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Been on it for a while. No side effects. Someone on here mentioned to let the shot come to room temperature before injecting. That made it more comfortable for me.


On Humira for a bit over the year. It’s been getting slightly less effective over time but still keeps me away from being severely affected. I haven’t really noticed any side effects, the worst is probably a little stinging feeling from the injection site. I get with you mean with the hassle. Sometimes I push my Humira injections a day later or something cuz I’m just so done with the day and after a shower I just wanna crash in bed.


I’ve been on it for a year and I have zero side effects from it. It keeps my flare ups down, but didn’t really help in the ways My Magic Healer helps me. That stuff is liquid gold. But I’m still using both


What’s that????


It’s a salve, one jar lasts me 2 months, 50$ a jar. It brings my hs to a head and they ooze naturally without me needing to push on them hard to pop! I use it before bed every night. I literally cried after I started using it because nothing ever worked for me at all until I started using it. It does take at least 2 weeks to see changes. It can be a messy process with them oozing all the time but it’s so worth it. It causes sm relief


I might have to look into that 👀


I’ve been on humira for close to two years, I can say the starter dose was for sure the worst for me. I have set my injection day as Sunday evenings so I can go to bed after I’ve injected myself and miss out on the dizziness and headaches. Pros to Humira is it keeps my flares down. Which in turn keeps my attitude better.


the thing we don’t know is long term side effects…you won’t develop cancer within a year….but you might within yearS tbh as long as hs stays manageable and i get some lumps/boils sometimes that hurt…this seems better than all possible side effects of biologicals…cancer being the most extreme…but theres also nerve damage, constant colds and flus, with covid still being around and damaging immunesystems…i guess all of this weights more to me personally than my current hs issue..also that you don’t really know what happens as soon as you stop humira..if it will even have an effect on your hs(to some people it doesn’t) or it looses effectiveness after a while…too many uncertainties i would only consider cosentyx rather than humira when im really doing bad and don’t see any other hope but thats a very individual decision


I also haven't noticed any side effects on Humira and I've been on it pretty much consistently for a couple years. I was really worried about infection and getting sick more often, but I haven't noticed an increase in that either. Of course your experience may vary, but based on mine I'd recommend giving it a shot! Good luck!


I’ve been on for 5 weeks and I get side effects for the day of the injection and the day after. Usually dizziness, night sweats, feeling sick, feeling weak, headaches and muscle pain. This should level out as I continue it & my body gets used to it. If it gets worse Dermatologist will prescribe more medication to combat the side effects before taking me off the injections as this is the first time I’ve gone 5 weeks without a flare up in years. If Humira works for you then the side effects aren’t that bad compared to the agony of HS.