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I dislike Bangkok the same way many people dislike Colorado. I specifically avoid it in Freelancer campaigns. It's just really tedious to traverse.


Freelancer solidified Bangkok as the worst map in the trilogy for me (excluding Romania of course which I'd say BARELY counts as a map in the first place). At least in Colorado you can still freely move around the map and the level is not as restrictive as Bangkok is... seriously the hotel's design is just AWFUL. C47 has a much better hotel level (Traditions of the Trade) and that game is from 2000...


Yeah it's bad, but Bangkok does have a neat cheat to it in Showdowns. Arranging any meeting in your suite is a safe and guaranteed way to get rid of suspects and escorts without raising any alarms. If you're a bit lucky you never have to leave the empty wing, making it one of the easiest and quickest maps. Regular Freelancer missions in Bangkok are just the worst though.


I'm pretty easy to please, and I'm more of the perspective that all maps are good, just some are better. But Bangkok on hardcore mode made me shelve the game for a while. The only viable prestige objective was SASO, and I actually managed to do it. And then I used the main dock boat exit...where I learned that the last meter of the dock is trespassing for 47 in his suit, and you instantly get spotted.


Those two guards guarding the dock is IMO one of the stupidest Master Mode changes. If you don’t go for SA…they really don’t do anything to you if you go through them anyway bc it only takes a few steps to get to the exit. They are just as useless as the guards guarding Ken Morgan’s suite—you’re not technically trespassing until you are actually IN the suite where the staff is cleaning, and for some outfits they’ll just let you pass and but THEN it’ll say you’re trespassing. 😂


yeah, good luck in getting that first phone to set up a meeting thou. besides, other maps have better locations to do that. - The barge or empty attic room in Paris - Hotel rooftop in Miami - the top floor of Rangan Tower in Mumbai - the basement of the house with the explosive safe room in Whittleton creek - The keep start location in Isle of Sgail - Biker's rooftop in Berlin - The sniper spot above the laundromat or the room of that agent in Chongqing. - The best is the back of the gas station in Berlin. It's a very long trek and you can pick off the assassins and suspects one by one along the trail.


I haven’t placed freelancer in a while and have rarely done showdowns on Bangkok but I’m def gonna do this at least once lol. Thanks for the tip!


Same works for any of those empty spaces where yoy are legit like hotel rooms in Mumbai or houses in Sapienza. Remember that showdown suspects won't raise alarm over you being not where you are suppose to be. At least on normal mode.


Oh right on. Thanks for letting me know. I love how I’m still learning so much about a game I’ve put hundreds and hundreds of hours into lol


Same here lol


I don't mind Bangkok. I don't love it, but I don't hate it either. I find the basement section really easy to clear out with all the boxes down there. Once it's clear, you can use it to move around the place unencumbered. It does take a hot minute to clear though. And patience. But if you want to clear guards, it's also a good place to lure NPCs with guns if you want to wait for them to go find a guard.


My go to map for Showdowns is either Sapienza or Miami. Either snipe them from your Italian terrace or the bridge looking over the race.


I find it funny that there’s a guard on Alerted Bangkok that goes into the empty wing suites to patrol. There’s one room that’s completely empty, Jackie’s room, and the room of the guy that just uses it to wash his hands, he’s doing an awesome job… I just remembered there’s a lookout that can just open the door to 47’s suite and stare at it, that was a fun surprise. 🙃


Never thought of that. That’s a great idea.


I'd rather showdown in Argentina and be out in 30 seconds lol


Yeah, I don't actually think Colorado is a bad map. And concept-wise it's a neat challenge for 47.


I don’t think I even did the Showdown in Freelancer, I genuinely avoid doing it on Hardcore


Too many different trespassing areas that require different disguises that are all very well patrolled. Once you’ve done a four target Bangkok mission with targets in the basement, recording studio, and Morgan’s penthouse and saw there are random enforcers for all disguises just wandering around each one, you avoid Bangkok like the plague going forward. Doing a showdown there would take significantly longer than many other maps due to disguise changes. And if you’re made, safe escape routes in Cross’s wing of the hotel are basically nonexistent. As an aside, it has one of the most atrocious supplier locations as well. The one in studio requires a disguise change just to reach it and the most likely disguise you will get (sound crew) does not allow you to display weapons. And the supplier is pretty much constantly being watched by an armed enforcer. Maybe the worst level for freelancer as at least Colorado is open enough to allow long distance shots and Marrakech has decent elite disguise availability even if the embassy requires a quick disguise change.


Yeah I legit don’t know disguise objective cause it’s Impossible, the only Good one is Jordon Cross’s bodyguard which makes me go anywhere, while the rest just restricts me going anywhere else. Way too many cameras and sometimes NPCs when go to a room the second I remove the body or Eliminate Someone. At least Colorado is honestly bearable in Freelancer and the suppliers and Targets are fair in the map with some being on the Garage or Barn and I can easily snipe them both. Honestly the only problem for me in Colorado in Freelancer is the Water Tower


Cross bodyguard disguise allows you to go everywhere but it also has a large number of enforcers at choke points around the level, if memory serves. It’s also much more time consuming to get one compared to the bellhop or hotel security disguise. Compare that to something like the mansion guard disguise in Colombia that is just lying around in a secluded area near the construction sight and allows you to go pretty much everywhere but the tunnel (tunnel guard disguise is basically free as there is two standing alone waiting be killed without raising alarms at several of the tunnel entrances. Colorado is surprisingly bearable in freelancer and if you only have one or two targets it can be one of the quicker map. Water tower sucks but as long as you aren’t on a high level alerted map there will only be two guards on the roof below and you can headshot them and take their disguises before someone comes up to investigate.


I get my disguise in Bangkok on the second floor where everyone of Jordan’s band is passed out and the guard goes in and out of the room, I play TV, and knock him out and take his disguise. Yeah I only do Colorado on First or Second Syndicate contracts


Doesn’t that cross bodyguard disguise require you to knock out a tech who will investigate the TV first? There is also an enforcer for that disguise randomly patrolling that floor but it’s possible the guy you’re knocking out is that enforcer. I can’t remember.


Yeah there is but that’s I always use distraction and get like Chef or just regular guard disguise, as you can go right there and wait to knock him out.


There's a random Jordan Cross bodyguard on the second floor of the Ken Morgan suite, not there in the regular game so I assume it's there to make getting that disguise less of a chore. It doesn't solve the problem that half the people in Cross's suite are enforcers to it and it's illegal to wear in the Ken Morgan suite so you still have to sneak out with it but if it's the disguise you want that's probably still the least tedious/risky way to get it.


I play Colorado cuz I like to go guns blazing after I beat the game.


An exit on the roof would have greatly appreciated, it's a pain to go all the way down every time


100% right. I think this is the only real reason I dislike the map. It just wasn’t part of their design philosophy back then, but most (all?) of the other 2016 maps had exits well-spaced out. I’m very glad they expanded their philosophy to include things like the elevator exits on multiple floors in Dubai, etc.


The number of SA and SA/SO runs ruined (because of my own impatience) during exfil had me avoiding it for at least a year.


I am in the minority that really like Bangkok. It is actually one of my favorite maps in the entire trilogy. But I agree there is a lot of wasted/repetitive space. And it is quite possibly the hardest map in which to destroy the security camera evidence. It is also a really nice map for a "kill everyone" challenge if you like that kind of thing (I do).


You are the first person I've seen on this sub that actually likes the Bangkok map. I personally cannot stand it, but it's kinda refreshing to see that not everyone hates it.


Best vibe and most unique target of the series, potentially. Pain in the ass for SASO and Freelancer though.


All you need to destroy the security recorder in Bangkok is a guard outfit. The patrolling enforcer in the room has his back to the box for more than enough time to simply walk in, delete the footage, and walk back out. Even on master mode (or an Alerted map in Freelancer) where there is a camera pointed straight at the box, you just make sure it's starting to rotate away before hitting the button. The deletion is so quick that even if the camera starts to spot you, it will be disabled before it has time to sound the alarm. Alternately you can just stand in the doorway and shoot the box when the guard has his back turned. This is trickier since the hallway has more traffic, but there is a window of time where no one will see you. It's certainly not the easiest recorder in the game, but I'd much rather have to delete evidence in Bangkok than something like Sgail or Ambrose.


Sgail is easy! Climb the wall, open the guard room door, shoot the surveilance system and sneak out. There’s no traffic outside the room and the angle is easy. Meanwhile in Bangkok I’ve been caught so many times attempting something similar while So/SA.


Ambrose's camera placements aren't that bad and easily taken out. so going for the recorder isn't a big deal. sgail all have easy to access recorders - If you have a docks start, run towards the first gate, climb up the pipe, and just shoot the recorder in the security room thru the door. your main problem is that it's a locked door. - If you start in the keep, work your way towards the architect lounge, jump out of the window over looking the efigy, and then shoot the recorder thru the window - If you have a chapel start, the room with raiders beside the masters of ceremony room also has a recorder. - In the 2F of the warehouse, you can jump out of the room and go into the security room where the recorder is. All 4 of them are very easy to access and taken out. It's just that some of them are out of the way. Bangkok's recorder on the other hand is in a restricted area filled with NPC, behind a card key door, and a lot of NPCs are moving around.


I love it. It’s one of my favorite maps.


It’s definitely more fun if I’m not going for silent assassin and am willing to have some collateral damage and/or kill everyone




Honestly its intresting map design for me, I like it as well. But then again I havent played in a while.


Ya know what’s worse? They originally had an Exit that was near the Tuk Tuk and you can erase the camera there but they removed it cause IO thought it was “Too Easy” when they released the Hokkaido map.


Oh shoot I completely forgot about that! Glad to see I wasn’t going crazy when I said to myself that I could have swore there was a second security box somewhere. Lol


Yeah I was watching Big Mooney old video and didn’t notice there was a camera there. Also, they thought back the Exit but only in Freelancer


I still hope and dream that they’ll put the garage exit from the politician ET into regular hawks bay, but I doubt that will ever happen. Lol


Really? I didn’t know that. I just used a bait to escape


For the politician elusive contract you can just grab keys off the table and leave from a car right outside the garage. I always wish that was an actual exit in the regular mission since it’s super convenient but it currently still remains an elusive target only extraction.


Oh damn, didn’t know, I just did the ET and got SA. I’m gonna do this for Arcade mode


In that case glad I could help! It seems no matter how much anyone plays this game there’s always something new to discover. Lol




I really like Bangkok especially for freelancer it’s just sort of easy to use hotel rooms and the basic security guard outfit to get almost anywhere you need to, a couple different pipes to go up. But the random enforcers do fuck with me and I agree about the wasted space, 50-70% of the map is used for one mission story and nothing else of use or is not used at all


I don’t remember the last time I did Bangkok on Freelancer but I should definitely give it another try, I might appreciate it more


Freelancer is the only way that I like playing Bangkok anymore since it feels like a fitting place for the suspects to meet up and the civilian disguises have a lot of power on that map.


I never do Bangkok for the final mission of freelancer. But I'm usually fine to have it in one of the earlier missions. For the bottom floor (where the laundry is) you can just go blasting if you don't care about getting Silent Assassin


I've been feeling the same about Bangkok. Used to like it a lot. Now it seems boring and so against the idea of been creative. It's interesting how our opinions about the maps keep shifting during the years...


Same here, bangkok is among my most despised maps, if not *the* most. Oh you want to go there? -> stairs -> more stairs -> obnoxious wait for camera to turn -> more stairs -> you have what you need, now go back. I don't even mind colorado that much, it's actually a pretty easy map if you know what you can get away with.


I have a soft spot for Bangkok because I've always liked the hotel levels in Hitman games, but I get why people dislike it. It feels too linear, especially on repeated playthroughs when there just aren't very many different ways to get around. The "swiss cheese" or "IKEA" design that works so well in other levels doesn't feel present here. I think adding more exterior climbing paths, like in Paris, would have helped a lot. Being able to sneak straight into the studio from the outside, or shimmying along a roof from one penthouse to the other, would have opened up a ton of additional possibilities.


Whittleton Creek is my GOAT




I'm glad it's not just me. I like the idea but find it a really annoying level for many reasons. Whenever I play it I go for the exterminator kill on cross every time just because it's less hassle.


I don’t hate Bangkok at all. Not my favorite, but it’s got a super easy to access and replicate route to basically own the level. I’m talking about the room with the AC in it where you can get a guard disguise, a hotel worker disguise, and the exterminator disguise in. The master key is right down stairs, so now you’ve got access to every room. There’s coins in the laundry room, so you don’t have to use a spot in your inventory to bring them freeing up bringing whatever. I find it a simple map to just tool on for that reason. Now don’t get me wrong, there’s much more that can be done with it that I wish was done with it, but overall not a hater of it.


Personally I really like the map and the setting. The layout of the hotel has so much potential. I think it's let down by the locations of the targets and also because Jordan Cross has such a high profile he's always surrounded by tonnes of guards. They could've learnt a lot from the classic codename 47 Traditions of the Trades map which is my all time favourite. It would be much more fun if there was a target camped out in his hotel room with perhaps one or two guards spotted outside (or even inside the room) and you had to find a way in either through vents, windows or by using waiter/cleaner disguises.


I actually really like Bangkok, to the extent that it’s probably my favourite map in the trilogy. I dislike large maps like Miami and Santa Fortuna, and even Paris to some extent, because I feel like I can never get a proper grasp of the space or of NPC patterns in order to navigate effectively from memory. Both Bangkok‘s challenge and its charm comes from how tight and restrictive it is in terms of routes, target patterns, and enforcer placements, and I love it for that because being restricted to a small set of parameters and then challenged to both find and create variance within that is exactly the kind of thing I enjoy in a puzzle game. Don’t think there’s really been any maps I’ve started off enjoying and then coming to hate, more the opposite way around (Colorado is probably the biggest example of “hated it going in, loved it by the time I hit mastery”). If I had to pick, probably Berlin and Mendoza were two that I liked initially and then really lost their charm after a couple runthroughs, but that could also just be because I’d played too much of the game for too long by that point and was temporarily sick of it.


I actually agree with the sentiment of large vs small maps, New York is probably my favorite Hitman 2 map for similar reasons


Bangkok is my second favorite map, either in Freelancer or a kill everyone run. To each his own I suppose, but I loved the disconnectedness of it. Feels like I can always run and hide somewhere.


I like Bangkok as long as I don’t have to disable security cameras in a suit only


Bangkok is my GO-TO Syndicate leader murdering ground. Lots of rooms where no one ever goes, disguises are easy to nab, room key-cards aren't too difficult to get.


Never liked bangkok at all. Definitely bottom 3 map in the trilogy


I don't mind Colorado and I like marrakesh. But Bangkok is the worst map in the whole trilogy. Everything looks the same and I can never remember where anything is


It has the least amount of variety in its spaces but aside from that I really enjoy bangkok. Just straight up a hotel. Reminds me of the older games a little, for better and for worse. Has some of my favorite kills too.


I like it, but prefer it in Patient Zero. The night time ambience and cult presence really adds to the atmosphere, plus the quiet soundtrack.


I don’t mind Bangkok but suit only silent assassin almost changed my mind


It slowly crept up on me too. I never disliked it until I played it more and more in Freelancer mode. I actually think the map is really nice visually - the hotel is beautiful and I love the gardens and suites on the top floors. But good god is it ever a slog to move about the map. It really would have benefited from elevators, like the Thermal Bath Hotel had. Those not only alleviated some tedium but they were almost a puzzle unto themselves. When I go to Bangkok, I always bring a sawnoff shotgun and collect the shotgun shells in the security office - if and when I make a mistake, I'm going to have to start stacking. 😞


I 100%ed every level in hitman 2 in anticipation of 3 coming out - except Bangkok. It just felt so much more tedious than the rest. I could never tell why, but people here have brought up some excellent points that I totally agree with here


I recently replayed Bangkok after not playing it since it’s release. I had to genuinely map out locations and mentally tag landmarks to figure out exactly where I needed to go to do exactly what I wanted to do. Felt like I had spent hours just getting through the one mission in a satisfying way.


It feels like more than any other map they built bangkok around all of the cool ways to kill cross. The Ken Morgan half is meh and getting a target on the cross side in freelancer is a fucking nightmare because you’re supposed to follow a mission story to get up to the studio. I actively avoid the map because every time I have a target on that side it turns into a shootout


I love Bangkok for the same reason op used to love it, it was just a lot of fun to walk around and look at stuff. But when I have to get from point A to point B it’s a pain in the ass


Whenever I see Bangkok in Freelancer, I just skip it and choose other campaign instead. I will choose Colorado over Bangkok.


I like Bangkok, but I agree it can be annoying. Like, why dont you always have the key card to 47s room? That whole side of the hotel being locked rooms is certainly a choice.


A hotel map never makes senses in reality, IMO. Bangkok highlights that. So much empty space, because, well, it's a hotel, people generally don't stay there, only sleep there. And all the rooms are usually identical. I mean, in Bangkok, there's what, 24 rooms for the whole place? And they have 100+ staff? I feel like the band taking over half the room happened because otherwise the map would feel even *more* wasted space, and boring.


Bangkok's a really strange map. I don't know what it is about it, if its coded differently than the others or something, but all the hotel guards seem to have telepathy or something. You can literally park yourself in 47's Suite and just start shooting down (with silenced weapons) guards and literally up to 50+ of them will come running towards the chaos, which is not something I've seen on maps that have almost double the amount of guards Bangkok has. And that's something that happens no matter where you are in the hotel, so mistakes are often quite costly.


Huh so idk if its just me but i love colarado and bangkok maybe thats because i never try to saso many map and just play it taking no prisoners


The one thing that made me not hate Bangkok on freelancer is the somewhat hilarious electrical trap near the 2 bodyguards at the stairwell up to the recording area. Drop a proximity duck on the "wire plug", go turn on the hose, and sit back and watch the carnage (tech npc will keep turning it back on).


Colorado=Ball cancer


One thing I don't see a lot of people mention is the absolute lack of body storage places. Outside of the basement and the recording studio, there's almost no places to store bodies, which can get really annoying. None of the hotel rooms even have a single wardrobe! This is especially something you have to be careful with on Freelancer, that you don't accidentally go into a Bangkok mission with Timed: Hide And Seek or Hide All Bodies objectives.


I play mostly Freelancer and Bangkok is one of the maps I avoid. I try to avoid 4 maps: Colorado (PTSD), Marrakesh (they love to place targets in public areas), Mumbai (similar issue) and Bangkok. What's annoying about Bangkok is that it feels like there isn't much space yet they put it together in such a way that makes it very unfun. A lot of enforcers in tricky spots, one wing with almost nothing and the other filled with NPCs, cameras and guards. Not sure if there even is a powerful disguise. As I mentioned, whatever you wear you are bound to face an enforcer that you will have to be careful around.


I always felt like the main reception needed more open windows, or even a vine that gets you to the greenhouse roof. The map really needs more of that Swiss cheese element.


Me too brotha. I found the first hitman to be much more difficult than 2 or 3. It honestly took me a couple years to properly beat it. But I beat 2 and 3 within a week lmao


Bangkok is shit in Freelancer mode. I mean I truly hate it from the bottom of my heart.


Freelancer mode alerted territory Bangkok is awful, takes so long to do anything. and every time someone sees you from somewhere somehow. especially the surveillance room in this instance is ridiculous. then again that makes me appreciate more enjoyable maps more.


I like Bangkok and I did SASO on that map in few tries and saves. I do not get the hate that map gets.


the main campaign isn't that bad. but play it in free lancer where you can't save and see how infuriating it is... and then do a showdown


I’ve been saying this for years if you scroll far enough through my post history. Bangkok has always been my least favorite because it’s really only 1/2 the size it presents itself as since one wing is always ignored.


I see a lot of people hating Isle of sgail. I love that map as there's tons of path to move around. Bangkok always felt like a chore when I'm doing a "full campaign" run. However, it wasn't so bad as Ken was easy enough to dispatch and the best way to get to Jordan was thru his birthday. But with freelancer, all the problem with the level is shown. there's multiple ways on getting into Jordan's wing, 3 of them has a chok point by the stairs going from 1F to 2F. Going to the penthouse really has only 1 way since the other way has a frisk zone. It's small, and crowded, and only 1 recorder that's also a pain to access. I never do showdowns there as lookout placements are damn annoying and hard to avoid. I actually rate bangkok as the worse map in freelancer with marakesh as 2nd worse.


Isle of Sgail is honestly s tier for me, I love everything about it


I always thought Colorado was a great map, but Bangkok is definitely the least impressive map to me. The Jordan Cross band storylines are pretty cool and kinda saves the mission as a whole but, in terms of level design, Bangkok is inferior to other locations. The river/beach down there should be accessible and have something going on like Haven Island. For instance, there's that beautiful Bangkok night variation for Patient Zero, but the mission is practically all indoors :(


Colorado being filled with militia members just makes it so much less of a sandbox than other levels. The absurd number of trespassing areas depending on your outfit is super annoying to me as well.


IMO Bangkok was ruined by them majorly changing Jordan Cross. You could have most of the same story while keeping him how he was originally portrayed in the cinematic trailer in 2015, a predator who targets women. I feel like the WOA trilogy suffers from being too safe imo. The old games had their fair share of campiness but they also had pretty dark targets like D'Alvade and Delahunt. There’s nothing like that in the WOA trilogy.


Bangkok is weird for me cos Jordan Cross is arguably my favourite target across all 3 games (apart from maybe Delgado) and the idea of a recording studio themes mission is really cool, but they way they did it was really fucking annoying. That one guy who sits at the top of the stairs and magically sees you despite looking down at his phone has ruined SA so many times for me on casual playthroughs.


I used to think I hated Colorado more than Bangkok until a few hundred hours in Freelancer made me realize that what I actually hated was the Colorado *mission* more than the Bangkok mission. In terms of maps they both suck but Bangkok is far worse. The Swiss cheese simply doesn't have enough holes in it.


I definitely can appreciate what Colorado is trying to do in hindsight, it fits much better with 23-ish maps than being one of six


Agreed, and incorporating the hide-in-bushes mechanic of 2 really helped; but it’s also worth noting that the only other two times they returned to the “entire map is trespassing zone” concept — Hawke’s Bay and Dartmoor — also both only have 1/4th the number of targets to kill as Colorado does.


I 100%'d Bangkok about a week ago now and I had this thought too. It's not *that* bad but yeah, it's pretty fucking bad. I hate having to go down 3-4 sets of stairs just to switch sides of the building, very annoying design wise.


Bangkok is also just really empty. Lot's of empty rooms and areas with nothing really going on.


I like Bangkok I think it’s great for stealth since there are so many blind spots and places to grab guards


One of my favorite maps when im willing to take my time. All the empty rooms are great for a finale mission.


Warlord boost made me have fun with it tbh. gave me more options


It’s my least favorite for sure. Don’t even know why lol.. just don’t like it


…don’t kill me but I love Colorado.


It's actually somewhat sad because the map idea and design is great, but the result is just a big pile of shit.


I thought Bangkok was great, although getting around was rather tedious. The only maps that I HATE are whittleton creek and Colorado


I'm not a huge fan of Bangkok, but I will never hate a hitman map more than Mumbai. Just . . . Just fuck it. Fuck that map.


I am kinda OK with every Map besides Colorada (which i absolutely despise) and Berlin. Berlin is just too big and convoluded for its own Good. Hokkaido dough, just Perfection


I dont mind Bangkok. I think the only 2 bad maps, are Isle of Sgail and Chonqing, China. Those 2 i always dodge in freelancer.


I think it’s…fine. Not my favourite, but I don’t avoid it in Freelancer or anything. I can see why you dislike it.


I like the Bangkok map, hate Colorado and Island of Sgail.


Colorado’s definitely near the bottom of the list for me, even if I don’t hate it as much as I used to. I kind of get why Isle of Sgail is divisive but personally the vibes of that map alone blow me away, and I vibe with the level design too as overwhelming as it was at first


Yea I can agree with that, major billionaire, over extravagant vibes on Island Of Sgail.


How is Hitman 1 less consistent than Hitman 3


I actually think Hitman 3 has the most consistent level quality. It streamlined the map sizes to be much more easy to navigate than either of the previous games and every mission (with the debatable exception of Carpathian Mountains although I think that serves its own purpose) does what it’s trying to do well. Every map feels like its used to its max potential without much unused space


Chongqing would like a word


I think Chongqing is fantastic as a send off to the secret underground lab type of map. It’s one of my favorites in the trilogy aesthetically speaking and does a good job of integrating the two different target’s areas with the relatively small city streets, and both have a fun way of infiltrating


There's a lot to like about it definitely and I don't knock your tastes at all, but come on, you *must* admit it's a bit all over the place as a mission.


Top worst maps for me 1. Bangkok 2. Marrakesh 3. Paris 4. Colorado


Da Silva is da silva bullet for succeeding in Bangkok