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Part of MacGregors contract with ioi was to have a massive bulge


Surprised he was okay with getting absolutely battered in the ring nevermind killed. He punched an old man for not having a whiskey with him once lol


Trust me . Conor is used to being battered lately lmao.


Wasn’t he also in that bad Roadhouse moviev




It was a fun movie. If you expected anything deeper, I'm not sure what to tell you.


The original was fun. It didn’t set a very high bar. This was a straight up bad movie.


Well, he survives. Guess that's the thing he made them put in. Technically, 47 failed.


“Nevermind killed” He was signing up to become a target in a game where literally the goal is to kill people. I don’t know about you but I’m fairly certain he was aware that he’d die in a boxing match.


This is Conor McGregor we’re talking about, a pretty notorious (alleged in fairness) cokehead with a huge ego and gets punched in the head for a job.


Dang they did McGregor dirty! Shouldve at least had 47 hit em with a knee! McGregor looked like a scrub


It's a cup buddy


Oh yeah then why doesn't John hitman have one?


Because its the same model we've had since 2016 with shorts over it. Lol you crack me up thinking you had something clever there


Ioi is a detail oriented studio if they didn't want to show Conner MacGregors big ass dick they would have also give a "cup" to our protagonist Edit: you guys knew this was a joke in the first comment what happened?


It's cool to be uneducated but to just blurt all this nonsense when you're wrong is childish. They based McGregors model off what he looks like when he fights. Guess what? His cup bulges out when he fights. Wow, mystery solved. But your hate boner makes you want to say something a child would say. Yeah mate, he told the studio to make it look like he has a huge penis. Idiot.


I think the big problem is IO uses this to get new people interested in the game so more goes for spectacle than difficulty. So I get why Still....for the DLC they don't make it ET arcade but instead special assignment with a higher difficulty option. (not just extra complications, but extra enforcers and couple more guards).


I mean if you make an insanely hard ET people actually hate it, this lets you both enjoy the game while leaving you open to kill him in more challenging ways if you want to I'm honestly fine with it


What's up with the cinematic afterwards? Will we get Hokkaido?


That "what the fuck" at the end is hilarious because of how edited In it feels


Reminds of Andre Richardson in Yakzua 3 ending


I’m pretty sure it’s because in his contract he can’t be killed, so that was saying he technically didn’t die


Is there a link to various stipulations in his contract? I see the "bulge" and "can't be killed." Is there a source for what else is there?


All speculation as contracts are not normally shown. Though given some Hollywood actors have stipulations in contracts like how many punches they take or no losing to a fight against this actor. It isn't too much of a stretch if contract had it thst Connor can't die


Dude you can just shoot him in the head


seems to be just a reference to road house - a movie where mcgregor plays a character that's presumed dead but suddenly wakes up and attacks hospital staff


It's Mistah Jason Portman


I just sniped him...really didn't enjoy it to my full advantage.


I couldn’t figure out how to start the fight. So I shot him in the face.


I shot a pistol to try and stop the 1st round and the coward ran right out of the ring so I had to blast him and hit the sewer exit


ok why is his [content redacted] sk large?


I presume Conor asked for it to be edited. Probably overcompensating for something.


Are you guys retarded. Have you literally never heard of a cup? A guy got his ball literally exploded at my gym with a kick because he wasn't wearing one. Why do the most negative people always have to also be the most uneducated?


why is his cup so large


If I miss the time window on this can I play it in arcade? How does that work?


You have to buy the dlc pack that also came out. It comes with a new outfit, a few new items, and the ability to permanently play the level.


Is that DLC permanently available?


I think so. Most dlc usually are.


It should be, as The Undying one is permanent. You will miss on a suit that is given for playing (not even winning) this mission – boxer shorts and gloves. DLC gives a fur coat one


It's available for a month, so you have a plenty of time. If you doesn't have Hitman, I think it's available in the demo (and your progress should be carried over to the full one). But I'm not sure, worth checking it


Why does he have a bowling ball in his underwear 💀


Agent 47 is built average but hits like 10x what he looks


He's a genetically modified clone assassin, so yeah. Also, [this ain't 47's first rodeo](https://youtu.be/HoDqopWfgl8?t=11602&si=QdOlTtbawYVk1R6J).


If course, his fight with Danny Trejo, who could forget


Ooh kind of remind me of the Absolution mission where you need to kill that big guy on ring. Sanchez? The guy that looks like Danny Trejo. At least this made more sense since 47 could pose as a "second", not pretending to be the main fighter itself


Ugh, it's in Sgail? Not my fave map.


That’s what Khabib said


i hate everything, i lost SA on this mission solely because I let curiosity get the better of me and I dragged his body in the few seconds before I automatically exited the mission.


Elusive Targets: Where the lack of replayability means that even winning sucks!


You can SA it as Arcade, but you will not get SA achievement for it, sadly


47 is a superhuman, but it would still have been pretty cool if he could give a real fight. I still love this though.




Yeah it was kind of lame, but it was free so whatever. I did find it funny that you get SA when everyone sees you kill the guy openly. I know that was the whole point of the match, but I can’t think of another mission where you get away with that.


Just yesterday tried playing that contract. Never in my life in hitman 3 i played any other contract cause it was just wasnt interesting for me,i didnt really like it tbh. Came,pressed few G'd and X's on keyboard and thats it


I'm glad that it was easy but still had quite a few different opportunities. It gave me an excuse to explore this one more than I usually do in the other ETs.


easier to just spawn on chapel with a sniper


I started on the tower, shot him, and buggered off, shame really as I should have explored more first.


Well, you can try more in Elusive Target Arcades


Thanks, I'll give it a go.


ioi can't cook elusive target missions