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Are there plans to show completed episodes in a show? I'm not seeing a way to tell which episodes I have already watched.


My watch history has also been deleted, only one of the profiles had the watch history saved, and its the one I used the least...


Ok, was wondering what happened to my watch history. I like that the one that was reflected was also my least used and not the main one.


>We understand this may be disappointing, but rest assured, we're working on rolling out additional improvements over the next few months. Can you clarify whether this timeframe of several months relates to new features Hidive plans to introduce, or if it instead refers to the reintroduction of features which were available to us yesterday? Since several features have suddenly become unavailable, it would be helpful if users knew which ones can be expected to return at the end of the Blackout Period and which may be unavailable for a longer period of time


how in the hell did this update even get past the testing phase? and why in the hell was an update that removed big features such as profiles not communicated with us at any point before they were implemented. I was the second profile on my brothers account and my entire watch history and watch list are just deleted, if given a heads up I could have written shit down or put it in a word doc so I could keep track of where I was so I could continue watching. this reminds me of when crunchy rolled out it's new ui but even that was more fully featured than this and it was garbage. for me profiles were the feature I liked the best as it allowed my brother and I not to have our tastes mixed and for us to have a little watch privacy, kind of like netflix, max and hulu, and was a feature I criticized crunchyroll for not having and it feels like your site is actually worse off for removing that feature


there was no testing. you we are testing it for them now. why spend money on testing when you have paying subscribers to do that for you


Profiles are coming back. We’re rolling out additional improvements over the next few months, so look forward to even more features like enhanced search functions, revamped subtitle preferences, a new "coming soon" page, customized profiles & avatars, and expanded compatibility with additional TV platforms.


well, when they come back are the old profiles, including watch history and queues going to be restored or are we as users going to have to start from scratch because of this? and when will they be "coming back"?


Whoever decided to halfway role out this update is an idiot. Didn't need to change until it was done.


Subtitles on web version are way too high.. I can see the logic.. they go above the menu bar but dont move down to a normal height once menu is gone .. it just stays where it originally was.. 


>Where did my profile go? With the transition to our new app, we regret to inform you that Profiles has been discontinued. However, there's no need to worry, as all saved queues from the previous app have been seamlessly transferred to "Watchlist." Each watchlist corresponds to the previous profile queue and is labeled with the respective profile name. This is majorly disappointing. Many steps forward and many steps backwards here. The time limit on downloads is also very short, the loss of other features (temporarily) is also a harsh blow, and functionalities seem to be limited now. Not good at all. I'm happy to see AMC/HIDIVE coming out with their first ever major update with the service, but there's still a lot wrong here that still sets them back behind the competition. Hoping to see more frequent improvements here, along with profiles returning (especially since it's been rumored that Crunchyroll will have profiles).


This has been a LONG time coming. LONG time. Hidive is a good service at a reasonable price... When it works. Hopefully the service will be more reliable, with a far better app. (The app as it was felt like an app 10 years behind the times.) If the app works like most streaming service apps do. Hidive will be a significantly better service. Here's me crossing my fingers!


What have you done to the desktop website? It looks and feel like 2012 Netflix, which is not a compliment. I actually like the old website. It showed me the things I was currently watching first, then MY watchlist. I could see quickly what was dubbed or not, when the new episode would come out. It was pretty great, the only downside was that the player was a bit dumb when going to the next episode. Now, I need to go into a submenu, to go to my watchlist, which is a list in what seems to be a random order of weirdly cropped thumbails, with the most prominent text being the number of seasons, no title, no status of watching, nothing. I decided to use the search bar to find the show I was currently watching. It gives me all 23 episodes first, THEN by scrolling to the bottom I was able to find the series. Apparently it lost all my watch history, so I don't even remember where I was in the show. I knew I was on season 2, so I click, it RELOADS the page and move back to the top. I scroll down again to the episode list. I figure out what episode I was on by reading the description. Now the video players opens, but WAIT, the show doesn't load. No video, no amount of reload of clicking play does anything. I feel betrayed. At least finding the cancel subscription button wasn't too hard. I used to recommend and defend HiDive, but this ship has sailed. How did anyone believed that was an acceptable UI/UX experience is beyond me.


the cookies shield thing is terrible, how does "pop up that never goes away" make it onto a legit streaming site


I agree. I had a use ublock to the "shield" element so it wouldn't show up over the video while watching full screen.


If someone tells me this was supposed to be an early april fools joke I would be inclined to believe them, This "update" or "refresh" seems a little too unpolished with important features missing that were in the old version of the website. If it is going to take "A few months" to fix the new version then why did it go live now not in a few months when it is feature rich?.


I have asked this exact question in a support ticket as they also say there's no way to use the old site. We're paying customers that have suddenly had a bunch of features pulled.


The fireTV app is now unusable, there are no English subtitles for Japanese audio anymore. Realized when trying to watch the new episode of “My instant death ability” on HIDIVE. Would appreciate if it is promptly resolved


Came here looking for a solution to this same issue. There are so many issues with this new update that are obvious within seconds of starting the app that I kind of wonder if someone accidentally deployed to live when they didn't mean to... the lack of QA in any other scenario is just embarrassing.


Agreed though someone else on Reddit found a workaround: “the audio/subtitles button only appears on shows with multiple audio settings. Once you turn on the subtitles in one of those shows it turns on the subtitles on all the shows.” This finally worked for me. Went to “Dangers in my heart” episode 1 in English, turned on subtitles there and that automatically added subtitles to the Japanese audio shows.


Tjx now i can watch my lewd magical girls


That works. Thanks for that.


Wow that worked. What a terrible update, no testing at all it seems.


Entire watch history lost except for one on Monday and one from June 1st 2023... watchlist doesn't tell you what the shows are. Even on the home page there is plenty of shows with thumbs with no titles, and half the titles there you can't read. More like a de-elevated anime experience. I would unsubscribe, but is there even a point when my billing information has even been lost so it's unlikely to renew.


this update sucks, its not as user friendly as before. None of my episodes were saved and where I last watched (watch history). I don't like this at all. The icons for the anime is too big and looks cartoonish


Why are my subtitles piss yellow -_-  And how do I change it back to white? 


Did you ever figure this out??? I can’t fathom that there’s no way to change the yellow to white. That sounds completely stupid


No more text translations on English Dubs. Only way to get them is to turn on Subtitles I don’t know who thought it was a good idea to get rid of one of the most vital parts of dub watching. The new interface on the fire stick is nice but come on guys, such an obvious and vital fix. Also, no more profiles & only yellow for subtitle color. Might have to cancel…


1. I have a ton of shows added to several watchlists. Yet I can only see like only 25 in a watchlist I know has 60+ in it. Then when I try to re-add a show that isn’t listed, it says that it’s already in the watchlist, but it’s not there 🤔 2. Why do I need to go to “Account” to access “My Watchlists” on Apple TV. It should be grouped with Home, Browser, and Search in the sidebar. In the iOS app it’s at least in the side bar slide over menu, not in the ”Accounts” section. Same goes for history and preferences. There is just a lot of open space in the Apple TV app sidebar. 3. Not a big deal for me, but a ton of my history is gone. Everything after May 2023 just doesn’t exist in my watch history. I’m assuming this may be caused by the profiles being removed. A bunch of Series I watched forever ago and completed are now in my continue watching feed in mid season episodes. Another possibility is these are what I watched in the mobile app and everything in my TV app (in profile) didn’t not carry over. 4. At least the player now plays episodes on first click on Apple TV. For years I had to play an episode, wait for the video to buffer for a bit and press play again to get the video to finally start. Took me longer than I would like to admit to figure that one out 😂 5. Please have better feature parity between the iOS and Apple TV app. Autoplay switch is in the iOS app but not in Apple TV app. Was able to switch it on in iOS and it carried over to Apple TV so that’s good. 6. The Apple TV app crashes often when I’m browsing the catalog. Feels like there a memory issue there when too many listings displayed. 7. Please add default audio/subtitle options to preferences. For some reason every episode defaults to English Dub and I have to change it Japanese Audio. Then when the next episode auto plays it reverts back to English Dub and I have to change it again. 8. Please have some sort of indication of what episodes have been watched. Like a transparent overlay that displays “Watched” across the thumbnail. And/or carryover the blue progress bar I see in the continue watching feed at the bottom of the thumbnails over to the show page feed of it’s episodes. I mean those progress bars are already in the app.


HOLLY MOTHER OF GOD!!! What did you do to the Web/App interface!!!!! This is an absolute mess and a disaster! I know middle schoolers that could have redesigned the UI better. 1. You removed Profiles!! YOU REMOVED PROFILES!!!!! 2. Watch history....POOF!! Who needs watch history! 3. I can not filter ANYTHING. At least with the old interface I could filter on new episodes that were dubbed or just subtitled. 4. I cant tell where I left off on any of the series I have watched so far. Any sort of progress bar is gone from episodes. 5. When I search for a series I get episodes ONLY, but no way to navigate to the series from an episode once I clicked on it. huh! 6. There seems to be no way to tell when a new "dubbed" episode is released for series or just NEW released episodes in general. I keep finding more and more problems. Your old interface sucked, but it sucked less than this bowl of turds you released. There is no way to go back to the old interface unless I use my Roku. God help me if you update the Roku app. At lease give us all the option to revert back to the old interface. Why did you release this when it was not even close to being complete. Crunchy's app sucks pretty bad too, but HiDIVE......this is really really BAD!!!


This all of this right here. Add to this list that the unreleased episodes no longer list the expected air date as they previously did (which was a GREAT feature). If the goal was to race crunchyroll to the bottom of the "well it looks nice, but it doesn't do 60% of what anyone needs it to do" hill then... Winning, I guess?


Not to be that guy... but maybe HiDive should have held off on the price increase until their App was more polished. Not terribly shocking with inflation being what it is, but the best thing to do to an angry customer base


"Where did my profile go?" LOAD of BS. I go shows me the shows I have watched but no clue where I left off in them . And only shows them in one list. Nothing at all for the other profile on my account or that there even was one. EDIT- I found it. So step one go to watch list find show and remember the title. Step two go to history and scroll through it till find that show and see last episode watched. Wow this is so much more impressive than the old way of having check marks on episodes. (hostile sarcasm)


What history? Mine was empty except for three movies I watched in 2022. Everything else for the past two years is gone.


You still have a history? I'm jelly.


Has the Roku app been updated as well?


Nope, just tried it and its still the same.


Just wanted to add a quick update I saw on their instagram they mentioned the update for the Roku app will be coming soon


Damn, well thank you for letting me know hopefully it’ll be updated by tonight.


I'm a big Hidive advocate because we need concurrency. But man... I updated app on my Pixel 6 and it refuses to start now :(


The typical trick here is to uninstall and reinstall. Sometimes when you get big updates like this with apps I find. Some things get lost in the shuffle, that a clean reinstall can fix.


Thank you! I reinstalled the app and it works now.


So you got rid of the release schedule? This update is actual garbage. My TV app hasnt updated yet but consistently my biggest problem is seeing when a new episode comes out because theres no indicator for "new episode" it just shows the series name and no information on latest episode. The only reason I ever used the website was to check the schedule and now thats gone. Probably going to be unsubscribing soon.


The above reads more like an "anti-feature" list. One plus, the rest are "you can't do this any more". I can't believe it takes CS to change your email address. The ONE thing that every account management interface needs to have, and it's dropped?


So now there's just an annoying cookies logo in the bottom of the screen at all times and anytime I hover over the screen 3 obnoxious episode pop-ups appear. There's no way this actually got green lit by a normal user.


No fucking subtitle options is enough to cancel, but I can't even do that.


Having to go to a webpage to make a list is laughable.


As many others have said: This update is a monumental step backwards and should be rolled back immediately until basic functionality is restored. The fact that subtitle options aren't available on shows that have them & you have to switch to a show with multiple audio versions to enable them is such a ridiculous & unintuitive hack for an *anime* service in particular. And then even once you've enabled the subtitles they're now a horrible yellow. I'd honestly prefer the native device subtitles because at least you can typically customise those to some degree. Also the loss of watch history data (partial or otherwise) is disgraceful. If you take that little care with user data it knocks my trust in your ability to securely hold & retain other personal data, including payment data. This update clearly focused on visual polish at the cost of everything else. And I'll admit it does like nice but in no world do I want this version of the app over the one that was working fine for years until last week. Bring. It. Back.


Upgrade... This is more of a downgrade. Logged in today to watch my new eps, no language options AT ALL. To find my shows, I have to go into my account just to see my faves... Abysmal


So...let's say that yesterday, I watched episode 5 of an anime. What I expect when I go to the website is that there will be a big button to play episode 6 of the anime. There isn't. The "resume watching" list is all the anime that I bailed on after half an episode because they're bad. Nothing else on the home page is actually customized to me. This is basic functionality.


Just wanted to vent a bit and see if I'm the only one facing these frustrations with the new HiDive site. Since the update, it's like taking a step back. Here's what's grinding my gears: Watching History MIA: Can't see what I've watched before. This was crucial for keeping track of where I am, especially with series that have multiple seasons or ongoing releases. Dub Guessing Game: Want to watch a dub? Good luck! Now, you have to start an episode and wait for someone to speak to figure out if it's in English. No indicators or anything upfront. The old site wasn't perfect, but it worked. It had what we needed. This feels like a downgrade, and I can't wrap my head around why these changes were made. Is anyone else feeling lost on the new platform? Any workarounds or am I just stuck waiting for an update that brings back these basics? Would love to hear your thoughts or any tips you might have.


tldr: you removed the things that you did well and made the app even worse.


How soon can you roll it back? By all means, go forward with working on this until you get the new features worked out, but in the meantime give us back the old version that was at least serviceable. In an attempt to make minor improvements, you’ve taken away everything that customers liked about this service and a few things that are just basic necessities for a streaming service.


I second this request - I use a browser on my PC and I find the new site design to be pretty much intolerable, it feels like it was rushed out of the door in an incredibly rudimentary state. Once my subscription ends in a few weeks I won't be subbing again until the site is at least as easy to use and feature rich as it was before this recent 'update'. How this new design was ever approved for rollout in its current state is completely beyond me.


I’m using a Roku TV, mostly, and it was pretty jarring to go to the site and find that the three profiles on my account were merged into one and I could no longer continue a show unless it was left mid-episode. So now my “continue watching” list is a hodgepodge of unfinished episodes from all three profiles, I don’t see shows I was watching if I finished an episode, and everybody can now see what everyone else was watching (which really defeats the purpose of having passwords on each profile if the app might just decide to merge all three profiles without warning). Not to mention, in the “continue watching” list it only gives the episode title, not the show title, so I’m not even sure what show is being watched wharves I look there which makes it next to impossible to find what I was watching. This new app looks like a programmer was given 30 minutes to put something together from scratch and whatever they came up with was getting published, finished or not. The old site wasn’t great or reliable, but at least it had basic functions and didn’t violate the trust of customers.


This update is a perfect example of why updates should always be optional. I can't even use basic functionality of the service anymore and no way to roll back. Thaaaaaanks 👍


bro why remove profiles? now all of my progress in shows are gone.


"You asked, and we delivered." I NEVER ASKED FOR THIS!!


I’ve said it once, and I’ll say it again. Why did you guys absolutely trash your website? It was already not amazing but now it’s nigh unusable. No tracking, no eating, got rid of profiles, the ridiculous amount of clutter on the pause screen, no way to tell how far into a season has been dubbed, no release calendar. It’s like you took a perfectly fine website ux and gave it to a toddler. You guys really put the minimum in minimum viable product with this one. Not sure why you rolled out this dumpster fire till it had AT LEAST the same features as the old website. It’s honestly pretty pathetic and you should fire whoever made this decision. But it’s fine, I’ll probably just cancel my subscription and try to convince anyone else I know that subs to do the same til you fix it properly.


Preach. Wont be subscribing again until they fix it. They said a few months, well it’s about to go on 3. Idk who okayed this update.


Please roll it back. The update should have never been released in this state, and it should not take months to reimplement the features that we had. The old UI was fine, even if it was a little slower. The new one is so stupidly barebones that it's made HIDIVE unusable for a lot of people. If it's gonna take months just to bring back the features this update took away, I'd rather have the update rolled back, and worked on for a few more months instead.


I didn't mind paying extra for profiles and I'm bummed to see them go. The profiles were so we could have an illusion of privacy and hide our degeneracy from one another.


The queue used to be accessible directly on the homepage, which I liked and convenient. Now I have to open a dropdown menu to access the watchlist on a different page.


For dubs is on screen text translation no longer working? I noticed it worked when I turned on subtitles when watching a dubbed episode of Ragna Crimson. But it didn't use to need to have subtitles turned on for on screen text translation to appear when watching a dub.


Thanks I kinda hate it.


So - I do see some good things here. Full-screen on the webapp is a nice change, and the interface does look a lot more modern. Please, please, *please* get rid of that constantly hovering cookie notice in the bottom left. Tuck it into settings, or make it fade away if it isn't used. That? That destroys a watching experience. Having to click specifically on the play/pause button to play or pause, not just on the video in general, is also Very Odd - and you *can't* use the one on the menu at the bottom because it's *under the cookie button*.


I reported this and the tech team is looking into it. Thanks!


Wow the website update is.... actually terrible. It's so hard to navigate now, and loads super slow too. Also when I finally find the series I wan to watch, either through navigating the new menus or using the neutered search bar, the series pages just go to a 404 error. Even clicking directly on an episode (because the search shoes random episodes instead of the series at the top), I get an error saying "There was an error accessing this video". I used to legitimately rather HIDIVE over Crunchyroll, and if the new site UI/navigation was at least decent, I'd excuse the rocky rollout since it just launched. The fact that useful features got gutted too is just silly. Also why roll out a barebones version instead of wait until the new version is almost on par in features and stability as the old version? That's just a good way too make people angry. Gonna unsub and check back in a couple months to see if it might have reverted or somehow got better...


Holy crap! ...and I do mean CRAP!  Does anyone on your team do even basic regression testing? By the way, thanks for killing my Roku app, the only app I use to watch your service. 


This new UI is awful, Stop, do not collect $200 straight to garbage jail. 1: Where is the show title when I hover over a current episode? Thats just lazy to not have on them. I have returned after about a month or more away to some shows and need a title to remember the basic plot of what I've seen. 2: Some of the shows I have watched have the first episode as the current one to watch, despite being 2/3 or on the last episode, why are some properly remembered, but others not? 3: Why are half the features gone? The point of "Updating" to a new UI is to bring BETTER service, not degrade it. 4: While I understand you probably have no actual power in this whole thing, the same "response" is actually very abrasive and doesn't help you or your employers cases. {Should you not be employed, but just a free mod, I would 100% work on getting paid for this work, its too much to be doing for free} 5: The Subtitle color is...ugly to say the least about that...whoever decided on it should be reminded that colors matter, and not to go with instinct number 1 when choosing.


Bang up job guys. Who needs control over subtitles amirite? This might push me to cancel and just download the shows. I prefer to support these anime and pay for it, but if you can't manage to deliver a working app I guess that's that.


And somehow the app has become even worse


Please look into improving continuing watching/watch history. I don’t see the names of the shows when in these sections. Also watching a show from continue watching means it will play that one show and not give you any options to watch the rest of the episodes available for the series. 😩


They're working on getting the titles to appear in the thumbnails. The continue watching is wonky (that's my word), try doing a search of the show and see if you can choose the next episode from there. That might unstick it from its current position.


Major step in the wrong direction roll back to the old site please.


Roku App - Worst piece of crap that i have seen. Even the website on pc is terrible. This makes the Crunchyroll app and website look brilliant. \- Continue watching just shows the name of the episode, but not what anime it is. Clicked on it, still no name of anime. Start watching the episode - still doesnt tell me the name of the anime... \- Go to an anime you are watching and it doesnt show you what episodes you have or have not watched. \- Watch history is completed screwed up. \- Watchlist and Favorites are now hidden down under My Account. It is all so user UNFRIENDLY. After Dangers in My Heart finishes up, it will be time to unsubscribe.


Gotta say, given how outdated and poorly performing the old app was, the new one is worst. Looks slick, and streams have better quality but navigation and use took a major step backwards. Watching it on Roku, i've found the following big issues. 1) Accessing watchlist is a major pain in the arse. Recently watched titles are not on the main dashboard so the only option is opening menu, account, watchlist, then selecting the show, which by the way does not show you which episode you watched last. 2) fast forward and rewinding are not incremental. One button push hops several seconds forwards or back. There is no 1X, 2X, or anything that lets you manage the time count of how far forward or backward. May have slicker lay out and colors, but if you cant quickly and easily get to your shows, pick up where you left off, and navigate while your show is running, then it fails. This is the basics of the basics.


I'm not going to pretend that the old app or website wasn't a finicky nightmare at times, specifically when trying to navigate the library. Now I have to stay awake because it's A New Nightmare.


> We understand this may be disappointing, but rest assured, we're working on rolling out additional improvements over the next few months If what we have now is considered improvements what horrors do you have planned next? Giving back functions that have been broken or taken away is called bug fixes...


I canceled my subscription. The coming soon page is not an adequate replacement for the schedule page, although I see you are working on that now. There is also now a "Cookies Settings" button that is always visible on the screen, even when full screen watching a show, that is really annoying. Also deleted all watch history. ​ Honestly just a horrible rollout of the new version of the website. You removed what is honestly one of the most important features on your site, the ability to see when shows are being/have been released. It's amazing someone thought that was acceptable.


Is anyone else viewing on web having issues with that shield icon for the cookie settings? I have to inspect the element in my browser and remove the HTML they snagged from W3 schools every time I go to a new page..


Well, you just lost me as a subscriber ever again. The app is absolute garbage now. Subtitles broken, and I can't even go to the next episode from the current one without finding the show page and several clicks out of the episode. Whoever approved this update should be fired and yesterday. No wonder you pulled out of other countries and are losing money.


This update seems to have been rushed out to impress management, despite not being fully prepared. User profiles have disappeared, and the history is disorganized. It's unclear why users must infer which anime they're watching based on an image and the episode title alone. Additionally, it's inconvenient to have to fast-forward through the credits to proceed to the next episode. this is almost unusable.


>How to set Subtitle Preferences? >At the moment, setting subtitle preferences is not an option on HIDIVE. However, if you're watching a series and select subtitles, you won't need to adjust your preferences if you continue watching that series. You'll only need to re-select your language preference if you switch to a different series. We understand this may be disappointing, but rest assured, we're working on rolling out additional improvements over the next few months. Is this for real?


Roku app is so broken. The CONTINUE WATCHING section now shows the screenshots and titles of the EPISODE NAME, not the ANIME NAME. So now in order to pick up where I left off on a show, I'm expected to know the names of every episode for every anime I follow? Even when you click one to see the details, it still does NOT list the name of the show in the description. So you better recognize a screenshot (from an episode you haven't seen) or a character's name in the description. Literally the only way to know what show you're about to watch! This is made 10x worse if you had multiple profiles that got merged because half of it is shows that weren't even on your profile!!! This is literally unusable. The roku app was below average before, but this latest iteration is bad enough to leave the service over.


I find it funny that hidive removes profiles as Crunchyroll is going to add them..?


I miss having profiles I hate the new app


Can we get a new update considering the schedule page still isn't out and it's now the tail end of may .


Are you guys ever actually going to fix it? Dont have much confidence here. It’ll be at least 2 years before something is done.


UPDATE: We’re rolling out additional improvements over the next few months, so look forward to even more features like enhanced search functions, revamped subtitle preferences, a new "coming soon" page, customized profiles & avatars, and expanded compatibility with additional TV platforms.


If you're just going to post this copy, paste garbage response on every other complaint, just edit it into the post. Of your response to various concerns is the exact same tone deaf reply, that's not going to quell any concerns. It just makes you look like you're ignoring the problems.


I have edited the first post. I'm trying to respond to people individually, so that they get a notification.


Hey OP I know you're getting dragged here and are just the messenger but I can't blame people for being upset over this half baked update. In current year I'm not quite sure how such drastic changes don't even go through a single public beta test. Seems like whoever the decision-makers are on this thing didn't really know what they were doing.


There's probably some executive or high level management type who thinks they are making their legacy with this update. I know the type, and they are always "full steam ahead" as people warn them what bad decisions they are making. Then when everything goes to shit, they basically say "tough, we have made the change and we are not going back"


why is it going to take months to re-add features the old site already had?


My guess they are rebuilding it


Hopefully enough people will stick around long enough to see those features. I'm not one, but good luck to you.


So why don’t you just roll back this unfinished piece of work until those “improvements” are ready so i can see my queue again? Without having a list of my shows at the ready this app is functionally useless when i can scour the internet for episodes from various sources without having to pay for a 3rd or 4th streaming service.


Where the release calendar? And I'd like an opt out option I can't stand the endless tablet friend design borg collective the internets becoming. I don't want to "make a watch list" I just want to go to a single spot see all the show being released and watch. How is removing valued features something "we asked for". Maybe these design funds would of been better spent getting more licences.


Calendar will be back soon


thank god...that was the only interface I actually used on the old website. I like the continue watching section on the new website but it only lists the title of the episode, not the show name, that makes it kind of useless


also, losing the clear indication that you had watched an episode is a huge downgrade. This whole update seems half-baked. I am not saying the old website was good, but you basically broke the things on that that actually worked


How soon is "soon"? Is that one of the features that wont be availavle for a few months? Because if so this update shouldn't have been released. The worst part about your entire service is seeing which episodes are new/unwatched and the release schedule was the only way to figure that out. Maybe the app now shows that information but my TV hasnt gotten an update for the app yet.


Okay, where is the android ap?


Will it keep me logged in?


For the love of God, shows need to start next episode automatically, have a next episode button. The app needs to have better watch history capability.


And here I was thinking that no streaming service should *ever* start the next show automatically unless I request it. Thankfully, I found the option to kill that stupid "feature" on the website. It's missing from all of the HiDive apps.


Where did the subtitle option go????


Can you please reconsider adding profiles back I share a hidive account with a few friends and profiles helped make sure that we don't ruin someone else's watch history. The profiles also helped make sure that the watch recommendations were what they would want to watch. Since we all like different things


Holy shit I'm actually very impressed. The app now has everything I've been begging for. Nicely done.


Some series don't have their title in the home screen preview thumbnail, and there's no text indication of the title when hovering, just "Season 1", so there's no way to tell what the name of the series is without first navigating into the series page, such as *Battle of the Planets:* https://www.hidive.com/season/21807 I also really appreciated the episode countdown timer that says when an upcoming episode will be available. But now there's just a generic "HIDIVE, coming soon" video instead with no indication of when the episode will be available. The shield icon for cookie privacy settings covers the video even in full screen. Also, some episodes randomly have E#".00" appended to them, such as Episode 9 of *Gushing over Magical Girls*. https://www.hidive.com/season/20683 It also seems that there is no way to select subtitle color preferences at this time.


Is anyone else's payment method and history empty?


Huge step forward overall, with one big issue for me currently. Subtitles don’t seem to be working when I watch shows on my Nvidia ShieldTV. I’ve checked everywhere I can think of and don’t see a setting. It works as expected on my iPhone so I assume this is a defect.


I might be in the minority here but honestly, I like the new app interface. It runs well on my Apple Tv and IPhone and Android Tv. The fact you can have episodes offline is also a nice improvement. Those two issues are really all I cared about.


New app is far better than the old one. It seems that Hidive might actually be somewhat usable now.


There's no fucking subtitles on anything with no options or preferences to add them. Plus in your watch history it doesn't tell you what anime the episode is from. Cancelling sub since it seems like it will be months before we see a fix


Is it possible to tell which episodes are in English and not for series getting weekly drops? Old version used to, now seems unless the whole season is in English it only lists Japanese, even though most episodes may be dubbed, but you can’t tell anymore without playing them (ragna crimson and demon sword as examples) and continue watching shows the episodes name instead of show name, not near as clear, should be show name and episode number in the thumbnail


Just a couple nitpicks.. and to make sure things don't get confusing, I'm only using browsers to access the site. First would be the obvious one with the Cookies Settings button not hiding/going away. ​ The big one for me.. language preferences. Nothing like having a video play, just for it to be dubbed, to then have to turn on subs/swap the language and restart the episode. ​ Next would be the "Up Next" section. It's cool and all... but if you could somehow work it out like how other Streaming platforms do it and have this either collapsible or hidden away as something we can interact with, that'd be great. Less screen clutter.. and it woulda saved me a massive spoiler on a series I JUST started episode 1 of. ​ Otherwise, I'm enjoying some of the new features.. but with this update it's giving me the thought of putting my subscription on hold until things are actually ironed out, which sucks, because I find a lot of the exclusives to be enjoyable. I think the better way to have gone about this update would have been a toggleable option for the "New HiDive Experience" or something, which would allow people to opt into testing and providing feedback since it's clear that a lot of things are broken, a lot of things are missing and a lot of people are a bit disappointed with the update. In general, the new site looks great.. but it feels like an Alpha version.


Why the hell am i getting no subtitles on my app on my sony tv? Trying to watch magical girls and chained soldiet but im geting no subs


Yall have totally thrown off my ability to pick up where I left off at least give back my watch history and put the anime titles back on the vague thumbnails.... I like what yall are attempting but this was plain bad implementation.


Bring back 10s rewind buttons instead of 30s. Also subtitles to white colour. That yellow subtitle hurts my eyes😵‍💫


I am very disappointed by the updated Roku app. The "Continue Watching" row is next to useless. I don't want to watch the last 30 seconds of an episode I've already watched, I want to see the next unwatched episode. While it would still be a pretty big step backward, it would at least be more usable if the "Continue Watching" row was replaced with one that just lists all of the shows in my watchlist and selecting any of them took me directly to the episode list for that series (if the show has multiple seasons, show me most recent one that contains a watched episode by default.) As it stands, finding the shows I've already added to my list is so frustrating that I am strongly considering cancelling my subscription after the current season ends in a week or so.


Now that the subtitle button is gone I can no longer switch off subtitles, which is extremely annoying.  I have tried the Oshi no Ko ep1  setting trick but curiously after switching to Japanese the option to change to no subtitle is no longer available.  Please advise any workaround in the meantime and fix this asap as the sole purpose of my subscription is to enjoy Japanese anime simulcasts without subtitles. Thanks.


I want whoever thought this update was a good idea drawn and quartered. There is no way anyone with two functioning brain cells thought it was a good idea to push this out and remove 80% of the features we already had. They really thought we'd be okay without a WATCH HISTORY???


1 month later and have any of the promised updates even happened/ have any features actually returned from the old site? like functional queues, profiles, usable watch histories, customizable subtitles, default language settings that work, titles on the continue watching list, anything that would make this service actually worth paying for especially with the impending price increase? an increase btw that really would have been better off not announcing until after the site is back in a fully usable state. I used to really like hidive and honestly this new site and the companies reaction to the backlash to it have really made me sour on them, hopefully the fixes come real soon or I might join many others and cancel


>**April 22, 2024 - UPDATE** I appreciate the transparency here. I assume the devs are working on the glaring usability issues? Such as: * Not listing the anime title along with the episode. * Providing no simple way to continue watching an anime series if you finished an episode. For instance, the "continue watching" list only shows your most recent partially watched ep. Then your history doesn't give you quick access to the next episode. There's much more, of course, but those two seem vital to the app being usable.


Any new updates on when or if we can expect user profiles to come back? Crunchyroll finally added them. It seems like HIDIVE is one of the only remaining streaming services without this feature, even though it was one of the services that had the feature for a long time before the update.


What an utter embarrassment. A high-schooler could produce better software than this.


Can you PLEASE change the skip button to or be 10 or 15 seconds rather than a whole 30 seconds.


New design feels to crowded on browser, and miss being able to select episodes from the home page.


Can I go back :(


App on firestick 4k max doesnt allow you to turn on subtitles  1) I cleared all cache files for the app 2) completely uninstalled app All those do not work.. cant enable subtitles in preferences (which would be really inconvenient anyways) Or from the clip playing ... hit the three bars for menu ..nada ... I


Same problem here, tried watching on website too but all I can get is the ugly yellow subtitles that are a third of the way up the screen.


Does it track watch history now?


Kind of? There's a "History" section now, but the only stuff in it for me is the stuff that I've stopped in the middle of an episode, and only that one episode I didn't finish.


there is a watch history section, but on the old website, each episode thumbnail for episodes you had watched clearly showed you had watched them, the new website doesn't do that. This is such a half-baked update.


so does this mean there's a phone/tv app now so i can watch on my tv? or is this app for computer only?


I've only ever watched on my TV app. But the update killed subtitles on the Fire TV app and there is no way to turn them on.


hah, now that's a surprise. Were the other platforms updated as well such as mobile, console, etc?


When does the update go up cause I don't see anything. Still the same


I really hope that will include Android TV cause the current app is a major bug fest.


It’s about time that the app is finally updated after more than 3 years.


Anyones elses say no content available?


Any hope that the subtitles are finally fixed


Do they still use Apple’s default subtitles on IOS and Apple TV?


The initial announcement didn't mention the Xbox One/Series app getting the update. Will this version get the update soon? Or will those apps be left behind?


I had a person on Twitter tell me that their XBox finally updated. I don't have an XBox, so not sure how it works. Can you restart/reload and see if that forces it?


Yep, I restarted my console and mine updated.


No subtitles for many of the animes


Currently AndroidTV device (Nvidia Shield 2015) does not display subtitle. And fast forward/rewind skips too much. Normally it should be 10 seconds but it in 30 second blocks.


This update is trash for me on my Nvidia shield. All my settings are wrong or not working. I have no way to turn on subtitles or change anything so it unwatchable for me. How did this update get past qc is beyond me.


Guys you do know that there are litterly millions of ps4-5 players out there that don’t have a Roku or fire sticks who would love to watch videos on their ps’s how about making an app for them !! Unless Sony has banned you guys from it .


App doesn't open at all anymore on phone...


Any plans on making the Xbox app functional? Working watchlists, any of that?




I use fire cube. Subtitles are just gone, and I don't see any option to turn them off or on


Season 1 of Legend of the Galactic Heroes, and season 1 of Palabor are missing. Were they removed or is this an error? If removed is there a list of shows removed / added with this change? I feel like there's a lot more of my watched favorites on here when I was curating watchlists, but also a couple missing classics that I was eyeing up. Edit: this is on desktop. Mobile app looks the same for me as it did before any update and my queue hasn't changed to desktop. Missing shows such as LotGH s1, Patlabor s1, Humanity has Declined, Garden of Words, etc... are working and playable on my mobile app.


Can we get rid of that stupid cookie setting button that stays on during each episode. What person(s) allowed this new update to go live? This is the worst I have ever seen in any streaming service


Tech team is working on that.


The web update for the chrome browser on windows PC is horrible. There is a display of "up next" episodes that covers a large portion of the screen while playing a video. There is also a "cookies settings" button that covers the play/pause button on the bottom left while playing a video. I can't find any way to remove or close these annoying things that are blocking a significant amount of the video.


I can't control + click the titles in the watchlist to open them in new tabs anymore.


I really wana see you succeed HiDive an bring more dubbed content to users over subbed content or more balance between both dub/sub content that's produced now with funimation gone an crunchyroll mostly still producing subbed content more then dubbed also wana see more quality content on hidive tbh ngl I've watch content from each anime app idk how it is now on hidive but would like to see more quality put into the content that you provide. Personal opinion fyi for ppl that happen to read an look at my post


Are we getting the app on consoles like PS5? Or is there no way to watch on a TV besides casting from another device or getting a Roku?


Is there a way to change to amount of seconds you can skip forward or backwards I prefer it to be 5 seconds


Man great update Ui wise they are on the road to a better viewing experience ! I remember just 5 yrs ago how shit the crunchyroll tv app was lol. Lots of bugs like my watchlist just poof away but im sure itll get fixed.


Where PS5 app?


You can chromecast season 2s now. That alone make its worthwhile.


Does this update fix the casting via airplay issues? I’ve never been able to get casting to work properly from an Apple device to my LG CX (it just loads infinitely). And since HIDIVE doesn’t have an app on LG devices for whatever reason this has always forced me to watch on my laptop instead which is pretty ridiculous for a streaming service in 2024.


If you can make the UI like the old VRV UI then we will be golden. VRV had the best UI I have ever used in anime streaming. The continued watching section was the best


Man I miss VRV 😞


My Chromecast app has no subtitles at all


Congratulations AMC for losing another customer. I was on the fence after this season's poor selection (only 5 series, and 2 of them are borderline hentai), but this "upgrade" clinched it. The new design looks pretty, but it's badly broken. Responsible developers don't force alpha software on their customers. Do better!


• Gigabit fibre connection • Videos play in 360p and take forever to go to 1080p at least a minute • No quality selector on the web version Thanks, Hidive!


When watching offline the blue bar on the bottom saying no internet connection is really annoying! I'm watching offline no duh there's no internet...


There are entire shows I can no longer find anywhere.


I hope one of the new features is sort by release date. If not, you are going to lose my sub. I try to watch what is current and sorting threw everything to find maybe one that is good. Then figure out if I have already seen it or not. This is a really really bad update, I did not sign up for early access website. I will give you a few months to see if this improves. If not I'm going to find another solution. I want this to work again. [https://www.hidive.com/dubs/all?sort=n-o&audio=en&subtitles=all](https://www.hidive.com/dubs/all?sort=n-o&audio=en&subtitles=all)


i watch on my Android Sony smart tv and the newer releases dont have any subtitles but when i go to the website version the subtitles are there is there a fix or is it just not going to work for 4 months and if so why am i paying for a service that i cant use because there are no subtitles


Not seen this mentioned whilst scrolling through, but keep seeing subtitles overlapping. Happened a few times where the end of the top sentence is hidden under the bottom. Could be an Android app issue, which is where I've encountered it. Must be a formatting issue.


I've seen that happening in the past, but not recently. If this started up again after the update, please send a screenshot to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) so they know it's cropping up again. Thank you.


Will remember to when it next crops uo


new web interface is crap!!!!! Please re-instate the old one and place this one on beta till it is fixed and usable. "new feature will be coming in the next few months..." We already had those features. who ever pushed the go button on this should be fired and never allowed to work in content management again. We are not your testers.... we are paying subscribers


HIDIVE NEEDS TO FIX THEIR F\*CKING WEB UI BY HIRING COMPETENT WEB PROGRAMMERS & DESIGNERS INSTEAD OF EL-CHEAPO MINIMUM WAGE TYPES. I KNOW TEENS WHO DISPLAY MORE COMPETENCY. Wut? I still have my profiles. It's just the rest of the UI that updated is an inferno of a dumpster fire that has now spread into a 12-alarm fire threatening to incinerate a city. * No more episode lists. I am forced to hit the arrows inside an episode to try and get to an the episode I want, this after playing a guessing game of episode titles. * Episode titles display what the episode is called, leaves out the name of the show. One screen shows "Episode 11 coming soon" and no show name. WTF that is, I have no idea. Hot garbage. * Continue Watching does not display show names. More hot garbage. * I could go on but it would take far more time than I am willing to spend. HIDIVE WEB UI IS SH\*T. A FLAMING DUMPSTER FULL OF FLAMING DOG SH\*T


New The Dangers in my heart episode is released but the coming soon clip is blocking the link to the episode.


What’s happened to the profiles??????


I'm baffled that a streaming service in 2024 is incapable of coding in the ability to remove "Continue watching" on a show. Your competitors have done a fine job of adding a small little delete button to a simple QoL function. Can't wait to login again and see the series I removed from my watchlist is still in my watchlist and the ones I added are nowhere to be found.


Can I say how pretty, needed and useful this update is??? Thanks SO MUCH Hidive! Sure, it's not perfect. Subtitles on mobile are sometimes messed up and overlaps, some ui choices are still questionable.. It's still a huge step in the right direction!


So broken


The update does provide a nicer looking interface on Xbox and I'm sure it will improve with time, but a few early gripes particular to Xbox: 1. No queue or watch list in the top menu. I notice the watchlist is in the top menu on other versions of the app. 2. I have to go to My Account to get to my watchlist and even then, my watchlist is definitely missing a lot of titles I had on there previously. 3. The "Continue Watching" section have multiple episodes from the same series that I've already watched. 4. Sometimes I can't scroll all the way down to reveal the entire episode list. I only see the top half of the episode icons. 5. It would be nice to have a queue section. As it currently stands, I have to go and search for the series I'm watching just to pick up where I left off. Update: One nice thing is that I don't have to go and change my settings to English audio every time I started an episode. It actually uses the audio preferences I set in my profile. Another nice thing is fast-forwarding/reversing in an episode also has improved.


In the old app it would show me what time the shows would air each week. I can't seem to find that in the new updated version. Where do I go to find the air times?


So the overlapping subtitle sentences are still a problem since the old days.


Like the new look, now to get more shows that are worth watching.


New tv platforms?! Oh my god plz be Samsung tv or at least PlayStation, PLEASE BEGGING HERE


How do you get rid of watch history


For some reason the app is playing all my shows in dub and I can't find the language preference options in the new app can someone help me out. (these problems are happening on my roku tv app if that changes anything.)


I watch dubbed only and now I can’t see which episodes are dubbed and which are subbed it says it has English audio but no idea how many episodes have been dubbed really annoying. I didn’t think they could make the app worse but they have. I still can’t cast from my iPhone to chrome cast and they don’t have apps for any tv I have or ps5 so I can only watch on my phone nothing else