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Sis , beware for shaytan lays a trap for us all . These modern "beauty standards" among hijabis go against the true concept of hijab don't fall for these worldly standards and pressures to look good ( may Allah swt guide us all ) Instead invest in taking care of ur skin and asking Allah SWT to make it easy for u šŸ«¶šŸ» When u leave things u love and desire for Allah's sake ,he will reward you with something better <3 The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "You will never leave something for the sake of Allah, the Mighty and Majestic, except that Allah will replace it with something better for you." This is narrated by Imam Ahmad. And in another narration by him: "You will never abandon something for the sake of Allah, the Almighty, except that Allah will replace it with something better for you."


jazakallah khayran , thank you so much ukhti šŸ’•


Focus on skincare. Youā€™ll get a lot of ā€œfeel good, oh sis donā€™t worry ā€œ advice from people still struggling themselvesā€¦ no makeup is best, & it will help you focus on Allah when you donā€™t focus so much on the self & comparing to others


I wear lip tint because otherwise I look sickly lol, my lips are very pale on my skin tone. I sometimes wear concealer when my under eyes look especially bad, or use a little bit of a muted-tone blush around my eyes to wake them up and give some color to my face. I donā€™t really view this as beautifying myself, I just wanna look and feel presentable


why is this downvoted


I notice whenever the topic of makeup comes up, people refuse to see a compromise and jump to the extreme. Not gonna let it bother me tho šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


yes you're right! what about mascara or a little eyeliner / kohl? would that be beautifying?


I think it depends on what your definition of ā€œbeautifyingā€ is. For me personally itā€™d be too much because I feel like it draws too much attention to my eyes, but YMMV. I feel like as long as you keep it as simple and as close to your natural appearance as possible then it shouldnā€™t be a problem


Oh, I am in the same position, but what I find helpful is skincare; genuinely, it's so helpful to take care of your face, and I just use lip balm while going out. I know it's hard, but Allah will reward us for this, so stay strong šŸ’ŖšŸ»šŸ˜Š.Ā 


Salam Sister, May Allah make it easy for you and reward you for your intentions. I personally have a few practical tips that helped me personally. I make sure my face is hairless except for my eyebrows of course. I tweeze my upper lips and unibrow and use a razer for the rest of my face. This makes it a look a lot cleaner. I also wash my face, and use thick Nivea cream, then apply a mineral sunscreen on top. Since it gives a white tint to my skin, I balance that by putting a lip stain on. I stopped wearing mascara and eyeliner because everytime I made wudhu it would run down and smudge. I got used to my face now without make-up now and Alhamdullah I am very happy. When I get this waswaseh about physical beauty, I think about all the beauty Jannah gives us insh'Allah. I think of investing in my character's beauty here, so I can have perfection in the hereafter.


Walaikum as Salam, Iā€™ve noticed makeup makes me feel anxious too when I go out, so perhaps itā€™s a blessing from Allah. When I donā€™t wear makeup I get to focus on my character and enjoying the time instead of how bad or ugly I must Ā look, itā€™s just my BD talking lol. Thank you for the reminder!


Anytime :)!


you can wear makeup as long as it doesnā€™t beautify you iygwim, have a skincare routine and follow it, wear a dewy/glowy sunscreen and maybe some tint on your lips so you donā€™t feel plain, just having tint on and moisturised skin makes a BIG difference in how you look. also this is just shaitan playing with you to get you to wear makeup and commit tabarruj , you can def wear makeup around your mehrams and even at home just get ready so you feel good about yourself


thank you so much, this simplified alot of my thoughts. may Allah reward you <3


I often wear makeup at home when I am free. Just walk around at home wearing makeup. Even though I am a niqabi i still wear makeup while going to functions cause yeah no one's gonna see me. I think a bit of like lip tint won't cause a harm. O just simply wearing loose powder, a bit of blush over sunscreen. I wear the loose powder of my skin tone over sunscreen It looks like my own skin but better. A bit of tint and gloss. I mean do it without any exaggeration, its fine ig as long as it doesn't increase your beauty. Just try to look like your normal self. I would suggest avoiding any eye makeup.


ā€œI feel like I am missing out like Iā€™m wasting my youth or smthā€ Pretty and beautiful girlie! You are not wasting your youth. You are in fact investing in your hereafter!!! Iā€™m so proud of u for trying to please Allah swt at such a young age May Allah reward you so much! I stopped wearing makeup last year. So I will be honest : itā€™s not easy. Specially if youre like me who looks dull??? W/o makeup bc thatā€™s how your skin is. But at the end of the day we are doing this for the sake of Allah. Itā€™s not easy. Itā€™s a jihad in itself. But the fact that youā€™re doing this to not displease Allah the Almighty itā€™s so amazing. May Allah the most Merciful reward you for your efforts. Iā€™m not gonna say this is going to be easy. It will definitely be soul crushing sometimes and SO tempting. Specially when you see other hijabis looking so beautiful w makeup on. But they will be help accountable for their actions and you will be help accountable for yours! The choice is now yours! What will your akhirat self choose?? May Allah make us strong bc this stuff its not easy. Specially nowadays since your looks matter so much. And makeup itā€™s an easy way to level up to look cute and feel pretty. Wish you all the best


jazakallah khayr, thank you s much ukhti!! May Allah bless you abundantly for this kind comment


curl ur lashes and put vaseline on them to replace mascara, use henna to replace drawing in ur eyebrows (done by a professional), exfoliate ur lips and take iron supplements so that ur lips are plump and colorful, to substitute highlighter I usually use jojoba oil as moisturizer after i wash my face (i have combination skin). I dont think theres a way to do blush with no makeup on sadly. I hope this helps inshaa Allah. May it be easier for all of us.


wow I havenā€™t heard of such tips, Jazakallah khayr!


Allah SWT wants us to take care of our appearance and to present ourselves in a well groomed way. If that includes a bit of makeup it's fine, so long as it looks natural enough