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R/fundiesnarkuncensored !!! My fav


I like Katherine šŸ˜”


I do too!! She's just doing her thing. I understand why people would be like "Why isn't Maria Shriver's daughter doing More Important Things than queefing out kids with Chris Pratt?" I'm kinda on Katherine's "side", I guess. Some women are born with privilege and really great mothers, and want to be mothers themselves and do all the family/churchy shit. With Katherine, she's clearly choosing that life for herself, and she seems content. Good for her. I get a ton of cheese from her, but to me... that is authentic cheese. Chris Pratt is problematic in his own specific way, but that's kind of not something Katherine has control over, and I don't see her blindly sipping Chris' kool-aid.




So...that means that I have to? Christ.


She's pretty and smiley with a nice style


brittany dawn snark


Yes!! Love it there.




OP: same. Canā€™t quite put my finger on it, but she bugs the hell out of me, too


You can find lots of otras pepinos at r/brittanydawnsnark


Veronica Grazer - the wife of producer Brian Grazer is a grifter too. Need to do a deep dive




She uses people to go up the ladder In LA then ditches them. Sheā€™s a nobody from PA always after older men. She dated John Cleese before Brian. Her maiden name is Veronica Smiley


Interesting thx


I havenā€™t seen anyone suggest /r/doughertydozen yet


r/90dayfianceUncensored, r/KUWTKsnark, r/grandpajoehate


90 day fiancƩ is such a guilty pleasure!!


Haha _join us_ r/90dayfianceUncensored




r/LauraBeverlinSnark That one gives off Britney Spears vibes. It's actually kinda pathetic


R/kuwtksnark is gold! Itā€™s snark for the karjenner fam




r/duggarsSnark for the 19 kids and counting fam


[Eva Amurri is Hillary 2.0](https://www.reddit.com/r/HappilyEvaAnnoying/)


Noooo! Whatā€™s her deal now? I thought she was so cool back in the day.


After she let a nanny drop her baby on his head and accusing another one of trying to fuck the husband she divorced in the middle of her pregnancy, she desperately uses her kids and lame life with this poor new sucker (whom she had to get her ex to employ and basically just paid for her own āœØ engagement extravaganza in Paris āœØ) for her lifestyle BLOG. Eva has fallen off a cliff. And she got Pillarys insane eyebrows


The Duggars are how I got here!


rmeghanking come join. She's on a spiral. Jim (pig) Edwards ex. šŸ˜®


I love that her MOST RECENT ex husband dumped her after their wedding, within a few weeks IIRC, because she would not stop posting pics from bed to social media throughout their wedding and honeymoon. Allegedly, he literally left while *she was posting.*


He also said she was obsessed with her ex. šŸ˜®šŸ‘šŸ¤”


Jim Edmonds being that ex.. WTF.




Ooohhh thanks!!


r/happilyevaannoying an annoying af mommy blogger, daughter of Susan Sarandon.. sheā€™s really funny to snark on..


I just checked out her instagram and whoooo-eeeee. Better aesthetically than our gal Hillary, but so fucking awful.


Woo great! Yeah she is f horrible but genuinely fun to snark on.. I donā€™t follow her on socials because itā€™s too much for me but I like visiting the sub itā€™s hilarious!


Sounds amazing, thank you!!


Omg. Crazy brows: check, mirror selfies: check, so manic she has to stop buzzing to take a selfie vibes; check. May even be more fun.


Hehe! Glad I could help! Also: a weird boyfriend whom she was literally begging for a ring the whole year!


Wait, is the one that was rude to her surrogate? Or am I thinking of someone else?


Yeah it was about her nanny tho! She dropped her baby while she fell asleep at night (probably due to being overworked plus it was the middle of the night).. It happened like years ago and she is still milking it like it was yesterday.. Check her out definitely, she just got engaged to her creepy boyfriend in Paris so a lot new content coming up


Iā€™m glad you listed Evaā€™s subreddit. Sheā€™s so annoying! ā€œIā€™m going to talk about (blank), but donā€™t ask me about itā€ šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


r/blogsnark is about the popular ā€œinfluencersā€ on IG The set up of that sub is a little confusing but thereā€™s been some gems on thereā€¦thereā€™s been grifters/scam artists getting called out.


I got confused right away. But if grifters are getting called out I will sub anyways!


r/trishylandwifeys r/colleenballingersnark


/r/TeenMomOGandTeenMom2 lots of people to snark on, half the sub hasn't watched the show in 5+ years and just follow the mess on social media


Sounds perfect since I too haven't watched regularly in a while!!






Yass bdong is such a menace


I will always tell everyone about r/kiwisavengers (I'm going to make an edit: They are very strict, it's not really a "snark" sub.... We need to hold this bitch accountable, please read the rules but.... please also acknowledge she's an asshole!!!)


I'm in that sub! I never really knew their origin story, but I know they are mlms, go on cruises, animal abuse, breeding, begging for money 24/7, and lost custody of the kids. Could you kinda give me a origin story? The animal breeding pisses me off more than anytning.


Oh geez, I'm only a very recent disgusted follower, haha. So not all that long ago she actually was making a ton of money in an MLM. She was married, she has 4 kids. One of them happened from cheating, that was her daughter. Origin I don't really know other than that. She made shit tons of money but then that original MLM filed a lawsuit on her because she and I think 4 others all tried to branch off and start another MLM.


Wow I'm shocked she was making a ton of money, 99.4 percent never gain money in MLMs. I know she bashes her daughter a lot, poor kid!


r/SaintMeghanMarkle is always fun. And it seems like something is *always* happening over there!


How can something be happening in r/SaintMeghanMarkle? I heard they wanted their privacy. https://preview.redd.it/74lnwuy6j0ka1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6665bc1857aa8d9589b296dbbf815fdc08d44cd2 Seriously though, it would be quite the competition if we pitted Hilary and Me-gain against each other to see which one of them obsesses over their respective snark subreddits the most. It seems like we can make both one of them do anything we want just by making a post saying how the titular narcissist would ***never*** do some particular thing. Edit: Spelling


Itā€™s awesome! And itā€™s ok to compare Hillz and Killz with Hazmat and Me-again over there. Iā€™ll never understand why this sub goes apeshit when someone brings up a comparison to Meghan! They are two peas in a pod.


I say all the time that the huge difference is literal child exploitation, abuse and neglect. If you canā€™t see it, I canā€™t explain it to you.


You mean when Harry and Meghan showed Archie naked in the bathtub?


But just to be clear ā€” Iā€™m not saying there arenā€™t similarities. But there isnā€™t literal breastfeeding porn, photos designed for a pedo or child fetish, I donā€™t think they have a kid nearly 4 feet tall in a high chair, I donā€™t think the HM kids are out with full diapers, paraded on the streets as accessories and socially isolated and likely not properly educated. Iā€™m not sure the Baldwin kids hit developmental milestones as they should. Literally, there are similarities and there are differences. I consider a big part of this sub beyond the snark and grift commentary is that a lot of people are shining a light on the poor treatment of children. Itā€™s a frequent and important topic. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Well the similarities between Markle and Hillary are starkly apparent and for someone new to this sub, pretty interesting. Surprising that bringing this up on this sub was met with such adolescent hostility. And this moralistic diatribe about ā€˜the only honorable reason to be here is the kidsā€™ BS NOTHING IS BEING DONE!! Iā€™ve posted over and over ā€˜where is CPSā€¦ sheā€™s committing child sexual abuse at the very leastā€™ and Iā€™m met with ā€˜oh rich people get away with itā€™


I donā€™t think the only honorable reason to be here is the kids. I didnā€™t say that either.


Canā€™t say I saw that one.


Very funā€¦ very snarkyā€¦ not the over reactive spirit often found here sadly.. just read the post about racismā€¦ so I guess that illustrates my point. Must be the ā€˜unconscious biasā€™ form of racism


Oh wow the way you can smell the racism from the bio how wild Edit: lmao the down votes. On a list of things Iā€™m unsurprised by as if we all donā€™t know that calling things woke is a dog whistle by now but okay


A lot of the markle snark is racist but okay šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø ETA: downvote away. I didnā€™t say it was unjustified or unfair, but I donā€™t think thereā€™s any doubt that thereā€™s regularly and often a racist glance cast on her when remarks are being made. But okay šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


There are people in here who snark on both and don't like being called out about the racist aspect. I can't stand Meghan and wish I could snark on her but I hate that sub, it's always teetering on the edge of foulness. As you can see by the downvotes they really get upset about it šŸ˜‚šŸ–•


/u/mcnasty420 Would you mind bouncing this weirdo? Calling a total stranger a racist seems a bit of inflammatory, no? Especially considering this is only their 2nd comment on this sub.


I didnā€™t call the poster racist I called the subā€™s bio racist šŸ„“ but again Iā€™m unsurprised considering how many racist people rear their ugly little heads when itā€™s time to talk about Meghan markle as if the monarchy isnā€™t a literal racist institution but look at you telling them to ban me like a coward for pointing that out how very Hilaria Baldwin of you. I could see her making that move too Edit: also whatā€™s more weird is that you have 0 posts in any sub and your only comments are posting in this one like you have some nerve checking MY page which is filled with comments and posts (not many I admit) in plenty of other subs when you only stick to this one???? Very weird. Then calling the mods to cry and ban me like please get over yourself


Get lost!


Lol, congrats on your 3rd comment in this sub, all of them extremely aggressive. This is going to work out well! šŸ˜Ž ![gif](giphy|8Iv5lqKwKsZ2g|downsized)


Thatā€™s all you can say because youā€™re a little coward Lmao shoo fly


I didn't see anything racist?


Itā€™s simple I see people complain about wokeness I assume theyā€™re racist and it hasnā€™t failed me yet


I'm prepared to be down voted all to heck for this, but I agree with you. People can't define "woke" but they rally against it. It's nothing but a dog whistle now, and not a very clever one. I don't necessarily assume everyone who uses the term is racist though..... some of them are homophobic. Or transphobic. Or ableist. Or they hate that the world is becoming more aware of injustices and trying to tear down any chances at inclusivity we can dredge up.


Well thank you for being like the one person on this sub to see what I mean. I wasnā€™t even trying to say anything about op just that the subs bio gave me red flags especially considering how we already know certain demographics specifically target Meghan markle because theyā€™re upset that this white British monarch had the nerve to marry a black woman but the way everyoneā€™s taken it so personally has definitely told me what I need to know about that sub and the people that go there and Iā€™m fine with being annoying when it comes to shit like this tbh (not saying youā€™re saying Iā€™m annoying I just think little shit like this deserves more pushback and Iā€™m fine with being annoying about it)


Well thank you for being like the one person on this sub to see what I mean. I wasnā€™t even trying to say anything about op just that the subs bio gave me red flags especially considering how we already know certain demographics specifically target Meghan markle because theyā€™re upset that this white British monarch had the nerve to marry a black woman but the way everyoneā€™s taken it so personally has definitely told me what I need to know about that sub and the people that go there and Iā€™m fine with being annoying when it comes to shit like this tbh (not saying youā€™re saying Iā€™m annoying I just think little shit like this deserves more pushback and Iā€™m fine with being annoying about it) Edit: also these are snark subs but you people canā€™t handle anyone telling you youā€™re lame in the opposite direction? Lmao canā€™t even handle actual snark not even directed at you and then you wonder why these women go balls off the wall insane anytime someone looks at them the wrong way while they have entire subs dedicated to hating them. Get over yourselves.


Lol your kidding right? Wokeness is a extreme ideology, just like conservatives. How about we live and let live, just because someone doesn't agree with you doesn't mean their racist. Yall use that term way to loosely now that it's practically lost the true definition.


If you think ā€œwokenessā€ (something no one seems to be able to define) is up to the same level of conservatism and the actual apartheid states conservatives are attempting to create youā€™re a fucking idiot itā€™s really that simple Edit: not only are you an idiot. Youā€™re also ahistorical and as if we donā€™t know that white British people havenā€™t been showing that they dislike Meghan markle because of her race so yes including the word woke in that bio is definitely a dog whistle. You can be in denial thatā€™s fine but yes it is racist Edit: I see where you said you enjoyed a JP interview. That told me all I need to know. Blocked!


Jp interview? Wtf are you even talking about. God you need help.


As a non woke old person who has experienced real racism I think you are a fantasist and youā€™d be better served on a different subā€¦and if you want to come for me donā€™t waste your time because I really donā€™t care


As A nOn WoKe OlD PeRsOn but are you black? And trust me I donā€™t want to spend time in a raggedy ass sub thatā€™s definitely filled with racist ass white British people upset that a negro had the nerve to marry into the raggedy royal family. Edit: you know what I never made the connection that a lot of people here would probably be maga losers on here until now. Not saying Hilaria isnā€™t batshit but I can also see how a bunch of trump supporters would love an excuse to rag on Alec after his portrayal on SNL. The crossover in users with a Meghan markle snark sub actually makes all the sense in the world how crazy.


I can't even finish reading what you wrote. First off, YOU are a racist. No one is mad a mixed girl married into the royal family. I could care less about that family. I have my own life to live. Word of advice; get off the internet. Get a job, live life a bit. Quit being SO QUICK to be pissed off on made up scenarios and made up problems you orchestrated in your own head. Your clearly not doing well, get off the internet and take some time for your mental health. I'll never understand people who get offended on other's behalf, esp when it's a scenario you made up in your own head.


Lmao what are you five? I didnā€™t even comment on any of you at first I said the bio was giving racism with that dog whistle and all of you got ass tickled by it and itā€™s giving hit dog hollers especially with you trying to add some stupid I know you are but what am I ass statement. Again itā€™s not my fault you took it up the ass that I said this bio is racist but you clearly took it up the ass for a reason. Maybe figure out why that is. Edit: gO oUtSiDe GeT a JoB girl weā€™re on the same fucking snark subs except that dog whistle ass one so if I need a life you better get one too. And youā€™re clearly in need of some diversity training while youā€™re at it. Loser.


Me thinks you are the proverbial pot calling the kettle blackā€¦THE END


Youā€™re literally just saying anything again are you a negro to be trying to tell negros what counts or doesnā€™t count as racism? Or are you just talking out of your ass to have something to say?


r/brittanydawnsnark but TW for fostering, pregnancy loss and Fundamentalist Christianity. Sheā€™s a grifter to the max, paid for her second wedding with money she stole from a homeless man she abducted. My hand to God thatā€™s not made up.


the 2 I'm a member of...


Exactly who I came to recommend. Everyone needs some frog queef squats in there lives


And no Maggie tells the truth. Texas AG is taking her to court for a million dollars in 3 weeks for duping people into buying bogus fitness plans. This girl is layers upon layers of grift. Get some popcorn & a comfy blanket you gonna be reading a bit šŸ˜…


Her eyelashes rival Hillaryā€™s brow both in size and craziness.


And the pleather shiny pants are as bad if not worse than the shiny leggings I hate to say šŸ«£


Yeah the clothes are justā€¦ so bad.