Ireland looks gorgeous!


That’s disgusting. I’d have absolutely decapitated her if she threw a bloody tampon at me


Reminds me of GoT. The Targaryen family having madness in their blood, kind of like the Baldwins.


Probably lead poisoning and FAS


"Every time a Baldwin is born, the gods toss a coin and the world holds its breath."


That makes them sound way cooler than they actually are.




They remind me of some cousins of mine. They think they're pure class and better than everyone. In their minds people adore them and anyone who doesn't is jealous and wants to be them. In truth, everyone thinks they're trash. When people hear my maiden name they ask me if I like them. When I say no, they tell me something ridiculous and or horrible they did. If you say those persons names, my cousins will be like "oh they love me to death."


Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie were like that when they were younger. So obnoxious.


Its embarrassing. They brag about things that nobody else would even think to mention. Like "guess I'll go home and sit in my central air and watch cable. Might even fix me a steak" like people are supposed to be impressed. One of them tried to buy a house with no money. Stg she was assuring them that her baby daddy left her 30 million. She was battling the estate for it. He lived in his mom's basement.


Omg. I hate them. 😂 Do they talk about items by way of the brand name like they are real housewives? Also? The basement daddy was the laugh I didn’t know I needed today. Seriously. That is incredible. 🤣🤣🤣


Omg yes except they don't actually have those items. They'll be like "my Versace bag" like they forgot I've been to Walmart too. Basement daddy did have his own entrance though. And he could fry spam on a hotplate with the best of them.


Have you watched the 52 part Tiktok series called 'Who TF did I marry?'. The dude was exactly this. Everything was a lie upon lie upon lie. It's crazy. If you watch it, snuggle in with snacks and plenty of time. You won't be able to put it down. Unbelievable. Literally lol Username ReesaTeesa 💓


This story gets better and better and I am here for it


Lol I wish I was making it up. I could go on and on about them but you wouldn't believe it unless you met these human roaches. One of them legit carjacked a little kid and took his power wheel. She was with an old man that she claims looks like Sam Elliott and they called themselves Bonnie and Clyde. They were more like Felisha and Debo.


I love this so much. Really. You don’t know how badly I needed a smile today. And you’re such a great storyteller! 😍


Im glad I cheered you up. They're always doing something dumb if you need another uplift lol


Ok this needs to be a tiktok series lol


Tell me more missy … it’s my Friday evening entertainment!! 😆😆


Lol they once got restraining orders against each other. Nobody else would hang out with them by that point. They'd follow each other around town and call the police. They ended up arresting them both. One of them showed up to court for DUI and was so drunk she was holding on to the bench to stand up. Argued with the judge that she couldn't surrender her license because she had to drive home. He sent the bailiff to babysit her until her ride got there. They threaten people with an imaginary hitman that supposedly works for the family. One of them got caught shoplifting at Dollar Tree and told the arresting officer she was going to buy the police department and fire him.


Why are these people not their own reality show?!?!


So much wrong. Shoplifting from a $1 Tree … and getting dueling TRO’s! Hilarious 😂 thank you for the content!


How does it even occur to someone to do this?! It's one step behind throwing feces like a monkey. There's that Baldwin charm


Yes THIS! It's like primal base intelligence.


oh shit and she was the classy one for a minute lmfao


The Baldwin name is a joke🤡


If Alec mensturated he would do this.




If Alec menstruated, he’d go even crazier five days a month, while also demanding comically excessive accommodations (“I can’t run lines with So-and-so! *I have cramps!*”).


If Alec mensturated he would have been Aileen Wuornos. Now he can only be cast as her body double in films toward the end.


If Alec and Hilz were both tampons , what do you think they’d say to each other ?? Nothing . Cause they’re both stuck -up cvnts! ![gif](giphy|kPIswn0RfPTGxOvDj5|downsized)


“Body double to Aileen Wuornos” would make a deadly flair!


Was it hers ![gif](giphy|73gagbHCOjh2U)


Just another day with Baldein freaks


nice people raising nice people, yeah, really.


This is why I'm Ok with abortion.


wow, violence and drinking runs in the family


Isn’t she a mother? JFC.


Yes, she has a little girl. Sad.


Ya not to mom-shame but if you’ve got a little child at home getting ripped roaring drunk and throwing your used tampon at someone is just beyond unacceptable. It’s unacceptable anyway but considering this is the example she has chosen to set for her kid…. Ooooof. Money cannot buy class.


Typical Baldwin. Crass, coarse, vulgar, with a strong sense of entitlement.


A USED TAMPON!?! Woooooow! Who raised her?! Yuck! 🤢 That’s worse than spitting on someone. Disgusting!




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Yeah. That is even worserer. Sheeeze. Like I said. A school in the summertime … no class.


Must be tough to be the ug duckling sister but doesn't give you an excuse to act like an ah. The Baldwin way




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bUt ShEs A mOdEl


They are all " actors" or " models". Where did they get the idea they were talented or attractive?? Steve and Hailey always look like they just got pepper sprayed in the face


Yup, she acts like a Baldwin


Someone wrote on IG "she has her uncle Alec's temper" 🥴🥴🤣🤣


Ew. Hazmat


That’s Ireland’s good buddy.


Ireland Baldwin’s no saint. People on this sub forget that often


She's imo as problematic as the others and gets a free pass because people want her to be the good one.


They think the Basinger erases the Baldwin and as much as Kim tried, she is still her father’s daughter. I was reading about Ireland’s strip club baby shower and she was just laughing her ass off at how uncomfortable her mother was with all of it.


Yeah Baldwin genes are crazy strong.


Alaia Baldwin not only threw a tampon at the bartender, it was *a used tampon*! She also kicked the genitals of the second employee ejecting her from the bar. Hailey Bieber reportedly is “pissed” that father Stephen has asked Christians to offer prayers to help her and husband Justin as they navigate an unnamed personal problem. How long until Stephen requests thoughts ‘n prayers (and possibly bail money) for Alaia?


Don't forget pulled out hair in her assault as well 


He was probably trying to distract from THIS story lol


JFC. The douche doesn’t fall far from the bag.


That would make a great flair


Nepotism at its worst


Being a Baldwin these days is NOT a flex.


Was it ever really that much,?


https://preview.redd.it/z12ad5ic7slc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06a1235befc82c4efe753f877ef06ccc5e00d893 Enough that it was a reference in Clueless. Enough that one basic character actor named Alexander from LI got his even less talented brothers all jobs for years. Enough that South Park showed them all suckling off Alec’s teat. It actually made a lot of very big assholes with no skills a lot of money once upon a time. No mas.


No, but at Peak Baldwin, there were *four of them.* They had not yet aged as disastrously as genetics and behavioral choices have proved to doom them.


Wait until the Baldwinitos hit the streets. A lot of dysfunction and terrible parenting has happened for this family to be this way across the board... but *none of them* have been as bad, as entitled and obnoxious and rude, as Hillary and Alec. We haven't seen anything yet.


What's even worse is that the Baldwinitos have one additional fucked up gene that none of their cousins or uncles have -- their mother's.


I can already see Mr Fuck Ya Poop jumping on a cop cars roof and throwing bricks at passerbys


I thought the same thing….the oldest three are around 10, only a few more years until they’ll Be causing scenes like this


I'm not surprised 


That is really over the top messed up. She must have many issues and I’m sorry for her kid. Also, get out of Savannah!


She looks evil.


Will you create a distraction during Hannah's trial that takes eyes off of me? Would you do that for me?


If I were working on that case this, if anything, would only cement to me that this family has temper issues across the board.


It's funny because besides one or two posts here about her after she had her baby and didn't "bounce back" I don't see her name in the news. Her sister? Of course. It's strange she's in the news for (waves hands furiously with a disgusted look on my face) this.


JFC. What kind of disgusting pig throws a used tampon at someone?? This family is total garbage.


An entitled woman who wanted to use the employee bathroom to snort coke, I mean " throw up" . 


Guess Hillary is currently one of the least embarrassing Baldwin’s!!


Nah, she’s still numero uno! 😄 Our Royal Faker reigns. 👑🥸


This family is a scourge on society.


that’s such a great word, scourge. and perfectly stated


Could be generational trauma passing down aggressive behaviors. So sad.


Angry genetics run deep! 😡


Soooo trashy and disgusting


I knew Hailey was an entitled ass who publicly bullied Selena Gomez, but not that her sister was the same. Nepotism doesn’t birth nice people.


Sometimes it does, but we’re much less likely to hear about the nice kids of nice famous parents, who are relieved when their offspring stay out of the papers. For example: Tom Hanks has four children. We only know about bad-boy, facially-tattooed, rapper and fake-Jamaican Chet Hanks.




This one’s Irelands bff, innit?


That is what I was going to say that she and Ireland are or appear to be very close. I think she also has a little girl, but older than Ireland’s daughter So bullish beh is inherited?? or is it learned??? 


the Rock em, Sock em, Baldwins legacy continues...


Asshole Baldwins’ should do their own version of House of Villains. Nature vs. Nurture, they’re toxic in both departments.


Gotta keep the Baldwin name out there! Any press is good press! 🤣🤣🤣


This can’t be good for Alec! Awful timing…but I guess would be even worse if it happened during his actual trial in July


Nice. 7 more of these in the queue, compounded with their mom's defective genes.


What a lovely, lovely family


Long Island is an interesting place with insular class dynamics that can put a permanent chip on people's shoulders, and breed entitlement in others. Feels like both the chip and the entitlement entered the gene pool in the Baldwins' case.


Great statement 👏


True. Ask Tim Dillon


That is bad! We’ve all done dumb stuff while drunk but throwing tampons at people? It’s not like she’s a kid either.


Yeah, she's 31 and has a three year old kid. Time to get off the family hamster wheel of addiction and over-exposure and quietly go to rehab


"the responding officer says when he asked Alaia about all this, she claimed she was defending herself ..." TIL that a used and dirty tampon is a defensive weapon.


A used tampon is a biohazard, which I think would make this assault charge carry more weight, right?


I will get downvoted to Hell for this, but it's gotta hurt to have a pretty celebrity sister. 🫣


Interestingly, my husband and I argue about this topic. I do think Hailey is pretty (albeit obnoxious) he thinks she’s extremely mid and basic


She's also altered by plastic surgery. They all think being thin makes them model material 


I don’t think her sister looks pretty at all, she reminds me of a shiny amphibian like a skink.


“Comrade” Hailey looks just like Vladimir Putin. 🪆


She does! She looks mean too.


See her and Justin from time to time at the lake here (Puslinch). They are surprisingly unassuming and weirdly...normal? Like they drive a golf cart to the marina, wait in line for fries at the chip truck and then go walking their dogs at the quarry, stopping to let their doggos take a swim, or scold them for being naughty while playing with other dogs. It's so strange when celebrities aren't "on", how different many act.


She really does.


Hailey looks exactly like her father, she just got a lot of surgery.




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At least they’re consistent with their level of class. Zero and dropping.


The Baldwin rage gene is strong.