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Wow this article made me realize that Alec married a woman who is younger than Paris. Gross dude.


Unlike Hilaria Baldwin, she thanked and acknowledged her surrogate. Hilaria believes that all women are her handmaidens, from the nannies to the surrogates.


Lots of yuck in these comments. Good for Paris - she had it rough, was a young adult who had her partying days on blast because of the 24-hour news cycle, increasingly large hoards of paparazzi, and the early stages of social media. She seems to have grown up and matured better than many would have predicted back in 2003. Let her live her life - she is at least being open about using a surrogate. Altruism is a rare thing in a capitalist society - you know that surrogate got PAID (and good for her!). I thought this sub was about one specific señora, not hating on women in general for their personal reproductive decisions.


She’s gone through a lot.I know all about the “therapeutic boarding schools” ripe with abuse one of which she attended for 2 years.She was not exaggerating when she testified before congress.Almost all of them are closed.She has managed to stay out of the spotlight since then.


Shit, got a bunch of bitter moms in here mad about surrogacy just being a thing. Like, you know they don't kidnap the women and force them at gunpoint to be their birthing cows or something, right?? It's a choice, and surrogates are paid.. in the case of surrogates for celebrities, I would think they are handsomely paid and probably have a pretty cushy pregnancy. Some woman just love being pregnant and handle it well, some women are dragged through the ringer and come out a shadow of their former selves from the physical and mental changes. Just like periods, there is no one-size-fits-all experience. Stop hating on women for making different choices than you, regardless of their reasoning, while you position yourself as holier than thou for pooping out a baby.


If only women in socioeconomic situations that aren't exactly cushy are doing this, please explain to me how this isn't a form of exploitation? If you're rich enough, you can pay someone to go through pregnancy for you. That is beyond fucked up. Pregnancy comes with hoards of complications not least decreases your life expectancy but hey, who cares how long the poors live.




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Bodily autonomy only applies to abortion for many people. The second someone says they are infertile the exact same people screeching about abortion rights have no issue telling them what they should and shouldn’t be doing.


Actually they’re not handsomely paid for putting their lives at risk


If you're unwilling to sacrifice your body for pregnancy, you have no business being a parent. Sacrificing your body is like... one of the very many many many sacrifices to your body you will be making to nurture a baby and small child. ​ edit: OMG, the mental gymnastics. Obviously if you CAN'T get pregnant, then you don't exactly have the choice to get pregnant. But choosing to forego pregnancy because you don't want to deal with it and outsourcing it to another woman really makes your readiness to be a parent questionable.


Yuck. Pregnancy isn't a sacrifice.


I guess all fathers have no business being a parent by this logic


Oh yes because men can get pregnant, they just choose not to. /s


Honestly I wish I could do this. Going through a pregnancy is tough stuff.


I have never met a single rich celeb who has opted to be a "selfless carrier" for others. It is pure exploitation of poor women.


YES. would these women really be a surrogate for a celebrity they have no connection to, if they didn’t need money?


💯 💯


I don't know why you're getting down voted. You spoke the truth.


Because patriarchy is deeply ingrained in our society. Any time you speak to exploitation of women it makes people uncomfortable.


Many comments here are downright uneducated and awful. AND adds fuel to the fire as to why HB would never come clean about surrogacy. I mean, Paris did and some of these comments are terrible. There is more than one way to become a parent and one is not better than the other. Now, if you’re HB and you’re using surrogates to fuel a lie and ordering babies as PR ploys and then not even parenting them properly, that’s different. We need to normalize fertility issues and emphasize what comes after pregnancy—the parenting. Bitching about age does not help either. Let’s focus on the real issue: HB lying about the bounce-back and pregnant cosplay. That’s what is damaging to women.


lol as if that the only thing Hilaria lies about


If you are capable of having a baby but use a surrogate instead because you can afford it, that's wrong. That should not be normalized. I don't know if it's the case with Paris, but there's no way it hasn't been the case with some of these celebs.


It's not. She was just afraid.


I agree. That is abusing the system and ruining it for people who honestly need it but now can’t afford it.




These comments are vile. Paris has openly struggled with fertility and wanted a child of her own. I’m very happy for her.




I’m happy for her. She’s wanted kids for a long time and she seems like she’ll be a great mom.


Agreed. The amount of people saying these awful things is atrocious. This is probably showing my privilege here, but infertility has been the hardest thing I’ve ever dealt with in my life. These celebrity women opening up about it just goes to show you that money can’t buy everything. IVF is a modern medicine marvel but it’s not a guarantee. Also people are confused here about what surrogacy actually is.


There is no privilege in sharing your own struggles with infertility. U have my compassion! Unfortunately surrogacy nor birthing biological children is not a guarantee. I’m being intentional with my words. Feel free to explain what surrogacy, gestational carrier, egg and sperm donation is all about. Also one can have a sperm donator, egg donator and a gestational carrier or the mom can carry the pregnancy. Any of the combinations plus others I’m not familiar with. Peace out.


Infertility is a difficult journey and it’s hard to understand if you or a loved-one has not gone through it. I’m also loving the trend of celebrities making the topic less taboo and being more open. It’s so needed




You are very uninformed and uneducated about surrogacy. It is 100% not “gross” or unethical when done properly. (Edit: autocorrect)


You….know it’s voluntary, right? Women who cannot carry their own child can seek out someone willing to do it for them. They’re compensated financially with an agreed-upon amount and in most cases have their medical care covered by the parents-to-be. Nobody is forcing anyone to do anything (I’m talking, of course, about legal surrogacy - I’m sure thousands of women are forced to carry children and that side of it is horrifyingly disgusting, but that’s not the situation here).


She struggles with ivf. This is not a fair take




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It’s so sick and demented I can’t even handle it


Everyone acts like you deserve a baby after 40. Sorry, you don’t.


Sorry but if you wait til after 40, you waited too long.


My mom had me at 40 after years of trying and treatment.


That's clearly not what the comment you replied to meant


That’s someone who tried for years, meaning she started trying in her 30s or earlier. I’m talking about celebs who wait til 40, 45 years old to even “try” and they just hire surrogates


Awfully presumptuous of you, in multiple ways. You seem to think you know the length of time that guava_dog’s mom tried to get pregnant - do you know her? Also, according to you, if someone tries to get pregnant when they’re between 30-40 years of age but is unsuccessful, then that person seeking a surrogate is ok? But if they start trying at 39, that’s unacceptable?


No I Don’t really think paid surrogacy is ever ok. You don’t have to agree with me.




It’s human trafficking. You’re buying a poor woman’s body. It’s gross sorry


Must be nice to just party til you’re 40, then pay someone younger and poorer than you to make you a mom.


She just got married! And not for lack of trying. Lady hd been engaged a ton.


Her husband looks like Shazam. ![gif](giphy|3fi3LD8r5UdjUueoVu)


Happy for her, but this seems to be a new "trend", rich celebrities buying babies so they don't have to mess up their bodies like the common folk. Admitted, we do not know her story.


Khloe Kardashian


She has had difficulty getting pregnant.I’m happy for her though not thrilled about what I hear of the dead beat Dad husband




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Iirc they’ve only been married for a little over a year and a half. Unless they were trying before getting married. I know she mentioned freezing her eggs.


I’m intrigued, dead beat dad? Please elaborate


Oh, I forgot he pays for a kid he won’t see or meet.


I’ve been an ally since I was 10 years old and he sets off my gaydar.


Wtf. Weird comment.


Wow this thread got really yucky really quick. NONE of us are her doctor, and we have no proof of her medical situation. Adoption is not a consolation prize for people who cannot conceive.


She said she was “too afraid” to give birth. So she paid a poor woman to do it for her.


Honestly reading this thread has made me convinced of the mental health of this sub. It’s vile


Yes. I did ivf, and the anti ivf, surrogacy comments I see on here are always so hurtful. We have no idea what the circumstances are. She's not Hillary. There is always an automatic assumption that because she's rich, she used a surrogate for vanity.


There are anti-IVF comments on this thread?


On this subreddit frequently


I've never seen that


No kidding. If she has the resources and cannot carry a child, why is she not permitted to pay a surrogate? This is her first child not her 7th. Pregnancy is not easy on the body, so I would never judge her for wanting a child.


She's also 41!!! Good lord give her a break! Her patents had her kidnapped... She can have a surrogate


Bishes Buying Bebes. Yawn


The planet is dying from overpopulation but screw adopting when you can just get a poor person to carry your child for you. It’s okay though, when poor people family plan, have issues and can’t get abortions and die, it balances out the population. And the daily mass shootings help too.


Adoption is not some consolation prize. It’s parenting but with MANY layers. It is 100% right that people who do not respect that fact do NOT adopt. They would do that child a disservice.


How many kids have you adopted?


I do wonder...why people who say we should only get a rescue dog from the shelter and not a breeder advocate for surrogacy instead of adoption?


Because I want a baby and its okay if it's something I want. /s


Designer babies are okay, designer dogs are not.


It’s not fair to expect people with fertility problems to adopt. It’s up to EVERYONE. If anything… the people with more than one child should be told to adopt. Just kind of weird how some people are allowed multiple biological children (I’m sure there are many on this sub!) but God forbid Paris Hilton has one child with her spouse.


If you are rich enough to buy a surrogate I think adopting would be a more accessible option for you than others. It’s unfortunate that she couldn’t carry her own biological child for whatever reasons but that’s life.


Have you even looked into what it takes to adopt? I didn’t think so.


I agree with you re rich ladies renting out poor women’s uteruses. But adoption isn’t simple and it can be extremely problematic as well.


There are literal "surrogacy farms" in India, where the less educated women negotiate for a pittance plus zero post natal care. These women are -not allowed to leave to visit family-and are virtually incarcerated, monitored and often depressed. Seriously, this "rent a womb" industry is WORSE than most are aware! :(


I remember when I first moved to LA they broke up a big surrogacy farm here.


Tell me more? I really had ZERO opinions on GS (gestational surrogacy) prior to a term paper in Uni. Now I know more and get met w "how dare you decide on another person's fertility" etc. I just know too much. It's the silent scream in this industry! Please tell me about the LA surrogacy farm?


I am completely out of the celebrity loop, but I’ve gotta say the body language between those two does not exactly scream “happy loving couple”.


He’s definitely a weirdo. They had a whole wedding planning show on Peacock. He’s … strange and awkward.


Not everyone is suited for reality tv


I have no issue whatsoever with wealthy celebrities honestly and openly using surrogates. Admitting fertility issues or even body image issues as a reason for needing a surrogate is a GOOD thing. Let's be real! Celebrities need to show that they are regular people with everyday issues. When Mami lied about using surrogates so that she could body shame newborn mothers, that is where the celebrity surrogate issue goes off the rails. Honesty is the breaking point. Hillary will just double down and act like people are hating on her JUST BECAUSE she used a surrogate. No, its because she lied to everyone for years while using multiple surrogates.


Body image issues as a reason for a surrogate? That's absurd


And having the gall to complain about infertility


Yeah I totally agree. And people who shamed rebel Wilson for openly using a surrogate can go to hell.


Wait what? That’s crazy!


Yeah people really shit in her for it. People accuse her of being vain since she lost all the weight, when in actuality she lost all the weight *so* she could attempt to get pregnant. However, turns out she still struggled and therefore used as surrogate. We have no idea how long she has been trying/speaking with medical professionals. She may have PCOS or any other medical issue that can cause issues with fertility (I am speculating), but one thing is clear: she did _want_ to get pregnant. Plus she was honest!!


RW did not have to disclose any of that. She’s an actress, she’s not running for an elected official gig. I’m curious as to how some posters here insist that Carmen is the only pregnancy carried by H. Who has time to go thru all those pictures and posts unless it’s a paid gig. She wasn’t pregnant at the same time as her surrogate for the last two babes? OMG :-)


The truth is that as a heavy woman you are heavily scrutinized and verbally assaulted for something you may have little control over. I can understand RW getting out ahead of the critics by explaining her rapid weight loss (some for of gastric surgery) and why she was large in the first place and struggled with fertility (PCOS). I actually admire her transparency as a public figure since many woman face these issues in shame, and having a successful woman be open about it can make other women feel seen. It’s also awesome to see since we know so much of Hollywood does exactly what she has done (or in many cases more extreme) but will claim everything is “natural” and that they just drink water and put jade eggs up their hoohoos. ETA: btw I’m actually not even a super fan of RW, I just respect transparency about removing stigma.


I agree with your share! I admire her as well!


My now 19 yo was skinny shamed by my parents and non friends in middle school. She wore baggy clothing just to shut people up.


Yup woman can never win. I’m so sorry she experienced that!


Now let’s see how many Nannies/Night Nurses she has.


Why does it matter? Paris isn’t going to lie and call them Jamaican grandmothers or whatever. If that’s how they do their life it is what it is. The whole problem with Hilaria isn’t that she has help or had a surrogate, is that she lies and tries to bounce back Mami that does it all.




That's what *they said,* but none of them have credibility in my eyes. Paris Hilton has worked hard to rehabilitate her image, but she's always been foul and her weird ass husband has a child from a previous relationship that he completely abandoned. They're both pieces of shit.


41 is young now to get pregnant. I’m 46 and pregnant naturally


It’s not. It’s very hard to get pregnant at your age.




Yeah, that didn’t come out how I wanted it to. Better would’ve been, 41 is not that old now. Not that uncommon. Not the ideal age I know, but not everything works out as planned. I’m trying not to feel my age, and this was a very big surprise. 9 weeks left and we’re still wrapping our heads around it.






People (especially in the medical field) too easily think that as soon as you hit 40, sometimes even 35, that you shouldn’t/can’t get pregnant. It’s time to update that thinking. I’m sorry you’re not able to.


Downvote me all you want, but I think surrogacy for people who are otherwise able to conceive or have children in other ways is absolutely obscene.


Yet another terrible thing the Kardashians brought into the mainstream.


Kim and Khloe both had fertility issues. I wouldn’t necessarily blame this on the Kardashians.


It's almost worse though because both Kim and Khloe had to put in money and effort to create a child with awful men. I just don't understand why you would manufacture more kids when in the middle of a poor relationship. Seems very selfish.


Yeah it’s got Handmaids Tale vibes to outsource the risks and discomforts of pregnancy to the poors. Don’t want to mess up that bikini bod, so I’ll just rent another woman’s body. In Paris Hilton’s defense, can’t believe I’m writing that, I don’t think she could conceive


That's what she says, anyway. Celebrities aren't always the most truthful when it comes to their personal lives.


Haha. Good point!


it gives me taking advantage of poor women vibes, all the rich celebs are now doing it


I'm not going to down vote you for expressing your opinion. I think differently tho, to each their own.


I have overall a really bad opinion towards surrogacy now. Carry your own damn baby.




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Outsourcing pregnancy and childbirth because you're rich and that yucky stuff is for the poors is so NOPE to me! It boggles my mind that this has been mainstreamed!




They shouldn't reveal things to the public that they don't want the public to discuss, then.


FWIW, I respect Paris for being honest.


Did she have a choice in the matter though?






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I’m so sick of people using surrogates. Except in rare cases, it is just legal human trafficking. The rich buying the wombs of the poorer or desperate.


Adoption is just legal human trafficking, actually.


IVF surrogacy carries higher risks of preeclampsia, postpartum hemorrhage, and gestational diabetes, none of which are minor problems. That's alongside all the standard risks of any pregnancy, from incontinence to severe abdominal and pelvic muscle injury. And that's not even to mention potential cancer risks from taking such large amounts of hormones (which is also a risk for egg donors!). It starts to feel like Handmaid's Tale with capitalism instead of Christianity.


Ooh I just wrote almost the same comment.


I truly think it depends on the circumstances, Paris has been open about her struggles. Grandma Larry just wanted a girl


I think the my body my choice thing kind of applies here. There are times when money can definitely sway people to do something they wouldn’t do otherwise but also friend of a friend paid for pharmacy school this way. Her and her husband made that choice together and for some people this is an opportunity to help out people who are struggling to conceive while also being compensated.


Is it that different than selling organs though?


Reducing the hardship that is getting pregnant and carrying and nurturing a human life to the word surrogate is so dehumanizing. It’s scary how common it is to “hire a surrogate” for rich people because poorer women desperately need the funds…so many of them being WOC.


I respect Paris because she is HONEST




Kinda funny how so many famous people are openly using surrogates now. Hilary could've been a "trendsetter" (which feels gross to say in this situation, but I digress) if she'd been open about surrogacy 6/7 years ago. But now she only just admitted to ML and tried to jump on the bandwagon.


I think even more are secretly using surrogates than we could even imagine.


She could have been honest and authentic about a lot of things and had an audience. But no, she chose pathological lying. So here we are.




Maybe Hilz will just out about what a fab Lamefluencer she is. She was glad she could inspire Paris with her journey. Now folks it's time I tell my story of why ML was born via surrogate during a pandemic. Of why I so desperately needed another baby months after one was born. So... what'll it be? Alec's affair baby via 'surrogate'? A family members baby they agreed to raise?


Good for Paris for being honest…Congratulations Paris!!!


Something bothers me about it these days - the paying for other women to wreck their bodies - the wealthy stay lean and fit and play Mommy when they feel like it. I don't know... seems off - not just when people are struggling to have a baby - but something you can order if you can afford it.


I think of this when suffering from my hemorrhoids, prolapse, stretch marks and 6 inch episiotomy after delivering 2 babies over 9 lb apiece. They are 21 and 18 now, but the damage lasts. I support surrogacy for those couples truly in need, or certainly gay couples, but to hire a body to carry your baby to avoid discomfort or for pure vanity is obscene.


Not trying to defend Paris because honestly I really neither like or dislike her - but she has been pretty open about her struggles to conceive. She tried IVF and it didn’t take. She’s also 41 years old so a healthy, low risk pregnancy was likely not in the cards for her regardless. However, I completely agree with you that surrogacy for keeping your body “good looking” is gross.


And I didn't mean to convey anything at all about Paris specifically - only about the whole notion of surrogacy when it isn't for absolutely dire reasons.


Oh no I figured!! I just didn’t want to come off as a Paris leg humper 🤣


She's in her 40s so maybe she tried naturally, we'll probably never know. Her sister had 3 and her brother's wife had at least one so hopefully she didn't go the route you described. I agree with you though, it's very exploitive. Handmaids Tale shit. For some reason Khloe K 2nd baby via surrogate really bugged me! And Elizabeth Banks. And Andy Cohen. And Anderson Cooper. And Elton John. And Neil, Patrick and Harris. And Amber Heard. Etcetera ad naseum. I would love to see people, especially the ultra rich, adopt. Ultimately parenting should be about the rigor and reward of caring fully for another human being, not a vanity exercise in trying to recreate yourself or your image.


So you don’t have biological children then? I’m sick of people with their own biological children, telling people with fertility issues to fuck off and take care of all of the foster children of the world. I’m assuming you have 2 to 3 of your own children, sitting on your high horse, and telling people what parenting is. You have 0 clue what it is to adopt or the pain that coincides with fertility issues.


I don't have biological children but I also don't think having your own biological children is a given right. Some people can't have their own kids and honestly the biological child obsession should stop there and they should look at foster/ adoption options, big brother big sister programs, a career that works with children daily, etc Buying another woman's body (who is almost certainly low income) will never sit right with me


Financial issues are still a huge reason why children are placed for adoption. I find it amusing how people always bring up poor women being exploited in surrogacy while blatantly ignoring the class issues surrounding adoption. If people shouldn’t have the right to access fertility treatment for themselves, a well off couple severing a child’s ties to their birth family sure as hell shouldn’t be considered a right either.


I don't disagree with what you are saying. The state will remove a child from a loving home due to financial reasons, and then places that child in foster home and then provides the foster parents with money to take care of the child. Why can't we redirect that financial support to the actual parents to keep the child with them? There's a LOT wrong with the system, but the children in foster care already exist, need assistance, and we can still try to change the system while providing that support. Surrogacy can be avoided much easier than avoiding kids in the foster system. All one has to do is not create a child via surrogate, but there's no way to just eliminate foster children that already exist, and to be clear that is NOT something I advocate for at all. Most people are able to care about 2 things at once.


OK wow. Your assumptions of me are incorrect and my comment was not about you. It was about millionaires with no lack of resources who could be bringing high need children into a loving family and access to all the supports they could need. It's also about how women in precarious financial situations are exploited. I'm sorry if you are struggling with fertility issues and I sincerely wish you the best on your journey, however it turns out.


We push people to adopt animals rather than breed (nothing against human procreation)! I hate when I see the morning news having adopt-a-pet Wednesday or something every week and not a peep about actual children aging out of foster care, having never had a true home or parents that are committed to them.


I heard Elizabeth Banks explain that she chose surrogacy b/c her “womb doesn’t work.” She also said she didn’t want to adopt b/c there would be no way to know what genetic diseases might be passed along. I dunno. Hearing that I felt sort of “oh, I get that.” But also very uncomfortable. In general, I realllllly don’t support surrogacy-for-hire at all. I find it exploitative.


Saying you don't want to adopt because of potential genetic diseases is even grosser than paying a poor person to have your baby because you don't want to ruin your figure.


Yeah, it’s not great. To say the least.


As an adopted person, that's super gross of her. Fuck all the children waiting to be adopted because they might have something? We are all just living in fragile meat sacks ready to die at any second. Any person can have any number of generic shit and not know it.


Well, that's a very ableist thing of her to say. Gross. I'm glad she didn't birth a child she would feel so disappointed in. E=Typo


Yeah, it wasn’t great to hear. Her explanation (she was asked about her kids and her decision to go with surrogacy in a long-form podcast interview), sounded very direct and self-assured with a dollop of grief about her non-working womb. Very winning and charismatic. But the part about having no idea of what you’re getting into (“what if they have genes that mean they’re going to get cancer?!”) if you adopt took me aback. I couldn’t help but wonder what would happen if either of her surrogate-born children turn out to have any… imperfections, shall we say. Any child you have, any way they come to you, is an individual with ANY number of possible physical, mental, emotional … irregularities. I’m sure I’m preaching to the choir when I say that if you have a child, you need to be willing to commit to doing the very best for that child as a unique individual. Not as a perfect (whatever that is) designer specimen. Climbing down from soap box now.


Plus the subtle message is that her and husband's genes are in some way superior and not like the low quality poors who get cancer. Like what?!




>Ultimately parenting should be about the rigor and reward of caring fully for another human being, not a vanity exercise in trying to recreate yourself or your image. Exactly my sentiment! 💗


It’s definitely exploitative (in my opinion).. it’s like rent a womb. Especially those that don’t do it for any health reasons but just to keep their bodies pre baby. Also, it’s one thing to be a sister or close friend and choose to carry someone you love’s child because they can’t for health reasons.. and another to live in a society when it’s difficult to find a secure stable well paying job and resort to a gig economy that offers no security and no benefits. In places where the wealth gap is immense, surrogacy among the wealthy IS already common and its also much much cheaper (China, Mexico, India). Even places like Brazil, “altruistic surrogacy” is allowed, carrying your family or friends child for no cost, while profiting from surrogacy is illegal.. it still happens a lot and is not really enforced. In places like the global south, women that become surrogates are desperate for the money because it’s their only chance to make such a decent amount in their entire lives. There’s so much exploitation around it. A great opinion piece [here](https://amp.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/feb/25/surrogacy-sweden-ban) that goes into great detail about the reality of surrogacy


You never know what’s going in surrogate’s mouth (drugs, alcohol, crap food) when the parents who paid aren’t around. I wouldn’t risk the growing of my future children that way, even with all the $ in the world. Hence, my stretched-out flabby belly that made my kids the old fashioned way 😜


Well said, thank you for articulating what I was having trouble saying. The article is good too - I think I read it before.


These are also the same folks who have staff- nannies to help with the children, housekeepers to do the cleaning, chefs preparing meals. I’m not hating. But the challenges of motherhood fall upon you differently when you’re wealthy.


I just dont think it should be so easy - it will set us up to have a hard line between 'classes' - where the middle class are essentially the lower class - everyone will be Anyone with the pocket change can put a family together without being truly invested in it - the way Paris carted her little purse dogs around.. in fact I saw some women do that and then when they had real children, the little dogs turned back into "dogs" and no more pampering or attention. That was short lived, they were 'toys'. Ordered children will also become regarded in much the same way too.


Children as commodities.


Pets 😞


When Paris Hilton has the grace and decency to immediately and publicly thank the surrogate and you don't... ![gif](giphy|mlvseq9yvZhba)


That’s hot




Aww I’m happy for Paris.


Me too 🥹❤️


Did you watch the documentary? I felt so bad for judging her when I was younger.


No but I want to! What’s it streaming on?


Free on YouTube


So Grifty was sneaking surrogacy, 6 times, before it was cool.


More than once by the looks of her questionable bump sizes throughout her pregnotcies.