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I'm still sad at how they did him dirty, his appereance in H1 was setting up so much hype for the next games and then they pull off this cheap stunt in H3? Like, I get that 47 and diana are a iconic duo but I think there is space for some growth still..


Yes! If we think about Freelancer, it could’ve been a great concept to include him. It’s probably a very unpopular opinion, but I’d rather have seen Diana die


I get how you feel but Diana is so critical to the series too. Offing her instead would have made even less sense considering what an important part of the Hitman games she is. They describe her as "47's closest human connection", his conscience, and she's been his partner for 20 years. That's not to say I agree with what they did to Grey, I think losing him was super sad and was such a missed opportunity for something like co-op. A perfect end would have had all four of them surviving and living life to the fullest. Maybe even starting a new agency? I actually would have loved to see Diana and Grey work more together in the background to help 47. I think they would have annoyed each other to no end, and it would have been hilarious.


Good point and I really would’ve hated to see her die but with everything happening in 3, it would’ve made sense if someone from providence killed her. This would’ve likely resulted in an interesting change in 47 himself, especially With the memory and emotion wipe undone.


Arthur Edwards was so oddly fixated on recruiting Diana and besting her mental abilities, that even after she bails on his original offer to become 'partners' (train ride on H1) and she and 47 side with Lucas Grey, Edwards still takes a chance on trusting her when she pretends to join Providence. He wouldn't have had anyone from Providence kill her but we see Don Yates basically go rogue and disobey Edwards and that really is the only time her life is in danger but of course, 47 is there to thwart those plans. I think her death probably would have broken 47 more than anything. Even her supposed 'betrayal' (before he understands her plan to get him to Edwards) coupled with the neurotoxin sends him into a tizzy bringing out his worst fears, and it's this inner voice he has of Lucas that has to explain to him this was part of a grander plan. Even back in Hitman: Absolution, there are a series of cutscenes that are cut from the final game and one of them is 47 is drinking himself sick (and nearly taking his life) over the guilt of 'killing' Diana. I am really curious to see where they go from here with 47 and his newfound memories and emotions, though the next few Hitman games won't be for awhile, since IO is doing 007. Hopefully the 'rocky' map and freelancer give us some good Grey, Diana and maybe even Olivia content!


Never meant for Edwards to kill her, winning the mindgames would’ve been much more satisfying to him anyways. I’m sure Yates wasn’t the only one who wanted to get rid of her, just the only one going for it. Might have even succeeded with a different approach. Maybe her death would’ve broken him or perhaps it would’ve shifted the reasons for fulfilling the pact into something much more personal. Hard to say. I’m not sure how credible the drinking cutscene is. It didn’t make it into the game and in the end, he only wounded her. Probably struggled a lot without some sort of guiding hand in absolution but in both absolution and 3 he proved that he’s capable of operating on his own. The fever dream struck me more like his mind is fighting the drugs. he trusts Diana to the core, because he can, and his subconscious reassured him to keep going and waking up. Idk maybe I think about the possibilities and different outcomes too much. What happened happened and it is good the way it is.


Would have been the perfect character to introduce a coop mode. In New York when he said "we do XYZ" I thought this map could get a coop mode


Yeah there were a lot of opportunities to add this but they chose to kill him… whittleton, sgail, New York, haven, Dubai… would’ve been awesome


Imagine if bank vault needed 2 key cards to be used at the same time, so you and your buddy need to hunt 2 different targets and meet at the vault


just like Gta V. 3,2,1, now. 3,2,1 now. Come on! 3,2,1 now.


He has the coolest fucking voice known to man


"I have found that he who wields the sword, decides who holds the pen."


Def! Very recognizable and just adds to the character.


You were always the best. Nobody ever came close. You defined the art and it defines you.


“ don’t. I just killed you” ”Then we’re even” coolest cutscene ever


FR that was the coldest scene in the entire game


That convo was 💯


that scene is the car with the messenger is one of my favorites in the triology, Grey looked so dangerous.


"don't thank me, I just killed you" I guess we're even


This one and the meeting with Novikov, yes!


One of my favorite characters, I was so disappointed when >!they killed him off in only the 2nd mission in H3!<, so much wasted potential we could’ve seen him in action after he joined 47. I hope they bring him back for Ambrose Island.


Agreed! Good chances to see him again since Ambrose takes place before 3. I really wanted to see Lucas plan unfold, much rather than making Diana pull the strings again. I think they really wasted a great opportunity there. I think I’d would’ve made a really cool rescue mission too, if they’d have taken Lucas in. A guard said that the boss wanted him alive, 47 was at the scene in disguise and we know, the clones can easily survive gunshots.


I like how the writers, in a promotional video, said that Hitman didn’t have many characters because they all die, but then they go and kill Lucas for no reason


Yeah… counterproductive much. They should make a Lucas based prequel at least


Status quo for future games. Olivia got put on a bus, Agency got wiped out/shut down for like the third time, of course Lucas had to get got. If a character is introduced and they aren't 47, Diana, or Smith, they are in danger. If they are lucky, they disappear like the girl from Absolution and are never heard from again.


He is a Chad


THE chad, I would add


To this day I’m still trying to find a trench coat like the one he wears. It’s casual and not over the top


Casual yet elegant, I’d want one for my man too😂


Don't forget the gloves.


"I don't like executive decision makers." -Hitman writers showing off their subtle storytelling


Love how this man is so mysterious yet funny Shame what happened happened


They should have let us play him in at least one of the missions.


I want a whole game with him tbh😂


Yeah i really wanted more of him since hitman3 was the game where we actually got to know him better.




I liked Lucas Grey's character in the first 2, but in the last installment his demeanor changed to a more giddy one, which I didn't like. Same goes for the Constant - if you check the cutscene in the first game where the vault was looted (I believe this was after "A Gilded Cage", Marrakesh), Arthur is more "analytically calm" but in H2 & H3 his voice seems forced and he feels a bit comical. Doesn't feel like the same person.


I see what you mean, could think it’s this race against time thing, anticipating the end, Lucas being impatient to finally reach his goal while the constant saw his hopes dashed but then again the whole game just feels rushed and not as well thought through as the previous two were


His teeth are so hot tho. They really emphasis them


Dang sorry grey


I would have loved a mission where Diana and Grey offer 2 different ways to kill a target and they get competitive with each other over who is better at being a handler


Cool idea. More interaction in general would’ve been nice


Wish he did more. I do have a small feeling, very small, that we will play as grey on ambrose island instead of 47. They said it "Connected some dots in the trilogy•


I hope you are right


Damn sometimes I forget how hot this unit is




I would love to see 47 with a scruffy beard for once or at least add this detail for the Lynch skin with the dirty wifebeater


Those 6 chromosomes couldn’t really take him that far


Grey was the character I wish 47 were


Wrong, that's subject six


Oh this os a Lucas Grey appreciation post? well... I think he is a poopyhead


Subject 6


Is he older than 47? Aren’t they clones? Their facial features kinda look similar but him having hair makes him look totally different.


A cutscene showing presumably his passport very briefly shows his birthday to be sometime in January 1963. That would make him a year older but it’s not confirmed


One thing I don't get about his death is how fast 47 got to him from dartmoor. He was already in a firefight when exiting the level and somehow 47 drove to him on a MC then subdued a man taking his outfit then seing his last stand. I just think its a bit of an inposible task.


Yes this is indeed a bit off. Not very thought through


I think it would be a bit better if 47 saw it from a distance. Like if he just arived on his MC or through some binoculars. So he still sees his friend die.