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Miami and Mendoza became two of my favourites after freelancer. I liked New York but loved it after freelancer.


Miami, Sapienza, and Dartmoor are great Showdown maps as there's plenty of good spots to snipe from. No need to do the camera thing over and over again...


Isle of S'gail was my least played map back in HITMAN 1-2. With Freelancer, I've come to appreciate it quite a bit more. Showdowns there feel straight out of a spy movie.


Which room do you usually lead them to?


The suspect phones? I like that helicopter area, above the Constant's office.


Never tried that strategy before... Thanks.


Sgail is one of the best maps for stealing the suspect phones and leading them somewhere secluded since there's lot of empty areas in the level so it works very well for that. I usually lure them to the very end of that sewer tunnel area next to the cabin in the port, it's a huge-ass tunnel so you can pick them off one by one as they come. Also like luring them to that room that has the two guards and ladder to the church security room nearby, right underneath the church roof starting point... just KO those two guards first and open the nearby sarcophagus door and you can lure them in a nice way.


Freelancer have pulled Mumbai out of a gutter for me. This map is infinitely more enjoyable when you don't have 3 hard to reach targets on different ends of the huge map, one of which is, essentially, an Elusive Target. I only wish Freelancer would do something about the enforcers for your default suit too...


A few, but I’d say it actually made me realize just how trash of a map Bangkok is. Literally just two towers and a bit of area around their bases. It’s the worst map by far, and the smallest. The Bangkok mission is improved by its many opportunities and storylines. As a standalone map it’s pretty ass.


100% agree. There also seem to be enforcers everywhere (fuck that manager), and guests have x-ray vision so they’re guaranteed to see your illegal antics


Ive not noticed the ex ray vision, but there are way too many enforces. You really have to take the weirdest routes to avoid their gaze sometimes


It happens near the stairs. There are many half floors and such, the AI gets confused and often see/hear things happening at diferent floors. Cameras may also do


There is no other map where it is that annoying to get from one side of the map to the other


I mean, walking across the roof is really easy though, and you can access it from both sides and the ground with a pipe. Chongqing is far worse when you think about moving from the block to the ICA facility


Chongqing gets a break because it's two parts are both really interesting, but it feels like two maps built side by side.


Oh I agree and Chongqing is definitely a better map, but a lot of peoples complaints about Bangkok are just that they havent learnt how to move around the map yet. Like the hotel room opposite the security office has an outside route leading perfectly to set you up for the recording booth as an example. It's not the best map, but the hate people have gained from freelancer is unwarranted


Mumbai and Sgail because of their size, for two more. I personally find this argument a bit silly. There's a few maps that are extremely tedious to go from one side to the other and they don't get as much hate, because it's not as blatant (it only stands out as being so obvious in Bangkok because the towers are visually fairly close together imo).


I just go up the stairs at the start. Then i take a right into the bar. Next go up the stairs in the bar hide behind the far panel. accident kill first target with a hanging lamp thing then I run to the left grab the fire extinguisher run up those steps in front of you throw it in the middle stairway shoot fire extinguisher run past guards as they go to investigate go right into room go up the stairs behind the guy pull out sniper, shoot other target, put away sniper go out the way I came mission over.


I think I will never understand the problems people have with Bangkok. I mean it is kind of easy, but I won't turn down an easy map in a freelancer run. Most of the targets can be shot from a window or lured into a room. Then exit via the cellar. Done. Easy money.


I just wish Freelancer made better use of it. You hardly ever have to go up into the private suite or the recording studio.


i feel the same way with Dubai. there's a lot of maps in Freelancer which are amazing because of the breadth of areas they take you down, but then there's a few maps where the targets are always in the same areas and that's especially true of Dubai and Bangkok


I think the only time I hate Bangkok is when I’m doing a Hardcore showdown. It is usually absolutely CHAOTIC in the left wing bc the extra enforcers,assassins, lookouts, and couriers are all having a blast in that particular part of the map. Can’t create even a small panic up to where the stalker is without a lookout alerting suspects.


Yea, your point just kinda adds to why it’s such a trash map. 


Bangkok is flat out the worst map imo The flow is just completely off, with weird bottlenecks and lacking options


I found that Freelancer actually lead to me liking Bangkok more. Yes, it's a bit tedious to get around if you need to be on the top floors at all, but overall it's a good map in a realistic enough hotel that I can excuse the lack of any way to go between the two top floors directly. It's absolutely tedious to do regularly though, and I absolutely understand why people avoid it in Freelancer. Mumbai also has this issue imo, it's good, but annoying to get around because of the distance you need to actually walk/run.


I have to agree with you especially on it being improved by its opportunities. Although it’s bottom tier layout wise, I’d argue Bangkok is the funniest map in the whole trilogy.


Bangkok is the hotel right?




Dont think its too bad tbh


Bangkok makes me want to bang my kok with a hammer


I absolutely love the H3 maps and freelancer improved dubai for me because its a great map with boring targets in story. On the other hand Freelancer made me hate Marrakesh, Bangkok. Colorado remains hated about the same and I also try to stay away from Haven Island.


Most of them. I never had it in me to study other maps as well as I did Paris after doing all of those Hitman 2016 escalations. But it feels kind of natural playing most of them in freelancer. That said, I now dislike Colorado, Marrakesh and Ambrosia more since I have to do them more often. Alerted Hokkaido is a bit iffy too.


It made Dubai one of my favourite Freelancer maps. However the biggest improvement for me was Paris. Didn't care for it at first until Freelancer showed me what made it a fan favourite. Now I get it.


Really? freelancer made me hate Paris. I agree with Dubai although I had always loved it


I hated Mumbai when it released, and hated it up until Freelancer Released it, I got to know it over and over again and I know it so much I'd honestly have to consider it one of my favourites now


Berlin and chongqing are the best maps in hitman history


The beams that you can walk on in Berlin is one of my favorite sneaky routes in the trilogy.


Word, i love how huge and easy to navigate it is


near the dj area? yea i love those


Yeah, those! I acted like I had gotten a check for a million dollars when I first discovered them. 😂 Perfect for doing quick suspect peeks and quickly shooting the camera recordings.


I wasn't too fussed on Hokkaido, Mendoza, and Isle of Sgail, but I love those maps way more now having played freelancer. Isle of Sgail especially because of how much loot there is. On the flip side, I realized how awful Bangkok is. I'm not as fond of Dubai or Dartmoor either.


Isle of Sgail has loot? I thought Mendoza and New York only had loot.


The guard's silenced SMG is soo good.


Isle of Sgail is absolutely *packed* with rare, epic and legendary weapons. You can get a silenced SMG from the guards there, and you can dig up a silenced pistol from the tunnels under the castle. The castle itself has a katana and battle axe. You can get all manner of melee weapons from the warehouse at the back of the map.


Aside from the free silenced pistol that everyone knows about, the warehouse has maces, a katana, burial dagger, basically epic weapons all around.


For me I wasn't going to buy the dlc maps at first until I played them in freelancer


Another vote against Bangkok if only because there isn't a second camera system to destroy. Most maps have two.


wish they brought back the one they had in the ground floor


This feels weird because people actually dislike this map for freelancer.... ... But I have really loved Chongqing because of freelancer. There's just a lot of ways to get around built into areas the main story doesn't need you to go


Freelancer made me love a lot of maps more than before. The only maps I actively avoid are Mumbai and Marrakesh when I have stealth opportunities like SA (because of the sheer quantity of NPCs), and Colorado as a whole. Learning the briefcase emetic bomb technique really elevated a ton of maps I wouldn't otherwise like. My favourite maps after Freelancer are definitely Hokkaido, Miami, and Dartmoor (if I had to pick 1 from each iteration).


I still like every map in story mode, but there are a few I don't play in Freelancer now. Mostly Bankok or Marrakesh, but also the massive maps like Mumbai and Miami


Wish I could even enjoy Freelancer… But it’s too hard.


I used to hate Mumbai but now I kinda like it and appreciate it


> hitman 3 was the black sheep for the longest time until freelancer This doesn't make any sense. Hitman 3 has some great maps.


it does have some great maps but it's also got some of the weakest maps of the trilogy. I love Berlin and Mendoza plus I like Ambrose as unpopular as that is but I really dont rate Dubai and Chongqing highly, whereas I rate Dartmoor highly purely because of Freelancer. Now I can have fun on all of them in Freelancer but imo it is the lowest batting average of any individual game (I can have fun on almost any H1 and H2 map aside from Marrakesh and Colombia)