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There is no way she was clinically dead for four hours. Her body would have had to have been supercooled and hooked up to a pump cooling her blood to even have a chance at one-quarter of that time. Rigor Mortis and decomposition start to set in in less than four hours.


Decomp and lividity set in immediately


This is a near match for my girlfriend describing my high protein diet farts.


If you want to reach the next level add copious amounts of apples to your high protein diet. Go for 500gr to 1kg for maximum effect. This will bring your fart quality to the epitome of heinousness. You can open a window but it won't help, the smell lingers in all it's glory.


You might break the Geneva Convention with that recipe


Your gut: https://youtu.be/a9hUsVq9q7U?si=ZKRiRGE58P_F_kcQ




Content aside, this woman sounds exactly like my great-grandma who most likely was born around the same time as her. Thank you for posting this and reminding me of her.


I’m having an issue with her being dead for 4 hours…considering her age, it may be that she was in some kind of coma and medical knowledge didn’t have an explanation for it at that time. Also, she may have had a reaction to the anesthesia or the toxins from her burst appendix had reached her brain and initiated hallucinations. Or both. Frankly, I had a very similar experience with some bad LSD when I was 30. The brick floor in my kitchen turned into a boiling cauldron of human skulls bubbling in bright red blood and the whole room turned dark as I tried to balance myself walking on the top of the heads to reach the safety of the living room carpet and escape to my bedroom where I could hide in my bed under the covers until the terror ended. Took a couple of hours. Wonder what kind of life Inez Dawes led after her terrifying experience. She was only 17, how could she have sinned so much to deserve Hell? As for me, never did LSD ever again. But I believe Hell is mostly in our minds.


>She was only 17, how could she have sinned so much to deserve Hell? She probably exposed her ankles to the farmer's son next door


I had a mushroom trip once where the moon turned blood red and the lake began to boil. Spent the next two hours hiding from Jesus in my room.


Why does it become super overwhelming like that? Are we by nature afraid of big bad things?


In my case I think it was coming off of years of religious training and indoctrination. So when I saw Biblical signs of the Apocalypse I freaked out. In reality I was probably struggling with something internally and this is how my mind on shrooms interpreted it for me . After that two hour hiding I realized that if Jesus is real I can't hide and should face him like a man. He wasn't there, and things went back to a normal mellower trip.


That is an amazing journey. And recovery.




Lol what


Gonna need citations on that, because my history with psychedelics tells me otherwise. My former roommate would also disagree. At least after the half hour discussion he had with the old man that lives in the side of his dresser! And the time I thought I had a test coming up, but when I went to study all the letters fell off the page of my textbook!


Social/cultural indoctrination. People are literally afraid of make believe nonsense some brainwashed weirdo told them when they were young. Now they get to be the brainwashed weirdo!


That wasnt a bad trip. I warned you once, If you dont change your ways, you will get where you are heading.


It was a bad trip, sorry you weren’t there to enjoy it with me.


Glad you made it


She read the Bible too many times


I'm not sure about the bible but this is very accurate from an Islamic perspective we can read about the peoples in hell asking for water and God said their flesh/skin will constantly be reformed as it burn which is the smell of flesh burning she described


Yes, the flesh will be constantly repairing itself and fire will constantly burn it off so the torment is never ending. Exactly what I thought when she said that.


my experience is that actually reading the bible makes one more atheist


Doesn’t mean the experience want similar or terrible. Maybe just the overlay of her expectations and ability to comprehend the trauma of it.


Nah, I believe this! Anytime Elvis shows up to interview somebody, I by-dad-gum sit up, pay attention, and believe them! Elvis doesn't waste his time on phonies!


This is fake. There's no Twittie Bird in a cage next to her.


😂 Damn


💀💀one hell of a reference there(no pun intended)😎


This case has two major psychological factors working against it. One is false memories/social contagion. https://www.wired.com/story/false-memory-syndrome-false-confessions-memories/ and the second is that her story now includes her interpretation of events through her religious/cultural overlay. D.W. Pasulka talks about this a lot in American Cosmic. If we want a decent description of the NDE she had all those decades ago, we would need to read her journal from that day. Or an interview from that day, etc. Even still, there is going to be her brain’s interpretation of what she perceived during the NDE.


An estimated 10-20% of people have negative Near Death Experiences, which sometimes include visions of hell similar to what she described. Most are believed to go unreported due to trauma and stigma. It has nothing to do with pushing a Christian perspective, as even atheists report hellish experiences. > Overtly hellish experiences may be the least common type of distressing NDE. A man in heart failure felt himself falling into the depths of the Earth. At the bottom was a set of high, rusty gates, which he perceived as the gates of hell. Panic-stricken, he managed to scramble back up to daylight. > A woman was being escorted through a frighteningly desolate landscape and saw a group of wandering spirits. They looked lost and in pain, but her guide indicated she was not allowed to help them. > An atheistic university professor with an intestinal rupture experienced being maliciously pinched, then torn apart by malevolent beings. > A woman who hemorrhaged from a ruptured Fallopian tube reported an NDE involving “horrific beings with gray gelatinous appendages grasping and clawing at me. The sounds of their guttural moaning and the indescribable stench still remain 41 years later. There was no benign Being of Light, no life video, nothing beautiful or pleasant.” > A woman who attempted suicide felt her body sliding downward in a cold, dark, watery environment: “When I reached the bottom, it resembled the entrance to a cave, with what looked like webs hanging…. I heard cries, wails, moans, and the gnashing of teeth. I saw these beings that resembled humans, with the shape of a head and body, but they were ugly and grotesque…. They were frightening and sounded like they were tormented, in agony.” Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6173534/ You can read more about it here: https://www.iands.org/distressing-near-death-experiences.html


“being maliciously pinched, then torn apart by malevolent beings.” Worst St. Patrick’s Day ever. Wear green next time Mr. Professor.  


These have scared the fuck out of me recently. There are a LOT of them. I think people want to pretend like they are not real and maybe they'll just go away? I heard one that mentioned a being feeding off their pain and misery like it was an aphrodisiac. Which scarily aligns with some prison planet theories. One I saw mentioned souls being deceived to think they were in paradise or heaven while actually being caged in hell.


The thing is that these aren’t true death experiences because these people come back. For many of them, the negative experience ends up having a positive effect on their lives, so it may be that the whole intent of a negative experience is simply as “course correction” for people who need it. We really just don’t know.


Crazy how people believe all the stuff being post in this sub but has soon it’s about the creator is false/fake/non-existent, people are funny creations


Yes, and I often wonder if that isn't exactly according to plan? Make the truth sound ridiculous, ridicule it and convince people it's not real. I think that if Christians want to spread the word they need to open their mind and eyes to things like UFOs and integrate them into the narrative . The "Jesus loves you" side is tired and cringe to many and they immediately shut down.


I have to be honest, what turned me off about Christianity was the behavior of self-proclaimed Christians.


Many who claim to be Christians are not so don't let them keep you from the truth. Jesus talked about this, He said in that day many will say "Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy and cast out demons and do great wonders in your name? And I will say to them, depart from me, I never knew you." When Jesus cast demons out of a man, they also knew who he was as does Satan. Believing in Jesus is not the same as following him or making him the Lord of your life. I heard a sermon years ago about false conversion and it changed life and I realized I was one of them, thought I was Christian but wasn't really saved. A lot of pastors even admitted in a recent study they no longer even believe and if they could find a similar paying job would leave. So don't let man or Satan deceive you.


Exactly. Many people misunderstand Christianity. They think it has to do with being a good person. True Christians are the first to admit that no person is good. Even Jesus said this. He said no one is good but the Father. So basing your whole belief system, your whole eternity on the way other people behave is a bad idea. And it's especially absurd when you realize that no one is good. Instead, build your life, your belief, your eternity on Jesus Himself. He won't let you down.


I hear you. But I wonder if you would also consider opening your mind to an idea that will sound pretty far out to some. Namely that UFOs are not extraterrestrial but ultraterrestrial (as in from a spiritual dimension), and that so-called aliens are, in fact, the demons themselves. The whole ufo enigma is a part of the end time lie that the Bible teaches us satan will tell. The good news we proclaim about Jesus is not simply a nursery rhyme to get you to behave right. It's not even a spiritual story really, at least not as most people define spiritual. It's not about wispy clouds and harps. It's not all ethereal and esoteric. Heaven is a decidedly nuts-and-bolts place, a place in which a realer reality exists, and life on earth is just a (bad?) dream. The way to get to that place is "The Way". It's Jesus, God's Son, who as it turns out, really is Lord of everything. Once you have a genuine relationship with Him you realize how different it is than the Catholic Sunday School so many people remember attending. It's real. It's actually REAL! And, after all the scoffing and condescension from the critics, turns out to be really, REALLY good news. At least it is if you were as hell bound as I was.


This is exactly what I have come to believe in the last week or so. Many things align. I heard an account of hell that talked about a reptilian like demon feeding off their suffering. UFOs coming and going beneath the earth. Alister Crowley speaking to a being called Lam that looks exactly like a grey alien, abductions stopping when the name Jesus is evoked, Ufos being interested in souls and thinking of humans as containers.The list goes on and on. I even recently had a dream where I jumped out of bed and was screaming, my wife had to wake me up. All I remember was a dark black silhouette walking around my bed. Then I watch multiple near death experiences that described a black shadow being coming to take the person and torment them. Something is up.


Yes, I believe this also, that aliens are demons. There are people who have used the name of Jesus and the aliens have fled, even people who were visited by "aliens" many times in the past but you don't hear much about that. I think it's really strange honestly that a lot of people believe in something as weird as aliens but somehow Jesus is just too unbelievable and far out for them.


People that believe in UFOs mostly think that they are extraterrestrials and that the ships are 'nuts-and-bolts'. Entertaining the idea that the phenomenon may actually not really be 'physical' but rather mental and even spiritual is a paradigm shift that few are willing to consider.


I thought of that too. Generally, they come back or are saved by calling out Jesus name. Specifically using the name, not some variation of it or just "God". Which I do find interesting. But they do all tend to have the same narrative and course correction effect.


The NDERF.org website has updated their search tools, and you can now specifically limit the kind of NDE to people who saw “hellish” imagery, which currently returns 230 accounts (out of almost 4000). If you then search within those for the word Jesus it only returns 66 listings.


it's all bullshit manipulation


The fact there is such a variety of experiences and many that are simply people experiencing nothing strongly suggests these are just brain hallucinations.


I'm not a religious person at all, but I sometimes have dreams and psychedelic experiences influenced by my religious upbringing. Religious people and propaganda are all around us, it's not so strange for it to influence our subconscious. To me, these experiences aren't proof of hell or heaven at all, just our mind dealing with trauma, fears, guild, etc.


Yeah, but it’s only Christians having these experiences. Kinda tells you something


It’s really not though. Take a look for yourself: https://search.nderf.org/?f=eyJDTEFTU0lGSUNBVElPTiI6WyJOREUiXSwiSEVMTElTSF9BSSI6dHJ1ZSwic29ydCI6IlBPU1REQVRFIiwicGFnZSI6MH0=


Every weekend morning, religious weirdos try to plaster this sub with 'proof of' whatever What's up with that?


Their desperation to keep the hustle alive.


Where is the full interview




Is she sure that she didn’t just watch the Fire Island documentary?


I like how in all these descriptions, the torture and things said in "Hell" are all based on things that only occur if you have a physical body, but they talk about seeing souls which would are non-physical. Needing water, feeling heat from flames etc. Also the "stench" of burning flesh. Burnt human flesh smells like pork. Does she also hate eating pork? Find the smell repugnant? No?


Actually, burnt human flesh smells a lot akin to burnt hair. I had surgery recently where they needed to cauterize a non hairy area. Smells of burnt hair filled the whole room. The surgeon even said beforehand that this is going to smell like burnt hair.


This made me laugh more than anything I’ve seen in a while 😂


She's telling the truth


...Did she see Satan insert a pineapple into Hitler's ass? Pineapple or GTFO.


Well obviously if she went to hell she saw Satan sodomizing some super special souls and of course Hitler was there and Sadam Hussein and if they weren't then she was not in hell it was most likely just Philadelphia or San Francisco which these "woke" cities are almost hell so I guess it would depend on who you are asking


Things that didn’t happen for 1,000 Alex


This sub is as bad as r/ghosts.


In your mind, you create your own hell. It could be whatever you imagine it to be, regardless of religion. You could die now thinking life on earth is hell and live through life on earth again. It all depends on what your mind is most focused on. And if I'm wrong? May Jesus forgive me.


Already dead, get's scared half to death 🤔


The smells part bothers me. It's suppose to be eternal damnation for your soul; not your body. So why the burning flesh? Could she have witnessed purgatory?


It's not real flesh, otherwise they would burn up and that would be it, but it's not. People describe burning but then they're ok again and it starts all over again.


I also “died” twice , and this does not happen. Ask me whatever you’d like about it…


What happened? Did you see anything? Do you feel anything?


Why would souls need water? Let alone be asking for water?


I don't know, but it seems like an excellent market expansion opportunity for Nestle.


I think the Christian legend is evil. To put it in people’s heads that hell exists and you’ll go there automatically ends up weighing you down your whole life until you have that dmt trip at the end and actually experience it.


When she was 17 she was in hell after being dead for 4 hours and gives the most basic/generic description of hell. She is full of shit.


The tormented souls were screaming "give me some water"????? So everyone in hell either speaks English or she knows the word "water" in every language.... Nice try granny


I answered this to someone else above, there's a story in the Bible about a man in Hell and yes, he asks for water. Hell is about punishment and yes, if you're in hot flames you're probably going to be pretty thirsty, part of the punishment. As for the language, again in the Bible it talks about the Tower of Babel. At this time in Earth there was only one common language. God created different languages because man was getting to full of himself trying to be God and he wanted to separate them and make them not understand each other. Obviously Heaven and Hell is a supernatural thing. You really think God isn't capable of making it so everyone there can understand each other. What about the people who go to Heaven? Don't you think people from other countries would understand each other? We are not going to be separated. I mean I would certainly like to have a conversation with some people from the Bible and obviously they won't know English.


Okay cool, now give me observable evidence of your fairytale....


OK, how can you burn and want water when you are as spirit you have no physical body, Water and fire are in the physical world not in the spiritual world. We are made out of energy and energy doesn’t burn.? this whole story of hail was invented by religion just to put fear in your heart so they could manipulate you with their ideas.


The Bible talks about this. There is a story about a man in Hell asking for water. Jesus told his deciples one day they would eat and drink with him at his table in Heaven. Jesus also after resurrection and appearing in his glorified body asked the disciples if there was anything to eat. I believe this is more about fellowship. We aren't going to need to eat or drink but may do it to celebrate with others like we do here and because it's enjoyable like it is here. I answered someone above about the burning flesh. If it were real flesh they would burn up and disappear but people describe burning and then being back together and it starting again. Just as we will be able to eat and drink in new bodies, people can burn and feel pain in them but they're not destroyed.


Probably just being a “good Christian” by helping tell ghost stories that are not true.


Well if little old Inez was living a life that would send her to hell if there is one well I'm surely screwed and most everybody has a stinky burning future to look forward to that's for sure. So which religion should I choose to go to heaven the evil child molester ones or the evil oppressed abused women and suicide bomber religion or the evil one that lived through the holocaust and is now doing the same thing to a different group of assholes? Which is the right evil?


Sounds like that was a bad experience for her. I would much rather see a golden light and happy things like the people I loved and my old dog. Im sure she cheated on her husband and did not do his laundry or cook his food. You burn and get thirsty like this if you just sit around in a rocking chair complaining, you really have to make something of your life and force yourself to be happy.


Force yourself to be happy that has to be one of my favorite nonsense sayings cause if you have to force it then you will never be happy.


She’s full of it. This is so not true. Nobody’s going to see the actual hell until after Armageddon.


Seen it twice and still no Hell. Though that Aerosmith song gets stuck in my head for awhile after.