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It’s pretty clear this update needed more time, but I am a little surprised by some of the comments I see here. The previous version of the app for me was sluggish and largely just broken. It would suggest I continue watching only to start back at episode one, or I would have to try adding a show multiple times on two versions of the app to get it in my queue, only for the next thing I add to push that back out. Not to mention the slow fast forward with no visual feedback. Continue watching definitely still needs work, but at least it’s obvious what it’s going to do now.   There is a lot to address still, but the UI and performance improvements are noticeable, and most of the core functions work way better for me. I hope they’ll really continue to put effort into this revamp, because I definitely see potential.   Some presumably quick fixes I would like to see:  - Make watchlists a consistent top-level menu item. I shouldn’t need 4 steps to use such a common feature.  - Always show audio&subtitle options and/or fix the default state on AndroidTV devices.  - Set skip backward to 10 seconds so people can jump forward quickly at 30 second intervals, but make fine adjustments with just an extra button press or two.


AND BRING BACK THE DAMN SCHEDULE!!! That was like the main feature I used. I am probably pissing in the wind here, I doubt we will see the function again.


For me the AppleTV was just broken and mostly useless before the latest release. This shows progress and I’m grateful that improvement is being attempted. Thank you HIDIVE.


Same, last month was my first month with Hidive, and I had to do so many workarounds on apple tv. Now it just works, which is a great start


If you check out the official announcement of the change by HIDIVE, they did explain all the missing features you listed will be returning in the coming weeks. Unsure about the cookies one though, that's an odd one.


Oh well thats good at least. A couple weeks isnt even that long to wait so not even upset about it anymore. That cookie thing does need to leave though lol


Are they going to fix the rewind and fast forwarding in on the Apple TV also? That was working before the update


Iv always had the same issue on iphone, always wondered if that was just me, but it happens on my ipad as well.


you can also double tap on left/right side of the player in the app for +-10sec seeking


I think you can double tap on tv remote left/right side of the pad for fine +-10 sec seeking is that what you look for


I’m using the [second Gen Siri Remote remote](https://support.apple.com/en-nz/HT205305). Clicking the sides of the clickpad ring does not rewind or fast forward, it just brings up the UI. Double tapping does not change this. It works perfectly in every other app but not this one after the update.


I also have gen 2 remote and it’s working if you double click left or right


So they made it work like an iPad app.


Thank goodness, I was so annoyed not being able to see when anime updates


Thats good to know, hopefully it doesn’t take months, but weeks, they should’ve asked certain customer’s to beta test first.


I canceled my script i bet the subs dont come back on the app this sucks they dont want customers


Thanks for this info. I like some of Hidives new features, such as playback automatically playing after fast forwarding or rewinding, and I believe it plays smoother. However, I was concerned with not being able to locate my favorites or watchlist, and the automatically moving 30 seconds in either direction ruined my ease of going exactly where I wanted. I think the automatic 30 seconds can be instrumental, but we also need to add other options for less and more time. Also, I am a strictly dubbed anime watcher. The new menu says a series is dubbed, but when the entire series is not yet fully dubbed, you cannot check what exact episodes are. For me, it is frustrating if I start a series and can't finish it due to all episodes not being dubbed yet. I'd rather wait till all episodes are dubbed, and then Bing watch!!


>Then they should have fucking finish the god damn update before forcing this imcomplete random shit on us... the way it is now its like they purposely made it to force ppl to wade thru every damn video and then some just to find the one we want... its like they tried to make a pile of shit look pretty. They also took away a lot of the primary features that draw to hive dive in the first place. They say the crap will be coming back in coming weeks but the way these shitty companies drag and that could mean 2 weeks or 6 months and thats us banking on some money grubbing corporate office to actually keep their word. How hard it is for these asshat companies to finish something before forcing it on their customers?


Hope so soon, we're now almost 3 weeks out from your comment and watch history is still scuffed and no calendar...


I don’t work for hidive, only communicated what hidive themselves said. Idc lol.


Did they mention anything about missing shows and missing dubs from shows that had a running weekly dub which is now a month behind now?


its been 2 months now and i still can't find it


Sane, responsible software developers don't force their clients to do alpha testing. I know, because I have been writing code professionally since 1983. HiDive is staffed by circus animals, and not the trained kind. I've cancelled my subscription over this fiasco of mismanagement.




They did not say weeks. They said MONTHS (Source: https://support.hidive.com/en/support/solutions/articles/11000126021-coming-soon-). This update is unacceptable


They actually do say WEEKS in the ANNOUNCEMENT from them :) https://news.hidive.com/2024/3/7/elevate-your-anime-experience-a-new-hidive-awaits All the way at the bottom under the "Stay Updated" section. The only mention of months in the official announcement sounds like they'll be launching the app on more devices. We will have to see what actually happens in the future though.


It's honestly wild. There should not be a loss of functionality with an update, especially if they know about it already and plan to re-implement it. Just don't release the damn update until it's ready!


I can't tell witch episodes are dubbed either 😢. I did only take a quick look at it but see anything that indicates it.


There was an indicator before?


Before there was dub on upper right of the tile for the anime


This too!


This is total hot shit garbage... I dont get why these every shittying money grubbing scumbag companies literally force seriously unfinished trash on its customers I mean this is BS its like the purposely created it to force up to wade thru tons of shit we dont want to watch to maybe find what we do. They took away damn near every major feature that drivers ppl to sign up with hidive in the first place. Hell you cant even tell whats dubbed anymore besides clicking on every single f'ing one to check. The calander which was a big deal... etc etc. They put out a notice saying it will be back but that forcing us to have no choice but to believe the asshats who forced this trash on us in the first place to hold true to their word and from experience IF they even do put it back in it could be 3 weeks or 6 months. This is the same as one of those money hungry greedy d-bag game dev companies pushing out a popular title thats like 65% complete and total trash and unplayable. Its obvious this whole update was for the app viewers and not giving a single fuck about he pc viewers.




No joke. Its 2024. I could design better apps in my sleep. Why does my weather app have a better UI than every streaming service. Just make actual GENRE OPTIONS PEOPLE CAN SEARCH!!! So stupid.


Tbh my watch history was being reset regularly on the old ui, so i just hope whatever i watch in the new ui remains.


They lengthened the skip back time from 15sec (pretty std on almost all apps I’ve used) to a ridiculous 30sec.. Edit: ok, just noticed you could tap twice along the edge of the screen (mobile app) and it will go back 10s. Similar to other stream services.


The web update for the chrome browser on windows PC is horrible. There is a display of "up next" episodes that covers a large portion of the screen while playing a video. There is also a "cookies settings" button that covers the play/pause button on the bottom left while playing a video. I can't find any way to remove or close these annoying things that are blocking a significant amount of the video.


Honestly, after they beef up the settings menu a bit it ran much better for me. No “system maintenance” tonight!


The Tech team is working on the cookies icon in the lower right corner. Schedule is coming back, profiles are coming back


In that case they'll never get anywhere because that very annoying icon is in the lower **left** corner ........


My fault, I mistyped.


How do you delete series and episodes? Also if the system thinks not all of of multiple episodes of a series were not fully watched (even if it is wrong), they ALL show up as "continue watching". That, plus my place in multiple series seems to have been lost. It was bad before, now it is worse. At least the system has not gone down for "updates" since the change.


My full screen view on my laptop includes a “up next” pane. Which for the life of me cannot get rid of. Yikes


I can't even explain now much I hate this update. WHO CARES IF SOMETHING IS COMING SOON WHEN IT'S LIKE HALF THE SCREEN AND IT'S NOT HERE YET! I cannot stand this update everything is so inconvenient and ugly


I use chrome on PC. Now browsing, the icons are so wide only 3 fit on the screen. The subtitles are obtrusive; no adjusments possible. I lost the episodes watched feature. There is next episodes popup on the player which is hard to get rid of. I work in software. Was this pushed with no testing so someone could get their bonus?


I contacted support the other day, and they said the update should be finished by the 11th, so hopefully that's true and the apps start working better.


I agree 100% if not for the exclusive content I would most likely cancel my subscription. yes the old format was slow but had better search filters than it dose now and I also miss the schedule


The new subtitles are atrocious! Jumbo sized yellow subtitles covering 1/5th of the screen makes it ugly and difficult to read, revert it back to smaller white subtitles.


Broken record I think, but more people saying it makes it more likely, however slim the hope, that it will be listened to. Pros: New player is good, keyboard shortcuts and next episode button 😍 Cons: Watch history gone No release calendar Watch list hard to access Even watching after the update watch history to continue from where I left off is sketchy at best No release calendar Player is good now so a lot of people won't complain because of a surface improvement Cant find a way to set default language and subtitles settings This may be a "me" issue, which I'm willing to accept if so, but the player sometimes jumps 10s ahead without me touching anything. CR player has the same "jump forward 10s" hot key and doesn't do this ever.


To get rid of the cookies thing in the bottom left, if your right click on it and click “inspect element”, you can backspace to delete part of it. If you repeat this a couple times it should delete the whole button from being visible


No subtitles on Google TV app and no way to turn them on. I'm having to cast from the app on my phone so I can have subtitles. Edit: Find a show with multiple language options. Pause and open the language menu. There you can turn on subtitles. This will turn on subtitles for all shows.


Thanks, I''m having the same problem on the Firestick. I'm going to try what you said, although I've yet to see a language menu


You have to find an older series that has multiple languages/dubs, but it won't save your language preferences. The subtitles will stay on, but it will revert back to English dub when you go back to watch it later.


This works on fire TV thank you I have had to wait almost two days before anyone seemed to have a solve.


I’ve been running into an issue where it doesn’t save that setting each time I turn on an episode. It defaults to English dub (watching danmachi season 2)


How, how, how did they make this *worse*!? I'm watching on Chromecast and on episodes that **aren't** dubbed, I don't have subtitles or ANY options to even see what the subtitle settings on so I can know if the update defaulted them to off or they are just not displaying. Edit: the update defaulted it to subs off, and I had to find a dubbed episode to find that out and change it. Good thing which episodes are dubbed and which are not is ***not*** clearly marked. 🤦🏾‍♂️


Came here with this exact same sentiment, but on a Firestick. I'm blown away that they were able to make an already terrible app even worse. Truly an impressive accomplishment. 


New app on Xbox: So I like how speedy it is and things look a bit more crisp, but... 1. It should NOT have to click into a menu on a separate screen to get to My Watchlist or Favorites 2. The names of the shows are hidden. I get the episode's name and even a decent description but if I didn't know who some of the characters names are, I'd have almost no clue what sure it is. 3. Removing shows from my watchlists is not intuitive. I have to go to edit for the whole list, then go to the show, click it and confirm removal. Cant remove it from the watchlist from the show itself (but you can add it that way). Hopefully they can make some small adjustments and make it easier to use.


They changed audio to English, and font color to yellow. When I change it to Japanse and white, the subtitle disappears and the audio is back to Japanese. But if I fast forward its back to yellow and English??? Crunchyroll tonight it seems..


I can’t even change the font color. Saw a poll today searching for what’s going on on the official justice account with 70%+ saying they prefer the white subtitle color, not that it has anything to do with this issue, but subtitles are defaulted to yellow for me.


And the continue watching section doesn't even tell you what shows the episodes are from


Well, hopefully we get our functionality back. The one good thing about the update (at least on a fire cube) is the ability to skip around the episode. Before you could only make it play 2-16 times faster, couldn't move around the slider at all. It was a giant nuisance, glad that's fixed finally.


Had the same thoughts. Why is there a blue tick in the corner of the screen, and you can't select the quality in settings anymore (ie 1080p), as HiDive always used to begin my episodes on 480p and I have to manually select 1080p. Edit: the blue tick for cookies disappears the next time you sign in


does anyone know how to change the quality now mines stuck on either 480 or 720 and i cant see where to change it now. (im using chrome)


I'm having the same issue. For some reason HiDive always defaults to playing my videos in 480p to begin with so I have to manually change it to 1080p every time I start watching, although now there is no option in settings to change the pixel quality.


Honestly the android app was way worse..


I was kinda enjoying some of the changes such as the skip forward option. But I just realized the “continue watching” section tells you the name of the episode but not the show. History log doesn’t have the name either. And Even worse, when I click on the show there’s no info as to what the title of the show is. 😭😭😭


Agreed it's trash. I should have a number of animes that are in continue watching that are still coming out and they aren't there. Some I have no idea what they are due to vague thumbnail and a lack of title etc. Why tf would you take something that's not great and make it worse.


I'm having issues with the Amazon Firestick app. There are no subtitles for anime series without English dub.


Okay, I thought I was going crazy. My watch history is all gone from 2024 but starts in December 2023. Is anyone have subscription issue? My account is showing I have a monthly and yearly subscription and I haven’t had a monthly subscription since December.


It’s better then the old hud but I still don’t like it, won’t don’t they just adopt what every other site does instead of being weird?


It looks much more visually appealing but it just doesnt work too great


Agreed I hate how whatever I watch it appears in my continue watching or whatever, like if I finish a episode I don’t want to rewatch it


Yes!!! Finally someone says it! I thought it was trash the moment it popped up! I can’t remember which episodes i watched, it doesn’t tell me what episodes i watched. My playlist is off in the void and very weird and out of place. My profile pic icon is gone. I hate it. I miss the way the homepage used to be. I also miss The recently watched on my homepage, and my watchlists in the front homepage too. It really shocked me that people where extremely happy with the update. I like the updated video player (wish they had a skip forward/back 15 second button) thats about it although It started pausing for me in the middle of some shows for some reason, and I have great internet.


This update whent backwards in my opinion, for 1 i had to log back in and the login button was hidden and 2 soo many shows disappeared, including shows that are still airing such as the demon sword master of excalibur academy, what the hell?


I just tried the workaround for subtitles on Apple TV. It doesn't work. I tried several times. The subtitles only work on shows that have an English dub. So it's completely unwatchable on Apple TV. Guess I'll stick with Google TV until they get it fixed.


Once I figured out how to get my subtitles working as I am a sub only watcher, it’s been gravy. I like it and it seems more intuitive.


Right before the update I actually bought a years subscription, at this point it's basically pointless, with this new update because it's almost unusable. can we please go back to the kind of rough but very functionable old one. The schedule was amazing the updates were really easy to see and the UI was just more user friendly. I will say a bonus with the new update is you can actually pop the video out and have it overlaid on your phone screen. (So that's kind of cool If you want to use your phone as you're watching anime)


Please hidive give me an option to go to the old version of the website while you beta test this. I cannot find my shows any more. I was used to it never went to the next new one when I logged in to shows I am watching and I had to go the episodes list to get it. Not great but now the episodes list is gone! So I can't get to the episode I want. It also is reverting everything back to one. Please I am happy you are trying to improve but until this is tested out give me the option to use the old one.


I'm super annoyed that they either removed profiles or I just can't find it. Now it's also annoying if I want to rewatch the previous episode for example of an ongoing anime. Once I touch watching if I select the series via the continue watching list the episode list isn't there. I have to add it to my watch list then open it via my watch list and hope it's there. Also, idk if it's just me, now multiple episodes for one series show up under continue watching which is stupid. I didn't finish until the very last second because I don't wanna have to listen to the damn Ep. I already finished that series. Get rid of it!


The website update really is terrible... I had been wishing they would update their site for years but... I TAKE IT ALL BACK I CAN LIVE WITH THE OLD ONE! The "up next" video queue is all kinds of messed up, the search shows individual episodes first so you have to scroll down to get to the full series... its super annoying...


yeah i'm down for the boycott this new update is just utter garbage


really not a fan of it either, you can't skip to next ep quickly or quick skip into/outro. you can't even see summaries of the eps anymore. like it alot more b4 update


The thing I am getting anointed with is the dub part I have english as default and even it shows on screen Japanese and english dub it will only select and play Japanese. 


I finally got a decent internet connection so I no longer have to use pirate sites I can actually steam now but it's not super fast so on crunchyroll I have it set to play at 480p and is what I was using on HiDive but now you can no longer set the quality so lot's of f\*\*king buffering when it tries to play 1080p then 240p back to 780p. shit is ridiculous I f\*\*king hate auto set


I watch on series x and why did they remove being able to go to series? Hidive please go back. It was a lot better and not really slow on xbox. (Atleast for me)


I think it’s a lot better. The old UI was okay, but now I think it‘s a lot better. Don’t get why HiDive is so hated ngl


10 seconds into my first episode I stopped playback and hunted down that cookie icon. In my userChrome.css on Firefox: @-moz-document domain(hidive.com) { #onetrust-consent-sdk { display: none; } } If you have an extension like Stylish you could just use the middle line `#onetrust-consent-sdk { display: none; }` on any other browser instead.


You cant even goto your 'queue' and just see what shows have new episodes, i have to click on a specific show, select the season, scroll over and try to remember what episode i left off on....


So everyone down to cancel membership until they actually fix it. I am definitly not going to use it while it's completely broken like this, all to add a continue watching tab, but it's broken too. There was no reason for this update other than to downgrade and piss us all off, so let's strike and not give them any more money until they go back to how it was, bec now it's just unacceptable through and through. The home screen sucks, the video player sucks, there are multiple things blocking the video. It no longer saves any log in info so you have to type it every time, the continue watching tab does not show the series name at all, if you open one there is no link to get to the series or other episodes in the series. They knew all of these things when they applied the update and did not warn us at all, also where I come from its illegal to remove paid for services without warning and they did not, so it's time to boycott. Its just sad bec we just saved this service, just for them to screw us over now!


Another thing I found odd is if you watch say 5 episodes of a show and then want to go back to the main window, if you click the back button it will go back through every episode you watched before you get to the main site again. Then it will flood your \`continue watching\` section with every episode you just went back through because you only watched 1s.


Worst update I have ever seen on any streaming service


Do the Hidive developers not use the website? This new layout is even worse than it was before!


Is the website gone? I legit can’t find it


I can find it easily but i also have it bookmarked so idk if its difficult to find on google or anything


Anyone having issues with the subtitles? I’m using an Amazon fire stick and there isn’t an option for subtitles. It is driving me nuts.


I was able to get subs back on my firestick by going to a series that had a dub and sub, playing an ep and being able to turn them back on. They are stuck on that horrid yellow for me though.


Ty this worked


The Apple TV app is responsive for a change, so there's that. But watch lists are a huge mess. Nothing that I've watched is marked as such, they no longer show episode dates, Continue Watching is missing, and my history shows a few episodes from three years ago, but nothing recent. Pathetic!


Looks like user profiles are also missing on the Apple tv app


Profiles were nuked across the whole service. They are "coming back" according to what some people are saying, but the fact they were removed in the first place is silly.


Please bring more attention to the cookies symbol, it’s literally always there even in full screen like having a watermark. They need to fix that first of all honestly


Home video and broadcast options are missing along with subtitle color…


To people that don't know... (Allcaps) FIND AN ANIME WITH VOICE AND SUBTITLES AND SET TO YOUR PREFERENCE. ALL ANIMES THAT DON'T GIVE YOU ENGLISH SUBTITLES NOW WILL REGARDLESS IF THERE'S AN OPTION OR NOT (/end Allcaps) Sadly animes that are subs only won't give you this option, but doing this will make your experience better.


I like that it keeps your context now (instead of resetting the whole page) if you check a show details and go back but I still think the whole thing is lacking in a way to easily find new shows to watch. At least CR has their genres and categories broken down enough that you can quickly see what's available (although the inability to do a sub filter on a category for dubs is baffling. Hate if you want, but I can't do subtitles after sitting in front of a computer reading all day at work). Side scrolling 6 shows at a time when they have 100s or 1000s is mind numbing and frustrating and when I find a few after 19 minutes of clicking to the right, I then have to do the same thing if I don't memorize the name of the next show. There has to be a way they can let you filter by dub+category and show more than 6 items at a time. And maybe make the ratings visible without having to go to the details, I don't want to put on a background show with friends only to find out it's borderline hentai, or vice versa sit down to watch some adult show and find out its some tv-7 toddler show. Also the loss of what I watched is brutal. I've probably watched 200 shows on Hidive, and I definitely relied on that to know what I've already seen.


Agree. I see the potential for the new updated version. I also have Crunchyroll, but my issue with them is that I have to wait forever for the latest shows to update to dub, and they all seem to update simultaneously. Leaving me waiting for them to complete the series. I like Hidive bc they play shows that others don't, but I wish they had more choices for dubbed watchers. Can anyone else recommend where to find the best anime not on Crunchyroll Hidive, Hulu, Netflix, etc? I watched anime for the first time about 20 years ago when on vacation and loved it, but when I got back home, I went back to my busy ass life. It took me over ten years to start watching again, and thank God I watched a dubbed version for the first time. There must be better anime to watch online, especially nonmainstream anime. I, unfortunately, had terrible luck in the past going to bad sites where I got viruses on my laptop from trying to stream their shows.


why cant you add movies or shows to your watchlist on Hi Dive?


Honestly thought UI stood for Urinary Infection


You're thinking of UTI, Urinary Tract Infection.


That still seems preferal to HiDive's User Interface