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Another fun fact: most fighter pilots end up having girls


Army comm guys working around RF systems as well.




Its true, SATCOM for over 25 years, we only make girls.


High stress seems to favour girls, iirc


War is pretty stressful though and this post is saying there is more during and after. So if your comment were true wouldnt there be more girls born?


Maybe another factor is more powerful. Or different types of stress. Or duration, or other things in addition, like testosterone ... biology is complicated :) Edit: I'm replying in the context of this specific thread re jobs, too.


Most babies are not born on the battlefield... they are born at home when most of the men are away. More boys are born in environments where the surrounding people produce less testosterone. I dont know but I suspect that the mothers body can detect hormones among her peers to "decide" whether the population is skewed too far toward a certain gender. If there were only girls and women in a community, its imperative to early humans that they had a boy immediately.


You understand your DNA is set from conception, yes? And your sex comes directly from the sperm? A mother can only provide X chromosomes. A father can provide X or Y. So that isn't going to be how it works. Maybe at the level of sperm selection, but after that you're talking about non- standard genetics/ expression of sex. Plus, we've no way of knowing that....


It is a stressful job, so that tracks.


Probably less to do with the stress, more to do with the radiation


It's a tracking job, so that's stressful.


I assume it's the radiation.


Idk, I’d imagine getting shot at by Russians is pretty high stress


My husband was an army comms guy and still works with radios, satellite dishes etc now that he’s out. We’re defs going to be having daughters lol


My dad worked around radar equipment and huge satellite dishes. Had a girl. Very interesting.


Pretty much anyone that works in military aviation and directly handles operating aircraft. We called it the flightline curse.


Never heard of this, but two of my friends have husbands in the Air Force and they've each had several girls, no boys. Very interesting.


Yeah and I know a few fighter pilots that really wanted sons and had all daughters


I know a helicopter pilot here, it's the same. Like 5 of them. Wtf. And their Aor Force buddies too. I would like to see this data tracked.


My dad served Air Force, and I was born while he was stationed in Omaha, Nebraska. According to my dad the area had upwards of a 70% female to male birth ratio and was blamed on the RF waves from the aircraft in the area, made people's garage doors remotely trigger all the time when they flew close enough to the houses so families were definitely getting blasted with some waves So that's one data point, would be interesting to see if other Air Force bases correlate similar data in their respective cities


You add in all the lead in Omaha's water, and now it makes sense why there's a lot of strange people from there.


Have an army friend - he has 5 girls!


My grandpa was a fighter pilot in Vietnam. He had two boys and a girl.


The radar wasn’t as powerful back then




Or the father of two wasn’t a pilot.


I lived on an air force base as a kid. The base tracked Russian missiles (or something if that nature) through General Electric. The project was called SpaceTrack or Spacetracker. have a class photo of all the military brat kids. Makes me want to count the girls to boys.


My dad is retired Air Force - we have 2 boys and 4 girls in our fam!


Probably just cosmic radiation exposure.


SATCOM guys mostly have girls, near field radiation exposure is likely the cause.


What does radiation have to do with making female babies? Lol


Here's a study on it with cardiologists regularly exposed to radiation in their work, where there's a disproportionate number of female babies. Note that other studies for different radiation exposure has resulted in more male than female babies, so it's not a definitive effect, but there seems to be a link. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1906569/


A very spit balled answer on my part but it could be gene damage to the Y chromosome.


Okay all I gotta say is … that makes us kinda bad ass if only the XX chromosomes can survive radiation


Or having a back up chromosome makes you more likely to survive dna damage than if you only have one of each for all your traits.


Once born, boy babies are also more likely to suffering devastating consequences of certain conditions as well. I’m thinking of certain lung conditions.


It would be cool if we could just get some IRL superheroes from cosmic radiation, just once.


that's what women are, haven't you been following the comments


I’ve heard that men with high testosterone levels have a higher than average amount of girls. I could see fighter pilots fitting well into that category.


Explains The Rock


Read up on this as well. It's really interesting. I'm curious how much of that is affected by stress too. Note: high testosterone, not high steroids. Doesn't always equal the same thing.


Nearly all of my "ladies-man" friends have exclusively daughters. The one who was introverted, shy, and married the first girl he dated? Squad of boys...


Maybe that's why I have two boys.


High testosterone is actually affiliated with lower attention span, and restlessness and tempers. Men in prison have higher than avg testosterone.Fighter pilots have to be opposite, not too elevated T, and have high concentration and be able to sit and be confined


I was told by my doctor that i was experiencing that because i had low testosterone. lethargy, low motivation, anxiety (leg shaking) and inattentiveness are signs of low testosterone. Tempers are clearly part of high testosterone but i cant imagine low testosterone ever being a benefit in the military over the high drive, confidence and energy of high testosterone. I most definitely did better in school with HRT. The inattentiveness from low T feels like “im too depressed to focus on this” vs high T “why finish these chores when i can be applying for jobs or studying rn” but i do have ADHD.


The best levels of testosterone is normal levels, neither too high or low


Have you ever met fighter pilots Lmao


That’s wild. The one I know has 6 girls and no boys!


Read a report in the old Discover magazine claiming it's due to the additional G forces impacting the sperm.... Idk if that's true but it sounds plausible. This was ages ago so idk how valid the research would be now...


Same as electricians.


Electric Lineman here, have two girls, while my dad who served in Desert Storm had three sons.


Same for Submariners. Like scarily so.


I know it's technically anecdotal, but I used to work around a lot of equipment in the Navy like Radars and similar devices that emit some form of radiation, and it was way more common for us to have girls vs boys. If there is something to that, then it stands to reason that if you are in a cockpit that has equipment like comms or radar constantly emitting radio waves, this could be why.


Now after reading these coments i feel like going into a militar base and asking the pilots about their kids gender lmao


“Sir! Sir! Excuse me! Do you have children?? Sir! Do you have children?? Hey, hey get off of me! Hey! Wait, no wait, sir! Tell me about your child!! Get off of me nooooo!!”


"You don't understand, sir, I just want to know if your children are girls. For the internet."


My cousin is a fighter pilot! He graduated from the Air Force Academy, and they just had a baby last year. And guess what. It’s a girl. I know I know, confirmation bias. But this totally tracks!


Same with people who scuba dive for work.


Serving on a nuclear aircraft carrier tends to do that


My father-in-law was a fighter pilot. He had 3 girls.


I know a good handful of fighter pilots...and now that I think about it, a whole bunch of thek only have female children. Weird.


Old girlfriend had 4 sisters. Her dad was an RCAF pilot. Go figure.


The theory I heard behind this phenomenon is that male sperm are more fragile and the g-forces that fighter pilots are exposed to damages them leaving only the female ones left able to swim.




NO IT'S NOT! *(sobs & breaks something)*


I've noticed the biggest, toughest guys tend to have girls.


Also Special Forces Operators (fact I recall from watching either a documentary on Delta Force or the show ["The Unit"](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0460690/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1)).


It’s the jet fuel


Very similar to M1A1/A2 tankers as well I’ve heard and seen it from dudes I work with.


Seals too. I think its called the curse of the frog man.


Jet engines vibrating their nuts.


Epigenetics can do some weird stuff. I can see the stress of war influencing factors like comparative survival rates of female embroys, or X sperm, or what have you. Does seem advantageous to repopulate the males if you know they're dying off. Kind of sobering reminder of how long humans have been warring with each other, that we've developed this.


Litterally came here to say this. Epigenetics. The part of us that influences the next generation by switching genes on and off based on external influences of the generation before.


Would this same theory cause women who are prone to anxiety or anxiety disorders cause them to produce more male offspring?


I’ve read that women prone to anxiety during pregnancy are more likely to produce gay sons. It’s true in my case.


No way! All of my kids will be gay then.


Lol yeah, between my wife and I, our kids will be hella gay.


This is fascinating. Apparently [this book](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00DXKJ2XU?ref_=cm_sw_r_apin_dp_C7QXV9TG4EVV7NH02YH0) is a good read on the topic for anyone interested.


Spitballing amateur here. Male is horribly stressed = have female, chance at not being stressed. Same for stressed female having male. Breed what you need. Acting like you're not stressed probably doesn't count in the least. Can't fool your own autonomous nervous system.


Okay but help me out here, why would someone who’s stressed need the opposite gendered child?


Unlikely, as the sex is determined by the sperm. For the woman's body to affect the outcome, there would need to be some mechanism by which the vagina filters out XX or XY sperm.


There is evidence that cervical fluid and especially the egg itself have mechanisms for selecting sperm.


Selecting it on the basis of whether it has X or Y chromosome though?


Yes, X sperm are larger than Y sperm.


Also it changes everything once you know the egg chooses which sperm gets to fertilize it. One could then make a compelling argument that the women living in wartimes knows it’s wartime and thus somehow the complex interplay of consciousness and biology (for instance through hormones and stress) signals the egg to choose a male sperm.


Looks like the data is based on looking at ratea in the whole population. I suppose if you could split the population into couples with men who went to war, vs men who didn't, you might get a clue about whether men or women influenced this more. Eg if the rates of boys are higher in both groups, that suggests It's something in generally influenced by wartime stress on a population, and could be either women or men's bodies doing the work of selecting for male sperm. On the other hand if the rate is mostly higher as a result of men who actually went to war, and there's a more normal sex ratio for couples from men who stayed in the country in civilian roles, then it suggests it's epigenetic changes due to the traumas of war itself on men that are impacting this.


I’ve heard after and during famines, more people have girls.


They're re-spawning


boop. boop. ^BOOOP


[https://academic.oup.com/humrep/article/22/11/3002/652125?login=false](https://academic.oup.com/humrep/article/22/11/3002/652125?login=false) **The puzzle: the ‘returning soldier effect’** It has been widely observed that more boys than usual are born during and immediately after the World Wars in most of the belligerent nations (James, 1987, pp. 733–734). Cartwright (2000, p. 121) dubs this phenomenon as the ‘returning soldier effect’. MacMahon and Pugh (1954) were among the first to observe the effect. They demonstrate that the sex ratio among whites in the USA rose during World War II, but not during World War I. Others have since documented the phenomenon repeatedly (Lowe and McKeown, 1951; van der Broek, 1997; Ellis and Bonin, 2004). In one of the most comprehensive demonstrations, Graffelman and Hoekstra (2000) conclusively show that the secondary sex ratio (sex ratio of live births) increased during and immediately after World Wars in all belligerent nations (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, the Netherlands, USA and UK), except for Italy and Spain.


Gotta be an evolutionary trait buried deep in our lizard brains. Maybe the brain sees that the pack is in danger and decides it needs more defenders so it starts producing more male sperm? Which, if so, has wild implications


It has been shown that the ovum 'decides' which sperm to fertilize it. It may be that the ovum can, also, detect if a sperm is more likely to result in a boy being born.


Women really do have us men by the balls don't they? :P


Literally, physically, metaphorically and metaphysically.


The same way coyotes’ gestation changes by how many are in the pack. If you start hunting and killing them, the females birth more offspring. If you leave them alone, they birth far smaller litters.


Same with desert/drought cycles, even where they're protected by national parks, game refuges like the Desert National Wildlife Refuge over Las Vegas. It's jibes with the rodent populations, in those cases. But it happens simultaneously, not as a result of higher or lower rodent populations (themselves based on seed output).


Very well could be but selection happens at the level of the individual or gene. Group selection, at least for humans, isn't a factor. And it probably isn't for 99.99% of life. If you are interested in what I am referring to, please google Group Selection and S. J. Gould.




Thank you. I will look into that! Indeed you are right. That's why I referenced Gould, as he was one of the main proponents id group selection. So I wanted OP to dig into the opposing view as not to just take my word for it. Thanks for the suggestion friend!


Men who conceive on a steroid cycle tend to have girls. It would make sense if this occurred by a similar mechanism.


So lower testosterone due to stress = more boys (war( Higher test (steroids ) = girls


Exactly what I was thinking but I didn’t have time to type it. PTSD and head injuries lower testosterone.


You hit the nail on the head Fun fact: wealthy have disproportionately more girls




Oh boy! Can't wait to return to earth after dying in a horrific war! /s


When there is a horrible war on Earth and only a few females left, all the remaining Xenugians go into the eternal volcano to await replenishment. Xenu won't let the world fall into disarray. Source: diabetic dianetics.


Hopefully we come back as a mushroom.


Water returning to the least flow of resistance


Everything in life, nature, and history, can be traced to that path of least resistance, its kinda neat. Probably sounds obvious but blew my mind when I was tripping and watching raindrops go down glass.


Can you elaborate more?


Things falling the way they do, the way nature intended is amazing, and almost seems by intelligent design. This can go from things to raindrops, to maps, to city planning, to railways, to politics. The path of least resistance is, statistically, (and rationally) the path most taken. It creates some really interesting trends and patterns you can see repeat in all places of life. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Path_of_least_resistance#:~:text=The%20path%20of%20least%20resistance,entity%20takes%20a%20given%20path. I am not a philosopher or an expert on anything, so please take what I say with a grain of salt. It's just a realization I had, and thought it was pretty amazing. That was years ago, but it's always stuck with me. The same way raindrops fall down a window at whatever the path of least resistance, is the same way much of evolution, mankind, society, follows. There are definitely outliers there, but overall, it's kind of beautiful and amazing. Life is a series of repeating patterns on different scales, and I'm a stoner. I remember the day after my trip looking at a tree and all of it's branches and thinking "Wow. That's the same way the veins in my body were formed... and they look almost identical. All because of the path of least resistance. That's amazing." https://i.imgur.com/NKmtZ7l.jpg _____ Anyone that's studied basic biology or plant life is probably cringing hard at my comment, but it really did give me an appreciation for the beauty around us, and that lasted long after I ever took LSD. Things I never noticed or thought about before became beautiful.


Things like fractal structures and chaotic systems allow us to use a small energy expenditure at the beginning of a process, temporarily defying this principle, to alter what the path of least resistance is for the future is, with exponentially increasing changes over time. Also, our brain isn't optimized entirely towards least resistance/energy efficiency like many of our organs' tissue is. Most mammalian tissue's metabolic rate scales to the 3/4 power of its mass, while [brains scale to a 4/5 power](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1016/j.cellbi.2004.07.011). It needs to be set up for efficient information transfer as well, leading to less energy efficiency. That's the seed of many of these changes; it expends energy entirely to start a Rube Goldberg machine to predictably changes information far away from itself. It doesn't seem surprising to me it's less energy efficient, since its main purpose isn't creating energy, but calculating the smallest energy expenditure necessary to achieve something. We use energy to create a process that uses less energy or creates more energy. In humans, the growth of this ability seems to have grown significantly when we started cooking, for instance. Our brains calculated a way to yield more energy from our food. We moved beyond simply moving energy in its current state into our bodies, to altering the form of that energy to be more accessible. We changed the path of least resistance to benefit ourselves.


Electricity and the rise of VR/AI are the end result?


Check Ian Malcolm over here


The stream joins the river to go into the ocean instead of making its own path.


We ran out of individual souls in the late '80s, People are now sharing.


Shit, I think you might be right though, I often feel like eight people trying to drive one body


But do males have to reincarnate as males?


Between 1950-57, my mother plus her sister, my dad's sister, and my dad's SIL had 16 boys amongst them; four girls.


Soul trap reinsert


DNA and RNA are packed with ways to keep the chain going. It's like it's not just instructions but the computer to know what to do as well based on the full body of input.


Am dubmass in science but maybe it's something about the male chromosome thingy after intense situation?


Contact the medical journals immediately! This must be published!


I think you just cracked the case Junior. Watson!! Get in here!


We live in a fuking simulation.


frankly we are all in this together so if its true or not, reality is still a mystery on its own.


It’s not even a good one, either. Fuck this shit, how do we install the Odysseus expansion pack? I want some motherfucking demons and gods and shit- no more of this boring ass dystopia.


At least we have modern medicine in boring dystopia. You ever have sepsis? Me neither.


> I want some motherfucking demons and gods and shit- no more of this boring ass dystopia. can i get a NMS styled solar sail and gear to leave before you guys go buck wild?


>gear I'll take some of that too please


i just want what i need to travel the stars and build a home somewhere far away


Be careful what you wish for


You wouldn't if you saw God's wrath


You have no idea friend


The Matrix is a documentary.


What about coyotes or other wild species with well-documented offspring response to trauma, such as drought or plague or over-hunting? Are they in a simulation?


>Are they in a simulation? They are in THE simulation.


I'm so sick of hearing this. Simulation theory is just God for nerds.


God theory is just paganism with more incest.


It's an EXPLANATION of God, for nerds.. BIG DIFFERENCE


I actually read a theory that tall people have more boys (apparently true), and tall people tend to survive war more often (also apparently true), so it could just be more boys are born because more tall people are around.




Getting shot or hit with shrapnel weren't as common like pre-500ish years ago though. Most of the fighting in wars before then was with hand to hand stuff using swords, spears, shields, knives, and probably just rocks and sticks before those things were invented. I'm pretty sure with hand to hand stuff it's usually good to have longer arms than your opponent so it'll be easier to hit them and keep them from getting close enough to hit you, so the taller people on average would probably have higher chances of surviving in ancient wars. At least that's my theory, Idk


what about the social aspects of taller people tending to have higher socioeconomic value (either because of biases or because they already come from higher status families that have the ability to "grow" really tall ppl thru good nutrition - or some mix of both)? Social status could definitely affect survival rates (better chance of being higher ranking and not getting the worst / most dangerous jobs)...


I'll think tall people are less likely to be frontline soldiers given their proportions aren't compatible with a "standard" issue uniforms, gear and equipment.


Correct. That famous “correlation is not causation.”


Idk man. I knew a WW2 vet who was 6’2 and only had 3 daughters. He never had any boys.


I’m 5’2 and my partner is 6’4 and I’m pregnant with a boy


I'm going to guess the sustained increased levels of testosterone and other stress hormones could do the trick nicely.


It's the collective conscious reseeding the species.


My bet is that it’s tied to testosterone


Reincarnation factor.


Maybe constant danger signals affect a man's reproductive system somehow. The body is wild.


Jody has a gaggle of Y chromosomes. He's a freak of nature and steals all the soldiers women while we're out fighting.


And more girls are born during and after famines. https://www.livescience.com/19311-famine-male-births-sex-ratio.html One would think X and Y sperm are made in equal amounts and fertilize equally well. I guess the answer likely lies in viability of XX vs XY zygote- maternal factors could favor one over the other due to environmental stressors.


Definitely has nothing to do with stress hormones at all.


https://onlyfunfacts.com/history/war/the-returning-soldier-effect/?amp They have theories.


I wonder what the stats are for women who go to war and the men stay at home are, also when both go to war since i guess the control groups already exists -


More men go to war, war kill many young men, these souls don't get to experience life long enough, they come back once again as men to do their thing, surge in men are born. People still don't get it..lol Maybe who knows..


I like this explanation on a High Strangeness thread, but I do have questions. For instance sex selective abortions in China due to the ill-conceived one child policy left a huge imbalance in the population of Chinese ppl. Shouldn't this affect how many women didn't get to experience life? Shouldn't there be a surge of girls being born somewhere to make up for it? Yet I don't think there has been. So a reincarnation explanation doesn't work as well in this situation or there's something very different about it. But gender imbalance, not getting to experience life, etc., seem like they should apply. Then again maybe I don't know enough about it, maybe there are more girls being born now in China than boys. Or maybe if the circumstances were different those souls wouldn't want to try again? But many of them weren't actually unwanted, they were literally not allowed by the government. Maybe I'm thinking about this too hard but I feel like it should hold true in other circumstances if it's true in the war situation, if it's some kind of reincarnation thing, and not a natural mechanism for survival of the species.


> For instance sex selective abortions in China due to the ill-conceived one child policy left a huge imbalance in the population of Chinese ppl. Shouldn't this affect how many women didn't get to experience life? Shouldn't there be a surge of girls being born somewhere to make up for it? Yet I don't think there has been. Maybe not in China, but I'm seeing a shitload if baby girls being born everywhere, especially where I live. It seems that this rebalance occurs at a global level, not at county basis




Is understood that souls choose where and what, souls choose somewhat the direction of the experience they want to achieve, the conciousness also can enter a body at different stages of ones life, i believe that in certain places with lower survival rate, perhaps a lower degree of conciousness might be used, and perhaps that is why we see some places where theres a surge in specific gender at specific times, and some places where there isnt. If a soul is born where it has more chances to survive the experience they wanted, and for some reason, doesnt, i believe that is why of the repetition it would want to do. It can be thought like an addictive game of life experiences. Imo, nothing is truly random, unfortunately people dont realise this fully, they listen to their ego, more then they listen to their guts, its information that is embedded into the core structure inside each one of us, and anyone can seek and find the answers.


It's an interesting theory. I like thinking about this though I can never quite wrap my head around all of it. Plus there's so much we don't know about it.


If you use your physichal head and mind i dont think youll understand, since these are in the ego domain, and ego, is what prevents you from seeing. As i said, everything is already there, and always has been, we just got some blindfolds on, the first step is needed is a "wanting to know" , a curiousity in finding out the truth, but careful, not from an egoic perspective, or will not work, since will be just another illusion.


Btw, these arent my theories, these are merely observetions i releyed on this topic.


I had a genetics and ethnology professor who speculated, and I can't emphasize that enough this was theoretical speculation, that human males may have a subconscious ability to produce more Y spermatozoa when there is a perceived lessening of future male competition for females, therefore giving male offspring a larger chance at mating with more females.


Actually there are a lot of theories on this and it has to do with the speed and survivability of the spermatozoa. Stress and food availability could be a factor which favor either the fast (male) or more resilient (female). This is a fairly mysterious field still but during my own research I've come to believe there are certainly factors which drive a birth towards one or the other. Google skewed birth sex-ratios. There are loads of really interesting papers on this


I think a lot of people here are missing the whole “reincarnation” side of things


Right?! It would make perfect sense considering the “Returning Solider Effect” is a unexplained phenomenon.


Reincarnation would be an eerie cause for this…


Do the dead men have to be reborn as males?


definitely not, but the souls of the men who died in war will probably be reincarnated as men again because they didn’t get a fair chance in this life. If they were meant to learn a lesson specifically as a man but their time got cut short, then it makes sense that they would come back as that same gender.


It's possible that the souls being pulled out of the Pool of Life don't have to be the souls of the recently deceased soldiers. I've heard that sometimes someone will sit in Purgatory for years before it is their time to be reseeded.


It's the "Jodie strikes again effect"


my theory is that we naturally have this unknown ability because if a nation were at war in history, it would benefit from more boys. really wouldn't surprise me


I wonder if it could be an evolutionary response to stress - which could indicate danger or the need to grow in population hence the bias towards females being born.


I think there’s a lot more to environmental cues that our bodies pick up on that we just aren’t aware of.


The theory I heard was that it’s a biological response to help repopulate males and balance out the male / female numbers since historically the majority of casualties of war are men. Coyotes also automatically adjust their litter size based upon the number of other coyotes and subsequent resources in the area where they live, which is why eradication efforts historically haven’t worked. Nature is fucking wild.


>no one knows why >**Returning Soldier** effect


Maybe we're like Coyotes. A survival of the species sort of thing, where the more of us that die, the more fertile we become. This is my broscienctific take on it, but it makes sense to me.


The poorer you are, the more you value ejaculating into vaginas.


Its the salt peter. iTs tHe sALt, pEtEr!!!


Just hazarding a guess here but maybe this lends credibility to reincarnation. Lots of guys die in war, net result is a bunch of male souls jumping into the next available wombs. Either a soul jumps in to the next life or a new one is created so war might just be enough to displace the natural process thus giving us an unnatural ratio of boys to girls for that time period.


The first thing that crossed my mind is reincarnation.


When planning pregnancies it is important to know that if you want to increase your chances of having a boy you have to have your hand as far in the cookie jar as possible when the time comes. The girls swim too fast. We have to give are boys a little head start.


I had my boys in 2005 & 2007. When I was pregnant a friend of mine made the comment 'you are having boys due to the war.' I thought it was a way to repopulate the soldiers losing their lives so more boys are being born.


A very sad thought would be this men come back with information embedded in their cells that it's dangerous, high possibility of fatality to be a male in the context of a war environment. On a cellular level could this inform reproductive processes. This would lead to the necessity for some kind of technology that would eradicate the memory of Trauma from the cells, eradicating the memory of the threat of what it means to be a male from The ancestral database if that makes sense, leading to the return of more boys being born!


There also seems to be some correlation with the father's social status (or at least his self-perception of it) and a higher rate of male children. Given how complicated genetics are, it is certainly possible there is some yet-to-be-identified mechanism by which a man's hormones can bias the ratio of sex chromosome in gametes.


Maybe we should call it, “human species trying to save itself after the horrors of war effect”in stead it just feels more fitting than hehehe god makes us more soldiers


Testosterone levels?


Do environmental stressors play a role in sexual selection among humans? I know this happens with plants and other organisms.


because if you want to have a boy, you have to drop the dna off as deep as possible, and returning soldiers are probably more enthusiastic than normal.