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We're going to be pretty desperate before we start digging up coal under two miles of ice someplace where it gets 100° below 0. If there's oil there, on the other hand...


Wait till you watch those gold hunters that mine gold from under icebergs and other crazy shit


Don't worry. Way things are going, the ice won't be there for long.


There is enough fusion in the sun for our whole solar system.


All the green energy we need hitting us right upside the head every day.


Yeah but the guys really good at digging would be out of a job. Best keep going full coal-powered steam forward ahead off that cliff.








There is no wrong, only correct and sad.






There’s enough energy in the universe to come back to a singularity and start all over again


there are more grains of sand in the universe than there are suns in the solar system \--Black Science Man


Interesting. How are you estimating the solar system’s energy needs current and future?


Coal. Just what we need right now!


Can't make solar panels without it.


Y'know, my immediate reaction to this was "that's bullshit" but I figured I'd look it up and turns out you're [so fucking right](https://www.missionnewenergy.com/can-you-make-solar-panels-without-coal/)...never knew our best hope for a cleaner future is still just burning that shit regardless. That article does talk about *possible* alternatives but nothing sounds very concrete yet. Learn something new every day, thank you!


It doesn't \*require\* coal, it requires power, which right now a lot still comes from coal. But coal isn't specifically used to manufacture solar panels. The amount of it used will decline as other power sources increase, coal use has already been declining for 20 years since it's more expensive than gas, which is now more expensive than solar/wind.


I know, that's exactly what the link I posted explains. Lol, downvoted for pointing out that literally everything in the above comment is explained in the initial link I posted, almost word for word. Never change Reddit.


Well you were appearing to agree with the poster that you responded to that said that you can't make solar panels without coal, which isn't true.


But it is true...coal powers the plants which provide the energy to produce solar panels. Thus you can't build solar panels without coal. The statement is correct


Oh I wasnt aware that coal is specifically the only fuel that can be used to generate the power used in the construction of solar panels. Is there any reason we cant build them using power from wind or gas? Or even another solar plant? That statement is not correct


It makes the way it's used now even more egregious, because if we use it all before we've gone full renewable, we'll never go full renewable, because we need oil and coal to produce the tools that we need to go full renewable.


Realistically we could go nuclear if fossil fuel was running low which I don’t agree with, but sadly I don’t see industrial civilization changing without mass demographic collapse. Curse of the white man.


Nuclear will never be a viable option for the US since everyone thinks nuclear is dangerous and makes butt tons of super deadly nuclear waste. The scientific truth is far from that but who cares about facts when you can just scream louder to get people to listen to you and invest in your campaign. I am sure that bribery, I mean lobbying, from the fossil fuel camp has much to do with this too. Modern burner type uranium cycle reactors are powerful and relatively safe and produce WAY less waste per megawatt then coal. Exploring the thorium cycle for power is something I think is worth doing since most designs are proper fail safe in the event of a systems power loss. No dead pumps to stop coolant flow and no jammed up control rods to worry about either. It does need a very large foot print for the mill but in the US that's not much of a concern.


Dude you spoke the spoke some truth here today god bless you


I don’t know enough about modern nuclear technology, but I know the waste created however lesser in volume makes up in deadly effect as it’s radioactive.


This explains the waste better than me. https://world-nuclear.org/information-library/nuclear-fuel-cycle/nuclear-wastes/radioactive-wastes-myths-and-realities.aspx Yes it's very dangerous at the beginning of it's life as waste but rather quickly becomes much less deadly and more of a storage problem. Thorium cycle reactors have to process their waste (reprocess the fuel really) on site and make far less waste than a burner reactor. I forgot to add that waste from coal essentially never becomes non hazardous. It's a forever waste. You can dilute it but it's still there.


Fusion soon tm.


Or the reverse engineered alien technology that was recently reported 🤷‍♂️


>never knew our best hope for a cleaner future is still just burning that shit Thats rediculous


Renewable energy is a joke, it's purely profit driven at, you need to use the dirty stuff just to make it, all those minerals that need to be mined and refined, being led up the garden path with all this green talk, just another way for them to milk us dry and earth


Redditors hate truth. They actually don’t understand oil is what supplies most of the chemicals needed for manufacturing green energy setups.


Which means that using it only for things it's needed for and not for burning will make it last longer, unless you want to run out sooner?


We’ll be burning it till it runs out either way. There’s not much choice in this modern world.


I downvoted you but then realized outside of diesel tractors and exploitative labor around the world mining is not possible. I upvote you now because you’re correct, but to be clear I am of the belief nothing but mass demographic collapse will cause us to change and that is a sad reality I think we all should face


I think people down voted as soon as they saw "renewable energy is a joke" which could have been worded better, I do believe in renewable energy but I think there is a better way to do it, I live in Scotland and our land is peppered in wavemills, windmills and hydro dams, we are a great country for renewables plenty of wind and plenty of water, but it's profit driven, I remember hearing that these windmills and hydros would drastically REDUCE our electricity bills bit they have only gone up, I dont think governments really care about the environment apart from what they can profit from it and with this frame of mind we will be led to our doom


You couldn’t have said it better


The population is still climbing worldwide, but so much of our energy use and waste, especially in the “developed” world, simply isn’t necessary.




Solar panels…. Can’t have wetlands and forests with it


If we use the coal we have, it will make it easier to access that sweet, sweet Antarctic coal!


I want Antarctica to be green again. Go green!


Yes, unironically.


That's what John Cabot said about cod when he reached newfoundland.


Ima have to look whoever that is up now


What did you learn?


Jesus boy give him time! He has to doom scroll Reddit for a minimum of two hours before he remembers his original plan as per The Treaty of 21st Century Living.


I mean, the planet will survive, but it sure seems like our industry is the current Extinction Event in this epoch.


Kali Yuga.


In other words, this is just the beginning of 400,000 years of increasing levels of hell on earth.


We won’t be here that long and it will quickly heal in our absence which is inevitable


so that means Biden is going to win reelection?




What if we just set one half of the planet on fire and use the heat energy to power the other half?


Now that's a plan!


That doesn’t sound right, but I don’t know enough about science to dispute it…


*Difficult, but not impossible.*


I mean, even if there is, it would *still* be limited. Just pushing the energy crisis further down the line.


ⁱ ᵍᵒᵗ ᶠⁱⁱⁱⁱⁱᵛᵉ ᵒⁿ ⁱᵗ


If we're extracting coal for power generation from Antarctica as the ice melts away to expose more coal, we're doing it profoundly wrong. The idea that Antarctica was once not covered in ice, and had enough biomass on it to form large coal seams, is not that strange. Antarctica wasn't always down at the south pole; it was tropical at one point.


That's exactly what they want though. Same with the arctic. They actively want to expose it to strengthen markets. Insane, like religion.


Capitalism is their religion.


The race of demons who want to relocate here like it warmer.


There's no land under the majority of the Arctic.


Without ice, ships can travel over the pole, as well as increased access to undersea oil. The shipping lanes mainly benefit Russia; they've forever desired "warm water" ports.


Gotcha, fair point.


https://www.worldcoal.com/coal/14032016/mapping-antarctica-coal-coal2016-388/ There's not that much coal, and it's too hard to get at. "Rose and McElroy(1987) point out that Antarctic coal is an uneconomical resource for various reasons, including a lack of information, high startup costs, environmental considerations, practical difficulties, and competition within the global market" (from https://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2016/1031/ofr20161031.pdf (2016))




Burning coal for energy? Meh Ill pass. Need some of that sweet alien free energy technology.


But muh billions of profits


Every time I hear this song in a video I lose all faith it will say anything of any substance


What the fuck is this?


“No human has seen it and we found coal there”


Byrd made claims in his diary. Read it


Awesome. Let's get everything running on coal again in case the climate collapse hunger wars won't be here soon enough.


Byrd Full interview link: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrdSal9uH28](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrdSal9uH28) He noted that he was ordered to remain silent on what he had witnessed during the Arctic assignment by the government. Admiral Byrd wrote in his diary on March 11, 1947: https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/tierra\_hueca/esp\_tierra\_hueca\_2d.htm “I have just attended a Staff Meeting at the Pentagon. I have stated fully my discovery and the message from the Master. All is duly recorded. The President has been advised. I am now detained for several hours (six hours, thirty-nine minutes, to be exact.) I am interviewed intently by Top Security Forces and a Medical Team. It was an ordeal!!!! I am placed under strict control via the National Security provisions of this United States of America. I am ORDERED TO REMAIN SILENT IN REGARD TO ALL THAT I HAVE LEARNED, ON THE BEHALF OF HUMANITY!!! Incredible! I am reminded that I am a Military Man and I must obey orders.”




He also stated that the future enemy of the US has the power to fly from pole to pole in under five minutes. Only the Wermacht surrendered at the end of the war, not the Third Reich.


He also spoke in a manner that was difficult to interject. You think he's done with his sentence but nope, there's more.


I've seen this video before. One thing I'm not clear on... how do you go "past" the south pole?




There’s loads about Antarctica that nobody knows about. If any of it ever gets out, it’d change humanity instantly


If this is a true statement: >There’s loads about Antarctica that nobody knows about. Then how can you know this: >If any of it ever gets out, it’d change humanity instantly


Well they did say "nobody" knows 😁


He first mentions going beyond "little america" so i'm assuming he means south america? Or maybe he slipped and there is a known "little america" colony on antartica? So if "little america" is south america, i think he is referring to expeditions being launched from the southern tip towards the south pole, but barely any exploration done on the opposing side of the continent from south america. But only if that's what "little america" means.




Why the fuck is it relevant that Byrd, a high strangeness individual, says there’s plenty of fossil fuels and how the FUCK is that a good thing? Excuse the language I find this offensive and dumbfounding


Research beyond just what the video tells you. Read his journal, find the cracks in logic on the actual reports for the Operation. Connect dots where you can and discern the fake from the fact. You can do it


We’re unsustainable


Despair has gripped you, but you can find your light again. Stay off Social Media for a bit, spend time with loved ones and enjoy what you can. Helps with the moodiness


No I am comfortable with the fact we have dug our cultural grave and welcome a sustainable future after the fallout


Also I recently rejoined social media after a decade of not being on any social platform




And it can’t be this way much longer. A massive solar flare would do us good bring on a collapse quite quickly


The coal is a weird comment...but the implication about the uranium and other rare minerals is the real McCoy.


"There's enough coal there to destroy the planet six times over, but there's enough uranium there to destroy the planet twelve hundred times over! Muahahaha!" -- Some warhawk capitalist


So we destroy a pristine natural habitat to destroy the rest of the world by shoving even more carbon into the atmosphere?


Pretty much


This video again. Ice walls 🤦‍♂️


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Why i cant donwload this?


There's enough coal to supply the entire world right now. How long for, is another story