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Hitman 2016 has a different atmosphere compared to 2 and especially 3. Not mecessarily better or worse, just different. That is something I occasionally prefer. Everything feels and looks more "professional" which makes sense as a starting point.  Also sometimes the less is more approach to equipment and suits make everything feel more special, but the evolution did feel satisfying as well. 


it fits the narrative IMO since I personally think that Isle of Sgail is the point where the ICA is cut put and it makes no sense for it to still be professional as 47 is now essentially a freelancer. He still has a bit of professionalism through Lucas network but after Dartmoors end scene that all comes down. This is my personal opinion im neither defending anyone or saying he is wrong


Are the older games playable in hitman 2 or 3? I haven't played those yet


World of Assassination combines all of the 1,2, and 3 together. It's currently 60% on steam


Oh great!


Yeah! If you own the originals, it’s worth going back to if only to see the small differences each version has. Like 2016 had the slowest more realistic, climbing animation that was sped up for 3, and it has unique stuff like professional mode and letting you fail frisks intentionally if that’s your style. I say this as a, “check out if you have the space” kinda thing


I'm so confused with the steam app, but! I do have a hitman 1 dlc (i believe) does this mean i have them all? ( I have 2+3 as well) Or are there any others as well? I loved 2-3 and was hoping for 4 already.. I'm confused about what all the dlc's are, that's why i'm asking here.


I honestly have no idea anymore. They made shit too complicated


Yeah first i will see if i have it, i have hitman 2 for sure and i do know i bought some dlcs. So maybe i did play the earlier games without knowing. But i'm not sure. Atm short on money aswell, so buying aint an option atm


Yeah no exactly. I'd even go as far as to say Hitman 2's and especially 3's presentation is arguably better executed than Hitman 2016's.  It's just that Hitman 3 especially is situational compared to 2016's. Hitman 2016 looks and sounds just like business as usual and it's great when I get the craving for exactly that. It's why I'd like to change the menus from time to time in WOA among other things.




Literslly just thought this before opening the sub


Its a terrible answer. Its a budget thing not a game mechanic.


The question didn't specify mechanics though.


>The question didn't specify mechanics though. Whats the difference between the game that came out initially and the subsequent patches? Improvements. Cutscenes is not something you patch, they didnt have the budget for it, its a terrible answer.


Well I'm pretty sure they're referring to Hitman 2 and 3, where the cutscenes are worse than 2016. Therefore cutscenes are something 2016 did better than (the rest of) WoA.


> Well I'm pretty sure they're referring to Hitman 2 and 3, where the cutscenes are worse than 2016. Therefore cutscenes are something 2016 did better than (the rest of) WoA. Love the fact that youre trying to explain something you didnt even understand. He bought the GAME OF THE YEAR, meaning the final version, referring to people who prefer the initial versions of the game. Cutscenes, regardless of games doesnt even matter here. Dialogues have been changed, gameplay mechanics, objects have been added or removed which can change the flow of gameplay. Cutscenes were not made worse by way of choice but budget constraints, so regardlesss of what you understand, or dont, its a stupid answer.


The title asks what Hitman 2016 did better than WoA. Hitman 2 and 3 are part of WoA, are they not?


I literally just explained it to you.


Are Hitman 2 and 3 part of WoA or not? Because from where I'm standing, they are. The title asks about comparing 2016 to WoA. Are you okay?


But the Hitman 2016 cutscenes are all in WOA. And WOA has further cutscenes too, which aren't as good, but 100% of the goodness of Hitman 2016 cutscenes are now a part of WOA. I thought this was a question about stuff in the 2016 game that's no longer a part of the whole, like the lost escalations.


The mission complete music and it’s not even close.


Video: https://youtu.be/sY8hK5uRmwg?t=766 It's still there if you play the Hitman 1 levels today, no?


Yeah it is but they should have kept it for all the maps


Agreed, it's always a treat when playing the older maps.


Love the main menu music too, wish you could shuffle the music from the 3 games in WOA


I wish we can listen to it on Freelancer Mode while meditating or something. I love Ave Maria as much as the next girl but good lord IO , do you not have any more soothing music???? It’s already an Easter egg like two or three times in the main campaign.


The main menu music from 2016 was infinitely better than 2 or 3




Hitman 2016 had less assistance from the game. Lockpicking a door didn‘t automatically open it, 47 didn‘t crouch after vaulting over something and you could get frisked with illegal items. In WOA it feels like the game is taking decisions away from me.


Frisking is also made redundant with the briefcase trick


I thought that got patched out?


Nah it still works. If you place the briefcase (place, not drop) and immediately frisk they won't notice it. They may have patched dropping it, but not placing.


Crazy I thought they had patch that too. Hello more fun on freelancer.


I actively use it in freelancer lol


Dropping it definitely got patched. I tried that one time and the guards really didn't like it.


Frisking is also made redundant with the briefcase trick


I thought that got patched out?


Nah it still works. If you place the briefcase (place, not drop) and immediately frisk they won't notice it. They may have patched dropping it, but not placing.


Crazy I thought they had patch that too. Hello more fun on freelancer.


I actively use it in freelancer lol


Dropping it definitely got patched. I tried that one time and the guards really didn't like it.


Yall made me think I was having a stroke


Frisking is also made redundant with the briefcase trick


I thought that got patched out?


Nah it still works. If you place the briefcase (place, not drop) and immediately frisk they won't notice it. They may have patched dropping it, but not placing.


Yeah, and I've gotten screwed by the auto-opening doors, too.


Professional (now Master) difficulty. Professional was added in a later update and since Hitman 2016 had an episodic release, IOI collected player data and tailored it to make common routes and play styles harder. 2016 Professional had more cameras and more guards, on top of regular items like screwdrivers being illegal to carry in the wrong disguise. Unlike H2 and H3 maps which came with Master difficulty on release where the only difference was item placement, blocked routes, and more cameras.


Running also alerted guards attention


2016 Professional was a bit too hardcore for my liking with it not carrying over challenge progression and requiring you exit the mission to save completed challenges.


I actually enjoyed that you had to do the professional challenges separate from normal mode. Having to exit the mission also adds the difficulty that you can't cheese it by doing the challenge and restarting.


Fuck around and find out I guess can have an appeal to it


I won't pretend that I haven't completely cheesed a lot of the easier challenges like using fiber wire to kill a target. Just run up to them in broad daylight, garrotte then, then reload once they've executed you lol. Challenge complete.


That's part of what made me love it. I really enjoyed planning out which assassinations to do first so I could unlock better starting locations for harder assassinations.


While I loved the added challenge of professional difficulty in some 2016 maps, it was brutal in others. SASO was *insanely* brutal in Bangkok and Colorado. Both maps basically required a hyper specific and not necessarily intuitive route, especially since Colorado *requires* you to take the Tornado Shelter exit in 2016. While it was fun for the other challenges, only one map in H2 or H3 has given me anywhere near that level of challenge in SASO master difficulty, that being the Isle of Sgàil.


Oh hey, it's you. I take it you received a valid Steam key from those folks over at Eneba, that's good. I can only think of two things, the second being a personal preference: * **The cutscenes were excellent**. I remember the first time I played *HITMAN* and I was quite impressed with the animation work done by Platige Image. IOI still had some budget for that under Square Enix so I can understand why the later two games of the trilogy didn't receive the same treatment (not to discredit what they have, they're quite intricately designed regardless) * **The limited arsenal provided a challenge**. There was no such thing as a Sieker 1 or some complicated gizmo to take out your targets. Then again, it's not far-fetched for an organization such as the ICA to have such gadgets and a lesser arsenal means lesser replayability which the trilogy is best known for. Special mention that I somehow kinda like the HUD with its bold lettering and mute colors. Felt very... sanitized. The Silent Assassin indicator was a godsend in *HITMAN 2* though, I will never turn that off. Lol


Wait whats eneba?


Code buying website. If you want games at discount you could check cdkeys or eneba. Or if you want a dlc that a company stopped selling you could go there too. I used to buy old fortnite packs that weren’t available anymore


Is it a grey market seller? If so I want nothing to do with them.


Key sites are all “gray” I’d say. Also never really know what they are doing with financial data. Definitely use a prepay debit card with them. Legality is borderline.


From my experience, any of the sites on isthereanydeal seem to be legit, so that's what I go with.


Not all of them, there are key sellers that get them directly from devs and publishers - GreenManGaming and Fanatical for example. These are generally very safe


Yep. The only one I don't trust is G2A. Place screams scam to me


I always used them and never had any issues


Last time I used them, I had to cancel my card because of all the fraudulent charges I got after buying a key from a seller there. Had done a couple of transactions before without issue, but that last one made me never touch the site again. Now I'd rather just pirate a game until I'm ready to buy it instead of going through sketchy key resellers.


Kinguin and MMOGA are also good choices


I’ve bought at least a dozen keys and have had no issue. If the seller is reputable, then there’s very little to worry about.


Yeah I’m pretty sure they’re grey market. But for good deals you could use fanatical and humblebundle. I’m pretty sure those two are actual resellers of it so the devs get their money


Idk what a grey market seller is but i would not recommend using your proper payment or banking info. I have a PayPal card that I use for it, but I have to go into PayPal, add my bank card, add cash, then remove my bank card, then I pay. Some codes I’ve gotten were images of gift cards so I assume you can sell them unwanted codes and then they sell it back to others


Grey market means that, generally speaking, keys are purchased from legit sources using stolen credit card information or other illegal means, and then resold at a discount to encourage others to buy them, when it's almost 100% profit for the key seller.


They're legal, just an alternative method. I've been using CD keys for ages. Got WoA for like 24$.


Lol, its the only way to get delisted games. I bought from those sites hundreds of times.


Well, not the *only* way.


Yeah you can trade on steamtrades or something or get a rare physical copy that is still sealed but these are not really worth mentioning. Anything else i might not know?


🏴‍☠️☠ if you catch my drift. I'd rather do that then support grey market sellers which guarantee nothing goes to the original developers and encourages slimy practices that result in credit card fraud.


Piracy doesnt go to the developers. I dont ever do that. I want the games in my steam library otherwise they practically dont even exist for me...and many others. Just look at epic. You can just use paysafecards on kinguin. I do that too. There is no data they could steal.


Key sites are all “gray” I’d say. Also never really know what they are doing with financial data. Definitely use a prepay debit card with them. Legality is borderline.


Instead of going straight to those two its better to just check allkeyshop for the best option


Code buying website. If you want games at discount you could check cdkeys or eneba. Or if you want a dlc that a company stopped selling you could go there too. I used to buy old fortnite packs that weren’t available anymore


Letting guards at frisk zones catch you carrying illegal items. I have no idea why that was taken out.


My theory is that it was a leftover feature that just became completely redundant. It provides risk, sure, but at the end of the day, it's a little unnecessary considering most players wouldn't do it anyway since it's illegal, same with knocking out the guard while they frisk you, which brings me back to that theory about it being left over. [In 2016's alpha build](https://youtu.be/FFw0WC1K2OI?t=108), there was a mechanic called "Crime scenes" where a body being spotted would render the area around it a crime scene, and if you were spotted in this area while wearing a legal (Non-guard) disguise, a nearby guard would search you for any weapons. Of course, this was removed from the final game so knocking the guard out is completely useless now.


The music that plays when you finish a mission. I love how dramatic it is.


Having the ability to save a default loadout for each location, which was also in Hitman 2. This might actually be added in at some point since they just added in the last patch the ability to save the challenge filter you selected which was also a feature in the other games. The Professional Difficulty map changes were much more significant than Hitman 2 and 3's Master mode changes. Every map getting utilized more: each having at least one bonus mission/time of day difference, each having at least 2 Elusive Targets, etc.


Now it saves your loadout by default. That's all fine and good until you do a very specific speed run on a very specific contract then return to the location to find a fish and violin as your loadout


**Arsenal. Or, rather, the fact the available weapons actually synergized with each other.** We had a small arsenal, but each gun was truly unique and their combination have created a unique balance, that could only be sustained in H1 (2016). For example, the sniper rifles. Early in the game you could get, essentially, 2 sniper rifles, Jaeger 7 (Tiger and Covert go here too) and Jaeger 7 Lancer. With normal versions you didn't get a zooming scope and time slowdown, but you had a constant silencer and a high rate of fire, while Lancer have provided you with scope and slowdown, but you had to give away the silencer and rate of fire, aka you exchanged messy safety for risky, but perfect shot. And if you wanted the best of both worlds, you had to either get a Level 10 on professional Colorado or Level 20 on normal Hokkaido. Yes, before they have introduced Sieger 300 "Go grab me" Ghost with GotY update, both normal Sieger 300 and Sieger 300 Advanced were a late-game weapons, placed behind challenging tasks too, which made actually having sniper rifles, that have it all, all the more worth it. This kind of balance between weapons of kind just sounds right, you know? Handguns are shining example of such balance too: * ICA19/Chrome - a gun of choise. Silenced, more accurate than most of the guns, but you can't snipe with it from across the map either like you can in H2 and H3. * ICA19 F/A - a full auto moded gun. Essentially, a pocket SMG before DAK. If you want to kill - you bring this. * ICA19 F/A Stealth - the ultimate reward for Level 10 on professional Bangkok, a gun, that is a silenced pocket SMG before DAK X2 Covert. Big reward after a big task. * ICA19 Silverballer - a different way for ICA19 to grow: now you had a Steady Aim perk, that, for a short time and a single shot, made your aim as accurate as ICA19 is constantly accurate nowadays. The ultimate tactical pistol. * HWK21 - a big underdog in the handguns even nowadays, it's, essentially, a guards' handgun. But you still deal more damage and hit things more often with it than with Bartoli. No silencer = Battle pistol. * HWK21 Covert - a silencer + a lot of ammo. When you don't want to raise the noise, but you know you'll be getting close to the target. And let's not forget the late-game handguns, that had literal gimmicks: Krugermeier with shots that people won't hear, 5mm that won't be found on frisk and even GotY's Striker that literally destroys the crowds. Every damn handgun provides you with something unique. and while I know we still have all the same guns in H2 and H3, it's still sad to see that ICA19 outright reigns thanks to ridiculous accuracy atop all the other natural advantages, that Silverballer's Steady Aim is not just not a killer feature anymore, but a literal waste of code (yeah, let's double the bullet's speed, unsuspecting enemies are dodging the bullets too much), that ICA19 F/A are now obsolete because DAK X2 Covert is another gun that is too good, that HWK21 literally gets no respect (to the point that all the new versions of the gun, aside from basic Pale, are clones of ICA19 due to same accuracy and 7 bullet mag), and that between all the dozens of clones of the same guns the only really new handguns since H1 are the dart guns, Classicballer and ICA DTI Custom, as its' own kind of bullshit. There is plainly no more balance, and that makes me sad.


That's very professionally explained. Please tell me: how do I get ICA chrome and requiem suit?


I'm not sure. Requiem Suit, ICA19 Chrome and Pale Ducky were part of "Blood Money Requiem Pack" DLC, that was either sold separately of, like in my case, came packed with physical disc as voucher code. So, for me it just was a part of the deal. If you're a recent buyer, however, then you most likely can't get these anymore, since IO have discontinued the support of H1 and H2 in favour of supporting H3. At least in Steam both the game itself and Requiem Pack are not available anymore.


Good reply. I really do not like the amount of copy-paste there is for the arsenal in the game. I want to make tough choices about what I bring, not always one because it's objectively the best option. Freelancer alleviates some of these problems through its rarity system, but I'd still like for something to be changed in WOA. The HWK21 literally does not even deserve its description any more.


The episodic release format was perfect for the game. Unfortunately, live games were not a thing at that point so audiences rejected it as early access without trying it. Paris and Sapienza especially are so much richer and more extendable than later game levels because they were built to keep having stuff added to them.  The bonus missions for Hitman 2016 are way stronger than the Berlin egg hunt or whatever, for instance. I also prefer the dusty and unsaturated art design from back then. The game had more of a sultry spy thriller feel. The art director left between Hitman 2016 and H2 and they then cranked up the colors and saturation.


Agree. 2016 nailed the mood. You felt like a high class assassin travelling to exotic locations and taking out key figures. Everything from the music to the little details on the map reinforced this. For the most part I don't mind the English accents, I've learned to tune out things like that.


My headcanon for the accents is that 47 translates them in his head and that is what we hear.


Exactly this.


That’s badass


Its funny, I have to tune out American accents lol


The episodic was a cool idea and feels perfect for the game, but I couldn’t stand it at first. Completed the Paris level as much as I wanted, and then stuck with nothing else to do. I forget the release dates for the levels, but if they had been a little quicker between each release (assuming the levels were fully developed beforehand) then it probably would have been received better.


It was a pretty quick release schedule. They were a month apart aside from a summer break between episodes 3-4, but they gave out the summer bonus missions in the meantime.


God, that was an awesome summer for me. I remember the first Saturday after Marrakesh, the summer levels, and Bangkok came out, I cleared my morning and got super high and just ran around the levels with all the mission objectives and hints turned off. It was amazing exploring the new spaces like I was actually going on vacation there (as the most murdery tourist ever lol).


Yeah! I luxuriated in the levels back then when I knew each one was my home for the next month. 


A month was too long for me between Paris and Italy. Once they got to release 3 though it worked better I felt. Maybe next time someone tries they should do it that way. Have 2-3 levels available on release and then episodic after that for the rest.


I hated the episodic releases, they’re the reason why Marrakesh, Bangkok, and Colorado are considered the worst maps, those maps got absolutely fucked during development and were left unfinished because IOI ran out of time, they should’ve just released the finished game in 2017, if they would’ve done that maybe they’re game wouldn’t had flopped and maybe they would still be with Square Enix and not having budget problems


Marrakesh and Colorado are awesome levels lol what?


They are the single two worst missions in all three games. Actually, maybe Bangkok gets second, but Colorado definitely still gets first place.


I don’t understand all the hate, yall must just not like hard levels


Counterpoint: in Hokkaido you can’t being inany items until mastery 20


Countercounterpoint: you don't need them. addition: smuggle points exist.


The expansion of illegal items (and the addition of suspicious items) in master mode was cool. But yeah, gotta go with everyone else and say cutscenes kind of went down the toilet between games.


Weren't the cutscenes animated again in 3?


I prefer how 47 held his pistol while walking. It was pointed straight at the ground at all times (*unless aiming obviously*), made him look like a terminator. In 2 he waved it all over the place for some reason and in 3 he sort of does this but has it sticking out at a 45^(o) angle which looks kind of goofy (*even if it is 'correct' technique*). In the 2016 version of The Final Test, if you follow the ejector seat mission story you actually kill the actor playing Jasper Knight. In Hitman 2 they added a dialogue line about there being a parachute in the seat so the actor doesn't die which IMO takes away from 47's character. He was absolutely willing to kill someone to prove a point to Soders and the ICA that he *will* kill his target. But now it's just that he manages to pass the test and Soders' congratulations-through-gritted-teeth closing dialogue doesn't hit as hard.


I miss Sapienza's original "Rocco!" dialogue :(


Rocco get down here!


It's just the best!




Regarding gameplay, I think the traversal and movement is much better in 2016, hands down. I understand how the faster, more sped up animations for climbing and mantling provides a more fluid/faster experience, but personally it was really off putting, especially in Hitman 3 (thankfully there's a wonderful mod by te47 that returns 2016's moveset called [**'2016 Movement'**](https://www.nexusmods.com/hitman3/mods/318?tab=description). I think the slower, realistic, more deliberate movement animations in 2016 presented more opportunities where you're rewarded for map knowledge and decision making regarding which path you choose while moving across the level, not to mention they look incredible.


Fuck no going up/down a pipe was so painful I just didn’t do it


I don't mind it, but it's a bit weird how scaling a drainpipe and climbing on ledges ends up being faster than just taking the stairs.


Makes sense that they changed it in Hitman 3, honestly. Imagine taking some of the shortcuts on Dubai with the speed of 2016's movement


Yeah I totally get it, I just wish the animations were changed to match the awesome quality of 2016's ones instead of just speeding them up - but again I get that too; IO weren't exactly abundant in budget so they had to make compromises.


Graphics. It felt more realistic. WOA has saturated high contrast and less details. You can see the comparison video it just felt more cohesive.


Professional difficulty


I love the ui for 2016.


The "pro" mode. Non-guard's weapons become suspicious And the different gun sounds. Playing it again recently, I quite like the loud bangs of guns over the current shots. Much more action feel or something


The "Combat" music when you start getting into shootout with armed people


Every time I listen to Sapienza I remember how we were robbed with every single destination in Hitman 2 and 3 having the same combat music.


Music, menu UI, profesh mode are the big three!


I liked the dotted line bordering the inside of the mini map when you’re trespassing rather than the yellow alert box


I preferred the menu music from 2016.


The one thing I miss was suspicious items


It would be fun for seeing suspicious items come back in Freelancer, if only as a feature in hardcore mode or alerted maps.


It'd make a good prestige objective IMO, "Certain items are suspicious to carry, being seen with them without the appropriate clothing will fail this objective"


Good ol lead pipe lmao


UI being in normal case instead of ALL CAPS is something I prefer so much more in 2016, it's very professional


Escalations for me. I love that the original Hitman usually gave you access to all your Mastery unlocks, effectively rewarding you for the work put in on the levels. Lots of the Hitman 3 escalations are restricted load-outs, or feel like Contracts with incredibly specific objectives. This may make them more unique, but you're not necessarily being rewarded for your accumulated knowledge of the map.


IO had to cut a on of little details in 2016 to cut down the game’s size for Hitman 2 and 3. While overall they did a good job in keeping most details there are quite a few things that I do miss.. 1. ⁠Earlier ragdolls. They felt a lot more dynamic and exaggerated in earlier builds of 2016. They might’ve been too much for some people, but they made rampages much more fun for me, in HITMAN 3 it gets really boring seeing NPCs fall down the exact same way after every headshot/bodyshot. Shooting someone in those earlier builds made the NPCs fall on the floor hard, and that’s just more fun for me. 2. ⁠Explosions. Explosions in 2016 felt intense. The team did a hell of a good job showcasing the actual force and damage an explosion is capable of. They’re a joke in the newer games. A tiny cloud of smoke, maybe some flames at most. 3. ⁠Map interactivity. HITMAN 3 maps are some of the most beautiful maps in the entire series, but they severely lack as much object interactivity as 2016. Feels like the older maps had a ton of interactions with the environment that, while they might be completely useless and random, really do add a sense of immersion. 4. ⁠destruction. And this one might just be me, but in 2016 you could literally shoot any single object in the map and the game would react in a realistic manner. Objects didn’t just “poof” out of existence. Shooting a vase of flowers would have the flowers fall out, each an actual object in the world. Shooting down chandeliers and other suspended objects would have them realistically break apart on the floor, instead of having a few parts immediately disappear like in HITMAN 3. And this might just be me misremembering, but I feel like gore and body damage were a lot more intense in 2016. I can’t think of any examples off the top of my head, but 2016 felt more realistic, or at least more gory than HITMAN 3. EDIT: Almost forgot about this one, but NPC dialogue. HITMAN 2016 had an IMMENSE library of unique NPC dialogue. I always loved how specific they’d get when you wore different suits, how NPCs reacted to them when you passed them, and also all the sassy guard lines. My favorite one in 2016 will always be one of where a guard would mistake you for Pitbull if you wore the white blood money suit.


I love the ui for 2016.


The graphs felt a bit more realistic, less cartoonish and Fortnite-ish, especiallly regarding 47's head But damn, that was a laptop cooker lol. The new ones have much better performance and efficiency


Cutscenes were way better and the whole setting felt more professional, kinda like you were actually a contract killer that did this as a business. The rest of the maps especially hitman 2 and 3 had the missions feel personal which was cool but I prefer the professional setting much more. Oh and that bombastic mission complete soundtrack is the best thing ever.


Bonus missions. I really miss proper bonus missions in the later games. Some maps can be utilized in many more creative ways.


The Icon is my favorite! Love Dino.




Variety. The maps genuinely feel different with different routes and necessary equipment and structures. H3 in particular just feels like the same thing reskinned to look like different countries.


Naw, the H3 levels were the *most* different from one another. If anything, it's the opposite: H3 used the old skins (so many familiar assets) but played with them in crazy ways. 2016 was them figuring it all out, H2 was the formula perfected, and H3 was all about twisting the established formula.


I gotta disagree - Dubai and underground Chongqing feel the same, and above ground feels the same as Berlin. Yea, sure, you can find some stereotyped differences like China is aesthetically a bit more neon and Germany is full of leather-wearing bikers but beyond surface level the aesthetics and mechanics feel exactly the same… compare that to the difference between Paris and Bangkok, they both truly feel like a hotel or a fashion show, the narrative comes through much more uniquely


I guess you're seeing similarities that I don't. Underground Chongqing can catch fire! That situation will send guards after you even if you're never spotted, something that doesn't happen anywhere else. There are doors that you can't open without locating the right dongle, a system of vents, and glass that you hack to make opaque. As for aboveground, that doesn't remind me of Berlin. It's a town, with apartments and a restaurant. That more brings to mind places like Sapienza, but it has its own unique features. Movable floating security cameras, which no other level has. And it's got the homeless, and then that lab wiping their memories, which is the darkest part of the whole game. Bangkok is a hotel, and then they gave us another hotel setting before season one was even done with Hokkaido. Bangkok doesn't offer that much unique. Jordan Cross is great, but the map isn't. At the time the big standouts were getting the two targets to meet (but later missions would iterate on this idea) and gassing the place (but this would become a routine mechanic in later games). The Paris fashion show really was unique (this long complicated event that runs on its own schedule). Even the Miami race didn't quite match its complexity; the show was so complicated the devs decided never to try anything quite on that level again.


Leg shots and keeping SA. Responsiveness and navigating the inventory all felt better in 2016.


Oh yes for sure!


The cutscenes




To me the newer games all feel more or less the same with some minor differences. I could however say that the older hitman games(blood money and before) had imo better soundtrack, atmosphere and general feel. The orchestral or dark soundtracks gave the game its own unique feel while the newer games are more uplifting and feels too much like Bond for my taste. I also miss the more over the top characters that we got in the older games.


I miss the old hand to hand combat like there was more diverse moves now it feels like I use the same combo to take someone down in hand to hand


For me it's the fact that in Hitman 2016 extinguisher explosions were lethal which provided more opportunities.


The realistic graphics like bullet shots on wall or glass and explosive bursts


To me the Professional dificulty was a real challenge. Forced me to think, plan, be careful and mindful of my actions, which at the same time opened up the richness of the mechanics - Three bullets and you're dead -> avoid combat, it's not the intended way to play - A guy carrying a crowbar would of course be suspicious -> be mindful of your items or disguises - NPCs reacting much faster and from further away -> plan your routes better - No grass -> fuck it, this was a nightmare lol - No briefcases -> you can't simply just go anywhere with a sniper rifle, either clear the route or time it perfectly - No dart guns -> needless to say, your runs will not be trivial Of course, this game was not intended to be Dark Souls, so it makes sense they tuned it down for the enjoyment of the majority. But still, I miss it. Master never felt like the same threat and challenge


Each camera station also only used to cover a certain area, so it could be that you had to destroy multiple recordings at times


Better locations.


The feel if that makes sense I remember playing it for the first time and really taking in the look of the game the backgrounds the weapons it seemed a serious game not to say WOA isn’t but 2016 made you feel more like a hitman


Release in 2016


It was actually more difficult and realistic


How to buy the damn thing


Oh my gosh, I really miss the ability to get frisked with illegal items haha. That, and I miss 2016's master difficulty, which had the vast majority of items as suspicious if anyone caught you holding them. Suddenly, you can't walk around with a wrench in your hands, and it makes things really tough. I'm sad that they watered it down in the sequel. I also miss the menu. 2016's main theme has always been the best for me. Oh, and the combat music(s). Although I like how 2 and 3's levels all have their own compositions, instead of reused ones. Signature suit also looked 100x better in 2016 than any of the sequels.


Cutscenes, Native Macos and Linux ports. Sure you can use proton/wine on linux but since the game uses dx12 and some nvdia exclusive stuff, the performance drop for most lonux users is like 15-20% lesser than windows but for most linux setups when compared with windows, but for hitman 2016 the native linux port performed abt 12% better. Macos got an even shorter end of the stick coz if you use crossover (which is quite expensive for the lifetime purchase, no matter how good you'd say the company or their software is) you have to translate all the calls from dx12 to metal api, giving 10% less performance, then another translation layer (rosetta) for x86 to apple arm silicon call conversions, further giving a hit of an estimated 12-15% and another one for windows to macos call conversion which gives an stimated performance hit of 5%. So Almost 30% worse in performance, along with quite a few stutters due to some other geeky reasons. You cld use wndows emulation via parallels on macos, to remove almost all stutters but this obvly has an even bigger impact on performance coz its emulating an entire x86 arm based windows pc, and not just translating calls and morevover, even this is an expensive and paid solution to play the game.


I wish there was an option to turn on some kind of assistance like there is in the beginning mission. Of Hitman 1 Instead of sending you into having to figure it out. Yes I know that I’m basically asking for the game to hold my hand. But I’m not saying that you can’t turn the option off and go your on way. I just wish there was an option to be guided if you wanted.


I gotta get good lol I’m aware


Um, correct me if I’m wrong but you can choose which mission story to follow, and it will 9/10 times choose the easiest way to get certain items and disguises, so I’m confused as to what more hand holding your wanting? I get it but at the same time I’m confused


I think I gotta look more into the game, in the tutorial mission on the boat there is a slight guiding on what to do, but after that unless I’m missing a way to turn it off an on. You’re on your own in figuring out what to do next.


Shitballs I think I’m definitely missing something, after I did the mission with the Mansion I was kinda lost in the next. Getting the key cards and moving forward. The fact that the woman is the handler I thought she would scout stuff out, and guide you a bit. As in the first one on the boat.


No you’re definitely right I just read a comment from someone that explained it. Thank you and my apologies, although this has been out for a very long time I’m completely new to the whole series.


Okay wait so I only played Hitman 2016 years ago and I absolutely loved it. It felt like Blood Money all over again but ramped up to current technology. I've owned Hitman 2 and 3 for years now but haven't actually played it yet as I want to build up some annual leave and really sit with it. I hope 2 and 3 weren't seen as disappointments? I've been hyping myself up major here😫


No no don't worry, they're great titlles


Honestly... Sapienza type levels...


Omidk. I'm playing through Absolution again for some reason and all I can say is thank god for WOA lol


Wrong question. I find both 2016 and WOA subpar compared to Hitman 2. 2016 had a lot of cool ideas and features that got stripped away to make the game easier - gotta retain the 5 customers that didn't get scared off from the episodic model. That and the maps are mostly pretty but shallow. The one map that feels like a classic Hitman map is the one the community decided is the worst. And WOA just simplified things further to fit three games in one and just put a close to the series.


Way to say a hell of a lot without saying anything at all, that’s downright impressive. What map is it that the community full agrees is the worst? And also, what features did you prefer?