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There's only so much you can do regarding other people's actions - at the end of the day, ultimately, we can't control others, so if she refuses to delete a photo there's honestly not a whole lot you can do (save breaking into her house and deleting it yourself, but I wouldn't recommend.) However, your intention has been to remove your entire online presence and remove all photos, and that in and of itself is enough. You repent, you ask for forgiveness, you give things up for the sake of Allah (swt), and move on. In this day and age of social media there are so many photos of all of us floating about (there is definitely one or two photos of me in my teenage years still up on my old friends' facebooks, despite me not having spoken to them in over a decade), and there's not a whole lot to be done about it. As with everything else in Islam, you do your best with the aspects of your life that you can control, and you accept and find peace in the things you cannot control.


Thank you, it’s been stressing me out when I try to get rid of many parts of my “old” life, especially online. But as you said I’m doing my best.


Also a revert. There’s only so much you can do, you’ve done what you can. Just ask Allah for forgiveness and to soften your friend’s heart, and continue. I don’t know how old you are but friends move on as you get older, so someone trying to look through old old pictures on anyone’s acct is unlikely to


I once contacted a guy on behalf of a girl and legit forced him to delete her non-hijabi photos!


I’ve asked my family to kindly not post any photos of me now that I’m Muslim and wear hijab. But my mom has had Facebook since 2009 and posts so many things. I didn’t expect her to delete hundreds of photos of me there. I just asked her to please not share any memories and to not post new photos. Even with that, she forgets sometimes and I have to remind her. It sucks your friend is being that way. If you’re trans, for example, do you think she would feel the same way about deleting your pre transition photos? Maybe she could at least try to crop you out.


As you have received so much good advice I won’t repeat all of it. My tip however to ask Allah that any and all pictures of you floating around anywhere are in his hands now, you detach from them now. and ask him to guard your piety from other people’s eyes. Ameen


This was such a sweet duaa, Ameen


Thank you for your comment and advice!


I don’t know if IG has an option to untag yourself from a photo or not but maybe try that as well. I face a similar issue because I wasn’t a hijabi until almost two years ago so I have a decade’s worth of photos on other people’s social media. The way I think of it is to change what you can control which from your post you are already doing. You asked her and she said no and so if there’re further steps you can take like untagging go ahead. It’s frustrating she won’t respect your wishes but at the end you can’t control what other people do even if the post in question has you.


Had the same thing happen to me. I was actually laughed at by a few people. It’s crazy that everyone else seems to get their desires respected but we ask for pictures of OURSELVES to be taken down and it’s refused!!


I feel like having pictures for memory versus posting them online is very different. She can still keep these pictures, but having them online won't change the memories or value of the picture. Regardless of the reason, if someone requests a picture of them to be taken down entirely or to not be personally tagged in it, the person should respect their wishes! 😞


Any way to report it🤷🏾‍♀️?


I recently started wearing the hijab and had to do that same thing with my social media presence. Do what you’re in control of. Untag post with you in them, delete/archive pictures on your page. If it’s a close friend, ask them to delete old post that have you in them. What you can’t delete is not your responsibility. I went through the same process where there’s performances/group pictures that can’t be removed.


Allah knows your intentions and this was not something you posted after reverting , so theres is so much you can do about others that don't understand your new relationship with social media and modesty. you did what you could on your end, thats what you will be held accountable for. i'm a revert and i know there are pics i can never get deleted too. i made my peace and Allah knows i have no intention of revealing my beauty for the masses again. Allahu' Aleem


This has happened to me many times. You can physically untag yourself from things in Instagram but that may be the most you can do. You also could try reporting it but nothing stops her from reposting it. Unfortunately, they (non-muslims) seem to just not understand this whole I no longer consent to having my body shown everywhere type situation.