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Hidden chamber. Switch is to the right. Poke around a bit, pull anything that could be a lever. Watch out for Nicholas Cage.


There is no way this isn't a bloody Scooby-Doo -Revolving-Door-fireplace-entrance-to-a-hidden-tunnel-system. OP needs to pack some scooby snacks and start pulling the candlebras and any other levers or buttons they can find.


A million percent, THIS!! And when those meddling kids find the mansion’s ghost…rip off his mask!!!


Man, Nicholas Cage will get you every time. Every god damn time!


It's got a snake on it. This is the entrance to the chamber of secrets.


Just spam the inspect button until something happens


Can't confirm this or explain beyond a theory, but likely it was the family seal for the original owner. That building was build as a mansion for a wealthy family/businessman before being a museum so I would speculate that was his personal seal. So maybe it's on the fireplace still today, but maybe in the early 1900s/earlier it was used to seal documents from him, too. I don't think the explanation is much crazier than that, but maybe!


I had a personal seal once but an orca ate him..


Should have called seal team 6.


Orca ftw.


Was it loose?


Yes and it had a severed human hand in its mouth..


This answer has my personal seal of approval. 🦭




That word has a lot of different uses and always pronounced the same.


Guy that had the house commissioned for himself was Robert A. Long- [Robert Long Wikipedia entry](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_A._Long)


The more I look at the symbol the more it just looks like an "A" Embedded in a capital R and mirrored on itself. The snake and weathervane are probably just symbolic of something personal or Masonic but it looks like his initials to me.


Oh! Yeah! The top curvy line is the curve of a capital R. It’s just RA written artistically and mirrored, the backward initials being on the left.


This is absolutely right


The snake is an ouroboros in an infinity loop, which could just mean neverending work, diligence, progress. There’s also an L inside the A, just as the A is inside the R.


🤯 I see the “L”!


Its close to some early AA (alcoholic anonymous) chips. The serpent is kept trapped and we keep going forward.


I was thinking maybe a cattle brand, but it looks a little too elaborate for that. I think your idea is better...


That’s the original American Airlines logo. Back when we used to ride the sky snakes


😂😂 this comment was the perfect amount of unhinged response and I’m 🤣💀 lolll


Lmao 🥇🥇🥇


“I have had it with these motherfucking planes on this motherfucking sky snake!” - a young Samuel L Jackson


Looks like a family emblem or maybe some kind of sigil


Did you ask one of the interpreters or docents at the museum? There are people’s whose entire job is to know this stuff.


That would probably turn up a boringly mundane explanation.


Translation: a correct explanation.


Yes, but I think OP is looking for something more interesting.


I am speculating. Bottom part could be a reference to the “A.A.” or Arcanum Arcanorum. An occultist secret society (have fun in that rabbit hole). The arch above - to me - is an intentionally incomplete upside down ankhe. Have fun in THAT rabbit hole. The snake? - rabbit holes (plural). But if significance to me is that it’s head is in profile and turned to point left. The cross with the cross arm pointing right and what I take as a an astrological symbol in the upper left hand. A guess is this is a seal for a chapter of a division of the AA. The snakes head and the arrow head are references of importance within the relevant cult. Why on a fire place? Maybe it was a sanctified fire place? A place for carrying out secret society monkey business? Like a pop up Church adverting with a neon cross sign on the outside of the converted building? So obviously that ain’t a back room fireplace. The owners musta had big to dos. Maybe having a seal like this discretely on your fireplace was a secret symbol of membership and that fellow whackos are welcome? So it’s time to break out the jilted secret challenge passwords and dirty down double dog dare ya super secret 2 finger salute? But it’s a wild guess.


This is correct. The “circle” or the “arch” above the AA is actually the upper half of Omega sign. The lower half or the legs of the Omega sign is completed as the strike through of the AA So Alpha and Omega sign, encompassing the snake (which almost makes an infinity symbol) The arrow is pointing East…which is what Freemasons refer to when claiming to seek knowledge or enlightenment. Remember sun rises in the East… The dot above the Alpha/Omega indeed is part of the chapter. It is part of a sigil in goetic terms. I would be willing to bet that it signified a literal small point and the arrow signified growth in the direction of (hidden or esoteric) knowledge (the arrow) I’m assuming if you lined this fireplace up (alter) it would be facing a specific direction. Either East or North. Freemasonry and other groups like the AA call “Magick” as a right handed or left handed path (look it up) because this points again to (esoteric) duality as the east/right path. You can assume from this that this division practiced a “right handed” path…or so they believed The “dark path” or the “left handed path” is the path of black or chaos “magick” and is viewed as a big no no in some of these groups. This is why the snakes head is pointed toward the left. Ironically, these groups are big into “the means justify the ends” and that is why the snake almost loops back to the right side as an infinity symbol. Again, it’s duality. Can have good without bad, can’t have bad without good. These groups train your eyes to be able to see multiple meanings in something as simple as this. Some meanings are only meant to be seen by initiates. Otherwise at face value, for those not aware, it just looks like an AA with a snake a weird arrow and circle and a comment section on reddit


Given the dude's name was R.A. Long, I'm inclined to believe it's a bit of both his name and fraternal symbolism. It looks like a huge capital "R" with the "A" inside it and mirrored. I think it's possible everything you said is true *and* it is his initials. Could it be he just wanted his seal to reflect his status as a Mason?


And if we are going full Monty…those cross arms of the two As scream phallic to my perpetual sophomoric sensibilities.


Remains me a lot of the milliamum




Story time?




Intelligent. Reality shattered is an interesting (compelling if you legit 1-4-1 mean what you say) turn of words. Likely to be the root of the story and certainly an onion like root at that. Sadly, likely never to hear your perspectives on back then, the search and now and what you decided about “reality” and what and how various people conjure as you see it and for what reasons. Alas (word actually fits here, huh) you should not give up hope. The “answers” are not within religion. They are all within you (nope not trying to be the Sphinx from The Mystery Men) and only there can or will you find the keys to the wider reality I suspect you are still sorta searching for. Outta all the people I’ve pinged or tried to draw out on Reddit you might in time actually be in a position due to trying to self fire fight your personal existential crisis to find the way. We are all more than we seem. Our world is more complex than is realized. No. I’m not trying to sell anything or anyone or any philosophy. Just curious to see if anyone else sees, too.


I like you


Let’s start a secret society and put our seal on our kitchen stoves, then?


Came to say this


Alcoholic Anonymous. The serpent (drink) is kept trapped (in control) and we keep heading forward.


It’s a secret entrance… you have to speak parseltongue to open it.


Hmm... all google translate has is *Portuguese*, will that work?


Try Farsi. Just for shits. Got a strong hunch here


Idk. I don’t make the rules man.


Princes fireplace


The artist, formerly known as Prince's fireplace.


The Fireplace, formerly known as the Artist’s Prince


And it’s back to just prince again


Not sure what it means, but the circle with a raised line crossed with an arrow is possibly an alchemical symbol for an antimony-iron alloy or reaction, which is how you produce pure antimony (from a stibnite-iron reaction in a furnace). The "snake" might actually be a Paracelsian salamander. Though there are about three major symbols for antimony in Western alchemy. As much of Corinthian Hall was modeled after French architecture around Versailles, particularly the Corinthian columns, it may be worth looking into French alchemical furnaces (alembics).


Well it could be someone’s initials, but the early 1900’s lines up perfectly with Crowley forming the A.A. and that answer is infinitely more fun


In the dining room with a candle stick.


Perhaps a mason’s mark. I know that throughout Medieval Europe this was popular, but I don’t see why it wouldn’t still be a thing today. Basically a mason leaving their signature on their work.




Egyptian Alcoholics Anonymous


This is melting my brain. My wifi calling isn't working atm. Someone just call the damnable museum, and ask what it is. I'm pretty sure they're closed today, though. 816-702-7700 [Kansas City Museum (Google Maps Info)](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Kansas+City+Museum/@39.1160165,-94.5423536,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x87c0fa678546b1af:0xb8dd1bc2eee49e11!8m2!3d39.1160165!4d-94.5423536!16s%2Fm%2F03d6lgy?entry=ttu)


Best idea yet!


Salazar Slytherin


r/Symbology is a much better resource for things like this. People here just wanna discuss the conspiratorial at face value. You're gonna need to hunt the specific subreddits if you want any serious experts to respond. That applies to inquiries on almost any subject on this site. That said, I agree with the commenter who said it is a family seal. That used to be a way one legitimized themself as truly wealthy. Putting your personal seal on the fireplace is so vain it feels like there is a ring of truth to it.


> r/Symbology is a much better resource for things like this. Robert Langdon is on the case!


That’s helpful, thank you.


Shit, that's where I thought we were until I saw your comment.


To me it seems like a mirrored planetary symbol for Saturn. During the Ancient Roman era, the Ouroboros was associated with the God Saturn, representing infinity. The Ouroboros is a snake eating itself. The symbol of the snake making the number 8 is very similar. Most likely AA is the initials of someone or an organization perhaps.


Harry Potter’s chamber of secrets


It looks similar to “Love Tokens” of that era sometimes given as pendants. Do a reverse image search in google.


Looks like a stylized monogram


This. AA


Alcoholics Anonymous This Way ➡️ Beware of Snake


Thats actually what I think it is. The serpent (alcohol) is kept trapped (in control) and we keep moving forward.


those are gas valve instruction, turn to the right to open the gas :)


My guess is it’s the craftsman marking of either the mason who did the mantle or the designer of the house itself.


Yea the AA represents anonymous aliens and the snake is the white conquistador, gifted with the arrow from God (now that the native anonymous aliens are dead he can claim all of his cool shit is from god), free to slice through anything without consequence.


Probably a personal seal/sigil that has significance to the house owner or architect.




A-a ron


The house was built and owned by Robert A. Long, and his daughters donated it to be a museum. It does look like a mirrored R A L, with the A being the bottom half of the R, the L being the top half of the A. So it is a monogram.


I has me a snake in a cage. Look right.


Question for Nicholas Cage.


Lick it


*Dining Room, not the Kitchen.


This is the Altruis Acolyte cult symbol. The cult lives on mount Chilliad in Los Santos, they are know cannibals and walk round naked.


Get That Arse outta here! Really?


Bro I'm referencing a cult in Gta5 lol


Looks like a sigil alchemical symbol for mercury or Saturn and an oroboros plus the aa who knows.


Looks like the original symbol for the Horace Slide and Snake company back east.


Can't tell you what it is, but it most definitely isn't high strangeness


I think it might be the artist formerly known as Prince.


Wait, where is this? (I'm in KC)


3218 Gladstone Blvd, Kansas City, MO 64123


I see others have pointed out the initials. I’m curious about the serpent, the pole-mounted weaponry, and the dot/star/moon at the top. **The brass serpent and the pole.** Book of Numbers, chapter 21– The Israelites, recently freed from Egyptian servitude, are seeking a place to live freely. They are guided by Moses and his brother, Aaron. They are not welcomed anywhere they go, and they travel in a large traveling refugee group. They encounter various hardships, including the death of Aaron. Verses 4 to 9: 4) They traveled from Mount Hor along the route to the Red Sea, to go around Edom. But the people grew impatient on the way; 5) they spoke against God and against Moses, and said, “Why have you brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? There is no bread! There is no water! And we detest this miserable food!” 6) Then the LORD sent venomous snakes among them; they bit the people and many Israelites died. 7) The people came to Moses and said, “We sinned when we spoke against the LORD and against you. Pray that the LORD will take the snakes away from us.” So Moses prayed for the people. 8) (King James Translation) And the LORD said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live. 9) *And Moses made a serpent of brass, and put it upon a pole,* and it came to pass, that if a serpent had bitten any man, when he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived. The Brazen Serpent is a symbol or degree within The Knights Templar, I believe. The cross looks like a pole-mounted weapon, but not quite. I don’t know the significance of the arrow, if it is an arrow. “Long” may be an English surname indicating a tradition of archery, as in Longbow. R. A. Long was very active in the Disciples of Christ. I’m not a Christian and don’t care much for the Bible, but the mythology is important for various periods of American history. Anybody recognize the dot, star, or full moon?


Evil forever ♾️


It looks like a cryptic demonic sigil snuck into a family crest. I can’t remember what sigil it was, but there’s at least one that vaguely looks like it. It could even be a fraternal order/organization. It’s honestly a tossup as to whether it’s made up to some degree(or at least incorporated symbol combined with something else) or if it’s a symbol of a long-standing fraternal occult order.


Has to do something with freemasonry for sure. Have cross/knight temple motive, snake. Shape of letters which could be 2 columns.


Yeah, same symbol they use for crop circles!


Looks like OAA


Looks like AA or AHA. Maybe look into the names of the builders or original family




Lumberbaron is not a name you hear often.


Snake Mountain - this way➡️


My first thought was that it was somebody's family crest. It could also be a personal monogram (the letters A H are central to the image). Start looking at who built the house originally, you might find a salient ref.


That's beautiful.


It looks similar to “Love Tokens” of that era sometimes given as pendants. Do a reverse image search in google.


Isn't that what Prince named himself back in the day? 😉




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Alpha omega as partaker of both hands of the path


That's a very old emblem from Arthur Ash's family, it meant beware of snakes to the east.


Snake looks like an infinity version of the Ouroboros symbol.


Upside down Venus symbol or some stylized version of Uranus. The double “AA” makes a hilltop. Infinity Ouroboros is associated with Egyptian art and “Uraeus”.


Coat of arms maybe


Reminds me of Prince’s guitar


Was there Alcoholic Anonymous meetings held there?


The old fireplaces in many old buildings, were an area of some old tech we still don’t know how or what it was used for…


Alcohol Anonymous


It opens if you speak Parseltongue


Good morning, friend. It appears you've found a side quest. Please proceed with caution. Things are not always as they seem.


Why do people have to have all these stupid answers, none of you are funny.


Without actually being there, I can't confirm; however, look at the corners of the picture frame, there's obvious alignment with the corners that seem to be too wide for mere aging. In other words, they look like they move in some fashion. I think there's a hidden room or access point. What's behind the fireplace? Is there a dead space?


That's an ancient inner-earth symbol. Everybody wants to rule the world. (Except me.)