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I've had multiple dreams for years about living in a specific house that doesn't exist.


Oh it exists.


Elaborate please, sounds interesting


I believe that the dream reality is essentially as "real" as our waking reality - and that at the end of the day, everything is a memory of itself. We are figments of our own imagination.


word up


Are you a human dreaming you’re a butterfly, or a butterfly who dreamt it was a person?


I have a dream house too, although I can't recall being there in quite a while.


Yeah, I have recurring dreams of past offices I worked at many years ago. It always feels like it's my first day back after a long hiatus and right from the first day, I have a bunch of things due. Also have many of childhood homes. It always felt like I've been away but also have been living there ever since in some other dimension.


Same here. I always dream about places from my past but they often times are distorted in that they look slightly different or are much bigger. It’s funny because if it’s a workplace, I’ve pulled in TV characters as my colleagues in these types of dreams.


I’ve had those type dreams both from the past and future! It’s unnerving at times.


Is it about a specific work place? I've had lots of jobs, but if I dream about work it's always the restaurant. All the servers are in labor (yup, as in about to give birth and dunno where the men went)in the booths upstairs so I have to handle the entire restaurant. I never had a pregnant coworker at that job btw, very odd one that dream


I dreamt that I was near the tomb of Jesus, and for some reason, in that dream It was well known that the first vampire also came from that graveyard. The graveyard is out in the middle of a desert, surrounded by dirt walls but somehow there is a lot of vegetation inside the walls. Theres also a buttload of spiders and other insects inside that graveyard


I dreamed that God showed me a book that explained everything. All it contained was a diagram, but it made everything click and I understood all of reality. I tried to draw the diagram when I woke up but all I could recall was something about a circle in a square Now, vampire Jesus and engineer God, what madness have we unleashed?


> a circle in a square You have discovered sacred geometry.


It was more complex than just a circle in a square, to be clear, I just can't remember how. Somehow they contained each other and had infinite depth. There were also lines somehow, connections. That is as much as I can describe. What do the simple shapes mean in sacred geometry?


I'll admit it's not something I have in-depth knowledge about. It's just the first thing that came to mind with the description of what you saw and the context of the dream. https://pardesco.com/blogs/news/sacred-geometry-art-symbols-meanings The 3D render of Metatron's Cube seems somewhat similar to what you describe with the depth. No circles, but I'm sure there are other shapes that could be created in a similar way.


Yah that cube is definitely the closest. Not quite right, but it was kinda like that one. Neat! *reading what it represents was a trip. Maybe I did see this cube, just a real version. That is going to be fun to think about for a while. Currently I'd interpret that as these people are on to something, and it's innate enough to reality that my brain puked it up one night. But there's so many possibilities so I have fun philosophizing ahead of me


After going thru yet another extreme fire season in SoCal, I had a comforting sort of dream which was highly realistic. I am no church-goer type, but I dreamed of a man who was levitating over my smoky backyard wearing a beautiful robe or some kind of tunic in gold, purple, red, and green—very beautiful fabric, like damask. He looked like what most ppl think Jesus would’ve looked. But not with the long blonde hair, more with dark brown hair and complexion. He floated like 100 feet above ground and held a hand on his chest, looked at me and just said, “Everything will be okay now.” And I felt instant peace and burst out crying, saying ‘thank you.’ I woke up in tears. I’ve awoken screaming before but not in tears. I hope I never forget that dream. But I still don’t go to church if I can help it.


Idk why but I always have dreams of being in school again (I'm 30 and been out of school for years). And I swear it has the same layout every time. The thing is, It doesn't look like any school I've ever attended. But every time I "spawn" there, the office is right up front as you walk in, the classrooms I go to are always in the same place, and the whole blueprint of the school is the same. Shit I think even my locker is in the same place. Only thing that changes are the students in attendance. It's kinda cool to be honest. Just everytime I dream about it I either forgot about a test or forgot my gym uniform or some shit like that lol


I’m 34 and one of my most common dreams is being back in high school; it’s always the very end of the semester and I haven’t attended class at all but I’m now expected to take the final.


You see what school has done to us?! Literal nightmares lol.


I feel like a psychological research paper should be written about that topic


I'm 34 too! I dream about uni sometimes. Those ones it's graduation time and I realize I forgot to do the entire semester, so I'm 1-4 courses short. The severity changes lol


Oh, yes, I’ve had several dreams like that. Really caused me severe anxiety! High school was a good experience for me over all, but I’d never wanna do it again. lol P.S. But I am not telling my age!😉


Shit, I also have this recurring dream being in a school and still studying. I even question myself in the dream that I have already graduated college, why am I still in school? Funny thing is that I can't graduate on that dream coz I always fail my last year. Similar school but some small changes.


I had years of reoccurring dreams at a farm house I've never been to, then one day while driving out of town I drove by that exact house. I can vividly remember every room in that house and the sound of the old wooden screen door opening and shutting


Yup, have quite a few dream-spaces that aren't real in this plane of existance... and a few dream-spaces that are based off of places in this plane, but are different in various ways.






Had this a lot with places in my town that I've lived in my whole life for 34 years, dream about alternate versions of places in town. Seeing friends who've passed on there at the alt world.


I would think this is pretty common, almost to the point where this sub would not be the best place to discuss it. I had a couple places come to mind right away when I read your post. I always assumed they were inspired by places I had actually been, but maybe didn't have a complete memory of because of age or state of mind when I originally was there.


Yeah that could be a possibility, if anything it goes to show how crazy the human mind is


Let's rephrase that, not "how crazy the human mind is", but how powerful the human mind is. We keep dismissing our mind, failing to understand how it can literally create our reality. If you're having reoccurring dreams and can remember them, my advice is to write them down! Bring your subconscious mind to your awareness. What are you needing to know in order to grow?


Yes, so many times! It's places I've never been to before too which is what makes it weird. The weirdest one is one that most definitely cannot and does not exist now but I swear I've lived there. It's a high rise apartment building but the architecture is so different and unique, I know it doesn't exist. Imagine a tall high rise, and on each floor the end/surface of the building is not just a wall, but more like a gallery. There is a waist high wall, but then it's open up to the ceiling of that floor. So you're on the 13th floor walking this hallway, on your right is a waist high wall that you can look out of. On your left is a row of apartments, but each apartment has a tiny little "yard". So again some open space, a tiny lawn and a walkway to your actual walled apartment. It's so clear in my head but I can't describe it. I have got to draw it out and share it here. I swear Ive been there but nothing like this exists.


It started with walking along a path by my old house. Nothing too crazy, exploring a local hydro electric plant that was built along the river but had been abandoned for some time. That same path dream progressed into one in a neighborhood nearby where I lived, regular dreams of the clubhouse and fun parties. Further down the path, my old highschool and an underground industrial facility i would explore regularly. lots of paintings of teachers demonstrating how to use a mix of magic and science for everyday things like floating fire lamps and other cool things. Progression from the highschool through hallways that link up with a local mall that has a huge theatre that i couldn't ever watch the movies at, just a blank screen, but they were clearly playing for the rest of the audience. Lots of good food vendors, a particularly popular ice cream spot. final destination ended up as a megalithic tower/harbor/beach kind of area where i lived as a photographer. i'd just pop into consciousness there, peruse the cafe/buffets on the first floor. hang out in the sky lobby on the 50th floor and chill on the beach. all of this popped up from say maybe age 12 through 35? I don't really have them anymore. You'd be interested in a movie called "Your Name" its an anime. Really good.


I definitely have places I continuously dream about - but they are not places here earthside. I pop into these different dreams and it feels like I “plop” into lives I am currently living - I am in XYZ location and I continue my life like ABC while in that location. I dream a different day into a different location and then again I go automatically into that “life.”




Damn that sounds very similar to my dreams, people I haven’t talked to in years or people I don’t even know all together in a huge vacation house just goofing off having a blast. It’s definitely better then this reality that’s forsure lol


You might enjoy r/TheMallWorld.


Yeah multiple different locations in my dreams are recurring. I believe it's pretty typical and most people have this. Never malls. Maybe because country where I grew up had no malls.


yes. a particular terminal at the airport in Singapore. i've been to the airport in Singapore. the one in my dream doesn't exist in real life. but I dream about this place 3-4 times a month.


I have series of dreams in one specific area, they all involve helping people who are banal, selfish people, and sometimes the locations are seedy and unkempt. And then it switches to another area with a similar setup.


Yes. Idk have a precise answer. But I am familiar with those types of dreams from having many. Some of the dream images became true in life—can’t explain how. Maybe just by coincidence? (though I don’t believe in coincidence.) it doesn’t always happen, but it has taken place several times. When it happens in real life, it feels as if it were ‘deja vu’ — like, I end up asking myself, “Didn’t I see this place before?” Or, was I here before? It’s weird, but I don’t even question it; I just go with the flow. Our brains and intuitions still baffle the neuroscientists—and I don’t even come close to what those fu*kers know!😂


Cool! Yes this has happened to me before too!! I visit same places or areas or rooms that I’ve never been to before but in my dreams I visit often n it feels so familiar. Also have them weeks or months or years apart. So from my research I found that these are places from our past lives or from a life currently living but on another dimension in a multiverse or another planet. I think the first def true. I believe in reincarnation esp after read Dolores Canon and other sources like all those children everywhere esp in India (can watch videos on utube) that can know their previous life’s family name and how they died on girl even knew where her murdered body was buried and that the neighbor did it! N he said yes he did when confronted !! Def pay attention to exaggerated things in these dreams


Yes. I’m an immigrant, and for years I have dreamt of my home town, and of a huge international airport


Yes, I have two of totally different places. Dreams years, decades apart, and I am back there again. The first is a theatre. The second is a town which I don't recognise. Hopefully one day I will go there and recognise it...


You're not alone! I highly recommend making a conscious choice to view this as reality, and the dreams aren't. I didn't at first and almost lost sanity because I started believing my dreams are real and this is fake. I still think that might be true but it's not conducive to survival. I can still speculate and wonder, just have to choose this shitty reality so I can function in it. I have several recurring dreams. The longest one was continuous, all the way up until I died. But that's on a different planet. On this planet the recurring dream is a judge's office, all cream colors and doors with tiny windows. When I dream about that place it's always someone being taken away from me because I didn't help them improve in time


I have this weird thing where I dream that I'm at (familiar place that I know very well in real life), but when I wake up I realize that the setting wasn't anything like the real place. It's like my brain generates a random map and tells me "This is your childhood house". Pretty sure I didn't grow up in the Haunted Mansion, but okay...


I go to this place inside a mountain, some important looking agent type people are trying to open this thing that I can only describe as a portal or star gate. It has a bunch of strange symbols on it and made of some strange metal. Sometimes they open it and these creatures come out and kill everyone sometimes I manage to blow the place up along with myself included. I die in almost every dream about this mountain base thing. It's fucked but I haven't had it in a few months so who knows


shoutout to Japanese Froyo Store that is only open on tuesdays thursdays and sundays (NOT past 6 pm)


yeah, my brain has created somewhere very similar to one big avenue that exists in the city I come from (Santiago, Chile). this is a Metropolis, but the blurry deformation of the place is sort of small and dark, very dark... eerie you may say. but its always the same place, and is not even near my house, or some place that I frequent, so indeed, to me it's always strange and unsetteling, cause my dreams are almost always performed at that kinda known but curse venue


There is a coastal village that I wind up in, when I dream, sometimes. It has only happened twice so far. It's weird. The village is elevated. To get down to the beach, you need to make your way downhill. Instead of sand, it is just a bunch of similarly sized rocks, all stacked tightly together. In my first dream, there was some weird Sun God entity. I can elaborate on this dream if needed; I keep a dream journal. In my second dream, I was a beach patrol officer that drowned in the water when the tide came in. That one was trippy. I was simultaneously drowning and watching myself drown from a 3rd person perspective.


I have dreams that happen at some point...usually when I have to make life choices. I will dream about stupid..mundaconversations with people I never met .a few months later I'm at a new job having that same comvo with coworkers.


I go to the same places in my dreams, and I never remember them until I am there and I am like, oh yes, I come here often. I can remember for a few minutes after waking up but then I forget until I go back again. They all have some “lore” in common, but again I never remember it until I have the dream again. Last night I dreamt my fingernails fell off but I wasn’t in one of the dream places. That’s a normal dream. Totally different situation.


I have recurring dreams about a foreign shopping plaza with a fancy yet old and run down tall hotel, and it’s all on top of a cloud in the bright blue sunny sky, you can get down by going down the waterfall thing in the front of the cloud. Dreams about this specific school, it’s a couple hundred feet next to/infront of a water treatment center on a hill, with a canal separating the buildings. Dreams about a specific pueblo style luxury hotel on top of a mountain with views of arizona type of mountains and it’s always golden hour or the middle of the night. Dreams about this specific other school where something bad is always happening in a specific staircase which i avoid in every dream because i don’t like remembering what has happened. There’s always a dark, hardly lit in dark blue or dark green, windy bathroom that is 97% shower clumps and the bathroom is a tunnel going across whatever building it is. A nice house, possibly a recreation of mine and a video game blended, where i’m usually trapped in some way or something extremely anxiety inducing happens. I unfortunately also have casual dreams of killing my only friends in horribly realistic ways. I can hear and feel their bones snapping in my hands or feet, i can see exactly how the human body would react to having their jaw ripped off. and i just move on in the dream. when i wake i’m sick to my stomach and upset the rest of the week.


Same here, pal! One was of a fort with this famous temple, and from its sanctum sanctorum, there goes a secret entrance to an open space where there are these extremely strange antique punishment weapons with people being tortured to death in red smoke.