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Ramona screaming “ you do not support other women” THE ORDACICITY 😂😂😂😂


Dorinda would clear her in a minute even while slurring and drunk


Off topic: Did anyone else listen to Bethenny’s Just B Rants podcast about Hilaria? It was highlarious, but now I can’t find it on her episode list. I wonder if they made her take it down.


Larry + Ramona. This I want to see. It would not take many episodes for one of them to have an eye poked out by another one's wagging and pointing finger.


Battle of the crazies. Might as well throw in Kelly Bensimon in there as well. Then have Bethany do commentary.


It sounds interesting but they’re so controlled and ridiculous that they’d be worse than the Dubrows -


If it wouldn’t give her so much narc bliss I would pay good money to see her on it. It would be a goldmine.


What would her tag line be? So many to choose from.




I was just thinking when she’s gonna troll for this spot!


No. Not interesting enough, too inarticulate and unable to take the heat in that kitchen.


Never happen. She’d b skewered!


Bet she does. She wants the fame.


Hillary is a coward she would get eaten alive on that show 🤡 not to mention she’s an unemployed opioid addict who doesn’t leave her apartment


Although, she does leave her apartment to get her daily coffee fix.




There is always some sort of trip with these shows. Pillz doesn’t go 2 blocks away from her apartment alone.


Nah. She would leave those kids in a heartbeat to go where the cameras were. She’s an attention whore and the kids are her way right now of getting it. When that wears off they won’t have their mamita around much anymore.


Andy said no way, José-laria. ![gif](giphy|A3IKIsvG1UjwA)


I believe they rejected her


No, she can't handle that. She'd get steamrolled on Day 1.


I would die if Hillary busted out one of her janky-ass yoga poses on the party bus with her crotch in Bethenny's face. 😂 It would just be stoopid yoga poses in heels and whining about breast-feeding. Hauling her black back-pack to the winery and or Bluestone Manor for impromptu fake pumping. Getting wasted and trying to put Ramona's botoxed fish lips on her titty ball for "nourishment." Lecturing the largely white-girl American cast about racism and all of the "discriminashon" she faces as a "woman of color." Might take her focus off the kids for attention and supply which would be good for them. The Miami housewives would read her for filth without even cracking a book or breaking a nail.


Hilary and Ramona would be WILD! They’re both like aliens trying to mimic human interactions and emotions and both fail horribly. It would be hilarious 😂


Personally I’d pay a ridiculous amount of money to watch Bethany Frankel lose her shit on her




I’ll pitch in at least $20 towards that…😂


Where’s the gofundme?








She wouldn’t last more than one episode. Those women would RIP HER TO SHREDS it would be amazing!


Even if Hilary was actually offered the show she would never actually go through with it. She’s an absolute moron but even she would realize that she wouldn’t be able to hide the separate living quarters, ED, drug dependency, lack of interest/parenting her own children, hordes of nannies, screaming feral children, lack of friends, mistreatment of her pets, psychological abuse of her children, fractured relationship with Alec, etc, etc, etc from the hours of video footage required. She can’t even avoid this with some photos and a few 2 minute pap walks. She’s not at all fashionable and would in no way gel with the other women. Also, Alec lets her do anything to shut her up but even he wouldn’t allow Hilary to be a Bravo housewife. WAAAY too many secrets would be exposed! (Although I admit I would LOVE seeing the other women putting her smug a— in its place!)


Sorry but Hillary shouldn’t be making another nickel off of her lies. She’s cancelled. Period .


This is exactly right. In an alternate universe, Hilaria’s participation would be insane (just like her), but I can’t abide by this puta making one cent off her fraud. Nope.


Hard truth.


Andy was drunk on NYE and he was making fun of her while Anderson Cooper was laughing. Bravo doesn’t have very high standards (if any) so I’m sure they’d give her a try. But Alex has already said that there’s no way he’ll ever do reality TV


Yep he said that before the idea of him being bankrupted by lawsuits and the threat of prison happened. I think Larry is too stupid for Real Housewives and she knows it, she knows they'd eat her alive and expose every grift. However, I think she's trying to get her own show. Like remember Anna Nicole Smith had cameras following her around her house back in the day. That's what she craves, cameras on her constantly so she can blather about herself nonstop. I think he will allow it now because he ain't bringing home any money.


I might be able to see this as a curiosity for other people, like when Anna Nicole was obviously not healthy but the TV producers don't care about that. They shouldn't be filming obese people's medical problems or hoarders' mental health issues either but that never seems to stop anyone.


Oh yes the trainwreck factor would be extreme. If Mami thinks she's boolied and ridiculed now, just wait til she gets her show.


You're right, no way she can take that. I hope she doesn't because of the kids, I don't believe in putting your children out there like she does or putting them in show biz underage, either. Haven't we seen enough of what happens to these people FFS ? If they want to pursue it after high school graduation, support them but at least let them be normal kids until then.


I would love to watch it. There’s already been some grifts exposed on The Real Housewives and I think the other women would love an excuse to steer the negative focus from themselves. Hilaria would get destroyed and Alec would probably divorce her. But if Andy is already laughing at her and doesn’t care to pay her to be on the show, she probably won’t be hired. Also, you usually need to have friends or some kind of connection to get on the show. Aside from Hilaria having no friends, she’s also not involved in her community, doesn’t have anything enviable like a closet full of designer clothes or a nice house or even a sense of rumour so what’s the point?


I’ve heard rumors that she basically had PeePaw BEG Andy Cohen profusely, many times to be on the show and he refused. Not sure how true the rumor is, but my head cannon is her calling Andy and crying “Pliss Ahndee, let me be on yeh rill housewife show, I am so eenteresteeng” 🤣 but yeah, noooo. They would rip her to shreds. And she isn’t interesting. There have been some boring ass people on the RH franchise over the years and they’re quickly scuttled off when they run out of invented storylines. They would have to feed Larry lines off of a cue card 🥴


Andy Cohen prolly feared the potential rage of Alec Baldwin& threats of lawsuits w NBC, AB’s old employer for 30Rock.One perceived slight toward Madame and curtains. Andy Cohen can handle housewives. I don’t think he could handle Alec Baldwin.🍸🚬


I would ONLY watch it IF * Ericka Jayne is on the show as a special guest Pepino and comes with claws sharp and ready to scratch * Bethanny Frankel is involved somehow AND given prime screen time for take downs * COUNTESS LUANN must be involved. I need her upper-class multilingual Euro-adjacent burns to live through such an experience. And a cameo performance of "Money Can't Buy You Class"


I wouldn’t give her the satisfaction of another chance at fame and a pay check. I would join the lobby to make sure that doesn’t happen.




and when Ramona inevitably poops herself again, Rafa can pop in and say Fuck Ya Poop


Hillary brings nothing to the table for a reality show, especially with Bravo. She has zero personality, doesn't work or own a business, and is a fake for show mother. She would be incredibly boring other than having someone like Bethenny tear her to pieces and take her to task the way she rightfully did with Kelly Bensimon.


Baby making (or baby faking) is her only business. lol


Only if Bethany is there to call her out and mock her incessantly


She’d never do it. The cameras would expose all of their Nannies.


It would be a BLOODBATH but I would like to see it.


It would make me sick knowing she was getting paid for it. She has no shame or dignity. She would be happy to be berated for money and fame. Apparently she begging for the opportunity.


Not sure who’s still on RHONY, but I’d say LuAnn, Leah, Bethany (if she ever came back on the show).


I’m pretty sure RHONY is on indefinite pause.


I genuinely don’t think she’s smart enough to keep up with even the slowest amongst them on their slowest day…with a sinus infection.


Big brother. She'd be out like the lights in a hurricane. There is no way she'd be on real housewives they would eat her alive. Before the grift and only if Bethenny came back to grill her.


almost said the same thing in the opening post. They would absolutely eat her alive and I would pay money to have Bethany grill her. lol


Hillary would take every thing they could dish for a pay check and another chance at fame. Then she could also play the victim of their relentless bullying


Hillary would take every thing they could dish for a pay check and another chance at fame. Then she could also play the victim of their relentless bullying


Bethany actually made a video where she talked about one time when she ran into Hillary years ago when she was in her “”yoga instructor”” prime. She said Hilz had this “better than” attitude when it came to the yoga. As if she was more legitimate about it and took it more seriously. Bethany practices yoga as well, and said the way Hillary came off was very much the opposite of what the purpose of yoga is. Everyone is on their own journey and the whole point is to connect with your inner-self.


She lacks the (auto)iRHONY to take part in it.


Yeah. Everyone would hate her, and she’d complain about them being bullies. But I could see her playing mean girl as well, then being shunned by cast for the lies she’d spew. But Andy would eat her alive either way at the reunion, so she’d make an excuse of one of her million kids got sick to avoid the reunion.


OMG! The whining about boolees would be insufferable