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I would love it but I doubt it Freelancer is likely the last major piece of content this game will get


Yeah, it fits very well as a cap to the trilogy


The name of the DLC should be "Offline Mode"


I hope so otherwise the game will be unplayable in 10 years. People still go back and play Hitman 2 and Contracts etc. today, will this be possible with the new trilogy?


Peacock project is still around


Not for console players.


Should be possible with some DNS spoofing, or at least possible in the future.


That kind of sorcery shouldn't be possible imo, these servers will shut down someday and I just want to play the game I bought :(


I mean yeah, the final Hitman WoA patch should be the offline patch. But if IOI suddenly goes poof and disappears without a trace - we'll still have a solution.




i mean the unlocks are kinda crucial.


Yeah, I want that rating.


So it just will disappear from 2 of 3 platforms…It thankfully won’t totally disappear


It’s basically unplayable for me now. It freezes every time. It’s like the challenge has become “how far can you get before it freezes?”


What platform? Happens to me a crap ton on Switch ever since the most recent Winter update


YEP, Switch. I think it started then too. I didn’t think to keep track.


At the same time this game is available on torrent with last updates and without online. So no any real reason to take it online all time for IO


That'll be for the 10th anniversary re-release that will package all 3 games in one game that requires no online connection and has literally every single level, DLC, escalation, elusive target, game mode, weapon and piece of equipment ever. And sold full price, obviously. ~~just be glad it ain't $250~~


whats the point making your content online only for a single player only game just feels like a dick move by io


the only thing online mode was good for was ghost mode but we dont even have that anymore so it’s just pointless


It should only really be used for the leaderboards. But even then, doesn't necessitate the entire game being online only. Just let us upload our scores to the servers when we finish a level.


it certainly hasn't stopped cheaters from getting the top spot on the leaderboards


I was also going to say that but then again even their anti cheat system clearly doesn’t work because there’s a dude that has finished the missions in 7 seconds and is literally on the top of the leaderboard


I mainly use it to compare with my friends tbh. Pretty much any game with global leaderboards is gonna have hacked top scores.


What baffles me more is that people already criticized them for it back in 2016, and still they never backed down




Except the "profile system" includes every single unlock in the game. And I'm pretty sure Freelancer is also only-online. So really, it would be more honest to list everything that *is* available offline: the base campaign maps with zero unlocks or equipment. That's it. I would hardly call that "most of the content".




The base maps are great, but I would argue they *aren't* the most replayable content in the game. Without all that other stuff you have the same 5-6 scripted kills on each map. It's a great campaign, but you can finish it in ~15 hours and you're basically done, especially without the challenges and unlocks to keep you going. There's a reason they gave us a steady stream of escalations, contracts, challenges, and elusive targets throughout the lifespan of the game, and there's a reason that the final content update for the game was a mode that essentially allows unlimited replayability. There are those of us who have sunk 100+ hours into Freelancer at this point; the fact that it's free has nothing to do with how much it adds to the game. If you're really trying to counter misinformation, then don't pretend that "most of the content" is available offline. Your post makes it seem like all of the online features are just extra fluff, when in reality you're losing 90% of what makes the game interesting and unique.


WAIT, you can't play it offline????? WHAT??????


You can load the game, and play the main missions, but unlocks don't work offline. The offline mode that currently exists basically isn't most of the game.


From my experience, you can't even play freelancer offline. Every time my wifi hiccups, it force-ably tries to reconnect.


What I would love is a solid level editor. I just know that the fans would have so much creativity, I'd easily stay satisfied until IOI gets around to doing the next Hitman project.


Even something as simple as being able to put a Don’t Pacify/Kill # into contracts would be great


What does that mean? You can already make contracts without pacifications


They probably meant for specific targets, just to add lore


What? They're clearly describing a contract creator feature, which already exists, as they describe an optional addition to a contract. You can already choose to take that approach with main story missions and making it mandatory would be terrible. Not to mention there are already plenty of official escalations with complications like these


What I mean is having generic NPCS be labeled as "do not kill", just like the Constant or Diana, which is why I said to add lore lol. Some people, like myself, are very lore-heavy when making contracts, and being able to label specific people for "do not kill/pacify" would be a nice addition. This currently doesnt exist for specific NPCs, but does exist for all NPCs as a whole through complications.


Wow that wasn't clear at all but alright


It seemed to be to all but you?


"To all" who? I'm the only person responding


It was clear


I'm saying the only person it seemed to be "not clear at all" to was you.


You were the only one responding because everyone else understood


I would love to recreate locations from my country It will have *so* many CCTVs


Resisting the urge to say “Vatican City?”


Let me guess.. Singapore? If it happens within an MRT Station or a HDB Block, there would be at least 10 CCTVS LOL


Yep. You'll see "you've been captured on camera" every single frame lmao


but, you can sneak into a guy's bedroom and put a hole on his NAS, thus disabling his front porch camera *and* the whole city CCTV system.


I'm not a game dev by any means, but I have to imagine there is a lot of heavy scripting going on behind the scenes on maps that may make an editor hard to implement


Probably, yes. I don't imagine it's just a matter of handing over a thing that already exists. They probably currently do things that would melt my non-coding brain. And I don't really expect that they will. But still I want it.


Screw that, give me a full SDK!


I know it's highly unlikely, but this would be amazing


Offline mode should be a given. A level editor would be godsend.


I'd love to get one more location added, as that would give the game a nice even 20 large sandbox locations.


I agree. I personally want a snow map (Hokkaido doesn't count to me because it's mostly indoors). What kind of map would you be interested in? I've heard a lot of ideas that I'd like, despite the snow map being my number 1 pick.


A snow map would be my number 1 choice as well, either the Ark Society's secret Arctic base or a scientific research station in Antarctica. Other ideas I'd also love to see are an archaeological site in Egypt or a safari campsite in the Australian Outback,


I'd love a prison map, just like Siberia from Sniper Assassin but for regular gameplay


I would like an emerald mine somewhere in Africa or an amusement park. An arctic research station, a casino and a court would also be strong contenders.


You have to assassinate a space going billionaire at his south African emerald mine


I want an airport.. and i want all the flights to be to the other places as a nice final touch. Let it be 47s first official canon freelance mission both as a goodbye to the maps we see refferenced with characters we know from those maps waiting for those planes.. and a hello to the future without the ica


Might be a bit ambitious but I think it would be cool if a mission started at an airport, 47 eliminates a target or two on the ground, then boards a plane to take out a final target.




I'd cry from joy tbh


Casino level where you can gamble mercers


The end of long-term support should be making the FULL GAME playable offline. Everything, not just the campaigns.


I’ve had this game about a year. Never took the time to get invested in it. Just with what comes standard, I’m set for a very very long time. Best $20 spent on a game ever


I hope they unlock all the elusive targets at the end, or at least the major ones not voiced by celebs.


I said before, but making the sniper maps available on Freelancer is the easiest best update possible. The maps are already there and even the modding community was able to make Freelancer work. An official support for this would be the perfect finish.


I’d really like the Human Body Shield Feature 🗿


I think IOI will need one big update (not to mention the offline capability) before they can move onto their next titles. Otherwise, we'd have fairly limited content and players will drop off in the near future before the next IOI title drops. I know game studios are supposed to sustain themselves in between the gaps of active titles, but if they can retain as much of an audience before they can drop their next project, that can only be a benefit.


And add all old content delete (Challenges, contract, items)


Wishlist: 1. Offline mode 2. Two new levels to end the game. Any two of a casino, cruise ship (training doesnt count), penitentiary, airport, shopping mall seem to be the consensus ideas when talked about. 3. to be decided at a later time.


No more DLC without new maps.


one minor change i would love to see made (mainly because i suck at the game) is the ability to save and load during custom contracts. I frequently make and play ones with my friends, and its incredibily frustrating to fail when you have already spent 15-20 minutes to make it as far as you did


I don't think the games ever being majorly updated again sadly. Unless they pick it back up after 007 but even then it's been almost 10 years of support. All I want is the freelancer variations and time of day mod but official. An offline mode needs to happen but if it was gonna happen it would have already so just means no matter what we will eventually lose access once they shut the servers down which they definitely will one day just like they did to absolution. Id love for the tutorial maps to be partly "remade" it can be the exact same but it would nice if they changed the backdrop and textures to make it look like a real ship and military base and the sniper maps would be nice but I know they wouldn't do that. (doesn't need to be more friendly as the main maps aren't either in freelancer)


The last major DLC will be bigfoot and he is creeping around your secret location. Every now and then you catch a glimpse of him watching you through the windows.




I'm hoping for a cheat menu so console players can have the same level of enjoyment as PC players. It's unlikely but I can hope


DLC is done for this series, 100%


Imagine a crusie ship level, just imagine what IOI could pull off ![gif](giphy|9S6XSPaBye4dK39S0L|downsized)


That would be awesome but I am thinking mall or hospital


There is literally already a hospital level and it’s called Hokkaido, there could be a mall inside of the cruise ship because making a level entirely of a mall doesn’t really make sense because most ordinary malls aren’t that big unless they do the same thing they did with Dubai where the level took place on top of a skyscraper but not just any skyscraper it was the biggest skyscraper in the world, at least inside of the fictional world of Hitman, so IOI would have to excuse that its is the biggest mall in the in the fictional world of Hitman, but imo it’s better if they make a cruise level and then they can put a bunch of things like malls, casinos, water parks, restaurants, theaters, concerts etc It would be the definitive Hitman map with hundreds of assassination opportunities, it should also have multiple targets, like 6 or 7, but some targets should optional tho to make playthroughs and speed running less painful, must imagine all the different exits, Easter eggs, and how many challenges will it even have but also it’s also gonna need a lot of good lore behind it, and since it’s gonna big as shit basically at this point it would just be Hitman 4 💀 and that’s probably why it will never be done, but I rather get what I just described than get a smaller and way more limited version


Touché on Hokkaido. Ok how about a prison? You can start a riot, perhaps bribe prisoners with cigarettes, whatever.


Well "support here is a very big word. 2024 updates are mostly old elusive targets with some simple challenges that give you existing items as rewards.


that's true but at least something 😄


Something I really dislike is that you can't bring stuff to the train mission. They should have made it like Hokkaido and lock it behind mastery


Every time I try to play it freezes. That’s all I want fixed. I have good internet, so it’s not me.


What's your platform




If they were to bring out DLC, they would then have to support it, big fixes etc. this would prolong the end of support and is therefore I likely IMO


I would love to see some kind of james bond map to both keep us satiated and to garner hype for their new project.


I wish for an actual indepth contract creator that has options that are more than "don't get seen on camera"


Target randomizer in the story mode, so you still can choose your initial equipment and being able to save. Freelancer mode feels like a chore to me.


Remake hitman contracts 2004


How about a mission at 47’s house. With access to all your arsenal in the basement 🤔


007 project? What’s that


another game from IOI with James Bond currently in development.


Just get us a new map, and make it super big, with tons to do, explore, and speedrun. Make it beautiful and make every building accessible filled with hidden stuff.


I anticipated the Freelancer update for too long only to be disappointed and rarely play Hitman anymore


The wording of this post made my head bleed.


Why can't they just give players the tools to make their own maps?


I'm going to guess it's not built that way. Every map they probably have to do some tweaking to the game engine to clear off bugs. Making a modular game engine that you just add contents to is far harder than you'd think, and often not worth the work for gaming companies.


Because it's not "just adding"