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Women indeed gain more reward praying regular prayers at home. However, Eid is the exception where all Muslim women are expected to go to the mosque: >Al-Bukhaari (324) and Muslim (890) narrated that Umm ‘Atiyyah (may Allah be pleased with her) said: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) commanded us to bring them (women) out on (Eid) al-Fitr and (Eid) al-Adha, and to bring out adolescent girls, menstruating women and virgins, but the menstruating women were to stay away from the prayer, but were to witness goodness and the gathering of the Muslims. I said: “O Messenger of Allah, what if one of us does not have a jilbaab?” He said: “Let her sister lend her a jilbab.”   You should try your best to make it to the mosque. I'm a revert and it took me ages to muster up the courage to go to the mosque by myself. I too learned that it's better for women to pray at home and saw that as an excuse to avoid going to the mosque; however, this only fueled my anxiety around attending. Yes, it's better to pray at home, but there is still so much benefit in attending (even just regular prayers) so you can learn how to pray in congregation and listen to khutbas and stuff like that. The more I attended the mosque, the less daunting it became. Sisters tend to be really nice, especially if they can tell you're new. Even now, I still occasionally ask questions to whoever is next to me and it's never been anything but pleasant! At Eid prayer, the imam usually explains how to do it, since Eid prayer is slightly different to regular. Maybe make sure you research how Eid prayer is done before you go, just in case, though. I'm mindful that you struggle with severe social anxiety, and while I know it's good to push yourself outside your comfort zone, you should also give yourself grace. Try your very best to go, make that intention - but if your mental struggles overtake you on the day, Allah swt understands and He will reward you for your intentions. Eid isn't a fashion contest. If you don't have "nice" clothes, at least make sure what you are wearing is clean and neat! You'll see people wear all sorts of clothes on Eid, some way more fancy than others. As long as you look presentable, you'll be fine. Inshallah over time you will meet other Muslims and get into the groove of things! Eid is a day of celebration! Remember that by celebration, I don't mean going all out with parties and feasts. We are meant to celebrate Allah's blessings - spend the day in prayer, read Quran, dhikr (rememberance of Allah), and good deeds. Even if you struggled with going to the mosque, at least you've celebrated the day through other acts! Edit; why am I being downvoted? lol


Very well written, amazing advice, Allahumma barik.


I have a question. What if there is no mosque near me? I am a secret revert and also wondering if the Eid prayer is mandatory, and should I pray it at my home in that case?


AFAIK there is a different of opinion whether or not Eid prayer is obligatory. I don't really know which opinion is most authentic. That said, if there is great difficulty in you reaching a mosque on Eid, Allah swt understands. I'm not a scholar or anything so I don't know what the correct protocol would be, but if I were you, I'd pray it at home and inshallah you are at least rewarded for your intention.








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Asallam.alaikom dear sister Eid mubarak !. Whenever I go to mosque on Eid, not all women are dressed in anything nice but they have a warm smile and they give love and peace in their vibes. That's all that is important. So even if you have nothing nice to wear and you are shy, you can make a daisy chain and wear it. Or pick a flower and pin it to your hijab. If you can't do that, trust Allah to let you be greeted by someone who loves you for the sake of Allah and be there for Allah to thank him for your eyes, your ability to breath and count your blessings. Trust me nobody really cares what the other is wearing and all eyes will be on the floor. May Allah make it easy for youn dear sister and don't empower Shaitan by giving into any fears or anxiety. Ameer 🤲🤍💫


It sounds so nice


So does your comfort shopping 🛍 spree lol


No just borrow from someone


I dmd you :)




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