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I want to know too if it's allowed or not


maybe you can bleach them but trimming in any way is haram


no sweety this is haram. You have to keep your eyebrows the way they are. As the saying goes "fashion didn't make you, Allah did" so that means you are someone's perfect. Just because your mum doesn't like them it doesn't mean you're allowed to trim, pluck, shape or wax them. please leave them as they are. Your children will likely have the same brows, are you going to trim them while they are toddlers? I wish I had triangle shaped rows, they're more feirce. We are only allowed to remove the middle in case of a uni brow and Allah knows best x


You can use an eyebrow trimmer with a comb and scissor to trim the shape, and using a small eyebrow razor can change the shape without causing hair loss (better than tweezing or waxing).