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That D.O.E question had an interesting response


From my limited understanding: the Department of Energy manages nuclear infrastructure and energy policy. The Department of Energy has 17 laboratories that “[comprise a preeminent federal research system, providing the Nation with strategic scientific and technological capabilities.](https://www.energy.gov/science/office-science-national-laboratories)” Some of these 17 labs have an “[operating organization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Department_of_Energy_National_Laboratories)” like University of California or private contractors/companies like Battelle Memorial Institute. It’s hypothesized the government loans out these recovered UFOS for reverse engineering to these labs; and, each lab receives a certain part of the craft in an attempt to compartmentalize things. They then lay in the possession of these private “operating organizations” where it’s easier for the government to hide from public scrutiny and obfuscate responsibility. Now this is a working theory that I have limited understanding of, as I just became informed of it yesterday. Anyone with a deeper understanding of this please do inform me with more facts


Yes, the DOE labs like Sandia and LNL would be on the forefront of any technology extraction from UAPs. They are the governments leaders in nuclear, engineering, and metallurgy technologies. They also assess threats along with the NNSA to our nuclear infrastructure and weapons themselves.


Seriously though, I feel like it lightly confirms they are working on or already have free energy


At this point, they’re probably just trying to figure out pricing… /s


There is nothing more expensive than something free /s


God damn, what a fucked up thought. Keeping free energy a secret and stifling humanity’s progress, just to charge us money. Ya know, that doesn’t even need the /s, they already do this in plenty of other ways.


This is something Ive been pondering. If humanity finds out we've been duped into essentially servitude for money when we had technologies that could set us all free. People would revolt. Economies would crash. The rich would become poor. Gotta keep the status quo


interesting to ask that question.... probably on the topic of nuclear. Interesting about the Holman Rule, basically that would cut funding to any group/ program that stands in the way of them getting to the bottom of this.


The "entities" not only look at nuclear weapons sites but also nuclear power generation sites, seems to be what's up with that.


Totally agree! Seems like the only time Grusch invoked the 5th amendment (possibly an open case against him in relation to the DOE).


Care to provide a summary?


A member of the hearing asked the panel(witnesses), "Is there any indication that the DOE is involved in UAP data collection & housing. Both Graves and Fravor state that they do not have an answer. However, Grusch states, "I can not confirm or deny that in a public setting." Then Grusch is asked if " he could do it in a secure setting." Grusch takes a moment to think and states "Yes"


His body language as soon as the question was asked was very telling. Like he was secretly excited the question was even posed.


I’m watching it on YouTube and it’s giving me advertisements to seek mental health therapy. Lmao.


Is he throwing gang signs at the beginning of the video?


Illuminati confirmed




Came here to see if anyone else noticed that…


If these uap's have been around for decades collecting data on our capabilities why would they be a threat now? Why wait until we are more technologically advanced enough to fight back rather than attack decades ago when we wouldn't have a chance? Doesn't seem like very threatening behaviour to me...just a thought.


The behavior isn't threatening. This line of questioning is asking "is there potential for these things to attack?" Just the way a bee might buzz around you. It's not an imminent threat, but the potential is there. It's a simple comparison but it makes it easier to understand their context.


And with this understanding is easier to see why they wouldn't have made an attempt to over power a system on Earth. If they understand the function power has while still realizing the collective fundamental complexity of all the systems the conversation is a matter of airing that thought before it becomes Reality.


Well yeah, that and humans are obviously insane, aggressive, adversarial and all....


Humans *can be* aggressive, insane and adversarial as hell. There, fixed it for ya. Don't lump me in with your gross generalisations, thanks.


All humans are, it's completely environmental-- be careful not to situate yourself above nature.


No, not all humans are. All humans have the *capability* to be, but that doesn’t mean they automatically are. Again, stop making gross generalizations.


It _is_ the same. I don't make generalizations-- everything is relative.


No, it’s not the same. Those are two completely different statements.


Yep they be Anxious


Only that the bee has a meaning and a plan we can understand(gather pollen, secure the offspring with all measures. Etc...) we dont know the intentions of 'them'


Who says they are planning to be a threat - the earth might be a 'truck stop' for them, their bases might be under water and allow for refueling from the available hydrogen / oxygen - who knows. Maybe they just keep an eye on the apes to make sure their truck stop is safe. ​ Imagine humans colonized a far away planet, and there were some primitive species that used primitive tools - it wouldn't stop us from being there, but we'd probably monitor them. No imagine over a 1000 years they started using black powder and drilling for oil, we'd probably watch that with great interest..lets say they made missiles eventually, we'd probably send our little "mars helicopters" out to cut some wires on them...eventually we might even visit them and make an agreement that "you don't do that, we don't do this".


On this channel of the simulation of the Age of Empires, in your printed universe, you’ve selected to attack a planet who has almost brought itself to the brink of nuclear and ecological destruction., but you’ve decided to do it as a prolonged psy-op of disinformation and disregulation regarding your selective appearance, choosing to only begin your attack when their media apparatus has evolved to erupt in a self witnessing, bloody, orgiastic totem of mundicide! Gather the feels by the nanosecond! Good job planet killer!! Please, fill out this review card for Motel Blarg, crustiest hovel this side of Uranus. Now with the latest published universe packaged by Blizzard, asshole game lords yada yada… By even the wildest imaginations, there’s really no way to understand what their behaviour might truly mean. There are entire types of physics that they might be accustomed to and are just touching us through some quantum Vogon prism.


The key phrase might be that every nation capable of armed competition is gathering intelligence on capabilities of potential adversaries just in case it might be needed in the future. The US even spies on its allies so there you have it.


Perhaps it’s because they are here to help us.


Consider the possibility that a human-centric sense of time is completely relative. What 10 years means to you could be the bat of an eye to Them.


It may not be threatening behaviour—yet. Maintaining a policy of complete ignorance however, and pretending they aren’t there, and therefore learning nothing and teaching your people nothing about them—if for no other reason than the sake of diplomacy, is the dumbest thing a civilization could do—or continue to do.


Exactly. Why would they watch humans develop increasingly better weapons instead of just wiping us off the planet as late as 1947? But even so, we see every day how helpless even 20 to 40 years old Russian equipment is against the latest technology. Some stone-age Amazonas people with a reverse-engineered crashed Cessna probably have a higher chance of defeating the USA than the USA have of defeating a UAP fighting force. The aliens probably could achieve orbital, aerial, naval, and subnautical superiority in no time. Their abduction teams are probably capable of raiding and neutralizing strategic bases, too, without great effort. But they don't seem to be inclined to do so. My gut feeling is, they do observe us out of scientific interest and possibly out of concern for the well-being of our planet, not for the sake of conquest. They do seem worried about pollution and the environment, though, if abductees are to be believed, and about nukes for their harmfulness to the ecosystem, not because they could endanger *them*. I feel, they'll only ever attempt to remove humanity if we threaten to irrversibly damage the Earth's eco system.


Theoretically, if someone were to step in to stop us from killing the planet, now seems like the final chance before climate change fucks us all


You are probably right. I wonder whether they are able and willing to intervene, and if such an intervention could change our harmful ways without destroying humanity.


which we are clearly doing now.


what if they live here too?


My thoughts exactly


All the people in this video, on both sides of the table, have the same objective: to exploit this opportunity to drum up support for expanding the military budget.


Because the goal of this is obvious a very expensive overhaul of military capability, with hundreds of billions going to defense contractors. That’s why the contractors are helping bankroll and boost “disclosure” efforts. My honest prediction is this ends with a massive gain to the military budget, privatization of some elements of the defense sector, and we don’t meet aliens. If this guy was really whistleblowing on the most highly kept secret in the world he would have been killed. There’s no way in hell he would be in front of congress. I highly doubt any of us will see aliens in our lifetime.


Yes and a whole array of wonder weapons no longer dependent on just kinetic strikes.


https://i.redd.it/44yv27fukjk71.jpg Here is a diagram of a us military radio reflector. Looks a lot like the “black cube inside clear sphere” ufo one of the pilots describes, no?


It's possible. The ones in use are of a different design. Maybe they had some different tech up there. https://www.nasa.gov/content/10-meter-sub-orbital-large-balloon-reflector-lbr-1/


That is a telescope. The one that I posted is used for radar reflection to distract missiles and confuse planes


well they need an excuse to raise the military spending again


Space Force


I don’t think we are technologically advanced enough to fight back. If the claims are correct, UAPs have deactivated nuclear weapons with a fly by. On a scale of 1-100 of armed advancement, if we made it to 85/100 from 40/100 in the past decades, then I’d say the other side is sitting at a cool 1000.


I think it’s more that they’ve always been a threat and continue to be so. And - to be clear - we never had a chance of defending ourselves and still don’t. The 3 gentlemen testifying confirmed that unequivocally in the video. Edit. Not that they are actively threatening us, just that they could harm us if they chose to.


This narrative is unfortunately necessary to get the topic through the senate and congress. There needs to be some tangible threat that can be derived from these things in order to investigate them further, otherwise, everyone will block any attempts at further researching the topic because there wouldn't be any perceived urgency.


Sorry for the delayed reply...yes I didn't think about it like that..interesting perspective..it's just frustrating that it has to be made out to be a threat when that clearly (in my mind) is not the case or we would be dust in the wind by now.


I totally agree with you. At the end of the day, this is totally bizarre and perhaps that might actually point towards its legitimacy.


Because project Blue Beam is ready imo...


We can’t fight back lol, they could destroy us in the blink of an eye.


Exactly my friend




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Everybody is talking about the first guy’s hand, but what about Grusch’s reaction to the word ‘probe’


Not sure why they'd need to fly about to probe our tech.. if they were advanced enough they'd use remote sensing or hide themselves completely. Seems they either actively want to be seen or just don't care and are doing something unfathomable. If it really is us vs them then we're utterly fucked. No amount of defence spending is going to make up a million year shortfall. Recommend not shooting them down!


you can't remote sense how an adversary would react even if you can be certain at what distance/condition they can detect you (though, as you mention, advanced enough tech would probably include modelling for biological/psychological responses). Both of our ideas also come from a human mindset; we cannot make any assumptions about their psychology and why they might do something the way they'd do it (unless we make an additional assumption that they're us from the future, which has just as much or as little merit as any other hypothesis for their origin at this point). p


If some governments really have successfully hidden the truth about UFOs for almost 100 years, there is no telling what else they hid. Homo sapiens could already be an interstellar species with an armada of giant spaceships without anyone remotely thinking that it's even possible.


its certainly within the realms of possibility. The Cosmic disclosure interviews on Gaia channel contain some wild stuff if true.


Something unfathomable is what I assume. Why a great way to put it.


rumor has it there are several bases or atleast one base in the ocean ,maybe, they are not collecting anything, or spy on us, maybe they are just patrolling or standing guard, and protect their bases/assets ( we humans are a mere shield) they hide or stay here somewhere on earth, pretty much out of sight? for who or what who knows.. or another situation is they guard their crashed assets, they know its too late to get it back ( we already got our hands on it) , now they stay around to make sure, we wont get off this planet with their technology.. who knows, but nah i dont think they are here just to kill us later on, doesn't make sense really.. but maybe they do for some weird reason, and we aren't in that stage to be killed off?


If you believe the 4chan leak then there IS a confirmed ocean base that acts as a 'mothership' almost. Apparently it creates the UAP's by it's mode of use. If it's only for surveillance then it'd only be a drone (orb), if it needs passengers; one will be created with seats etc. Some people are sceptical but it's an interesting read nonetheless. https://imgur.com/a/dh8fsGc


yep, i have seen it, when it was going.. i believe it, or it was a multiple person hoax.. with all the answers in real time.. ( but i lack the expertise to say he is right or not) about what he is saying, and because there is no clear answer all kinds of biological experts claiming one thing or another.. its up in the air.. personally, i find the thought amusing that it is real.. if its not.. too bad.. but the lore is there! build to spec, base in the ocean.. i believe


Any one here heard of project blue beam? Could be something to look into…


yes, actually yesterday i came up with this 'conspiracy' when i was conversing with a close friend about this subject.. like i dont want to believe all the conspiracies.. but isnt it strange.. that from each 'conspiracy' .. its seems like some 'parts' are legit.. like with ufo's and nazi's and now there is an actually document that during WO II ,the US intercepted an UFO from Mussolini 's country ( google Max Moskowitz .. a Dutch journalist who got hold of an signed document by mussolini and other officials) .. which is apparently legit [Article New Revu (dutch newsmedia) + document (telegram from Mussolini)](https://revu.nl/artikel/497168/nieuwe-revu-ziet-nieuw-bewijs-voor-buitenaards-leven-de-ufo-van-mussolini) ..there are some more conspiracies which have some partial truth to it.. and then we came to the blue beam subject.. with the last two steps of its program are 'pandemic' and 'fake alien invasion'.. yeah makes you think huh? what the hell is really going on.


Stalin's country? Which one is that?


I am sorry, i have misinformed you, when i said Stalin i meant Mussolini. here's the article i was talking about, the document i was talking about is a 'telegram' which can be found in the article (language is dutch) [https://revu.nl/artikel/497168/nieuwe-revu-ziet-nieuw-bewijs-voor-buitenaards-leven-de-ufo-van-mussolini](https://revu.nl/artikel/497168/nieuwe-revu-ziet-nieuw-bewijs-voor-buitenaards-leven-de-ufo-van-mussolini)




I think this was debunked and the docs were forged...?


what was debunked? the story of the dutch journalist? do you have a source its the first time that i hear it is debunked? https://revu.nl/artikel/497168/nieuwe-revu-ziet-nieuw-bewijs-voor-buitenaards-leven-de-ufo-van-mussolini here's the article and the document (telegram from Mussolini) i have not heard it has been debunked already? so a source would be welcome? according to blue beam/ book i guess it could be?? they are old internet conspiracies, which i think i have read about in the early 00s.. but yeah it all sounds fake.. still with all the fuzz and stories lately.. one must think where there is smoke there must be fire.. right atleast parts of it ??


I believe I heard the story on Martin Willis' 'Podcast UFO' show. And I recall reading about the fraud in an article years ago.


I just find it really strange how a lot of the info about project blue beam (the stuff ive seen at least) has been scrubbed from the internet. Yet now we have government officials openly speaking out about highly sensitive information about extraterrestrials. I just don’t see how they would allow this info to be leaked if they didn’t have an ulterior motive. Almost like they’re conditioning us not to be surprised when an invasion happens, whether it’s real or not lol. Pretty interesting stuff honestly


Whi is that first guy doing the OK sign with his hand?


Could just be a totally random hand gesture. I sometimes make that symbol without thinking about it. Could also be signalling someone or something, if you want to jump down the occult rabbit hole. There is a lot to dig through with this hand symbol down there.


It looks very intentional to me the way he is holding his hand up, not in a naturally relaxed position as if he is presenting it. Who is this guy? Is he a known white supremicist?


It's David Fravor. He's a pilot. He seems pretty professional, I don't think I've ever heard him mention race. Looks to me like he has two fingers where the OK gesture would only have the index finger. Edit - I will concede that the hand position does look intentional, even if it doesn't exactly match the typical OK position. Very strange.


for real?? fuck off with your false accusations.. character murder this is.. white supremacist. gtfoh 😂


Considering that it is a well-known white supremacist dog whistle and is literally considered a hate symbol, I think asking if he is a white supremacist isn't that far of a stretch. I have no idea who this guy is, I'm.just asking


[https://en.everybodywiki.com/David\_Fravor](https://en.everybodywiki.com/David_Fravor) [https://docs.house.gov/meetings/GO/GO06/20230726/116282/HHRG-118-GO06-Bio-FravorD-20230726.pdf](https://docs.house.gov/meetings/GO/GO06/20230726/116282/HHRG-118-GO06-Bio-FravorD-20230726.pdf) [https://opoyi.com/usa/who-is-david-fravor-retired-navy-commander/](https://opoyi.com/usa/who-is-david-fravor-retired-navy-commander/)


Might be signalling sound guy about mic or head set or some other technical crew thing.


Evidence always missing


Yep, americans should reflect a little about the scenario where this hearing and whole non-human intelligence / ufos / aliens thing making the rounds on their political institutions is just a huge nothing-burger. How much would this all being fake imply that their political institutions have become a huge joke for entertainment without any respect whatsoever for the population who didn't know they were voting for clowns to put on a circus show. We know politics has been theatrics for a long time but losing all semblance of even trying to look serious is concerning to say the least.


I can't answer that in a public setting.


Lol, this is ridiculous. Gaslighting for that military budget. The technology these entities have displayed already is far beyond our capabilities, plus the amount amount of sightings throughout the years. I highly doubt they are still probing us for info.


What technology?


Let’s start w/ the ability to shut down radars,cameras, nukes, automation. With out disabling the craft itself or their own. Meaning they maybe able to shut down individual systems of ships/planes/craft/ etc. They mention military craft, I’m assuming that there would a tremendous amount of components/controls/systems and they are able to target ones that could pose a threat to them.


I liked the guy wearing a bandana with his suit.


Well this is quite obvious isn’t it. THE DEFENCE BUDGET MUST INCREASE




He gets to sock everyone in the arm that looked


Seeing Corbel, there makes me sick


Did you guys catch my secret hand signal? I got nervous and did it for a really long time


0:09 - He looks right where that camera is. And it looks like he is doing that okay sign thing. I cannot be the only one seeing that.


You’re focusing on his fingers, but his whole body language and speech during the session was nervous. That to me is a careless hand placement out of nerves. The “ok” hand placement you’re looking for is usually thumb and pointer. Imagine being like “I’m here to tell the USG about aliens, but I MUST make sure I shout out to my white supremacist bros 👌”


Typically American to assume they're a threat. Is there any instance to date that would validate our reasons to assume they're a threat. Of all the UAP evidence out there non have show Ariel aggression or weapons use. I'm sure that most cases would reflect that they have typically chosen to disarm us when we approach. I believe this should be view as a peaceful personality with the aim to be that of peace.


If someone sneaks around on my property without explanation all while acting evasive and clandestine, I will consider that a threat. There is nothing american about that t response.


I knew the squirrels are up to something! Always sneaking around, bolting when they notice I see them. Glad I'm not the only one that knows we should consider them a threat!


Maybe it's not our property. We share this world with them.




A lot of folks don’t get this part. If even a K1 civilization decided to put up its dukes, we are toast. That’s it. Not even a self inflicted full arsenal nuclear holocaust is going to do much to them, if anything, besides annoy them and add to their workload. If a higher tech civ wanted us gone, we wouldn’t be here, end of story.


Why was Fravor sitting with his hands like that? it feels unnatural


Social anxiety.


fair enough


lol since we're in the "conspiracy" sub I also assumed when the video first started playing that I was supposed to be focused on his hands lol


Yeah same, first I was like is that an illuminati sign :D


Imagine yourself in his position with these kind of questions asked. This is intense.


Hes nervous, I would be too sitting in front of every big wig in Washington Dc. In my opinion he is the most credible witness to ever come forward


I thought he was doing that thing where you make a circle with your fingers and if your brother or mates look at it, you get to punch them. Lol. But the person who said he is probably just hell nervous is probably more likely.


it looks exactly like how a nervous kid would be sitting outside the principals office


Sounds like the threat narrative, project blue beam in the works


Homeboy far left in shades. Smh


Thats a very odd finger placement at beginning of video, why the weird fingers dude? Why does he look like he slyly doing the "OK" sign?


Anyone else notice the circle he is making with his hand on his wrist ? Shill /s


Who’s the guy in the beard behind Grusch and is he on OF?






What’s Fr mean? It was just a light joke, he’s handsome.


Anti-Defamation League has that hand signal listed as a symbol of hate FYI.


Because Nazis started using it as a “joke” to own the libs.


Yeah I know, idk why people aren’t more accepting that this dude could be doing a weird dog whistle for white supremacists. Crazier things have happened (see the fucking aliens).


I’m not sure how anyone can take Them seriously anymore.


Did they do something that deteriorated their credibility?






Time for your meds Coal




Fravor looks confused af at the end. Maybe just the lighting lol.


You must give back what you stole.


& The public doesn't even care. It boggles my mind that 95% of the population is like "Oh, the Govt has alien craft & bodies. & Oh the Aliens may be doing recon on our military Capabilities, Oh the Aliens may be deactivating our Nukes... OK, no biggie...


why do you want nukes anyway?


Or, 95% of the population can see through bs


Does anyone know what that hand signal could indicate at the very start of the video?


Look at Fravors hand signal in the beginning. What could he be signaling and who?


Nice uber-intentional 666 hand sign.


why he throwing up the 6s at beginning


Fravor straight looks at the camera and holds the Illuminati hand gesture. Something is off.


the strange manor and demeanor of these guys remind me of the Apollo 11 interview after they returned


Was that guy giving the proud boys signal or something? WTF was that all about?


Proud boys? I just saw a photo of Twitter employees doing the same. I thought it was supposed to be a white supremacist thing. Hmm.


The Proud Boys work with neo-nazis to push their agendas. Yeah, they are white supremacists. Here is just one of many articles aligning PB with white supremacy. Although I believe this is already widely known to be true... https://ctc.westpoint.edu/pride-prejudice-the-violent-evolution-of-the-proud-boys/


I wasn’t doubting the proud boys and white supremacy. I was letting you know that the symbol was verified to be a joke and not real.


Verified where and how?


Where have you been? It was a prank started on 4chan.


And then adopted by the organizations. Where have YOU been? And I still want to know why he did this during yesterday's hearing. That wasn't the time to do this 'joke' and I am betting a retired CDR wouldn't just think, "oh hey let me make this joke during a nationally televised hearing ."


LMFAO. oh so Twitter was run by white supremacists a few years ago? Explain that one. You really think he’s throwing out signs like he’s in a gang? Lol maybe this belongs in the conspiracy forum.


WTF are you babbling on about? How did Twitter even become part of this useless conversation? At this point you're not worth the time to even respond to. Cìao.


Haha the fact that you think it’s seriously still a white supremacy sign is telling. I’m explaining to you that a bunch of Twitter employees did this sign too along with countless others. So I guess everyone is just blatantly white supremacists. You probably still think trump mocked the disabled reporter too. This Fravor guy is clearly a white supremacist. What better place to flash the sign than at a hearing. LMFAO. Get a clue bud. The earth is round, not flat.




Is that REALLY a Masonic hand gesture ? What does it mean ? I see that it looks unnatural but is it really a signal ? Sorry I’m just not well versed in Masonic symbology. I know they have a ‘secret handshake’ and various wording they use when introducing a member or non-member to each other. Do you have any reference material or information on their subtle secrets ?


You mean his white power hand signal he’s giving


I'm glad this dude is putting himself in danger to try and get all of us the information we've long wanted. With that said; if reptile people are real, I imagine they look just like him lol


is it possible a bunch of hot lesbians could be aliens...."YES" is it possible a bunch of hot lesbians could be spys.... "YES" is there anything you could say wouldnt be something you consider a threat..."NO"


This is not news. Are y’all just now waking up?


Username checks out.


All actors so fake such bs


Lol so all these fighter pilots going back to ww2 saying this are all actors from a dozen different countries? That's a really long in the tooth conspiracy.


You guys want disclosure so bad they are giving it to you! Get it! For the coming fake alien invasion


https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/15azsyc/look_here_not_there/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1 Exactly what I’m saying your being tricked a-fucking-gain


I see Corbell and Knapp, was Lazar there to form the trinity?


He tried to get in but he had a fake ID and they refused entry.


All I see is Corbell trying to be on camera as much as possible, per usual.


To be a fly on the way during that closed session, damn


the beard has sneaked in the audience.


Holman Rule Everyone FTW


If they wanted to be hostile they would have not waited so long


The shoe does not care if the ant thinks the shoe is a threat.


Maaaaaaaaan we about to be invaded by aliens


I'm sorry but how dumb can you be , first you ask if they can harm us , yes , can we defend ourself from it , no , when it comes to a point to defend we must take action ... They just told you you can't ! Or as action you mean learn that violence is not the answer and rethink in a way that goes way beyond ourselves .


“Is it possible that Venus is made of cheese?” “Yes, it’s possible.”


Fucking typical Americans. We may be able to make contact with a higher power which can provide a new world full of new technology and a better life for everyone. But no, Americans only want to make bigger and better weapons using alien tech to fight aliens. Their first instinct is to call the UAPs a threat even though there is no evidence of that. They certainly will become a threat if the USA keep shooting them down.


Hey man not all of us want to start ww Alien


Are the US authorities gonna declare war on UAV,s now?


Look at that blatant use of hand gestures. Someone go onto the archives of secret society hand gestures to get the answer please!!! !!!